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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 29, 1920)
" IT’S THE CLIMATE GOME WE’RE TELLING THE WORLD ♦ I ■ • • • 9$ ♦ Dniln Courier route GRANTS PAHH, JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON, VOL. X„ N<>. too THl WHOLE NUMBER a«Hl JANUARY », I»». V I Former < tiainpion says He Will Face the Charite« Against Him. Then Challenge Dempsey 1 Pacific Ore Reduction & Chemical Manufacturing Company Purchases Site In Grants Pass and Will Establish In dustry For Making of Various Products From Ores .L« Mexico City, Jan. 2i. —Jack John AVIATORS WHO HERE FORCED son, former heavyweight champion, TO LAND IN MEXKX) CAN j plans to return to the United States SOON FLY BACK HOME VEER LEAVE I’lHTOL WITH THE (XM.NTY CLftRK : immediately, and face charges pend J ing against Mm in Chicago, accord- i ing to a letter he showed the Asso- v ' dated Press, which he had written Thu ileal was ilosed today where-j the capital for the development of Cologne, Jan. 29 Bank robbers , to Charles Cline, United Stales at by Hie Pacific Ore Reduction A the industry is already assembled have been operating In parts of Ger torney, in Chicago. Johnson hopes Chomloal Manufacturing Co., a syn Besides Mr. DozJer, two of the prime many recently under the pretext that movers In tho enterprise are Win. they were collecting money for, the Were at First Believed to Have Fal to arrange his legal difficulties in dicate of Portland men, purchased Bestone, owner of concessions at the time to fight Dempsey before the lat- Influenza Becoming Epidemic and allien ¡.'or damages caused by the Ger len Into lite Hands of the Mex .May Have Serious Effect ljx»n ' ter meets Carpentier. He »aye Demp- the property formerly used b> th- Oaks, and (John Ritter, who has man army during the war. ican Soldiers l*rogr*>M< of the Trial ¡sey must meet him before he can Granta Paaa Lumber compau), locat cleaning and dying establishments In In one instance, according to 'claim the world’s championship. ed on the line of the Southern Pa Portland, it Is expected that several stories published in the German cific railway In tho east ¡»art of of the promoters will remove to Brownsville, Tex., Jan. 29. -1^®®* 1 town, und a now Industry that will | Grunts Pass and bourns personally newspapers, a man in the uniform of Montesano, Jan. 29.—•Attorney a Belgian captain and accompanied tenants E F Davis and G. E Grimes HCUED 0^ DI API/ Dili Vandeveer tor the defense in the make use of many of tho resources Interested in the conduct of the by five guards and six Belgian sol American army aviators, who made UullLll Ul DLnUll llUl trial of the 11 I. W. W., was ordered mill products of the valley is to be plant. Mr. Courtney stated that in diers, entered the bank of Probst a forced landing near Guerrero, Mex- _ ■ by Judge John Wilson to deposit his eetahMnhed. A certified eheck to talking with Mr. Ritter, that gentle und Company in Aachen a few days Ico, yesterday, are not being held 10 PflPPPilllQ DJ»DV , revolver in the office of the county oover the payment on the property man expressed his great idea sure In ago. saying he was seeking stolen prisoners by the Mexicans, and prob- 10 u iu iLllU clerk before entering court hereaf was received and turned over to G. the idea of coming to Grants 'Pass money The man showed papers ably will fly back to the United I ter. The judge made the request of H. earner, tho owner of tho proper with his family, because of jbe ex purporting to have been stamped by States today, it was announced here the attorneys both for the prosecu ty, thia morning, thus asaurlng the cellent reports that had < onie to him the Belgian minister of Justice and this afternoon. . London, Jan. 28.—King George tion and the defense, but Vandeveer deal which has been In tile milking of the Rogue valley as a place In insisted <i|<on making a search of the I has appointed Lieutenant General was the only lawyer who admitted for several days. Tho property which to make a home and build up bank's vaults “to determine whether Sir W. P. Pulteney, as gentleman carrying a weapon. The bailiffs transferred la the three and one-half an industry. the Institution held any coin stolen Lively Times at W. O. W.