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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1920)
JT® N Wilg Courier « —— ' WHOLE NT >IBEK 2M»1 * I □ Xcllon of the itali wav Faiiploj«« Has rrocipilated an Alarming nil na tion in the Country Mix Defendant« in the Trial of the Eleven I. W. W. Acknowledge I Having Been Armed BE Washington, Fob. 10. White OFFERN TO Hl BRENDER HIM STATEMENT OF THE FOREIGN I’ARTY MKMBERA IN THE HOI HE I House and railroad administration HELF TO THE ALLIED GOVERN- RELATIONS COMMITTEE OF DECLARE OI’POAITION TO otficluJs regard the situation precipt- MENTH FOR TRIAL GERMAN ASHEMBLV MILITARY SCH< MILIN« fated by the railway employe« strike order, for February 17. most serious. Hecretary Tuiuulty is to lay the mat- [ter before the president, emphasizing that this might bo the opuui* *edgu for a general strike of all railroad employes If the demands are refused. Hays Ili» Countrymen Committed No Trial of Huns Charged With Wai* Vote Shows IIMI U> 17 Bal Crime Except to Serte Country lot Being Taken at a Caucus < 'riniea Is Possible by Their Own in Time of War TIB« Momiug Government SEATTLE JURY Montesano, Feb. 10.—Stipulations TRAI l>S IN WAR-TIME CON admitting ownership of rifles and TRACTS WITH THE GOVERN pistols by six of the eleven defend- MENT ARE ALLEGED ants, were read into the record at the trial of the 1. W. W. members here today. The only weapon about which there Is dispute is a rifle the state aiie<«“ “ owned by Eugene Barnett, with which it is alleged ' X. * 1 Warren Grimm was shot from the kutgl. The ownership of weapon* I’robe in Shipbuilding I'rognun at the Northwest Results in Trouble was admitted by Britt Smith, Bert for Compaay Heads Bland, O. C. Bland, 'Loren Roberts, Ray Becker and Elmer Smith. T THIRD TIME FOR CAPTAIN BLAIN 7 » 4 FORESTS OF ALASKA Washington. Feb. 10- Th«^former Berlin, Feb. 10.—The committee Seattle, Feb. 10.—The grand jury German crown prince tabled 'Preai of foreign relations, of the national , investigating the alleged wartime dent 'Wilson today offering to sur assembly, decided to support the gov - i shipbuilding frauds indicted four render himself for trial If the a)'led eminent'« itand in declaring that i officers of the Grays Harbor Motor A-uttle, Feb. 10. Alaska wants governments Insist. the ethical and patriotic indignation j ship Corporation of Aberdeen; Al- i fred Schubach. 'Montey Ward, A. B. to throw ooen her millions of acres of the people at the allied demand of national forests so that the bil Amsterdam, Feb. 10. The former for the extradition of German« is Shay. A. S. Hoonan and three offi lions of feet of iMiper wood of the Crown Prince Frederick William ot such that carrying out the extradi cers of the Seaborn Shipbuilding northland can help relieve the pulp fered to Rive himself up to the allies tion measures ha« been made prac Company of Tacoma. Phillip Morri New York, Feb. 10.—A campaign Governor in place of the hundreds of Germans tically Impossible and would produce and newsprint famine, I son. C. N. Seaborn and H. F. Ostran A tele- Internal Insurrection. The govern- to recruit 30,000 young women in der. and also brought the third in Thomas Riggs Jr., . of Alasi a. deviar- demanded for extradition. grant was sent to the kings of Eng- ment decided to turn over the list training schools for nurses and a dictment against Captain John F. ed here recently. Governor Riggs was here on his land. Belgium and Italy, and the I to the attornev' general, investigate prize of |300 for the best three act Blain, and indicted his successor way from Juneau, c aipltal of Alaska, presidents of France and the Fnlted the crimes charged, and see if they play <by an American author based Captain W. A. Magee and Bruce C. to Washington, D. C., where he ex- States, and the emperor of Japan. can be prosecuted under the German ui>on incidents in the life of Florence Shorts. Seattle attorney. Nightingale, will be among the fea Itected to help press pending legisla He says. "As ex-crown prince I want law. tures of the celebration commemor-j tion intended to remove restrictions to take the place of my Countrymen. Washington. Feb. 10.—‘Admiral ating the lOuth anniversary of the and allow pulp manufacturers to go If the associated governments desire Berlin. Feb. 10.—Decision as to birth of the woman whose work Sims denied before the senate com Into the Tongas« and efaugach reser a victim let them take me instead of whether the German national assem mittee today that he sought to be Cork. Ireland, Fell 10.