Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1920)
»KANTS PASS DAILY < OHUKK PAGE FOLK PER52NAL Barcalo Wrenches angle PATTERN. SIZES. «- restent 4. H. H. IO AND 12-IN- EVERY’ PAKT Mrs. O. I*. Harvey left last night for Glendale to be with her husband Willard storage battery servlet lìti station 814 North Sixth St A. L. Wilber, of Albany, Is régis- tered at (he Oxford hot-vl Harry Sordy, of Galioe. Is in the city for a few days. Hemstitching neatly done. .Mrs. S«tf Nellie Neas S S and R. L. Morrison were in Grants Pass yesterday and retrued to Leland this morning. Charles and Elmer Briggs spent the week end in Granta Pass. They returned to Iceland this nrarnfng \lr. nnd Mrs. Rhinehart, of Chico, Cal., arrived this morning and left immediately for Crescent'City. S S. Schell returned Sunday night from Portland where he spent a few | dnys on business. ■Mrs. W. j. Vernor went to Eugene this* morning Izist night she re reived news that her fat her. the Rev. George F. Stivers, had suffered a stroke of paralysis. Henri« Are Irumi At the Valentine dau in* Friday night New Spring sweaters party I 94 i «Hilxalloii Army I’myvr ilciitag— Salvation Arm.' prayer nmeiiu ; will be held at officer» qiuir’er» #15 South Eighth street Friday uMht at 7:30. A cordial invitation to all. Hide iu a Sedan— The Owl Taxi ha» Just purchased i sodati car and you -an ritW with the high brows at low brow prices.92 Kerby «Xutple Married— Elmer Ela worth Wagstaff .»d Ella Louise Stuck mover, of Kerby, were united in marriage yesterday after noon at the home of the ottMiailng minister. Phan. R. Drake. We’ll All Play I'oatoffice---- At. the Valentine darning Fritfay night. tairty. \ (sited ll»- laiitdlmtg- Dr. W. A. Ivory, of I’hiladwlphiu, au old time friend of the Ge<i. lainil- burg family, who stopped off Sunday ti> visit here, teft Monday evening for the north GTAKAN- TEED. Many The keynote to your character may be shown In the furnish ing of your home The clothes you wear, your habits of life and little mennerlsms here and there, are not so Important an index of character as the atmosphere of your home You can buy furniture here today on a basis of economy and the beautification of your home Attend Funcrnl— X large number of peoplo from Grants Puss have gone to Kerby thin Word to the Courier today from afternoon to attend the funeral of Salem announces that the supreme James Frank Stith, who died th I_______________________________________________________________________ oourt has affirmed the decision of Saturday evening. - Judge Calkins, of the Josephine the First State and Savings bank of county circuit court. In the case of You < an’t Dodgi No Word of Morri— the I’tah-ldaho Sugar company vs. We have smashed prices A. Chev The officers are still on the hunt Roeeburg. Geo. W: Ix«wls. sheriff. The action rolet ride at Ford, price. For Its the for J. F. .Morri, who is wanted for was one for the replevin of property, climate. Palace Taxi, phone 22-J If alleged forgery growing out of the Circuit I ourt Convened— the Sugar company charging that a Judge Calkins of the circuit court tractor and an automobile that had Aluernall fegnm Tonight----- passing of a fraudulent - heck on L. was on the bench at the Josephine been purchased by the company had The Americas la-gion will meet W. Richardson some days ago. Morri courthouse Monday, and listened to an- this exeflftzg The menibenhij, cards had disappeared before the w arrant j testimony in the case of Geo. Cal tieen attached for the debts of other concern The difficulty was have arrived and all members can was isaued and no word of his pres- houn. admini3trator for I.uther S-h- over the organization of the South oltlain tb«tu nt this meeting. The ent whereabouts has been obtained mucki, vs. Geo. H. Pease. Geo. Colvig ern Qrriton construction company to cooling 'Mixing contests and the big Morri and H. D. Norton appeared for rhe which Geo Sanders transferred the dance are to he sublets for discus The complaint charged that passed a check for 127.14 upon Rich -laintiff. and J. T. Chinnock for the tractor and the automobile belong si oa. They ardson. the cheek being drawn in defendant. ing to the sugar company. MorTi’B favor, and purporting to be | were attached by a business house rjnie Sttlphtir al 23c a <Wi«B»n— I Mining blanks at Courier office. for the debts of the construction The signed by W. K. Hart. It was upon On the ears at Grants Pïxss company, hut were replevined by the Farm Bureau Exchange > Ik. handling I’tah-ldaho company, the defense be- mis for the <)r«*on >• rm» urowet* I ing that Sanders could not make .Association. Mill run «t: «arehou«* i Place .urders with j such a transfer. Sanders had at for 349 a ton tempted to transfer certain stock In W. F. Mct'abe. *- ; lithe construction company to the ¡sugar company, taking the tractor Ilemolishbig Building— ¡and the automobile in the transac- The small brick bin Id In z t.Vat | tion The decision of the clrcuit stands nj»on the site tu- be <>c<UI«ed I court, now affirmed by the supreme by .Maxwell’s new bui Uttar 1.