PAGE FOL K o GEORGETTE WAISTS 7 A few at Special Price» COMMENCING TONIGHT FO^ \ J HREE-DAY RUN NucceMHir to Mr». E. Bchkopf 9 A GOOD B KITCHEN WCABINET NOTÉ ‘ The Hoodlum is even a little better than Daddy Long Legs.” M ECONOMICALLY cri I pCUTS YOUR WORK IN HALF Convenience about your kitchen work Is a most important part of your welfare and Is Inexpensively had. We wlah eiery housewife In this community would come iu and see the comfort, convenience, new and desirable feature* that we are showing in kitchen cabinets at thia time. a Whether or not you buy. the Inapt* tlon will Interest you " Wf TURN A HOUSE INTO A HOME ” Rubi, h noi tuns, SfwtHG M achin / í R anms , H oosuks . H olmans F urniture S tore OPPOSITE THE BAND STAND P h ONC 50 605 G STREET, GRANTS PASS, Q NIKE—THIS is M \HY i’ll KFOKB Overcoats, Suits Peerless Clothing Co MARY ÏCKFORD “THE HOODLUM” Cash Clothiers TIRE SHOP Vulcanizing Unquestionably the greatest character stud} of Mary Pickford’s career A Gates Half Sole Tires Adjoining Oidio«'» (.tirage Sixth Street O h THE PIOTVKE OF A THOI’SAXO Miller imd the I’ o I miu link— No. ft ! h not true that District At­ torney Miller came out second best in *omc ecrap that he kept on the i quiet. »All that la wrong with Mil­ ler's face is from his becoming ton f uniliar with 'he poison oak. anti the oak got in its deadly work first. LA U G H S ru New Burlier Arrive*— Samuel Horrocks has arrived in the city from Duluth, Minn., and has taken a position at a third chair in the barber shop of Carl Williams in ■/A ihe Josephine hotel building. Mr. Horns It»' family will soon arrived from the east. Business lit .liicksoniille--- W. Courney returned last night, from Jacksonville, where he went to see about getting the work on the ne« road up Kanes creek under way. This road Is to connect the lime quarry with the railroad, and the lime for the paper mill at S i loin will he hauled out over it. y Thermoid Tires AMI Tt BEA (ilinnintccd “Head 'em and weep <>uara Hired ADMISSION—Adults 35c, Kiddies 15c; including war tax »•Mr Rogue River Hardware Co