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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1920)
I .b refi. « " IT’S THE CLIMATE e • • • tante WE’RE TELLING THE WORLD ♦ v>Hc ... AND ENJOY IT ” dig Courier GRANTS PAM, JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON, VOL. X., No. IM. • • • • MONBAY, JANVAAY 20. l»2o. WHOLE NI MBER 2H7*. FLU DEATH TOLL Mathias ErzMrgrr Wounded aS He Was I.«avlng the Court Room After Hearing IJI»el Trial Are on the Wane, How* < 'ongrras Makes Pro to Eight Epidemic Chicago, Jan. 26. T^lay'x influ- BI-PARTIHAN CONFERENCE FAUX en zu death toll was the highest slnce TO AGREE OVER I’ROINXED the epidemic started, with ?r.o CHANGES IN PACT deaths, but the number of new cases Judge Wilson Denies Motion Made at The Opening of Tbe Hearing of Men Charged With Tbe Murder of Centralia Service Men Last Armistice Day Berlin, Jan. 26.—Mathias Eraber- WAR WITH THE KAISER GREAT- ger, minister of finance, was wound LY INCREASED THE AMOUNT ed by a shot fired at him, today, as OWED BY THE NATIONS be was leaving court after hearing has decreased, The officials believe the Hell-Ferich libel euit. the epidemic is waning. Erzberger was slightly wounded . Montesano, Wash., Jan. 26—Judge Tbe victims of the shooting were In the shoulder. HI« assailant, giv-1 Washington, Jan. 26. -A resolu motion for all Centralia residents and former ing the name of Oltwlg von Hfrsch- , tion carrying an appropriation of John M. Wilson denied a feld, was arrested. case of the service men: Grimm, a lieutenant half a million dollars for the combat a change of venue in the eleven I. W. W. charged with the Paper I'urremj Throughout tbe lliU'lM’ock Stale» That Democrat« ing of the Influenza epidemic was murder of the former service men, and former University of Washing World Is Now «OO Per Cewt More Will Give Reply Tomorrow on the adopted by the senate today. who were killed in the Armistice day ton fotbail star; Ern»*st Dale (Hub Than Before the War I It inmt uni Of lU-erv ntloni»t<* * affair at Centralia, the trial having bard, shoe dealer; Arthur McElfresh, Portland, Jan. 26.—One woman opened here thia morning. The mo druggist, and 'Ben Casgranda, boot- died from the Influenza here today, tion for the change of venue was i black. the flrat death. Fourteen this being New York, Jan. 26.—The world’« Washingtou, Jan 26 No change made by Attorney Vanderveer, rep debt is estimated by the National In the prisoner's dock of the su In reservations affecting article ten new cases were r«i»orted. resenting the defendants, who main City Bank of New York, at >200,- of the league of nations covenant or tained that the newspaper articles perior court here today were Elmer the Monroe Bootrlne provision of the EASTERS LI MBER DIHTRKTH Pittaburg, Kansas, Jan. 26.—Four 000.000,000 as compared with >40,- Smith, Britt Smith, Ray Becker, Bert that had appeared, and which he ex RI NNING OPT OF TIMBER 00o.000.000 in 1914. Paper curren treaty win be ««eplable to repub- hibited, tended to create prejudice Falkener, James McInerney, Bert hundred Kansas miners struck to cy throughout the world ha« Increas Beans. Senator Jaulge inform«! Sen day because of the passage of the in Bland, Mike Sheehan, Eugene Bar dustrial court bill. The mine of the ed 600 per cent since then. Wllllams|»ort. Pa., Jan. 26. Its against the 11 men. ator Hitchcock. and other members In his order denying the motion last log cut, Williamsport has pass nett, Ixtren Roberts, John Lamb and Western Coal and -Mining company, of the Informal democratic commit for the change of venue, Judge Wil- tee which lias been conferring with ed ax a lumber center. One Mg lum- son said that the showing nvade by O. C. Bland. They pleaded not guil at Franklin, and the mine at Dun her company has movixl to Sheffield, (Continued on Paje X) defense was insufficient, “the law ty at Chehalis and were granted a kirk, are idle. ■aid to be the greatest hardwood the change of venue to Montesano. timber tract In the east. This Is ex- not permitting a second change of venue in cases of this character In In the investigation many eye wit Seattle, Jan. 26.