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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1920)
A GRANTS l'AM DAILY l’ut KIM* PACK TWO GRANTS FASS 0A1LÏ COURIER i Published Daily Except Sunday A. E. VOORH1E8, Pub. and Propr. i Bute red st postoffke, Grants Pass. I Ora., as second class mall matter. ADVERTISING RATES Display space, per Inch................... 3tK Local-personal column, per line..10c Readers, per line.............................. I DAILY COURIER By mall or carrier, per year....|6.00 By mall or carrier, per month .50 WEEKLY COURIER By mail, per year......... —............. >> 0° I MEMH HR OF ASSOCIATED PRESS ♦♦♦♦*♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ MARRIED ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦*♦♦♦♦♦ Me* alllstcr-Bobcr Roy McCallister «nd Olive Aimed« Sober, wore married at the home of the bride’s mother in Ashland. Sun day. January 25, Rev. J. 1* Green of this city officiating. Only the immediate relatives wore pre <«it. After the ceremony a num ber of beautiful gifts were presented and a most enjoyable dinner wus served. » Mr. McCallister la quite well I known in this vicinity. His parents. Mr. and Mrs. XVm. McCallister, have lived for years, and raised their family, a few miles down the river from Grants Paas. The bride is an accomplished young lady and has been teaching the District No. 20 school this w inter. Mr. McCallister leaves for Santa I Rosa, (Nil., today to look up a loca tion and Mr». McCallister will follow as soon as her school closes, about June 1. The Associated Pres« is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to It or sll otherwise credited in this ----------------------------------- , . paper «nd also the Ifical news pub lished herein. AU rights of repubUoatioa of spa • ment, but her experience has been abundance at one time. We used cial dispatches berate mb « to * ’ that her advertisements are not them lavishly and wastefully, and served. even answered. Persons who could suddenly there are no more. Per- do her work, if there are any such, hai>s some day citizens may recog MONDAY, J ANI AliY 26, 1920. ; will not even call -to inquire about nize the warning and heed it—just ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ the jobs or the salaries, though both in time to save a few of nature's ♦ OBITUARY ♦ ♦ ♦ priceless gifts. , are attractive. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦FCS OREGON WEATHER ♦ ♦ Ina Grace Fall A leading jeweler complains of the ---------- ♦ ♦ Ina Grace Fall passed away Thurs Rain or snow. Colder with ♦ same difficulty. He needs 20 expert ♦ , day. January 22, at 5:10 p. m . at moderate northerly winds. " ♦ jewelry makers. He succeeded in her home in Merlin, Ore. finding one old man to help him. Ina Grace was the only living According to the milliner, people daughter of (Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Fall and was born in Clauson, Oakland AUTO TOURISTS SOON DUE no longer want to'do careful or good county. Mich . February 6. 1897, be- ’ Springtime Is not faY distant in work, they want to do slovenly or ing at the time of death 22 years. 11 Mexieo City, Jan. 26.—Dispatches months and 16 days old. At the age Southern Oregon, and soon that easy work and get big money for it. One reason why this condition is from Uruapan tell of the death, of 9 years she moved to Orion, great procession of automobile tour while attacking the Tepenahua ranch Mich., where, at an early age, she ists that will keep the Pacific high so prevalent is that easy-going Amer of Jesus Cintora, regarded as one of united with the Methodist Episcopal way alive will be in motion. Cities ica has consented to pay Mg wages the most ruthlees bandits In the church, of which she remained a along the route are now preparing . for slovenly work in every depart- Michoacan-Jalisco region. Most of faithful member until death. In Oc Cintora's followers, together with tober, 1914, she came to Merlin, for the coming hosts, and hotels are ; ment of- its industrial life, from another rebel leader, Gordiano Gon Ore . where she became a member of ! washing to watch-making, and this enlarging their capacity and improv salez, are said to have surrendered the Merlin Baptist Sunday school of is one of the faults which must be ing accommodations to care for those An optimistic note has been sound which she was a regular attendant, of the tourists who_use hotels oik corrected in the new industrial re ed by Brigadier General Pablo Gon she having not missed a Sunday dur-. their trips. For that other class of gime. The burden lies equally up salez. operating in the oil regions, ¿Lg the loot ><-«r 111 e wus mostly In her tourists, the ones who camp out, > on the employer and employe. Each who says that for more than t at months, owing to the vigilanca <• must give and demand full value. l.oure where she will be much wonderful improvements are being government forces, the Pelaez rebc-'.. missed. But there is a ray of hoi*e in this made in the municipal camp grounds, have attacked neither oil eamim nor She leaves to mourn her loss in some cases the city making an milliner's plaint. It proves that the oil company paymasters. He re|»orts father, mother, five brothers and appropriation for the development of good old saying is just as true as it that the rebel chief, Pedro Meza, has aged grandmother. ever was—‘‘you can’t keep a good surrendered, together with 60 fol