ghistk Classified Advertising DRHNMM.VkiXG FOR t»Al,K FOR KALE Modern 6 room hr. ”e AtX’OltDION I’LAlTIW.:, drcs»mak- ing. and ladle* tailoring, hein- with sleeping porch, good shade, j *tlt promptly doue. All work «cientlf- beat realdetuin distil t. Addr<-*S) Icully done both in style and No. 9 tonni to health. I id w ay* recommend Dr. Pierce’s nxHh< iii«M to all my friend*.” Ma*. A. K kehk , Gon. Ikd. NERVOUS PROSTRATION Loa Angelas, Cal.:—"I suffered from nervous prostration for several years trying various remedies furnished fry the doctor At last I tried Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription, together with Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery, at Ute advice of a friend who had used it and hud been cured, und uiy recovery was prompt and permanent I cheer­ fully recommend Dr Pierce’s medicines ” —Rosa F aulkner , 232 Bo. Grand Ave. »XWT FOR MALM Improved tract clos« la. j ............ - Priced to sell. Call 316-Y. 84lt LL.xT Red sweater on ro.ul. Sun­ day Finder please ie.ive at Cour-1 Hol’ I'OLHH for sale 4 miles north ter office. J. Leroy Johnson, Rd . of town. Write or »*<• T. B. Lamb« 1, Box 67. 91 ' son. H. F. ». 1. 91 !X»T Hint off headlight, on Roane F<>ll SALE 8-routn trzltage. fur- river bridge. Finder please leave CONSTIPATION AND nlshod; l< SAIaE A dandy iiome. That HIE WORLD MOVES. *o do we extremely bad, and bad tried different tiling* but got little help. I remembered big brown bungulu on A street Bunlh Bro* Tranafer Co. Phone that my grandmother always used Dr. opposite Joe Wharton's residence, 897-R. Pierce’* medicine* and always vowed that largo lot, plenty of ahudc. good Io there was nothing like them, so I decided nation, nice neighliorH. come and F O. ISHAM. drayage and transfer to try the ‘Pleasant Pellets' for my bowel anv It. Ellsworth Tittibs. 102 A Safes, pianos and furniture trouble I did so with wonderful results. street. 91 moved, packed. shipped and stored Am new without them now'N—Mtut. Office phone 124-Y. K. G. DffMAKAV, 2002 llev itt Avo. Till SALE Baby Grund Chevrolet, 6700. Call phone 306 93 KKAL ENT ATE FOR HtliE latte model Ford In good shape, new tires, shock nb- sorbent and otorage Imttery May be icon at 8 40 Washington Blvd. 93 FOR SU AC Ing milk. \ good Jersay cow, glv- AddrcMH lid 2, Box 10. 94 I. T. McKINSTRY ’ «03 G street, phone 13-R General real natale business The beat of all kinds of «oils for fruit, hay or genera) farming. 21 tf DENTI NTH fT C MACY. D. M D Fir*t-cla*» U. S. Dcpartrrcrt of Justice Ury dentistry. 10914 South Sixth Americans to Guard Agairui street. Grant* Pans Oregon CATTLE FOR »ALE—Carload Her­ ford or Durham, either sex. regis­ Bolshevism Menace. tered from Missouri Will single If < nn get enough order» Ad­ 1>R il. I. BESTIFL, Veterinarian CALLS RED PLANS CRIMINA! dress George W King, .Montague, Residence 838 Washington boule­ Cal. 914 vard, phone 398-R. Pres* Church, Schools, Labor Unions FOR SALE -At u sacrifice.. 1917 I’HVSICIANM and Civic Bodi.a Calleu Upc.i -v Forti in good condition. 1376. D.. Pra-tioe Teach True Purpose of Bol­ Phone I <» CLEMENT, M Terme to right party. limited to diseases of the eye. ear, 9 3 285-L. shevist Propaganda. nose and throat. Glaasea fitted. Office hours 9-12, 2-5, or on ap ­ FDR HEXT Washington Culling for the pntrl pointment. Phones. office 92; resi­ otic s ip|M>rt of all true Americans In FOR RENT Modern light heuee- dence 359-J Its fight to protect their homes, re keeplng rooms, 8 23 .1 street 93 3 L0CGHR1DGE. M D. Physician llgioit und property from the spread H. N. PARKER hn* pasture for 3001 and surgeon. City or country calls Ing metiiK C of Boh I evlstn. the Unit« ' attended day or night Phones, States Department of Justice has Is head of sheep. 94 ( residence. 369: office. 