—John F. Blain <>e><ed to last 15 years. my opinion." W. H. Abel, counsel nesses said the first shooting was was arraigned here today and gri ven For many years Williamsport was for the prosecution, attacked the begun without warning or provoca two weeks to plead to the indictment , known as the "lumber city." character of two of the signers of tion toy those Inside the I. W. W. charging that he accepted secret com- . the affidavits presented by the de hall. Some said the firing began missions in connection with shipyard I El Paso, Tex., Jan. 26.—-During fense, declaring that Roy I-ampitt, from the hall after a single shot from contracts. The grand Jury will not the year 1919, 81.068 head of II ve- of JIaquiam, who was an Investiga- the Avalon hotel, opposite tbe hall. consider any more shipyard cases for • stock were imported from Mexico In- of Hoquiam, who was an tnvestiga- 'At the coroner's inquest Dr. Frank two weeks. Oregon Agricultural College. Cpr- • to the United States by 'way of the organizer. arrested as a draft dodg Bickford, Centralia physician and El Paso and Arizona district«, ac vallia. Jan. 26. W »Race E. Niles, of er. Joseph 8-hroyer, of Aberdeen, former service man who was march cording to a statement just prepared Granta Paa«. I" taking an active part was gl»o a strike organizer, it was ing in the parade, testified that the ’ by Thomas A. Brady, inspector in aarlcul- claimed. Vanderveer said that or- shooting began only after the march- in planning -for the annual charge of the bureau of animal dfs- ginlzed labor was intensely interest- ers started to rush the hall, col- turn! fair to I m - held soon in the : tricts for these two districts. Berlin. Jan. 26. -The suggestion ed in the trial. Wesley Everetts, said to have been lego armory, The oxal date has not originating in tbe Prussian diet that During December, the ins[»ector’« an 1. W. W., Organizer and the slay report showed that a* total of 9.942 the national government sound the | Montesano. Wash., Jan. 26.—Elev er of Hubbard, was spirited from the been set. animals came In throuh Nogales. The agricultural fair tv one of the sentiments of the federated states on en men, said to be members of the Jail in the night following the shoot Arizona, and 337 through El Paso. big attractions of the winter term the question of creating u untiled' |n<jIIBtrlal Workers of the World, ing. the electric lights of the town If a plan that is now incubating ¡■The imports consisted of cattle, with has aroused German state opposition J t r | n | here today on charges having been cut off. He was taken in the minds of some of our bus- It lx planned and managed by the in Bavaria aud Saxony, the exception of 30 horses and mules The l,ro"|of drat degree murder in connection by a mob to a bridge over the Che help of a faculty iness men hatch»»« out according to entered at El Paso and 16 at No students with the posal wax Introduced by the < wall- witjl killing of Warren O. Grimm, halis river where he was hanged. program, the Grants Pass Khaki Club Niles Is in charge tlon Bloc of the »Prussian advisory board lone of four men who were shot to Several service men who were will soon be on the Job, and khaki gales. The total for the year for the two He is a Junior in ag- The press dis|«t<ch from Munich ■ in an Armistice day parade at wounded by shots have completely of the exhibits, will be the means of defeating the districts, by months, follows: says the majority of the Bavarian wash.. November ricullure und a member of J-ambda 11. recovered. I H. C. of U, so far as clothing is con January. 3,670; February, 3,761; people are unalterably opposed to ¡1919. Twenty-four men, rounded up af eerned. It ia also proposed, as a «'hl Alpha fraternity. March, 3.701; April, 6,485; May, any scheme that tends to obliterate Two other alleged I. W. W., also ter the shooting, were charged with second and Dean A. B Cordle) ol the s hool the time honored perogatives of the most potent reason for 19,830; June, 2,434: July. 2.057; charged with murder, have not yet j criminal activities but several of the organization of the club, that the August. 2,772: September. 7.359; of agriculture has offered a silver state. i been apprehended. these have since been released. wearing of khaki will be a proper October. 13.126; November, 5,594; In n general debate on the issue In loving cup for the best exhibit. In method of supporting the "It's the December. 