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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 20, 1920)
PAGE FOUR More Truth Than Poetry In this old world with it- steady grind, it is better ahead than a little behind. PER52NÆL to be There is a good deal of truth In that, no matter what you may think of it as “poetry.** How can you get ahead? The an- swer is plan, Save! Unless you do. you will always be a little be hind. Such a little no matter how small your earnings Then place the savings tn a reliable bank like ours where it will be safe No matter how small the amount, you will then be ahead instead of behind. It’s the thing to do Try it. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK '».' M n I B FIDI R M W» st H» » S) S I t OF SOUTHEBN OREGON Enameled Cooking Utensils 3-quart Sauce Pans 3-quart Kettles 3-quart Basin- Coffee Pots 33c Cech until the stock is ev ba listed Rogue River Hardware Co. EVERY BRIGHT BAY IN VITES VOIR It’s the Climate” WE TELL THE WORLD KODAK 104° Xmas Day On every dull ilajr there is plea sure in year TOMORROW THURSDAY Kodak Album AND I There is nothing which gives more pleasure to your self and your friends than pic- tures and picture taking, The older your kodak album, the more valuable it becomes, Pic- tures refresh the memory and bring back with vivid detail pleasures and scenes of the past. No one can afford to be without a Kodak, and a Ko dak Album. STANTON ROWELL Fair and Warmer 99 THE IT NNIEST FARCE E\ ER WRITTEX STARRING SEE G. P JESTER for life insur ance -Penn Mutual Life. 59tf AT THF I j OST On Saturday, an auto crank; finder please leave at Courier of- flee. 74 OREGON BUNCH TRANSFER will change phone station after January 31 from Express office to Oregon Gas & Electric Co., phone 349. 83 in good condition. Address box 633, Grants Pass, Ore. 74 I FOR SAIÆ- Gents wheel Licensed to Wed— A marriage license was issued on Monday evening to George Warren Thrasher and .Miss Rachel Orphal The first paper mill in the United Barnett, both of Holland. Mr. States was built in 1860 on the pres- Thrasher is a merchant at Holland ent site of Philadelphia HAVE VOI BEEN ENUMERATE»? If not, or if you have any doubt, fill out this coupon and mail to H. R. CRAWFORD, Supervisor of Census. Salem, Ore,, or telephone Chamber of Commerce, 158. On January 1, 1920, I was living at th" address given below, but tr the best of my knowledge J have not been enumerated there or anywhere else. Narre Between what two crow street-” Sale on All Ike Davis made A trip to Medford I Blue l,o<lgv .Meet lug— thia afternoon. Regular tonight al 7:30. Work In 73 Mrs. Jas Blover weut to .Medford the third degree. this afternoon. Ibjn’t miss the masquerade at O|HlyclM.*» al Bonus— Mr. and Mrs. M. U Opdyvke, who Holland Saturday, January 31. S3 Mrs. A. J Kleeker of Medfird, Is were married In Portlaud on Thurs day, Jauuary 15th, ure now at home »...ending the da/ In Grunts ?uss In this city, having arrived Bunday Willard storage battery service evening. station. 314 North Sixth St. l?tf Mr and M i I* Campb, ., ' yeil-on's Orchestra— I,. . u< River, ir» In the city to-lv. At the Waldorf hall Tuesduy Tomorrow and Thursday, "Fair night. 73 and Warmer," It’s lhe Climate! 75 Geo. E. Howland, who speul sev - Ex cry I mh I)’ m Going— To the Waldorf Hull Tuesday eral days here on business, left this If you don't believe it ask afternoon returning to Oakland, Cal. night ;«ur friends. 73 F. R. Stearns came from Medford this morning to spend a few days I »1 rectors in Meeting— with his son. Dr. Stearns. The board of directors of the (has. Burkhalter returned this r otting from a.b wines* trip tv Grants Pass irrigation district, south side project, met yesterday for the aada. Cal. Matters Good second hand Chevrolet and transaction of business. are progressing well in lhe develop- Ford cars for sale. W. S Maxwell * Co. 73 ment of the plans for this project Geo. W. Matthews, of Missoula, Mont , who spvnt the past week In I Icctric Power l*«s>plr Iler»—— II U Walthers, divisional man ‘tiis i Ity. left this morning for tS;>o- tiger of the California-Oregon Power I kane. Tomorrow and Thursday. "Fair company. of Medford, aud Wtu and Warmer," It’s the Climate! 75 Sheppard, commercial manager for B. F. Skillman has sons tn Beattie the same company, or Sun Francisco, for two months, having been called are In the city today upon a business there In the interests of the Mutual mission. Creamery Co. of that city. O. R. Fenny, after a residence of five years in Klamath Falls has sold out there and Is moving to Grants Pass. Mr. Penny has property at Placer and he went there this ntorn- ' ing to prepare for moving household goods to Grants Pass. Good second hand Chevrolet and Ford cars for sale. W. 8. Maxwell ' * Co. 73 Mrs Byron Terwilliger, of Seattle, who spent several days here with old friends left this morning for An geles to visit relatives. She was ac companied by Miss Inez 'Fitzgerald, 'of Hutchinson. Kan., who visited In Seattle and in Grants Paso. Tomorrow and Thursday, “Fair j and Warmer." It's the Climate! 