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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1920)
MONDAY, JANI MH !K>. iw*» GRANTS PAM DAILY COURIER PAGE FOLK PER5°NdL iS? LOQflL | New Dresses The day» when "Joha ty got his -run and his sword and his pistol" and went out to do things to the Hun, are all over now. Johnny is back anion ; us again, and he is pretty much of a king bee, aa h 1 deserves to be. Give him all the glory that is coming to him. you stay-at-homes, who couldn’t or wouldn’t go. He did things in true Ameri can style, while all we dl 1 at tuyme »as to dig up the coin and rustle the food and b lild the shl|»s and a few other things. We are proud O’ yon. soldier boys. If we can serve you in any way, Jug come In and tell us what you need. reurm: arsravt THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK SX s Tl «1 OF SOUTHERN OREGON MFMBI R Thermoid Tires XXI» TURES Guaranteed 1 Ajax Tires AND Tl BES Gliarantceil Rogue River Hardware Co Recharges and Repair* Storage Batteries And remember—whenever you want your battery or electrical sys- tern tested he does it free of charge, We have the beet equipped auto electrical shop in the city and every job we turn out means 1 new customer for us—WHO’S NEXT. Yours for Service ADAMS’ ELECTRIC & BATTERY SHOP Adam« A Johnston, Props. 500 South Sixth Street Phone fld - Bagley’s Shop for Sick Tires 211 North Sixth St. Vulcanizing. Retreading and Half Soling. Broken liead«, rim cut'« and any kind id blow outs, large or small, neatly mended. All Work Guaranteed vor WANT TO BUY YOL K IIOGFEE1) As cheaply as possible—Try the Mill—We make several kind* of f«*«l at the right price—Have a mixed feed similar to the old-time shorts for *3 |»er 100 pounds. I ll «1 Josephine County Flour Mill Phone 123 Corner Third and G Streets It I vixc I n ; I, Toni isl^t NORMA TALMADGE COMING THURSDAY MARY PICKFORD IN “THE HOODLUM" MU k JUI<e Ament went to Med ReeeR«*«l l‘«xligrO,'«l l'url»vy*— Mr». C. <i. lAincut received yester ford this afternoon. A. B. Cornell was in Portland la»> day by e«|>r««»a eeveral turkey hens. week taking the work in th? Scot These birds came front 'Boise, Idaho, and are birds of high degree. being tish Rite and the Myotic Sliriue. Fresh milk and creern at Horn of the famous Hugo Kipg strain, and are fine specimens. ing'a Shack. E. J. Hotteuroth went to Canyon ville this morning on a busiuess trip You Can't Dodge— The Palace Taxi, two cars, a Ford tor several days. Steel ranges, the guaranteed kiud. and a Chevrolet, both guaranteed t< The drivers , $50 up. At Holmans Furniture stand the •'Climate." Store. 78 .ire also well broke to the climate G. N. Benn left thia ufternoon re We hope no one gets sore at this, as Phone turning to Auburn. Cal., on account we both love the climate. of the zerioUB illness of hi* abler. 82-J. Geo. A. Hyde and H. L. Sar esti geant. Mrs. W J. Edwards. Having. bought paints in large quantities we are able to sell cheap X evv Teacher» on Faculty- The teaching corps of the public 78 Grants Pass Hardware. Dr. A. G. Alverson and wife, of schools of the city was Increased thia Bloomington, ill., arrived here Sat week by the addition of two new urday night and will visit the for names. Miss Cone Cutler, of Berke mer's mother. Mrs. H. B. Alverson. ley. Cal., being an additional teach Don't miss the masquerade at er in the high school, while Mrs. Ora Holland Saturday, January 31. 82 L. Berry, who recently came here F. B. Olding attended the meet- from California, wilt teach in the | mg of the Scottish Rite and the cere- 1 grade department at the Eaat school. ! mon lai session of the Mystic Shrine I Ju-t lU'celveil— ! in Portland last week. Three l>argaius in Singer sewing I I The largest shipment of Sherwin- I machines at Holmans Furniture Williams paints ever sent to South I Store. 78 ern Oregon Grants Ihiss Hardware. I Mrs. Geo. Mackey, after spending 'the past six weeks with her daugh-’ •’ l|«priUsing I mid* in Itistrict— C. D. Thompson. former county j ter. Mrs. R. W. Stearns. k»ft this ' agent for Josephine county, is an-1 I morning for her home at Victor. V gaged in the work of appraising the I I Colo. lands that will be included within [ t wo Mrs. Clifford Jenkius and ’children returned to Ashland this the Gravity IMstrict Improvement j afternoon after spending a week with company, the appraisal being neces-' Mrs. Jenkins' parents, Mr. and Mrs sary before the Incorporation can be. proceeded .with He Is putting in full Chas. Hanson. Willard storage battery service time that the work of organization station. 