10,279. the last competition has been keen the B h varian diet, the imrtles, with Climate” idea. the ex option of the majorities and between various departments of the E. T. McKinstry started the idea the independent«, opposed the school of agriculture. Many n»»w scheme. The Ultra l-eft radicals, and it has been growing like our old friend the snowball the farther features are promised by the man- however, declared that they uncon it rolled. Lt is proposed that the agement this year. ditionally favored It and requested business men Joining the club sign _____ 1 the Bavarian government to direct 9 I Marysville. Cal., Jan. 26.— Mrs. their efforts in that direction. Denver. Colo., Jan. 26.—Five hun-! an agreement to wear suits of khaki The Saxony ministry ureefdent. Fred J. Wilson, wife of a San Fran dred beet farmers, representing the! »luring business hours, and it is ex- Herr Gradnauer, expressed the be | cisco news writer, went on trial here more important beet growing dis ; pected that a committee will wait j upon every business and professional lief that the present moment is not , today on a charge of murder growing Philadelphia. Jan. 26.—Many Jhe time for the execution of a plan ■ out of the death of Charles Brown, tricts of 11 states, met here today man in the city and solicit his aid changes in the city government, be which purposes to wipe out the po- I wealthy sheepman, near Honcut. No for the purpose of organizing the Na and his membership in the organiza came effective with the induction in Htlcal frontlers of the federated vember 1. Brown temporarily wax tional Beet Growers Association, call tion of the club. Arrangements will to office of Mayor J. Hampton Moore. states. Ho said he believed that the living in a cabin on a ranch owned for which meeting was issued by the be made with the local dealers to They were authorised at the last ses leading farmers’ organizations of the carry the line of clothing If they do sion of the legislature. Berlin official qusrt-'r« were inade- by the Wilson family. Gold Hill. Jan. over quately posted In respect to the not have the accepted kind in stock.) The legislature authority passes F. A. McCormick, a brother of West 30 days ago. head crossing at Tolo is going ahead South German opposition to the has Mrs. Wilson, jointly Is charged with Questions for discussion will be and the Khaki club would then be into the hands of 21 councilmen, or In great shape, the mound of earth ty centralisation of all authority in murder and Mrs. C. J. Howard, a l»erfection of an organization to look ready to smile at the ascending I for the approach on the Central Berlin and that such disinclination sister, has been summoned as a ma carefully after all interests connect price of wool and also to tell( the j ganized into a single l>ody, each Point side is dally .growing and Is al would serve as a check to the aspira* terial witness. Mrs. -Wilson and Mc ed with the raising of sugar beets; visitor that "It's the Climate" that member being paid 15,000 a year, This council takes the place of the ready monstrous. The first timbers tlons of Berlin. Cormick have been held In the coun expansion of this great branch of makes khaki the year-round cloth old two-chambered council of unsal- for trestllng preparatory to pouring ty Jail here without bail and an ef agriculture: steps to post throughly ing In Grants Pass. ! arie-d members. _____________ the concrete were placed this week. fort to secure their release through all beet growing districts as to mar Holding of more than one salaried Little fear Is manifest that thia piece ket conditions, to remove the “Na habeas corpus -proceedings failed. niilArnn nr 0101/IVnil .Office by one man is absolutely pro- of work will not be completed as hlbHed MoCormiok’s trial has been set to tional Sugar Bowl from the clutches IINUI I III III LlllflVIlll specified, in April. follow immediately upon the close of a few powerful corporations All city employes are required to The beautiful concrete bridge at which are so united and organized of Mrs. Wilson's. cease political activity. They are Rock Point, under Parker * Ban-. Brown was shot to death ana at as to form a most menacing trust." forbidden to solicit or pay political field. Is nearing completion rapidly. The sugar beet was termed one the preliminary hearing the coron- assessments, voluntarily or involun The upper structure Is now the prin er's physictaui testified four bullets, of the nation's very greatest agricul tarily, 1 ‘ I i« cipal point of construction. A pon Portland, Ore.. Jan. 26.