75 Elvis C. Bierins, who returned a i short time ago from Sparks, Nev., left last night for Portland to work for the Southern Pacific as fireman, He passed the examination for flre- man last week. ' McDaniels on the Coast— Supervisor .McDaniels, of the for- i estrv department, has not yet retnrn- I ed from the coast, and is supposed to have extended his trip to Brook ings, in which event he would not -be back till tomorrow. He left here last - Thursday. RICHEY NOE RECEIVED HI STATE PE»« Salem. Ore., Jan. 20 l.ouls Comp ton, state parole officer, hss refused officially to receive into his • ustody Samuel Richey, 15, who, after be ing sentenced to a term of two years in the «late penitentiary by the cuit judge of Josephine county, paroled to the prison officials. Richey arrived here Sunday, upon 'he refusal of the parole officer to receive him at the penitentiary be was given quarters in the city tail An effort now is being made to have the circuit court of Josephine C( :nty withdraw its commitment and h' ’•» the youth turned over to Juvenile court for examination. Should the juvenile court hold that Richey Is an incorrigible the circuit court then would be within its legal rights In “»"ding him to the peniten tiary. Under no conditions, however, could he be paroled to the prison offi cials, according to Mr. Compton. Richey was convicted in Josephine county on a charge of forgery. Dr. Mary Putman Jacobi in 186Sj was the first woman admitted to the College of Medicine in Paris. Children’s Hats Prices 25c up to |2.50 mr$. Hellie litas Muccrssor to Mr». E Krhkopf Irrigation Meeting— A meeting of the Gravity Irrigation Improvement company Is culled tor Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Chamber of Commerce. Bus iness of great importance. A full attendance is expe led. By order of the board of directors. 73 '•ingers Meet Tonight— The Grafts Pass chorus meets tills evening for io second rehearsal a» the Baalist church at S o'clock sharp. \ll u h • titnre to join the cao.u, arc requested to be present at that time The instruction is free to all and an» one who can sing may Join You < an t I lodge— The Palace Taxi, two cars, a Ford and a Chevrolet, both guaranteed ti stand the “Climate." The driver» are also well broke to the climate We hope no one gets sore at thls, a. we both love the climate. Phone HsJ. Geo. A. Hyde and H. !.. Sar geant. When You Are Home Tonight, Decide Mr. Hays a t 'nndldat Dave Hays, who has been deputy Music and Photo House assessor in the office of Assessor 307 G Street Fclus Pollock, announces his candi dacy for the office of assessor today. Mr Hays takes this step because of the announcement made by Mr. Pol lock that he will not again tie a can Work in Third Degree— didate for the office, but will ask for I At A. F. & A. M. regular meeting the nomination as county judge In I tonight. Good attendance wanted. stead. I - i Bridge Re|w«ir Work in Progress— Rogue Fiver Grunge— Workmen are now employed in the Invites you to their social dan repair of the steel bridge at the end on Frida»- “-cninz. January 23, ll ashington, Jan. 20. American of Sixth street preparatory to the ».heir ha!.' ont G street. . i newspapers in the middle west will paving of the flo<5r of the bridge, apparently be 40 per cent short on New timbering will be laid before Water A reting Tomorrow — paper supply as a result of the em the pavement is applied, and slope Much inter< t is being shown in bargo placed by the Canadian gov will be given from the center each the meeting of the Gravity Irrigation ernment on shipments of newsprint way so that water will run off. The Ito the United States from the plant hangars for the walk along the west Improvement company called for to morrow. at 2 o’ lock, at the Chamber of the Fort Francis Company, an side of the bridge are also in place, of Commerce rooms. The meeting and the placing of the timbers for American- ontrolled concern in west ts called by the board of directors, ern Canada, the state department an floor and railing will progress at and it is expected that Irrigation once. nounced. matters in the lower valley will be much clarified by the discussion and possible action at the meeting. .NEW TODAY Come and Enjoy It City TI KM)AV. .1 invaio «». iw». U RA NTS PAUN »AILY CX>U GEO. S. CALHOUN Over Fifteen Years Local Aient Overcoats, Suits Shoes, Furnishing’s FOR MEN--AT Peerless Clothing Co. Cash Clothiers HOME OF II IIIT st II VIFNEIt AND Mtli.X (,'MtTHEM Newspapers 5 & 10c Bundles- Courier OREGON TONIGHT Burns Bros. Colored Minstrels Jazz Orchestra 10 PEOPLE Comedians Golden West Quartett A MI.NMTHEL HHOW FULL OF FI X, PEP, HINGING AN» JAZZ EMMY WHELEN An Amateur Adventuress” IN 44 Performance ai 7 and 8:45 PRICES ADULTS, 33c < HILDREN 23c Including War Tux