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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 30, 1920)
" IT’S THE CLIMATE • • • • TELL tante VOL. X„ No Utt f ♦ • • • • (X) ’ U kAo ENJOY IT », ümljj Courier GRANTS FANN. JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON, ♦ f ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Ashville, North Carolina, Jan. 30. tieplying to a state ment by Governor Edwards, of New Jersey, that Bryan sought "A death harmony" in the dem ocratic ¡»arty, with Kan Fran cisco a« the "morgue,” Bryan said today he hoped that Ed ward« would keep on talking as no champion of the liquor traf fic can talk long without in- COMMITTEE SEESLANÜÜWNERS Prop's t Mould Involve Puinpiuu From Ilio Gravity I »Iteli Planned to Coter Ixvwer Is'iuU THE WORLD FRIMAT, JANUARY 30, IMO. ♦ F Washington, Jan. 30 -A ten ♦ tative contract between the ' F United State» and canal com- , Fjiame« and irrigation districts In ' F terested in the storage and uti ♦ lization of flood waters and the normal flow of Snake river in ♦ Idaho, was approved by Secre ♦ tary Lane today. Many storage ♦ dam« will be constructed and 4 one of the largest irrigation NEGOTIAVIONN Ml I»DENLA" FAIL o\E BOAT M»AI» OF THE ( HEW 4 reservoirs in the country will be WHEN LOIN1E REFI HEM THE 1*1« KEI> UP BV THE STEAMER 4 constructed at American Falls 4 necessitating moving the town TAFT Ml BSTITl TE <»ZETTE, IS REPORT 4 of American Falls to a tract of 4 level table land nearby, and 4 moving the Oregon Short TJne 4 to higher ground. ffffffffffffffffff f WHOLE NUMBER 2MMX llit'licoek Will Make Motion to Take W«s t arrying Nearly Two Mi Ilion (¿allons of Molasses From Cuba I’p the Treaty for Debate on to Philadelphia the loth of February FARMERN OF THE NATION SHOW DINHATIHF ACTION IN RE PLIES TO VI ENTIOS.NAIRE COST Of LIVING TO GO HIGHER .Senate Hears ('»mlition Is “Di-quiet ing and Portentious of Disas trous Consequences" Petition» I'rvxcnHxl S<«-rctary of Ntnte for tlie lu-mocrntic Primary A meeting of the Jerome Prairie To Be Held on April 8th I New York, Jan. 30.—The Amari- Washington, Jan. 30.—Unofficial Washington, Jan. N 30.—James I. farmer« was hold nt the school house ibi part loan negotiations on reserva- can tanker Mieterò, from Matanzas, Blakglee, fourth assistant postmaster on Jerome Prarie »eelerday, being tlotM to the peace treaty were sud- Cubs. January 23, for Philadelphia, general, speaking oefore the senate called for the purpose of discussion Petl- ■ ‘lenly ended today when democratic broke in two and «ank at sea accord Lansing, Mich.. Jan 30. of a proposition of Joining Che Grant« tlons to place Hoover's name on the senator«, failing in a last attempt to ing to a wireless from the steamer: Progrnw Is Made in Securing Twelve poetoffice committee today, predicted Men to Paso t|«m Guilt or In a decreased farm production for next Paas Irrigation district for the pur democratic ballot at the presidential ! obtain a compromise on article ten. Ozette. One boat with the chief en- nocence of I. W. W. ■ year and a consequent Increase la pose of obtulnlng water for the preference primary to be held April . walked out and announced they gineer and 17 men was picked up the cost of living, due to dlssatiafao- land«. Short talks were given by 3th were received by the secretary ! would seek gome other method of by the Ozette. but another, with the tion of the farmers expressed In Meaer«. Hchmtdt, Pearce, Stubble of «tuie here today. ! obtaining ratification. The break captain and 22 men is still missing. ! Montesano, Wash.. Jan. 30. •Elev- over 40,000 answers to 200,000 ques field. lb* ma ray and Fertlg, explain <.ame •when’ Senator Ixxige refused to The tanker carried 1.600.000 gallons en temporary jurors were in the box tionnaires sent out to farmers. The ing the filaiiH of the irrigation dis ' accept a reservation to article ten of molasses in bulk. I »ENTRON Fl El.I»s when the afternoon session of the replies indicate a condition "dis trict for Immediate and future con OF WHEAT IN MONTANA a« drafted by Former President Taft hearing of the 111. W. W. charged quieting and portentous of disastrous A MERK 'AN LEGION GETS struction work «nd outlining In de and ¡»resented by the democrats. Great Falla, Mont.. Jan. 30. -Ber- WAR FUNI» BALANCE with the Armistice day murders consequences.” tail the proceedings necessary for Ions damage to wheat by wind In the Senator Hitchcock announced he . Blakslee said the farmers objected opened. The Jurors are still subject the Jerome Prairie farmera to Join country north and west of here is would move February 10th “to take to low returns for long, hard toil to challenge. Roundup. Mont., Jan. 30.