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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 29, 1920)
hiikndav . jim ary 2», it»¿*r. (.ItANTh l’AMH DAILY CUI RIMI Classified Advertising DENTIHDÍ FOR KALB First-clam FOR HALE Modern 6-rootn house B. C. MACY. D M. D dentistry. 109 H Routh Sixth with sleeping porch, good shade, street. Grants Pass. Oregon. large yard, promluent corner in best residence dlatrl t. Address VETERINARY BURGEON No. 90, care Courier. 94 DR. R. J. BEKTtJL, Veterinarian DRY BLAB WOOD $3.50 per Her de Residence 838 Washington boule livered. Phone 379-H. 70tf vard, phone 398-R. FOR BACH Alfslfa bay (carload PHYHItiANH Iota) $29 lon, f. o. b. bere, Uen- tral Polnt Feod fttore, Jesac !.. O CLEMENT. M D, Practice Richardson. *7 limited to diseases of the eye. ear, nose and throat. Glasses fitted. FOR HALE 160 acres •> miles south Office hours 9-12, 2-6, or on ap ot Grants Taaa. A fine wood pro pointment. Phones, office 62; resi position. No reasonable offer re dence 369-J. » fused. Bee owner, 510 South ________ Sixth street. 81 8. IXIUGHRIDGK. M. D. Physician and surgeon. City or country calls FOR KAI-E A-l piano in splendid attended day or night Phones, condition, at bargain. Also gentle residence. 369; office. 182 Blxth man's rnoooon skin coat, at less and II streets. than coat. Call 411 Sixth St. 83 FOR SALE- 8 wr*w W mile from DR. W T. TOMPKINS, Rooms 1 and 2 Schmidt Bldg. Grants Pass on Pacific highway, Treats all diseases. Hours 9-12 cleared. *1-room house, barn, gar a. m.; 1-6 p. m. Phone 304-R. age. Telephone and electric lights available, $1200. 'Mrs. Agnes M. E. J BIIA4CK. M. D.. Physician Morris. Rd 1. Box «4. »0 and surg»-on; office Hchalihorn block. phone 5 4-J; residence. FOR BAIJC Span of Haniblelonla'» 1004 laiwnrldge, phone 54-L, mares and 2% -Inch Webber wag Granta Pua on. $285. W N. Carl, Provolt. 84 PAGE THRU | think no more about them. '’Association with people. young i and old, has been an oi>se*»icm with _ They Gave Her Up me. There are no Ideas ut youth Oakland, Unlit.:—-“A relative was prison, ed, her I4»««l turned to water; the ills:* that anno* le* < onsider.d with pro- gave I m - i up, . ‘4 fit even if not accepted after an- rtii could t-y'-i t e currxl. B’ I.’: J alyals. But consideration of them took Dr. P'r- tends to keep those growing old from Golden M <li< L»L«-<>'. <-rv wh> assuming they possess Infallible »1«* cure»* her. I dom. et.OTslei iv a Ui. "The Ideas of youth with the wla- de. "I liavs Lid • •* dom that should come with age are operations wit helpful. If a man is as old an he f- jel» me in a *»• vuuw -tate. w • feels 1 am not over 40. And the de- loea of Aep r'. l sir«» Io be helpful to my fellows, to ,, , I 7 7 ' :>|.| • ' 1 menr<«l using I>r. Pierce » Guldat. Modi. I do something worth while for my IMscovi-ry and Pleaaanl Pellets. k y people and my country is an inspira genend is-alth commenced to improve ni'»T llie first *s>ttk-. I took six Littles and wi»S tion that kee|m me young both In cured—galls <1 80 p»,un»ls. I wim tojt1'*' mind and 'body.” Dr. Pieri* the very hixtw st in'lorsun» nt Blood Turned to Water! xkli.XXIJS l!»-»Tiargea nml Repairs Storage BaUeriee And remember whenever you want your battery or electrical sys tem tested he does tt free ot charge. We hgve the beet equipped auto electrical shop in the city and every job we turn out means » new customer for us— WHO'S NEXT. Yours for Service ADAMS’ ELECTRIC & BATTERY SHOP I'hone «1« Vlams A Johnston, Props. no« South Sixth Street Bagley’« Shop for Sick Tires for liis n-tneiiwa.”—M1LH. MAE 'I KI DO15, 4</24 Sutter Kt. 211 North Sixth 8t. Blood Thin Kidneys Weak Vul< anlzing. I'etreadlng and Half Soling. Broken bend«, rim cuto and all) kind <»f blow outs, large or small, neatly mended. Marysville, Calif. >— ”1 t>»ed<d a topic; Dy blood was thin, 1 wus run-<, my back u-h»sf, my kidneys were weak an»i digestion tui so laul that I could not ev»-n drii 8 milk Ir.--’— <xl that mol )■<’: bad always dep. ijm-d on Dr. Pn r«-'» G-1- deo Medical I >is- covery, so 1 deciu- ed to Uikr it. in a aiiort Unw I was r»tly henefit'sl. continued lakimi uao."— MRS. J.K it and was a ____ BAKKER. 