The funeral was held Saturday the site and its care afterward. lowers. He operated along the banks ternoon at 1:30 at the Baptist The camp grounds in all cases are man down.” Any one who will take of the Panuco. • church in Merlin, Rev. Joseph maintained as “free,” though it has the trouble to fit himself for expert Knotts conducting the service. The come to be an accepted thought that work is sure of a good place and Quartz blanks at Courier office. ...... in I.. Pleasant ?:... ..r.i Valley >eme- burial was it is proper, and that tourists expect, good pay. It is only the man who tery. that charge will be made for some wants something for nothing who TltUMM. SCHOOL TO RESUME of the necessities furnished. Where stays at the bottom. gas or electricity is supplied for The faculty of Sacred Heart hos cooking purposes, most of the camps CONSERVATION OF WILD LIFE pital, Medford. Oregon, announce laws to protect certain of its na- i now equip with meters, and the tour that they will resume their Training ist pays for the gas or current used, tive wild animals have been passed School for nurses on May 1st, 1920. | Young ladles wishing to qualify ordinariy leaving a margin of profit by Arizona, and others are recoin-1 themselves In the art of nursing will mended by the state game warden. to cover other work about the park. please apply in i>erson or writing to . These laws have come almost too Unless Grants ‘Pass can' make ar AND THE Sister Superior for necessary infor rangements regarding its camp late. According to the game warden mation ground, it should provide some oth . the grizzly and cinnamon bears have er means for the providing of funds already disappeared from the forests I for the policing and care ■ of the , and mountains. The harmless Ari MILL RUN grounds, for they must . be given zona bears of the foothill counties .MIDDLINGS daily and constant attention to avoid are rapidly becoming scarce. They (Continued from page 1 ) CORN AND BARLEY CHOP criticism from those who use them. are small, black and wooly, and do Ixydge’s committee in an effort MILK PRODUCER The advertising value of the camp no damage to crops or stock. They reach a compromise. ROLLED BARLEY Ixjdge’s statement was issued after ground is in the state of mind of the live principally upon acorns, roots ALFALFA AND MOLASSES a conference with Senators Borah. and grubs. tourist when he departs. If it is A CHOP Johnson and other republicans op Beaver were once common in the proper, he will come back and he posing the treaty. The bi-partisan RLATCHFORDS CAI.F MEAL will also tell his friends. The com- [streams of the southwest. Then trap- conference adjourned immediately. CRACKED CORN mercial value of the camp is in the ■ pers went after them, unrestricted, Senator Hitchcock and associates re SCRATCH FOOD tired for a private conference and patronage of the people who stop and soon they seemed to be all killed egg P roducer will reply to Ixxlge tomorrow. within it. That amounts to many out. Recent reports say that in re WHEAT thousands of dollars etery month. It mote mountain streams construction To the State Hospital— LITTLE CHICK FOOD is a trade worth going after in earn- of beaver dams has been resumed, so ' An attendant from :he state hos- it appears that a few survived the est. pital at Salem arrived in the city yes- slaughter. The state is protecting terday morning and escorted Mrs. G. EXPERT WORKERS WANTED A. Guild, of Merlin, to that citv, them now. where she will receive treatment. The great need in this country is The same story is told or the na- An examination into Mrs. Guild's for expert workers, according to I a tive elk, antelope and mountafn condition was conducted Saturday, woman who conducts a large and sheep. Only 300 elk are now in ex- and it was determined that Mrs. successful millinery business. istence in the state, and they were Guild’s mental health was such that WE KNOW OUR CHARGES She finds this true in her own imported from the Yellowstone. she should go to the state hospital WILL PLEASE YOU for care. case, and all along the line as she It is the common tale of man’s WE ONLY comes in contact with other manu carelessness of the natural life in CHARGE FOR facturers and merchants. Everywhere , the woods, fields and streams about I WHAT the cry is the same. There is talk : his habitations. Fish, birds, beasts, WE DO ? every now and then of unemploy- i wild flowers, fine trees were all in I I I * max link or Hand Painted China Set’ Olir Wlll<l"ii BARNES, The Jeweler Neit 4<x>r Hw 0. p. Time la»|»ector ATTENTION! We Are Exclusive Agents MACK TRUCK in Josephine County IE VOI CONTEMPLATE l‘l R< Il AS. IN.i A TRUCK CALL AMI HEE IH- FOR. MAXWELL CHALMERS ANO ESSEX CARS COLLINS AUTO COMPANY Sfomrs AMD ««PAIRING PHONE 317 5// H STREET, GRANTS PASS, ORE Timmons & Higgins You Can Buv at Pardee’s Prices are Right J. Pardee COMING! X I’HI IU4DAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Another Ilia Event plumber When you get a plumbing bill from ns you’ll be .pleased to pay it because you will realize that the charge Is just and fair and that the work that we did for you was well i and promptly done, Here’s our telephone number Call us I up when you need us. B. S. DEDRICK RIO F Street Phono 30H-J Mary Pickford in “THE HOODLUM There’s laughter in chunks, gales a nil torna.locs OREGON Hank G. B. BERRY Harness and Saddlery Auto Top and Canvas Work With Grants Pass Hardware Co.