« now lie Somewhere around your home you may have an old .«uit of I ourt establishes the ownership of •ng torn down, and work work upon u.uin the will !Wto* at «nee : the tractor and the auto in the surar new «tru tore inflow clothes, perhaps you liave discarded it. it may be in the wxmh M hwì company. The new lulldinz xx ill be oca t pled by » or out in the garage, at least when you find it. you have fourni the garage of the W 8 JI; xwell uuu- pany. something worth having cleaned, pressed and r<*|Mur<-d. Mining blanks—Courier office Rogue River Hardware Co •• WE TURN A HOUSE INTO A HOME ” R ugs LiNOituMS, R anúis , W au P wr S iwhc , M achín e r 4 HocmHf. H olmans F urniture S tore OPPOSITE THE BAND STAND P h ON£ 50 The Test of Time genuine woolen.« «til i ex cal Mictlwr you actually rirrlxcd We positively gmir-cnf* north) «< r’.iM»w»hip in your clothe-. The Clothes You Call Old NEW TODAY Bomewhere up in Garage Ko w. The AAardrobe < lean r~ are xvait- find the plate ac SEE G ance P. JESTER for life insur Penn Mutual Life 59tf WAITRESS 315 North 6th Street Phone 147 and we will find You OREGON TONIGHT ONLY Edith Storey IN As the Sun Went Down” A fast moving drama, full of thrill INI) A VIVID PlfTTRK O. MIXING LIFE It’« the romance of a "TwMkin" Woman P A T H E NEWS SNUB POLLARD COMEDY TOMOIUM1AA' — THI KSDAA Dustin Farnum in “ The Man in the Open ” wanted—Josephine ho- 81 tf I WILL EXCHANGE—Ford delivery truck as first payment on f irnish- ed residence, close in. with nonth- Address ly payments for balance. 9 fi Xo. 290 care Courier. mr$. nellie Peas St r«f»or lo Mr». K. Itehkopf <1 t< » »irflrr < GEO. S..CALHOUN Overcoats, Suits Shoes, Furnishings Laying Bridge H<ei«4.<a— The laying of tike new flooring on j the steel bridge <unnr<s the Hogue at I the end of Sixth -rre»; ic now tn ; ro- gress, traffic Iwiax somewhat inter i I fererl with, but not materially de ♦ Paving «111 be placed li pon layed. the new- floor. New piers hare al- ready be- n piiseed under the ap- proaches, amii the steel work Is be- ing painted. FOR S'.! E Nash 2-ton truck Start Wurlsi .nudh i < aiuli-lat«'— Attorawy J. D. V.’rr’. «ugh an- electric lights. Run one nounces r>at he will !>.- >rae a :i:ndi- 31000 sacrifice. season. date for the reu iblirtu nomination See ' A. Hyde, Murphy. Ore. 9fi for district attorney .wc the May pri-l X* I FOR SAIJS—-Fine Mammouth many election. This assures twj> 1r [■ Bronze young turkey tom. weight the race for thi- re uthlf an nomina- 1 20 lbs., price 312. Address >P. O. tion. as it had beeih announced son»« Box 690. 92 time ago that Attar • E. 8. Vat> FOt’ND Automobile tire on rim. irvfce would be a •ran!!:1 it«-. and found between Grants Pass I Rogue River. Owner may have < Iroral I nion Meet* Tonight— The member-, of the choral society property by des< rlbing same and paying for adverlslng. Sooner are especially enter I to Ire present Taxi, phone 262-R. M this evening itr, the Baptist < Ivurr-h at x o’clock. Matters perltilniug to the giving of a benefit concert In the spring will be discussed, and a full attendance of the chorus is desired for all the meetings. The rooms will be thoroughly heated, so that all may come expecting to be comfortable. Be prompt. Committee. If you want the very flneat phonograph it is possible to manufacture, you’ll choose the Good Mnsic— famous And a good time nt the Waldorf hall Friday night. 94 THE I.XSTKl MENT OF FORMEN « AT Peerless Clothing Co. Cash CUthiers ir-XiE <>F HABT «< HH AXD MAUX t MHHI •« Second Hand Cars ILL IX GOOll COXIHTIOX *90« KING rot ring TOTKING8 TOT KING Xe« < hcvrolet anti Nash car- und trucks expected hoi of month». W. S. Maxwell & Co You’re proud to own a Sonora! MR. FARM ER PLANT ALL THE GRAIN YOU CAN QIALITY SONORA (’LEAK AS A HELL Jt has a marvelous richness of tone that makes it of extraor- dinary Interest to those who enjoy the best in music. The Sonora is extremely hand some In appearance, plays ALL MIA KEIS of disc records per fectly without extra attach ments, and gives years of plea sure and enjoyment. STANTON ROWELL Music and Photo House 507 G Street Would IHvorre lluslumd— Suit has been filed by Mrs. Lida Beagle, who asks that the matrimon ial bonds by which she was bound to Tbps. J. Beagle, In 1890. be sev- ered. The marriage occurred ln Jackson county, and the plaintiff no* alleges that because of contln nous cruel and humiliating treatment she was forced to leave her husband, and has never returned to him. She now asks for divorce, for the custody of the two minor children, nnd for cer tain financial relief. She wants 340 for attorney’s fees; >26 suit money, and 330 pet month for the care of the two children who are under are Prices will still be good next harvest Yeu now have a home industry which will buy all your surplus grain and pay you the top cash price. If you need any more seed wheat, oats or hariey get it at the Josephine County Flour Mill Corner Third and G Streets Phone 123 Advertising Pays—Advertise with the Courier