219 8th St. (Continued from Page One) All Work Guaranteed delivers his message. This Is the performance ice will have to go through for the first time when par- Lament opens on February 10. General Pulteney has served In many campaigns, having joined the Scots Guard in 1881, and has been the re Ipient of a large number of honors. During the great war he commanded the Third corps in France. He has taken a keen inter est in the development of military recreation and has been a prime fav orite with his men. He was 1»orn In 1861. There is but one way to have good h< d*h. FOR HAIJ* S. C. While Leghorn DR. RALPH W. STEARNS physician that is to put and keep your stomach oockerels from two good strains. and surgeon, offices formerly oc and in good order. This is mirv co do >1 Via Addr>-sa A. W. Bates. Rd. 4. 85 cupied by I*. Stricker, Masonic take Df. Pierer's Golden Medimi Disoov-r"' It is a woqderful tonic and blood purit:<< Temple. Phone, office 21-J, resi and is so saie to take, for it is inaile ot touts WANTED nod berta and is without alcohol. All dence, Hours: 10-12, druggists. Liquid ur tablcU- WANTED TO RENT Modern house, furnished or unfurnished, In or near town. Address No. 31 care Whitena TRAINING M IIOOL TO RESUME of Courier. 62tf like The faculty of »acred Heart hos (Continued from page 1) ¡Lruxtde pital, .Medford, Oregon, announce WANTED Child's reed go-cart or that they will resume their Training than the parties directly con erned sulky. Must be In good condition School for nurses on May 1st, 1920. with the suit may “concern himself Phone 292-41. 83 Young ladles wishing to qualify ur In any other manner Interfere WANTED—Two eordwood cutters. themselves in the art of nursing will with the prosecution or defense of Inquire at Edgerton mill. 83 (Mease apply in person or writing to the litigation without the consent of TooihPaste Sister Superior for necessary infor the justice.” WANTED Men wHh teams and out The novel court is to lie presided (eld oslv mation. 81 fit to skid and haul logs by con whrrv o\er by S. C., Hyde, a justice of the tract. Inquire at Edgerton's Mill. ADSÿad, peace. He may enter a judgment 84 NOTH E for payment of claims in any man All persons knowing themselves to WANTED Good cedar fence posts. ner he sees tit, and in < ase of re be indebted to the Grants Pass Lum Call Mlti-R or see l^ewla Stlne- fusal to satisfy such a judgment on ber Co. will please call and make baugh. 82 payment of accounts before February the part of the losing party, he may MAN WANTEO To work on ranch 1st so that we may close our books make affidavit to that effect, where Phone 60«-F-12. 85 upon the claim may be collected by that time. » PRESCRIBE AVACVUM through justice or superior court 82 GRANTS PASS LUMBER CO. WANTED Bide hill plow. Uldress CLEARER ANO A procedure, with consequent increases Paul Weiss. 81 forvour in costs »o the'losing ¡»arty. GLYCERINE MIXTURE 'A 4NTED \ few ttirket hens, eith PREU ENTS AI ’ PEN IH< ITIS er pulióla or under 3 years old. Simple glycerine, buckthorn bark, Address No. 174 care Courier. KI etc., as mixed In Adler-l-ka, removes TO EXCHANGE ail foul, accumulated poisonous mat ter from BOTH upper and lower bow IV»H EXCH \NGE Kitnbull organ In (Continued from page 1.) els and prevents appendicitis. Re I first class condition for typewri lieves ANY CASE gas on stomach or ter, wood or hgWer, or what have constipation. The TNSTANT pleas | a white robe lightly embroidered you. Address No. 162, care of S ores of cardinals, ant action of Adler-l-ka surprises | ' with gold. Courier. 96 larchbishops, bisho; asd .atrlar ): both doctors and patients. >A bus- | MWELLANKOIN iness man reports great benefit in a preceded and followed hint. The red long standing case of indigestion and and purple robes of these dignataries E. L GAI,BRAITH — Insurance, any 1 HE <»I,D FAMILY IMMTOR sour stomach. National Drug Store. were in striking contrast to the black Building and kind. Rentals. velvet uniforms and v>.ite co'lars of knew what he was talking Loan. Plate Glass IJability. 609 . many members of the i ,y court w ho about It wasn't medicine that 84tf G street. Phone 28. were dressed in S|»anish style. the overworked housewife RADIES ATTENTION- -All hats at C’heerlng greeted the pope as he needed, It was a rest from the one-half former price at Mrs. LIL passed through the corridors. i slavery of antiquated house- Ran Currier's, Corner Sixth and E was assisted in the mass by several keeping methods, What the I II streets. Opposite Josephine Ho cardinals and a mal? choir of doctor ordered is to be found tel 81 voices which sang without Ins'ru- I at this shop and belongs in in New York City alone from kid mental accompaniment, •At the con- every home. STRAYED ney trouble last year. Don't allow elusion of the mass, whit-h lasted ESTRAY- There came to my place yourself to become a victim by about an hour, the pope was car- on Jones creek last spring one neglecting pains and aches. Guard ' ried ceremoniously back to hls coming 2-year-old heifer, black . apartments and again greeted by a;>- against this trouble by taking with some brown and white »¡»otH. • plause from the crowds. unbranded and unmarked. Own COLD MEDAL er prove property, pay feed bill -XX. PHONE 4r7«xr- and advertising. Elmer Colvlg, Rd. 3, Grants Pass. ' 81 Peredixo (SDluT LÂc docili 16799 DIED CAPS.ULLS TAXI SOONER TAXI — Phone 262-R for Jitney Luke or C.titler. Calls an swered anywhere, anytime 86tf Grants Pass & Medford Auto Truck PAI,ACE TAXI—Phone 22-J. Geo. A. Hyde Ä Henry'L. Sargeant. 