— ; usher of the Black Rod in succession questioned each venierman and acre tract, with the building used ns The coni|muy has the formulas for in Belgium tn 1915.” At the last meeting of the W. O.' to the late Admiral Sir Henry F. spectator today as to the possession a planing mill, and the aah- includes the manufacture of a line of Persian The man dismissed the entire W. one candidate was initiated and motors, shafting, and some other of dyes which are pronounced the equal te|,^en80n- The office is one of of a weapon before allowing him to force of clerks and then directed the two applications received. The so ’ ‘ ® those purely ornamental ones which enter the court room. the machinery equipment, Thr pur- to any of the German dyes that be cial features of the evening Included i owner. Probst, to open the vaults. Influenza in this county begun to chase price ia $7,500. fore thr war had a practical monop Afterward the man locked Probst in three two-round sparring matches are rather numerous in this country. Ten The new industry thul la coming oly of the'American market*. These his private office and helped himself which were very lively. Next Mon- \ ''Black Rod,” as he is called for assume epidemic conditions. members of the American Legion are I short, has next to nothing to do and is for the manufacture of fertilizer. dyes are made from the ores which to alvout 370,000 marks and 75,000 day's meeting will be the regular so-1 gets £1,000 a year for doing it, and confined in temporarv barracks as acids, dye stuffs, sprays, und various- are found. In this district, The Bui- Belgian francs. clal night when members are expect a suite of apartments, rent free, in influenza suspects. other products that will lie obtained phur for the spray and the fertilizer Probst, reported the affair to the ed to bring their well filled■ baskets the house of lords. Six jurors have been temporarily from tho ores and other resources of that will he manufactured will lie a authorities. The robber was arrested for supper at 6:30, followed by danc- i passed, and six are In the box for ex He is a glorified messenger of the tho district. One of the organizers product of the cornier ore. while of and the money recovered. ing, cards and music. I hereditary legislators. When on amination. of the new company la It. A. Dozier, lime there are vast quantities avail- W. -E. Hall was arrested here last * j duty he is gorgeously attired in who holds -2 mining properties in i able in the vicinity. Mr. Courtney night on a charge"’of spreading I. W. H icourt costume with knee breeches Oregon and California, these includ has already conflraited with the [1 and a plumed cocked hat and a dan- W. propaganda among the veniermen ing ¡mtash claims In California, and company for the supplying vt their . i dy little sword by his side. The at Hoquiam. Hall is an alleged I. iron and copper claims In Oregon, immediate needs for lime. W. W, investigator. ||iprn am dem of his authority is an ebony and these ore with lime, will form The acids which will be a product IlHIiriJ j wand but he never does anything the Intsis of the fertilizers i to lie of the ¡Hunt will be sulphuric acid, j with it. manufactured. as well as for Hie oxalic acid and acetic add. the two dyes and the adda. Grants 1’iuss |* former from the ores and the latter When members of the house of the moat cent nd point for the an- from the fruit refuse of the district. Washington, Jan. 29.—Secretary ! commons are summoned to the house Washington, Jan. 29.—■Negotia eembllng of theee various orcs, nnd The surplus or cull apple« of the tions between the democratic and le- Glass, before the house committee, j of lords to hear speeches from the was thus selected ns the location for district will be peed *ln the making Piiblfciiu leaders, who apparently reduced his request for $150,000.000 ; throne or the royal assent given to the plant, which Is 'being established i ■■>' cider and ot the acetic acid. For have approached a d?adiokoa the as a loan for the relief of Poland, acts that have beeu passed. Black here through the efforts of C. W". I the present the cider will he for- treaty compromise, will not l>e re Austria. and Armenia to $125,000,-! Rod enters the upper house and *1 Buenoe Aires. Jan. 29.