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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1920)
GKA.N I N PANN DAILY GDI KIEK MONI» I Y, JAM Ili) Ml. IHK) Classified Advertising Read This If Youi------ —Kidney» Need Help Meo and women part 30 year» ol •ge, and even rounder, who work at confining, indoor occupation» are »■i»v<pi>wiv •luceptible to wventiitUj weakened, iiinvnr^ Inactive ui or • luggi.h luggttb kidney» that tail fail to properly clean»« and purify the blood. Symp tom» of diaesced kidney» are pufh- nex under tbe eye», tallow »kin, floating »peck», dry mouth, bilious- nett, nervouane»», backache, rheu matic pain», »wollen or Kiff joints, •or« mu»clci. Many bed ridden •ufferer» owe their condition to tbeir failure to take heed of tbe Aril warn ing ot kidney trouble. < IVIL ENGINEER FC HI HALE FOR SALE Modern C-roont house DANIEL McFARLAND, civil engi with sleeping porch, good »hade, neer and surveyor. R*-eldenco large yard, prominent comes In 740 Tenth street, phone 211-Y. best residence district. Addross DENTINTM No. 90, care Courier. 94 E. C. MACY. D. M. D Flral-Claac DRY BLAB WOOD »3.50 per tier de dentistry. 109 H South Sixth livered. Phone 379-R. 70tf street, Granta Paas, Oregon. 7-■ ■■ w^l ■ ■ ,, FOR BALE Shoals, at the Dlmmlrk VETKRINARY HI HGKON ranch, out west G street, 80 DR. R. J. BERTI L, Veterinarian FOR HA1JC Alfalfa hay »carload Residence 838 Washington boule lota> »29 tun. f. o. b. here, Cen vard, phone 39K-R. tral Point Feed »tore, Jesse L. PHYHKIA.XH Rlcluirdaon. 87 * - - -- Foil HALE 160 acre« 5 miles south L. O. CLEMENT. M D, Practice limited to diseases of the eye. ear. of Grants Pass. A fine wood pro nose and throat. Glasses fitted. position, No rvaeopable offer re Office hours 8-12, 2-5, or on ap fused. Bee owner, 510 South pointment. Phones, office 82; resi 81 Sixth street. dence 359-J. WANTED a. LDUGHR1D0E, M. D Physician and surgeon. City or country calls attended day or night Phones, residence, 369; office, 182. Sixth sud II streets. WANTED TO RENT—Modem hottM, furnished or unfurnished, in or near town. Address No. 31 car* of Courier. ’ «31/ WANTS PEOPIX TO KNOW F oley K idney P ills i I invigorate, drenSthen and heal in active, weak and diaeaaed kidney» nnd bladder. They help tbe kidney» in their work of purifying the blood •tream and carting out poiaonoua wrote. Clean blood make» possible ' ‘.t »Irculwtion. hefilthy nervm. strung b«cte. cl«M brad, acliva brain. Bound ba art, ga'.factory di>«tiiun and parlact health - -............ - SOLD FY ■■ ■ ■ Fl >11 REXT PI 1X0 Tl XING GEO W. CROSS, piano tuner, of Medford If you are particular who tunes your pluno, have a par- titular tuner tune it. Your satis- faction la my success, lx*ave or- ders al Rowells Music Store, WiU be in Grants Pass on or about the 26lh Inst. *0 No word has been ru eived of the cook who came down from Forthind last week to take a position in the Josephine hotel, but who did not re main long enough to fry a single beef steak. The fellow, who had been sent down by an employment comimny, has never sent for the empty suit case whi h he left behind, i and whether or not he Just concluded ! that getting this far on his wqy was the profit In the Job is not known. He started the fire in the range, then decamped. * *RESCR»8C A VACUUM £55**®* AW0 A-MOTOR FOR VOUR CH!* Saw telle. Cal., Jan. 20. A new form of ' disturbing the peace" was brought to the ajteujion of tbe Saw- teile ptvlice by Mrs. S. J. Edson, who complained she was "pestered be yond endurance" by househunters. "I nt called to the door 50 times 11 day by persons coming to know if the house is for rent or for sale, al- though there is not a sign of any kind on it. I am so tired answering these calls I hardly have any strength left for my housework. "1 want it stopped." dOCZ^-7 knew what he wax talking about, It wasn't mvdi iue that the overworked housewife needed. It was a rest from the slavery of antiquated house- keeping methods. What the doctor ordered Is to be found at this shop and belongs In every home. D. NORTON. Attoruey-at-law. I Practices in all State and Federal’ Courts. First National Bank Bldg.' G. W. COL V10, Attorney-at-law. Grants Pass Bsnklng Co. Bldg Grants Pass, Oregon E. S. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Prac tices in all courts. First National Bank Bldg. O. 8. BLANCHARD, Attnrney-at-lsw. Golden Rule Bldg. Phone 270. Grants Pass, Oregon. Portland, Jan. 26. Conviction, j and a three-year sentence for Marie , Equi for vhdating the espionage law in a ajieech at an 1. W. W. meeting in Portland, will stand, the supreme | court today refused to review the case. Grants Pass & Medford Auto Truck Switzerland requires all its chil dren to have at least three years' schooling. Peredixo / Tooth Paste All Kinds of Hauling JAMES T. ( HINNOCK, Lawyer,! Flrat National Rank Bldg., Granta Paas. Oregon. I f ---------- ■-------- —— • x . ELECTRICAL WORK ELECTRIC WIRING and general electrl al work, repairing, houae wiring. C C Harper, 105 South Sixth street, phone 4 7. DRAYAGE AX'D TRANSFER THE WORLD MOVES; so do we Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phone 397-R. F. G ISHAM, rirayage and transfer Rafes, pianos and furniture moved, packed, shipped and stor ed. Office phone 124-Y. Resi dence phone 124-R. Residence <111 North Second St. Phone 381-R The California and Oregon Coast Railroad Company TIME CARD Effective Nov. 24, 1919. Trains will run Mondays, Wednes- days and Fridays. P..M ... 