—At a! the district If they so desired, II reported. Recent gules are declared .up (he treaty for debate." It is a was explained to them that the ea- to have torn the plant« from the Hold . question whether he can secure a recent meeting of the association, the I The American I-egion “jury” will while the city dwellers had ease and 1 war relief workers here decided to not listen to the evidence as was comfort, with shorter hours. Middle- tlmated toet for water that can be and the dry earth ba« been blown majority for the motion. turn over remaining fund« to the Am ‘ planned, the idea having l>een given j men’s profit, exhorbitant farm labor mi ¡»¡»I led by gravity 1« about $<((» ¡»or away. I hire, with help hard to obtain: high up. eri<an legion. acre, and that add It lou.ft to this a cost of implements and fertilizers, FIRE.MEN DON GAS MASKS The War Relief association was ' further charge would have to be I were discouraging. A member of To FIGHT ACID FIRE organized during the war to attend ' made to cover co.H of pumping from , the committee raid the replies seem to needs of dependents of service' the gravity ditch as their laud« cnn- ed to come “iiiostly from a bunch of men. , mot be other« Ise reached, All i» rén boisherists.” ent were very enthualastl over the Anaconda. Mont., Jan. 30.-—Fire Meri T< HEON OF NEW YORK probability of otalnlng Irrigation from a carboy of nitric acid in the DIRECTOR OF WAR FINANCE water In the near future. mailing room of the Anaconda Stand ard Publishing company here recent- The project engineer p ron i Iscd Washington, Jan. 30.—‘Franklin them that he would run a fly line Gloucester, N. J., Jan. 30.—Con The local campaign for funds to : ly was extinguished by flramen using W. McCutcheon, of New York City, Into their territory next week MO .isslst the Young Woman's Christian army ga« masks. The local fire de has been nominated by President sumption of water here has nearly that nil concerned would know j ist I Association In Its program of ex partment installed the masks shorl- Wilson to be director of the war fin doubled since July 1 when the war what lands could be reached, The pansion Is being carried on this week j ly after the war ended. time prohibition act became effec ance corporation. chairman appoiuled a committee B Of by a committee of women who are tive. The muniei|>ality , has just three to Interview the farmers and giving freely of, their time to lay the drilled two artesian wells to augment get their consent to Join the district. responsibility of asslstfng this Insti the water supply in anticipation of Philadelphia, Jan. 30.—Pennsyl Since the Irrigation district whi h tution on the hearts of our towns an increased demand under constitu vania hunters last year killed legally has been recently financed is going people. The response thus far has tional prohibition. 2,913 male deer weighing 378,690 ahead with immediate construction. been : •norally good. If there are pounds. They also shot illegally 119 It has caused »arlous land owners those who have not yet been waited ENGLISH < OMMl NITY male fawns and 207 does. The bear who are not now In the district to upon and who desire to assist It will SOLVES HOUSING PROBLEM hunters got 47 2 carcasses and those make immediate preparation for relieve the local committee consider who went after rabbits killed 2,719,- I Joining In with the district In order ably if the contribution is handed Tilbury, England. Jan. 30. — Til 879. Turkey shooters got 5,181. Ixmdon, Jan. 30.- — The second Im- Buenos tires, Jan. 30. Tri-week- that they may receive the benefits to .Mrs. T. M. Stott, who is acting as bury has inaugurated' a great hous Fatal accidents exceeded former has airplane passenger service held ¡»erial Prese conference is to be t*y thereof. county chairman i been inaugurated between this city in Canada during next Xugust and ing scheme involving an expenditure years. 35 ¡»ersons having 'been killed of £1.500,000 for the benefit of the and 128 wounded. and 'Montevideo, Uruguay, by the September. transport workers at the docks. The state game bureau is paying French aviation mission. No charge representatives of It is planned to erect about 1,520 Leading the out about $1,700 a day at present to Is made for the trip, the ¡»assengers being selected by Invitation, but early newspapers of the British Ei in pire houses which will be equipped with ■ those who present pelts from nox- The In February, it is expected that the have been invited by the Canadian baths and all the most modern ap-Jons animals at this season, pl lances for sanitation and comfort, bounty is paid from the revenue from service wjll be operated by the Press to attend the conference to Franco-Argentine Aerial Transporta discuss their common alms and in These buildings will be grouped hunters licenses of which 395,000 about a triangular central park. were issued. tion Company which will charge a terests and also to obtain, by means fare. The mission will dispose of Ossining, N. Y., Jan. 30.