—The po Courtney, who has been conducting , warded in barrels to Portland, where sumed until tomorrow, owing to the 000. makes his way to the "woolsack” on the negotiations for the Portland , It will lie iMittled by another com- l icence of Senator L»nr»ot, one of which sits the robed and wigged litical campaign .for the election of parties The new company Is now lord chancellor. He is told to inform new members of the Argentine cham j pany, though a later development ¡he republican lender* ifAKin NEW IS DENIED >M<ing Incorporated. the capital stock may be a com pressing and bottling the members of the house of com ber of deputies next March has be to be $50,000. NEW TRIAL B\ JI IH.E mons that they are wanted. Then he gun with acts of violence. plant for various fruit and berry The “opening gun” of the cam- Salem, Ore.. Jan 29.-Fifty labor I xm Angeles, Cal., Jan. 29.—Harry- has to walk half way to the door The site obtained Is an Ideal one, Juices. being upon the line of the Southern j Another of the developments of union and state grange representa New has been denied a new trial by backwards, making a bow at every paign, advertised to be fired by the New was few steps and looking vary solemn. demócrata progresista party at a Pacific, anil of the C. A O. C. line to I the new company will be the pur tives are attending the convention the judge here today. the Illinois valley whore many of the chase of acreage"under the irrigation! here where it is expected late today sentenced to serve not less than ten When he arrives within a few mass meeting held at the San Martin ores needed can be obtained. Il is projeet ui»on which to demonstrate n third iHililical party, the “land years with a maximum penalty of life I yards of the door of the house of Theater, turned out to 'be a real imprisonment. also at the foot of G street, and is th« various fertilizers ananufactured. and labor party,” will be formed. commons the sergeant-at-arms of bomb exploded in the midst of the easy of access from any ¡mint. i that body who is on the lookout for meeting by ¡mlitieal opponents of the It Is proposed to maintain plantings Mr. Courtney alate« that the men of crops grown with ami without the 'him, shuts the door in his face. party. No one was seriously injur ed, although there was a panic. who are behind the enterprise are use of the fertilizers, making of the Black Rod has to suppress his feel Later when those who attended substantial business men, and that | trad a fertilizer experiment station. ings and knock humbly at the door the meeting were marching down the Then the sergeant-at-arms opens street, they were attacked from a THEITER MANAGER OPENS III NG till WILL ELECT a little panel In the door and asks WOMEN'S SMOKING I UM HI A NEW MONARCH SOON him what he wants, or something to cafe by a group of political oppon that effect, and Black Rod tells him ents who threw flower pots, plates, Budapest, Jan. 29. Hungary will' Chicago, Jan. 29.—A theatre here what he already knows. Then Black glasses, chairs and tables at them, has announced the opening of a be a monarchy and a new king will Rod is admitted. This little bit of provoking some retaliation in kind. On the following night the same smoking room for women. The man l>e chosen Immediately after the na Eugene Coburn. who for four would help toward the state's de comedy is supposed to indicate that ager said "They drove me to if.” He tional assembly convenes, said Pr5- terms has filled the position of coun- velopment. . the house of commons does not take theater was packed by members of said he found girls smoking In the niler Hussar, speaking at a woman's ty clerk of Josephine county in a ”1 am a believer in a bigger and ' any orders from the house of lords. the radical party, the one now in washroom, boudoir and lobby. gathering here. most acceptable manner, has Just a greater Oregon, and in the use of Then Black Rod. with chastened power. Street manifestations fol —— ■ ■ made official announcement of his Oregon products and feel that every .mien, advances to where the speaker lowed and some of the manifestants candidacy for the office of secretary effort in that direction should be en sits in state and tn Norman French stoned the office of a newspaper op posed to the administration of state, though it 'has been known couraged. As a member of the board i Continued on page 3. ) for some time that he contemplated of control, would do all In my IHi^er ♦ such a move. Mr. Coburn has re toward that end. cently returned from a trip into the "I am an advocate of good roads 11 northern part of the state, and the and feel that a constructive road encouragement that his candidacy building plan is not only a benefit to received there has convinced him the rural . communities, but that it Washington, Jan. 29. ■Samvel (’harlewton. W. Va., Jan. ?9 Cr-n- that he has at least an even break would also be beneficial to the fu- Gt.Pipers, president of the \:nerii an posed entirely of former service men! • with the other contestants for the ture welfare of our state. “I am a thorough lieliever in irri- ¡federation of Ijibor, who ia going the West Virginia <oiAtabnlary, af- coveted position. In making his an Spokane. Wash., Jan. 28.