1 Leave Grants Pass 2 PM. Arrive Waters Creek ... 2.30 PM. Leave Water« Creek P.M. Arrive Grants Pass . ... ...4 For Information regarding freight and passenger rates call at the office of the company, Lundburg building, r te'eiihone 131 / Federal Truck Pay for Itself And Pay You a Good Salary While Doing So If you are interested call and we will go over the Federal Truck business thoroughly with you % JU I SEELY V. HALL MOTOR CO. MEDfORD, OREGON ■ ra Yes, it’s toasted Whiten* like peroxide Sold only where ADS good» are displayed Lar^elkbe 2S¿ C A. SIDLER, Attorney-at-law. Ma-; sonic Temple, Grants Pass, Ore OEO. II. DURHAM. Attorney-at-law, referee in bankruptcy, Masonic Temple, Grants Pass, Oregon., Phone 135-J. _______ I CONI D I'lON <>F MABIE EQUI IS SI STAINED j. t . M c K instry 603 g street, phone 13-R. Geueral real estate business. ,The host of all kinds of soils for fruit, hay or general farming. 21tf H. If you want to make money, buy a Federal Truck. We can show you how to make the HOI SERI XTERs DISTI KB - IM i l I 1,1. WOM IN'S PEACE REAL ESTATE ATTORNEYS Federal T rucks No Tra< <• of Ixmt < 'ook— THE OLD FAMILY DIM TOK FOR RENT OR SALE 50 Ob)., rol ler system, water power, flour and feed mill. For particulars write owner. E. C. Inthrop, Myrtle Creek. Douglas Co., Oregon. 78 I All persons knowing themselves to 1 be indebted to the Grants Pass Lum-1 her Co. will please call and make payment of accounts before February 1st so that we may close our books by that time. GRANTS PASS LUMBER CO. 82 V adiks Chamberlain’s Tablets ALL DKIGGINTH NOTICE II attention ah but» at one-half former price at Mrs. Lil lian Currier's, Corner Sixth and E Opposite Josephine llo- streets, I • 81 tel. FOR NIRHEI4Y .STOCK Hee rnq al ths Josephine hotel Hat 11 rd ay, February let. or you may leave your order with Mr. Shinn at the Your Public Market any time, last chan*-« this season, Delivery about Feb. 15. E. A. Butler. Salesman, Oregon Nursery Com- 80 pas'. P. O Box 176, City Washington, Jan. 26.— That R na »Ian soviet organizations have he- come "strong enough to fight the world," Ludwig C. A. K. Martens, soviet agent to the United States, told the senate Investigating com- mittee today, Because of this he said the soviets have ceased to urge International revolution to suport them. He stated that the Russian soviets have "between four hundred and fifty and five hundred million dollars" in a public treasury which It Is now desired to spend In foreign countries for the purchasing of ne cessities. He also said that there was now no gold in the hands of banks and private individuals in Russia. "I ccanet »<•>•• your kidncr piU»»ncuK> for the wond.rful Sonofit I haoo knvat from their um lor ouch a «Serf while Plcaoo pul.h,h duo olatomoi.t I west the »copU ot Ro« hr Mount .nd oocrywhcrc to kcow of Koley Kidney Fill» Mr». A G Walk. R F. 0. e. Bea W. Rocky Mount, N. C. TAXI DR. W T TOMPKINS, 8. T — Rooms 1 sud 2 Schmidt Bldg. SOONER TAXI Phone 283-K for Treats all diseases. Hours 9-1 2 Jitney Luke or Cutler. Calls an a. u> . 1-5 p. m. Phone 304-R swered anywhere, anytime S6tf K. J. BIU.iCK, M. D., Physician PALAI'E TAXI Phone 22-J. Geo and surgeon; office ScbsHhorn ’ A. Hyde. 25tf block., phono 54-J; residence. 1004 luswnrtdge. phone 54-L, TAXI »1 Owl Billiard Parlors, 172-J. Grants Paas or 24LL for night calls. Imy and night service. 5#tf DR. RALPH W. STEARNS physician MIWITUXANKOUH and surgeon, offi<«s formerly oc cupied by Or. Stricker, Masonic insurance, any Temple. Phone, office 21-J, resi E L GALBRAITH Building and \ dence, 21-L. Hour»- 10-t2, 2-4. kind. Rentals. Ixian. Pinte Glas« liability. 009 84tf G street. Phone 2S. PAGI TH Butler's superb assortment of rare confections includes a va riety of special flavorings and nut pastes, fruit and other com binations of surpassing deli ciousness Their luxurious contents are artistically displayed in a box of artistic beauty, richly em bossed and forming one of the most acceptable gifts ever de signed. „ • W. S. BUTLER Merlin, Oregon Prices upon Application CHICHESTER,SPILLS < hl-chfo»-ter • >*111« 1» Urd and Isold ivies, »ealed with blue Ribboa» \/ Take no Uber Buy of yonr ▼ A«k for Clil < liV.H TFIl C III A MO\O IIKAND yea if iraown as Best* Safest. Always Rettabte swDBYiwiiioisismwwHna "VrOU know how much toasting im proves bread. Makes it taste good. Of course —more flavor. Same with tobacco —especially Kentucky Burley. Buy vourself a pack age of Lucky Strike cigarettes. Notice the toasted flavor. Great! Nothing like it. The real Burley cigarette.