182. Sixth sued a warning against the propaganda of the ‘'lied«'' during the X r*'.i and II streets. new y ear. It reads . “Il would be extremely helpfal to t>i«- WANTED Cook and houaekeeiier DR. W T TOMPKINS, S. T.— Bld«. Rooms 1 ■ nd 2 Schmidt for ranch. 10 men. 64 0. Cha* Hour* 8-1 2 Treats all disease*. Paia, Smith River. Calif. 99 Phone 304-R a. m.; 4-5 p. m WANTED A range stove. Must be ; In flrst-clur» condition and pries E J B1LLICK. M’ D.. Physl< 1 in and •urgeou; office, Sehalihorn n-aaonable. Address Box 19, Rd. I residence. phone 5 4-J; bloek. No 1, Grant* Pas*. 95 < 1 004 Ijiwnridge. phone 54-L. WANTED Glock cattle, milk cows Granta Paa* Bright eye«, a dear akin and a body bulls, yearling steers. 2-year-old steers. State price and number. Dll RALPH W RTEARNS physician full of youth and health may be and surgeon, offices formerly oe- yours if you will keep your system Address George W. King. Monta­ ettpied by Dr. Stricker. Masonic in order by regularly taking gue. Cal. 9! • Temple. Phone, office 21-J. resi­ WANTED A Job In a butcher shop dence, 21-L. Hours: 10-12, 2-4. In some small pay-roll town, with a view of purchnnlng the same. Ad­ dress E. H. Saxe, P O. Box 223,1 NORTON, Attorney-at-law. < M-SI i is Nez Perce, Idn. 915' <1. D Practices In ail State and Federal WANTED Two dining room girls Courts. First National Bank Bldg. The world's standard rvmsdy for kidney, and a second cook at the Western Hv.r, bladd.r and uric acid troubl.t, the W. t'OLVIG, Attorney-at-law en.mi.s of lite and looks. in uss sine. Hotel. 81 G. 169S. All druggists, three sizes. GrantB Pass Banking Co. Bldg. MtWfFI MSK HEM8T1TCHING, 10. per i'. A SUM.Ell. Attorney-at-law yd., silk or cotton, thread furnish­ sonic Temple, Granta Pass. Ore. ed. Mall orders solicited. Singer Sewing Machine Co., 115 W. Main 1EO. H. DURHAM, Attorney-at-law, referee In bankruptcy. Masonic St., Medford, Ore. 86tf Temple, Grants Pass. Oregon. WE SELL AND BENT new Singer Phone 135-J. Sewing .Machines. Grants Pans CHINNOCK. Lawyer, Hardware 'Co. stltf IA.MES T First National Bank Bldg., Grants GOOD GMtDHN «lift .given free for Pass. Oreeon the hauling. V. Hazelton. Sixth and -C streets. 9u I TAXI LOOKER TAXI Phone 2S2-R far lltnuy l.iiks or Cutler. Calls tin twored anywhere, anytime. sfiu The California and Oregoa I Coast Railroad Company TIME CARD PALACE T.vNl Phone 22-.I. Geo Train» will run Mondays, Wednes- days and Fridays. A. Hyde & Henry L. Sargeant. 2itf Leave Grants Paas............. 1 P.M TAXI at Owl Billiard Parlors, 17'1-J, A rri V e Waters Creek........... 2 P.M or 243-1, for night calla. I>ay a ad Lça ve Waters Creek . . 2:30 P.M night a -Hico. rtf Arrive Grants Paas ..... 4 PM For information regarding freight ind passenger ratea call at the office DANIEL McEA Rf,ANT) Civil of the company, Liindburg l>u i!«l ! it ■_ gfneer and *:irveyor. ReybderM »»iKiiboeo 1 I I professional engineer. North Tenth «t.roet. e admit that we’re aspir­ ing. To lie called to do your wiring. A.s < xpert electricians w e’re elteted by the general public. 'I lo v Inno foiind out tliat we Km n all gironi fili- citai labor s-»vln r, eomfortlng Ultimili itittg • - r Me wHl i;ive yotl un es­ timili.' un lo uhat ilio wirlng unti thè futures will cost yotl. f/t <2ti« -/Si at tv j tJl m , cause of good go ernnx-nt. the main­ tenance of law : i d order »nd the pres Iervatlon of p«-ae< und hiippin<-ss In our country If the people on this New Year'« day would n-solvw to study, un 1 der«tnnd and np- •. late th* «to-called ’tied niovtment They <-an counter­ act It most effectively by lenchlng Its purpose through 11>e press, the church, the ««-bools, patriotic organizations and ( labor union*, all of which are within the range of It* Inshllous sttack* “Red” Theories Criminal. t "Tin- lied' movement doe* not mean *n attitude of protest against alleged defect* In our prewent {silltlcal and e< oiminlc organlztitloii of noclety. It does not repHsent the radlcallarn of progress, ft represents a specific doc- . trine namely, the Introduction of dic­ tatorship* the world over by force and violence. It I* not a movem«-nt of lib erty-lovlng persona, but a distinctly criminal and dishonest movement la-nine himself mude the statement at the Third Soviet Conference, 'Among one hundred *o «'tilled BolKhevlst* there I* one real Bolshevik, thirty-nine crim Inal* and sixty fools.’ It advocates the destruction of all ownership In proper­ ty, the destruction of all religion and belief In God. It Is a movement'or- gunlzed sgplnat Democracy and In fa­ vor of the power of lite few built by force. Bolshevism, syndicalism, the Soviet Government, sabotage, etc., are only name* for old theories of violence and criminality. ‘Rusalan Labor Crushed. “Though their adherent* In this conn- try are advocating and fomenting «trike«, l.enlne and Trotzlty forbid «trikes, and trade union* are being broken up and completely subordinated to the will of the few demagoguea In control In Russia. Title Bolnhevist ex­ periment on the living body of the Russian people has not proven In any sense of the word au < eriment In Democracy The Bolshevist leader* frankly repudiate democratic princi­ ple* as we understand them. It has been a gamble which meant for Rus­ sia, and. Indeed, for the whole of hu­ manity, enormous bwses In Ilves as well as In mineral resource*. The Rolatievlsts have run up a colossal bill which the Russian workmen and peas­ ants will have to pay. "Reds” Menace America. ‘‘Having lived at the expense of the Russian people for two years, these speculators In human live* and other people’s earnings ure trying to move to new fields to the east and to the west, hoping to take advantage of the economic distress and confusion of mind In which humanity finds Itself after the terrific strain of five years of war. “Its sympathizer* In this country are compostwl chiefly of criminals, mis­ taken Idealists. ««Hal bigot* and many unfortunate men and women suffering with varying .forms of hyperesthesia. They are em-tuies of the government, cf the church and 1 ' ibe home and ad­ vocate principles wb.« li mean the aboli­ tion of all three <>f thee«- safeguard* of civilization V/ould Rob Everybody. "Twenty million people in this coun­ try own Liberty llomls. These rhe ■Reds’ prop «»• t<< take away . 9.830.0O0 people In the United ,s « te< wn farms cn-I more ov.n homes, which they would forfeit; 11 «sat.OtlO ««Id |«eo- ph- have «livings ace >.mts in savings batiks an<1 1«.<* hio »> |>eop!e have de posit* In ottr national hanks, at which they alm. There ate hundred* of thou- sanjjs of churches and religious insti­ tutions, all of which they would abol­ ish. In other word*. ItO.OtP.OOO bar«! working anti saving people who own property, love liberty and worship Gud ar«- asked to abandon all the ideals of religion, liberty and government, which ar<- the outcome of the struggles of the r fathers and their own develop­ ment, and to place themselves, their home«, their family and their religlou« faith In the keeping and their property uniler the domination of a small group of Lenlnes and Trotzkvs. Protection Promised. ’This department, as far as existing laws allow, intends «hiring the forth coming year to keep up nn untllncblng. persistent, aggressive warfare against any movement, no matter how cloaked or IRT OFV- IF YOU WANT VOVR CAR WASHED SEE VS FIRST. OUR l’Rlt K IS RIGHT. We Have a 1920 Model Chevrolet at a Bargain Hzwt !>«■* mil I»-- h than ••« hi mJc- AGENTS HUDSON FOR MAXWELL CHALMFRS ANO ESSEX CARS COLLINS ÀÜÎ0 COMPANY ACceSSORie« amp repairing 5// PHONE 3IF* ’ H STREET GRANTS PASS, )RE