- After vations. the northern territory's two the 900 Germans who committed no bly will be called to consider Ger among the sick and wounded in the little America's efforts in the war, la other crimes than to serve their many's answer to the allied demand Crimean war laid the foundation for conversations with an attack lasting son»- time with an great reserves. Representative modern nursing. I'ulp and paper men are unxlous country In war." exchange of rifle shots, 200 armed Byrnes, South Carolina democrat. . for the extradition of Germans ac Pageants, public meetings and for men last night captured Castle '.Mar to go to Alaska and establish mills cused of violation of the laws of war, mal ceremonies will be held on the tyr imllce station and tetn|H>rarilv as great as those operated in British is expected soft, lie cabinet met anniversary date. May 12, it was an-' made prisoner of five policemen de Columbia not fur south of the Alaska Two More lnfluen/.a Cases— Monday and considered the list of nounced here today by the Nightin-j fending the station, seized arms and boundary line, the governor asserted Quarantine restrictions were estab 1 men whose surrender is desired and gale centennial committee of the na-l t'nder the present taws the pulp lished today over the home of Clar- . the allied covering note. ammunition and fled jtional organization for Public health! maker» cannot enter the reservations en e C. Wynant. on North 1 Sixth The allied powers demand access Nursing organizations,! with any certainty that they will be street, where laith Mr. and Mrs. to archives and possession of all nursing. women ’ s clubs and. colleges will take! allowed to stay. Wynant have the Influenza. Mr. German documentary evidence, so Alaska's great forests atretch over Wynant became ill last Sunday. He that prosecution may be facilitated. part. Paris. Feb. 10.— The Hoods of The prize for the play was offered approximately 3 4.000 square mile«. Is the mail carrier for city district The covering note is understood to an area nearly equal in size to the No. 1, north of the track, but has declare the allies do not propose to 1 by the Illinois council for nursing 1920 were a disaster almost equal to state of Indiana. aoqprding to esti- not been on the job since last Sat grant amnesty to men not named in I education to stimulate interest in the ‘those of '1910 for the riverside su- mates made by government officlals. urday. The number of cases Is now the list but will reserve the right to I nursing profession, in which there ' burbs of Paris. Houses on the banks ’ of the Seine and^larne in the vicin Several hundred million feet of 11. with the earlier ones convalesc prosecute them should they he ap is a low rate of enlistment at pres ity of Paris are built in the middle ent. Incidentally it is hoped to en San Fratu Isco, Fell, to The elec good pulp wood, including western ing. prehended on entente soil. courage aspiring playwrights in col of walled gardens and the suddep I trical workers of the Pa<iflc Tele yellow pine, hemlock, Sitka spruce, leges. Manuscripts must be submit rise of 15 feet had the effect of im phone and Telegraph company In white fir and lodge-pole pine, are on prisoning the occupants for a week. ted, before August 1. the forest reserves alone. California. Oregon. Washington. Ne Ordinary ’ row-boats could not pass There are far too few nurses in The Tonga»« reserve, in southeast vada and Idaho have voted to strike through the garden gates, so some the Fnited States to meet the needs ern Alaska, 1» especially adapted to unless negotiations for an increase ; of normal times, it was said at the beleaguered householders were pro of fl a day now being conducted Hie manufacture of pulp and lutper, j headquarters of the national organ visioned by canoes, but in many in reported are slice eaeful, forestry officials have with the companv ization for public health nursing, stances the current was too strong power, There is plenty of water vxecutives of the I I louai I i and the shortage during t-he influ- Tor these frail craft. The household- Brotherhood of Ele t rirai Workers ocean harbors open the year round, [ enza epidemic has been acute. There lers were half starved and were only wealth timber skirting the water and announced here today. The strike Washington, Feb. 10.—Wage ne | are not more than l/exington, Ky.. Feb. 10. Lexing 8.000 public 1 relieved by the subsidence of the vote was 4S65 to 130, It was an er similar to that of Puget Sound. gotiations of railway employes with I health nurses in the country, where waters. ton is an armed <amp today, being The governor intends to ask Wash flounced. The worst sufferers were the in- ington to restore the reserves to the under martial laW following the riot Director General Hines reached a as at least 50,000 are required by, The conferences have critical stage today. Insofar as the federal and state legislation either habitants of Maisons-Alfort and Al- ing of yesterday. The negro, con national domain or to open them Io grossing for a week anil Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen passed or pending. fortrille. suburb« situated at the con- victed of murder is being held in a the pulp industry. planned If this is unsuccessful, the ---------------------- ' ! fluence of the Seine and Marne just steel cage awaiting his removal to are concerned the strike loomed cer men will go out.