- -The said to have been fired from a revol- tural assets by delegates arriving. The city has acquired the power toon la being constructed at the North Pacific Fair ¿association con- ver In the hands of Mrs. Wilson. The delegates seemed united in the The rangers who have charge in to do its own paving, repairing and mouth of Sardine creek with which vened here today to adopt a program found lodgement in his body as did effort to be vigorously launched to the Siskiyou forest are in Grants to remove the central truss. The of fair idrcult races for next tall. a bullet from a rifle that witnesses make the country Independent of Pass in attendance at a series ot in* cleaning of streets, collecting ot ashes, garbage, waste and rubbish material in thia arch truss cost the The meeting was called by George R. said was fired by McCormick. every other sugar producing coun- the offices in the Lundburg build- and disposing thereof. This is not contractors over |r>00 for the «teel Walker, secretary of the Southwest the offices oin the Lundburg build* compulsory, however, as it still may Wesley Potts, a carpenter, and Ar try in the matter of sugar. materials alone and great care lx Washington Fair association and vin Ward, a ranch employe, told of Representatives from several de ing. In charge of the meetings are being taken to preserve it for use president of the Northwest organi a quarrel between McCormick and partments of the federal government Messrs. A. O. Waha. Fred Ames, At. be done by contract. Mayor Moore for years represent elsewhere, thus It will he floated zation. Brown following a disagreement ear are expected to take part in the pro L. Merritt and W. B. Osborn, of the down the river and landed without Dates for northwestern fairs were lier in the day between Brown and ceedings, From two to 20 delegates district forester's office at Portland, ed a Philadelphia district in con gress. Elected on a reform ticket, tearing it to pieces as wan necessary to be set at the meeting, which was Mrs. Wilson and the prosecution are expected to he registered from eaoh taking up a separate branch of he has promised to revolutionize with the bulk of the form used In scheduled to last through tomorrow. sought to show the cause of the dis sugar producing districts of Colo- the work. The rangers from out casting the bridge. The Canadian Fair association met agreement was attentions |taid by rado. California. Idaho. Michigan, side in attendance are .vt. C. Page, of methods and do away with -the old "gang." Already he has shaken up This bridge is supposed to be one In Edmonton January 21 and 22, and Rrown to Mrs.-Howard, the sister. Montana, Nebraska. fOhlo, Utah, Port Orford; R. I. Helm, Agness; J. the police and served notice upon of the finest and most -beautiful on members of that -association were ex Circumstances surrounding the Washington and Wyoming. P. DeWitt, Almeda; M. M. I^wis, thieves, pedlars of habit-forming the Pacific highway, and probably pected to attend today's meeting shooting drew state-wide attention The association will continue In Page Creek; W. J. Jones, Smith Riv- drugs, bookmakers, gamblers and the the most beautiful in the state. here. The North 'Portland Racing and Superior Judge E. P. McDaniel session for three days. A number er; F. M. Gruver, Smith River, and underworld generally that they must If the contractors in olinrge of the association also was to meet here admonished attorneys for the de- of women are In attendance. G. S. Case, Gasquet, The force of get out of the city. Protected vic», road construction do not get busy at today and this organization's deci fense and prosecution aiike against employes from the local office Is will not exist as long as he is mayor the approaches to this bridge th« sions will have considerable to do "trying the case in the newspapers.'' also in attendance, and plans for the of Philadelphia, he has declared. bridge will be completed with no with the program of the fair asso Special counsel has been employ-, The Mount Cents tunnel in Europe work to be undertaken in the for Prominent in the- membership of way of getting onto it without a lad* ciations’ programs for ra ing during ed by relatives of Brown to assist is eight miles long and cost >15,000,- est for the coming season are being the new council is William W. Roper, /lor the coming fall. Prosecutor Ray Manwell. 000. formulated and discussed. famous as a "Princeton football coach. MUCH MEM STOCK «MS ACROSS LINE * 9