25tf TAXI al Owl Billiard Parlors, 172-J, or 243-L for night calls. Day and night service. 56tf REAL ESTATE t 1. t . M c K instry 603 g street, phone 13-R. General real estate business. The best of all kinds of soils for fruit, hay 1>r general farming. 21 tf .lohn II. Chastain, Prop. ELECTRICAL WORK All Kinds of Hauling ELECTRIC WIRING and genera)' electrical work, repairing, house wiring. C. C. Harper, 105 South t Sixth street, phone 47. DRAYAGE AND TRANSFER I THE WORLD MOVES; so do we I Bunch Bros Transfer Co. Phone! 897-R. F. G. ISHAM, drnyago and transfer Safes. planus and furniture moved, packfid, shipped and stor Hnal- ed. Office phone 124-Y. dmee phone 124-R. CIVIL ENGINEER |(csid<m<e (Il I North Second St, Phone 381-R C hichester ^ l I DANIEL McFARLAND, civil engi neer and surveyor. Residence1 740 Tenth afreet, phono 211-Y I irctnllic ooxM, scnleii with Blue Ribbon. Take i»a Über. T Inj l»rngfflnt. Askf-ii hlOinNi» I!KA y«Mi known ni Beet,Rifinì* Always Reliable 1010 W ¡¡«ISIS ¡HOTHI Rf The world's standard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles. Holland's national remedy since 1696. All druggists, three sizes. Guaranteed. Look for tho n.m» Gold Medal oa every bos aad accept ao Imitation Harness and Saddlery Auto Top and Canvas Work With Grants Pass Hardware Co. YOU WANT TO BUY YOUR HOGFEED As clieuply a- |a»ssible—Try the Mill—We make several kinds of fce.1 at the right price—Have a mixed feed «.Imilar to the old-time •-borts for S3 per 1(Mt pounds. _ e Josephine County Flour Mill (Continued from Page One) Corner Third and G Streets Nil will be mounted on horses ex cept the patrols at Wellsburx and i Martinsburg, who will be equipped .’•ith motor ycles. The service has already attracted The California and Oregon na:Ives of 23 of the 55 epunties of Coast Railroad Company West Virginia. They are picked I TIME CARD men. whose intelligence, » ourage and ¡endurance have been proved to the Effective Nov. 24, 1919 satisfaction of Colonel Arnold. "•he bill creating the state con I Trains will run Mondays, Wednes- stabulary became a law nix months days and Fridays. P.M i ago I.eave Grants PasB,........... 1 P.M. Arrive Waters Creek . ....... 2 F. U Vannice and family returned I <ea ve Waters Creek......... 2:30 P M last night from a visit with Mr. Van- P.M. Pass. .......... 4 Grants Arrive For Information regarding freight nice’s brother and family at Klam and passenger rates call at the office ath Falls. of the company, Lundburg building, nr telephone 1 31 Plats of Grants Pass— Blue print plats of Grants Pass, $1.50; blue line prints, $1.75, at the Courier offi e. 79tf Phone 123 Your Dollar is Just as Big The Price is Just the Same Priced the same as before the war, during the war. and after the war, CRESCENT BAKING POWDER makes new friends every day. It is a thrift purchase, not so mut’h tor Rs reasonable prices, as for its quality. Crescent risen in the oven; the house wife can mix cakes and biscuits when convenient, knowing the dough will rise to perfection if ¡»laced in the oven hours later. SAMGOMPERS HAS MORE FIGHT Continued from Page On» • No Cases of the Flu— No suspected cases of the infiu- a statement about how it feels to enza have appeared in the Grants bo 70. "Wo do not grow old.” he said Pass district though two cases that "except as we permit advancing sere under suspicion were teporte.l from Glen Inle this mcrnir.g. Dr years to cause us worry. "The question of age nover oc Knott of Glendale stat».I that the curs to me. nor does it give me wor- two (pus -vere under quarantine tn- 1 ry. Neither does the end of things til it could be definitely established here. 1 simply accept the added whether they were tho flu or just an ,ve tr t..i a matter < f course and j ort’inirv cold. G. B. BERRY i Cmiccnt makes sweeter, lighter, ibnkings 1 pound for 25c 5 pounds for $1.00 ALL GRlM'EHN t 'KFSf'ENT MANUFA4TI RING Seattle, Washington t UMi’A.NY