-It was announced. tain unless pending demands are sat above Paris The ground there lies some other jail. Reports last night Between 6.000 and 7.000 of the isfactorily settled. W. iO. Lee. presi that 1.300 mountaineers were com company’s girl telephone operai ors ing to Islington caused the roads dent of the union, has served notice from both rivers. Most of the houses on the coast have voted to press de that his men are “very insistent" and were flooded up to the second story to be patrolled by regular troojis. ■Hands for wage -Increases ranging must have an answer soon. Director The town Is more quiet today. in,‘*t>itants Trom $2 to $ I a day, it was an non nc- Hines has refused to state his posi taken in boats from the upper nd. The oiierators have made no I BEAI E TREATY KMliUTKI* tion until he has talked with the windows. They -were provided with provision for a strike, It was said, whole body of labor representatives.! rough accommodations in the school- BACK INTO THE SENATE but If the electrical workers go out At the second conference today Ixindon, Feb. 10. — Twenty-four bouses and other public buildings Honolulu, T. H., Feb. 10 Sixty- the effect on the maintenance of the Washington, Feb. 10. The peace Director Hines and the railroad em convictions obtained before the 1.900 !oi «"burbs less affected by the flood system eventually would force them four children out of a total of 771 treaty has been reported back into ployes’ representative again failed to anti-profiteering tribunals set up Soldiers and bluejackets brought up to becoAe Idle, it was held. attending ¿McKinley High School in the sennto and will be taken up next agree and adjourned until tomor throughout England have cost more, ^rorn Rrest‘ Rochefort and Lorient row. Honolulu, are I'micaslun Americans, week. than £1,000 each, it was declared by:w,th collapsible Ivoats rescued them Captain Wedgwood Benn in the!an(l their belongings. according to figures compiled by ed house of commons during discussion ------ ------- —‘ — ucational officials. pToor/ of a proposal to extend the profiteer ------------------------------- --------- — Statistics «how that out of a senior ing act for another period of six lass of 33 there are only three Am month*. ericans, two girls and a boy. In the I Captain ¡Benn summarized the re-¡ unlor class there are 12 Americans, suits of the act, during its first RiX , n the Hophomore class 21 and in Victoria. IB. C., Feb. 10.—Further 'reshman class, 28 Americans. months of life, by stating: expansion of its trnne->I*acific ser "Nineteen hundred committees Japanese bulk heaviest in vice Is planned by the Nippon Yusen ' have been appointed: 1,935 cases school, there being 257 of this Kalsha. Japanese steamship corpora-' tionality. Chinese come next with Ixvndon. Feb 10. Glassware pro- have been tried—one ease per com Hon, following the grant to it of a 230. There are 44 Ainerli an-Ilawal- mittee; 24 convictions have been . duct ion on a huge scale by America« new Japanese subsidy charter, it was lans, 32 '('hlnese-Hawailans, 23 Port- obtained; £25,000 has been spent. I machinery is to be undertaken by a learned here recently. Two new iguese, 21 Koreans,-14 Hawaiian«, And the cost of living has gone up!" combine which has Just absorbed a large steamships, the ToyohashiJ Supporters of the 'bill argued that dozen glass-making concerns in the 12 Engllsh->Hawulians and seven, 7,031 tons, and the Tajimi I’ortuguese-Hawaiians, six months had not given the admin industrial center of England known Marti, 6,993 tons, are to be added to' istrators of the law fair opportunity as the "Black Country.” Interesting combinations of races ‘the fleet, It was said. At Stourbridge. Dudley and Tip of demonstrating its worth. on tiiv the registry of McKinley . 'appear I 'fun • x»»i 1 v smvi ,v ui .11 v n 111 irj I nder the new charter grant, the high, the most complicated being The proposed extension of six I ton new factories will lie built -where Nippon 3 usen Kateha holds the only recorded by one boy whose national- American patents for turning out months was voted. i Japanese subsidy on the Japan-Hrlt- ty is given iih Scotch-4twedish-Jew- the cheaper class of glass-blown Ish Columbia-iPugst Sound route. ish-American goods will be utilized. Before the Judge Holman Will Visit— Another appears as a The Osaka Shoaen Katelm, which Justice of the Peace Jas. Holman war, this 'kind of trade was virtually --------- ------- — un- German-. lapanese-Hawalian. while tr recently shared the monopoly with there are two Irish -Hawaiian« and (11 expects to leave Friday of this week a monopoly of Germany and Austria, the Nippon Yusen Kalsha. ------- > retired ne H h otch-Irlsh-Haw aiian for lays Angeles and other California, and the crippling of the tetters' in from the field, It wan believed, in points for a visit with friends and dustries has caused the prices of the There are no Filipino boys In the brdtr to secure the subsidy for Jap-! school, but that race is repr< . al, relatives to extend over a period of | commonest glass household articles ---- , — m-South lAmerlean (East Coast route, by two girls. I in England to soar tremendously. about three weeks. Washington, Feb 10 'Demócrata In the house went on record today as opposed to universal military train ing, despite the president's appeal that they refrain from declaring themsnlvea on the issue until the democratic convention In June At a caucus of house democrats, the vote came IOC to 17 against compulsory military training 30,000 NURSES Ï0 BE THREATENED STRIKE □ PHNUiPTinki rkipi icu io*and ge,s ,he benefit °r the fio,,d# UUl 1 v lU IIUI1 Ul nr LnULIull 1 POOP TPFDQ LAI PYDiNQIVP rnUrilLLIlU LnOIVL and were more than 5 000 Toot! The Steam Roller A Cotnirtg