—'A court Rome. Jan. 29. Pope Benedict nouncement. Mr. Coburn issued the to have another fight on his hands ter six months of preparation and following declaration of principles: gation, and think that the farmers of XV celebrated the fifth anniversary of law where lawyers will not be this state should have consistent en this year for re-election and who, (mininc. has taken the field to en “In announcing my candidacy for couragement In matters pertaining of his coronation with a brilliant permitted to appear, except perhaps for the first time In It' years wa8 force the lew. Although recruited the republican nomination for the to irrigatfnn as well as other mat pontifical mass in the Sistine chaiiel id their own behalf, is the e»i»eri- <o only one half of Its maximum office of secretary of state at the turned down Sunday l>> his ;>,v n 1 ters affecting them, as they are one of the Vatican. All tho corridors ment to be tried here shortly under ■ strength, tho men on duty uro fully coming primaries. I do so with the of the main factors and standbys in through which the holy father was the provisions of a recently enacted cat t n'mi of clg'irinak'irj* as a <1 -n - equl >i e<l. and according to their of- carried were lined with tribunes in state law. feeling that I am amply qualified. the development of any state. gate to tho national convention. I llcvrs are ready for any emergency. Total cour fees, under provisions which stood thousands of si>ectators "I am a native of Oregon, being "It seems to me that there should struck back at his enemies' charges Under the command of Colonel born at Ashland, September 25, who could not gain admission to the of the act. will be $1.50—$1 for an be a different national policy tn the of sui>erannuatlon yesterday. Jackson Arnold, the men have 'been 1886. I have had a qualifying bus matter of forest protection In order chapel, most of which was reserved ap|>earan<e by plaintiff having a Mr. Gotnpers reached his 70th organized Into provisional companies iness experience and at the present ' that our vast forests be not devas for the members of the ecclesiastical claim not to exceed $20, and 50 birthday yesterday, and to those who and assigned to 15 sub-patrol sta- diplomats cents additional to the constable or time am county clerk of Josephine i and lay households, the charged he was too old the American .lons I'líese cover all trunk-line county, having been elected to that tated as they have been during the accredited to the Vatican, and the deputy sheriff serving a summons on l>ast. and as an officer of the state I Federation preaident declared that railroads in the state, .for the pur- office for four successive terms. will do what I can to bring this members of the Swiss. Palatine and the defendant. he did not feel more than 40 veers l ose of facilitating mobilization Both parties to actions must ap 1 noble guards who participated in the "Oregon has probably as many a'bout. of age. | should it become necessary to move natural resources as any state in the pear in person and may summon wit processional. “ If elected to the office to which I Mr. Gompers spent tho entire day tho entire force to some point in a The pope was carried by 16 uni nesses. No assigned claims can be union, and as a citizen and official. I aspire. I will give it my personal before tho president's Industrial com-■ hurry. At each sub-station Htib-stiitlon from I feel that they should have our formed chairbearers and wore a tried tn the "small claims” court, attention, nnd conduct it on a bus mission, nnd o' lunch time dlctst-d three to five men will be on duty. earnest attention in order that we iness basts and to the best of my heavily-jeweled triple gold crown and and no attorney or any person other (Continued „>n page 3.» (Continued on Page 3) may not overlook anything that ability (Continued on page 3.) (Continued on Page 3) UHOED NEAR TOWN Of GUERRERO SEARCH ML IH ROOM FOR WEAPON UI LUUO EUGENE L. COBURN ANNOUNCES HIS CANDIMCY FOR SECRETARY OF STATE Î0 ALLOW NO LAWYERS OF POPE CELEBRATED