314 North Sixth St. 17tf may 'go forward as rapidly as pos E." .1. Garrett went to Glendale sible. » this morning to spend several days in the laying out of a park which the Special Meeting— Of Grants Pass Ixidge. No. 84, A. S«>uthern Pacific company Is to F. and A. M. is to be held Tuesday have on the railroad grounds. O. S. Goodnow returned this morn evening, January 27th at 7:30. Work ing from Sacramento, where he and refreshments. spent the i>ast six weeks. Mrs Good New Heal Estate Firm— now will remain for some weeks un R. Timmons and Roy Higgins are til her health is improved. the members of a new real state firm Mrs. D. P. Roberts, who spent the which has opened offices at 111 holidays with her sister, 'Mrs. E. J. South Sixth street, Both men have Lind, left Friday for Berkeley, Cal., been residents of Grants I*ass for to spend a week with her daughter. several years and they say the out- Miss Jane, who is attending college, look is fine, They already have Mrs. Roberts will also visit in San many farms and residence proper- Francisco before returning to her ties Hated at attractive prices. They home in South Dakota. propose to keep their name before the public by constant * ad vertlslng Price Increase* February 1 — and aggressive work. The price on printed butter wrap pers will lie increased on February Wisldiil Sunday .Morning— 1 to correspond with the advance in Thomas Earl Knox and Miss lx>!a stock and la»bor. Up to the present Adelaide Wilhelm were married at time the Courier has been printing 9 o’clo-k Sunday morning, at the of,- butter wrappers at the old 30c-but- lice of the county Judge. In the court . ter-fat-price, if you need wrapfiers house. Judge Gillette officiating. Mr. order now Courier. 83 Knox is a number of the firm Burke & Knox, proprietor-; of Sell Many Hop Boots— Fashion garage, and the young The growers of the Willamette are couple will make their home In this anxious to purchase all the roots of city where they have a great many the cluster hops grown in the Rogue friends to welcome and wish them valley they can get, and are paying wefl. $20 per thousand for the cuttings. Verdin & Estes, who have the Ran NEW TODAY iau hop ranch under lease, ara ship ping a large quanr,ty of the roots to 9EE G. P. JESTER Mr life Insur the Willamette, having a contract ance—Penn (Mutual Life. 59tf with one party for $11 00 worth. The roots for new plantings are the Bark BUNCH TRANSFER will change! ers that were thrown out from the phone station after January 31 , parent plant, and are cut into seven from Express office to Oregon Gas inch lengths, two of these lengths go & Electric Co., phone 349. 83, - ing to make a single hill where “double” planting is followed. This WANTED—An experienced clerk.’ Steady Job for the right man. Par requires 1320 of the cuttings per dee's Grocery. 75tf, acre. Fourteen people are now em ployed in the Verdin & Estes yards GET YOUR BARGAINS In real estate grulbbing these suckers and getting NOW. before the spring demand the yard in shape for the year, as commences. I expect a number of growth will soon start In the plants. eastern clients a little later, as a result of six weeks’ trip east. A. All kinds of legal blanks at th« I N. Parsons. 79 ’’ourler WANTED -Young men and women —1 to learn good profession; low tui tion; if act quick. Roseburg Tele graph Institute, Roseburg, Ore. 82 in ‘The New Moon’ The gripping story of Russia and the fight of its women for their in herent right. i Beautiful Designs TOMORROW and WEDNESDAY THE INSTRUMENT OF QUALITY VIOLA DANNA in “THE MICROBE” SONORA Il’s humorous, thrilling and romantic OREGONI FOR SALE!— Dried petite prunes, 1,000-lb lot, 13% cents per pound; 500-lb lot, 14c per lb; less than 500 pounds, 15c. John H. Rob inson, Jtd. 4, phone Wlldervllle. 79 ('LEAH AS A HELL The Highest (1a«s Talking Machine in the World is made for those who want the best. There is keen pride In owning the wonderful Son ora. We have Just the model you want at the price you wish to pay. IT’S THE CJLIMIATE that raises the large, delicious,' New Oregon Strawberries. Plants for sale at 50c per 100, you dig them. W. R Nipper. West G street. 79 STANTON ROWELL Advertising Pays—Advertise with the Courier Music and PboU> House 507 G Street I FOR SALE—A-l piano In splendid condition, at bargain. Also gentle man's raccoon skin coat, at less than cost. Call 411 Sixth St. 83 in PLEASING FURNITURE EFFECTS TJhcit T?cauti|V* the Xome / A The selections of furniture that you make now are apt to be with .» you v/ it for »vr« a *• long ■ *'»rs time. You can scarcely afford to buy your |>le<ea In « ">»“ or «“•* style, here and there, without your own careful Inspection and approval. We offer you u pleasing and delightful selection of furniture effects as you tan find anywhere, and we are here to back each purchase to the last word In jrcur satisfaction. " WE TURN A HOUSE INTO A HOME ” fíuüS llHOlfUMS H anú IS, Mil Stw.-Nd MACHINfi £ HoOSIfAf H olmans F urniture S tore OPPOSITE THE BAND STAND P h ON í 50 605 G STREET, G rants PASS, Overcoats, Suits Shoes, Furnishings FOR MEN—AT Peerless Clothing Co Cash Clothiers HOME OF HART SCII IFF.XI-.R AND M IRA < MH HES OLE’S TIRE SHOP Gates Half Sole Tires WANTED—Two cordwood cutters ' Inquire at Edgerton mill. 83 1 FOR SALE - Two thoroughbred Bar red Plymouth Rock cockerels, $2.50 each. Mrs. F, L. Warren, Rd. 1, Merlin road. 78 mr$. nellie neas NuKCtMir to .Mr». E. Itehkivpf Vulcanizing WANTED- Child’s reed go-cart or sulky. Must be in good condition Phone 292-R. 83 Sonora is peerless not only for its rich beauty of tone but for its graceful, elegant design and its superb cabinetry. It is eas ily distinguished from phono graphs. MILK DRESSES FOR STREET, AF TERNOON 1X1» IAIXING Willi I Adjoining Olili ng’* Garage On Sixth Street O. A. HANSEN, Prop. IN ORDER TO MAKE ROOM OVERLAND FORD FORD I-TON TRI CK FORD OOMMEIK IAL DEL. FORD BUG «400 90M *375 *025 *300 C. L. Hobart Company