—Gordon verdict and he was also found to be its equipment to the company which, of a tour throughout the Dominion, Fawcett (Hamby went to hla death "normal.” He freely admitted his by establishing this service, will be a first hand knowledge of its life and 4 smiling. He said, “I 'always liked crimes and said he was wanted tn I the pioneer commercial aviation resources. to try everything once." No claim Chicago, Nan Francisco and other company in South America. The delegation from the United was made for the body and the mys plaça«. After the Brooklyn robbery,' The airplanes make in about an Kingdom will include proprietors and tery surrounding his ¡»rentage was Hamby said he met a girl In New hour and a half, the trip across the editors of the prominent daily news I unsolved. e York and that they went su cessively | mouth of the River Plate to Monte- paper», with 1x>rd Burnham, of the i video that takes a fast river boat Gordon Fawcett Jlaiuby, the ban to Boston, Philndelphlu, Baltimore, Alameda, Cal., Jan. 30.—Voters of yard by commissions of navy met»— dit 'who today expiated his crimes in Pittsburg, Chicago, California and ! 1 0 hours. Machines carrying 25 Ixmdon Daily Telegraph as chair passengers or more are expeted man. I/ord Northcllffe, of the Times this city will ballot tomorrow on first by the Helm commission in De Hie dixvtli ohalr, was arrested In Ta Tacoma. from France for use in the regular and other papers, has also stated his making a free gift to the government cember, 1917, and then by a board coma, Wash., last June under the 'T was surprised the California intention of attending. of a site for the largest navy yard of review, consisting of Rear Ad name of "Jay B. Allan,” after killing policé did not get me," he said, i commercial service. I I 1_ ^Uk, .—. w in America, and potentially the larg mirals J. S. McKean and C. W. a man there in a revolver fight. He shortly after being brought east, est in the world. The lands included Parks, and Commander J. C. Hil was later identified as one of the two "Then in Tacoma I got in thHt polit- in the navy’s survey total 5,340 ton. This latter board accompanied robbers who, on December 23, 1918, leal row with 'Bob' Davis and kllled acres across the bay from San Fran Secretary Daniels of the navy when held up the East Brooklyn Savings him. ’Bob’ was a game fellow and cisco and are valued at between he made a personal inspection of Bank and. after killing two of Me I'm sorry I shot him Ibut I was afraid $40.000,000 and $50,000,000. The the Alameda site last September in employes. escaped in an automobile lie was gding to gut me. Af<er that site is capable of exi»anaion to 8,000 I connection with the review of the with »13,000. I iwa« all ready to heat it to Nhanghai. acres, also free to the United States. Pacific fleet In San Francisco bay. Extradited to New York and tried China, and now hero I am." The lands also have been inspect The election is being held as the tor litis crime llamby stood revealed Judge Fawcett of Brooklyn, result of a recommendation to con ed by the house committee on naval as a self-confessed participant In the sentenced Hamby, said ho was gress by Secretary of the Treasury ;affairs, which was brought to the Pa robbery of 13 bank« and two trains “worst” criminal of 6,(100 who Glass that $10.000,000 be appropri cific coast for that purpose in -March, and many killings. He steadily re come before him In I i I h entire career ated at this session for beginning 1919, by the Oakland Chamber of fused to tell anything albont his on the bench. Hamby’s "philosophy work, on a navy yard callable of car Commerce. family. He'sald he preferred to lie of life” was embodied in the follow- The vote is expected to ibe practic ing for the Pacific fleet, which is known as "Allan” anti that he was Ing statement he made just before ally unanimous in favor of giving now half of the American navy. In Alberta, (Ninada. He born In 1 893 being sentenced to die: Navy experts have declared such a ■ the navy yard site to the government declared hls pnrents were dead and "It Is nothing for me to 'île be- yard an urgent necessity, the only (the Chambers of Commerce of both that he had two brothers whom ho cause I am coming back. It may take plant fitted to repair, victual and I Alameda and the adjoining city of had not seen for five years. lie said 1 taw years or it may take several outfit the warships being at (Bremer 'Oakland having conducted an old he was a college graduate and had thousand years, of course, but time ton, Wash., near the Canadian bor time political campaign with spell- Specialized in psychology. does not count. .Being brought into der. This, navy men point out, i binders, red-fire and bands. After Hamby’s conviction here, his this world Is like being placed in a means a voyage of hundreds of miles The recommendation of the navy attorney, against the ¡»risoner’s class of small children, with each in the event of damage to a warship experts is for an expenditure of $51,- wishes, appealed hls caso. lie ob- trying to compete with the other. unless it be in the immediate neigh | 000,000 on the new navy base, w'hich talned the appointment of a commis Some of us are sucessful and some borhood of Bremerton. . is to .be completed in three years. sion to determine the bandit’s sanity are not. IAa for myself 1 have flunk The Alameda site has twice been , Between 15,000 and 20.000 men will but the higher court affirmed the ed.’ ” favorably recommended for a navy be employed. DUG MORE WELLS WHEN