4.KANTN FAHR DAILY 4NMTUEK TI 'ENDA Y, Jl\l AHY -JA». ItfJAt. Classified Advertising Mill Hill FOR HALE Four 0-weeks old pig«, I.. O. CLEMENT. M. D., Practice been weaned 2 weeks. Address limited to disease« of th<- eve, ear. Box Kt, Rout» 1, oil Merlin rond. none and throat Glasse« tilted. 77 Office hour« 9-12, 2-6, or on up- polntniant. Phone«, offli-e 02; r«“«l- FOR HALE One III IK Baby Grand dence 859-J Model Chevrolet cur in good condi tion. Run about ftioO miles. Cull 8. LOUGHRIDGE, M. D. Physician 3ot| or writ» Box 134. Granta Paas. und surgeon City or country galls 73 attended day or night Phones, residence, 309; offiiq. 182. Sixth FOR. HALE Modern 6-rootn house and II streets. with sleeping porch, good shade, T.—- ' large yard, prominent corner In DR. W T TOMPKINS. 8 nest rueldbuce dislrh t. Address Bldg Rooms 1 and 2 Scbtnldl No. 90, care Courier. 94 Hours 9-12 ¡ Treni» all dise««*« a. m.‘; ^-5 p. Phone 304-R DRY SLAB WOOD »3.50 per Her de- 70tf livered, Phone 3 79-R. £. J HJLLICK. M D, Phyeietnn FOR HALE rtpltaenberga, Newtown» and Delicious atiples In cold »tor- Fan y grade. 91.28 to 12 uge. Phone Geo. Seobai h, tier box. 78 t (Í02-F-1S. and »urgcon; Office Schgllhorn block, phone 54 J;, residence. l0o4 Idtwurldge. phone 54-L, Granta Paw DR. RAIJ'H W. STEARNS physician and attrgeon, offices formerly oc cupied by Dr. Ririeker, Masonic WANTED T<> HJ-ÎN1 Modem house, Tempi»-. Phone, office 21-J, resi furnished or unfurnished, ill or dence, 21-L. Hours 10-12. 2-4. near town Address No. 31 cure of Courier. 02tf VITORNEYH WANTED WANTED Position tu» housekeeper II. D NORTON, Attorney-at-law. or work of any kind by thorough Practice« in all State and Federal ly competent woman. Phone 012- Courts. First National Bank Bldg. . ------- —------- na . u ..cu----- -- F-4. 77 Attorney-at-law. U. W. COLVIO. I WANTED Men to cut 4 fool wood, Granta Pasa Banking Co. Bldg. »2 tier cord. A. E. Miller. Won Granta Pasa, Oregon. der, Ore. 73 E 8. VAN DYKE. Attorney Prac WANTED- Cook and housekeeper tices In all courts. First Nations! for ranch, 10 men. »40. Cha«. Bank Bldg Pul«. Smith Ri-.er. CallL 16 <1. 8. BLANCHARD, Attorney-at-law IX*NT Golden Rule Bldg. Phone 270 GruDt» Pass. Oregon. l.<K-fT Holstein heifer. 2-yeurs old; smooth crop off left ear, upper slope In right. Finder notify Jo: U. A. S1D1.KR. Attorney-at-law. Ma sonic Tentili», Urania Pasa. Ore sephlne Messenger phoneGO I -F-1 3, 73 UEO. H. DURHAM, Attorney-at-law, ! BATTLE-SWEPT Whose Word is Better Grants Pass Than Your Druggist’»? FRANCE ASTIR & Medford Auto Truck John II. I liH-tuln, Prop. Ail Kinds of Hauling ll«-rd«Ji'ii» r <11 I North Second Mt. Phone 381-R SQUEEZED TO DEATH When the body begins to stiffen and movement becomes painful it is usually an indication that the kidneys are out of order. Keep these organs healthy by «»king GOLD MEDAL CAPSLI ES Th* world’» standard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric add iroublea. hmoiil »Ince 1696. Take regularly and keep in good health. Io three aisea, all druggist«. Guaranteed aa reproeomad. Look for tho ye Geld Medal oa every he» aad eccent co imilatioa referee In bankruptcy. Temple. Graut» Pass, Phone 135-J. »ADIES ATTENTION All hata at one-half former price at Mrs. Lil lian Currier'«, Corner Sixth and E Street». Opposite Josephine Ho tel. 81 FOR KENT FOR RENT OR SALK My 4 0-acre acres place In Wolf (’reek, 10 cleared, 2 acres in bearing fruit, fine creek through place and spring. Practically In town. Rent 2100 for one year. James Watson 248 South Broadway, geles, Cui. 1 »RESCRISC A VACUUM ÇL£*MER AND A,MOTOR. F or vow FOR RENT OR SALE 50 bbl., rol ler systmn, water power, flour and feed mill. For particulars write1 owner. E. C. I-athrop, Myrtle Creek. Ikitiglas Co., Oregon. 78 Young Mothers THE OLII FAMILY IMMTOR :. T. M c K instry *; o 3 g street, phone 13-R. General real estate business, The beet of all kinds of soils for fruit, hay or general farming. 21tf ELECTTIilOAL WORK ELECTRIC WIRING and general ><lectrh al work, repairing, house wiring. C. C. Harper, 105 South Sixth street, phone 4 7 knew nhat he was talking about, It wasn’t invdl ine that the overworked housewife needed, It was a rest from the slavery of antiquated house- keeping methods, What the doctor ordered Is to be found nt this shop belongs in every home. ( IVIL ENGINICKK DANIEL MCFARLAND, -civil engi neer and surveyor. Residence 740 Tenth street, phone 211-Y HARPERS ELECTRIC STORE ELECTRICAL SUPPiIES & SERVICE I » ENTI MTS E. C. MACY. D. M. D First-class dentistry. 109'4 South Sixth •treat, Grants Pass, Oregon. VETERINARY Si RGEON Hill. Calif.:—"I am *o glad to give my tcatinioniul for the Is-nefit vf others. 1 can hardly express in words the benefit I have received from the use of Dr. Pierce'» Favorite Prescription and Dr. Pierce's Pleiui- nnt Pellet»'. I suffered greatly at times. 1 tried several remedies but to no good. Then I heard of Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription, and took two botdes which righted everything. I also used eight Imttlcs during expectancy and had practically no suffering. My boy weighed 9 pounds, I only weighed 98 lb«. I know if I hadn't used Dr. Pieroe's medi cine I would not have lieen so fortunate." MRS. JNO H. »TELLING. Experience in Middle-Life -’.... . » The California and Oregon üoast Railroad Company IDlli CARD THE WfHil.D MOVES: so Bunch Bros l'ranafi’r Co S97-R An emilli'iit »‘iiglneer siili! Ili our lienrlug yesterilay timi In Italy tln* worker» urv gl» ng tw<> limo» of trn-lr timi- Its il f ■< < glfl to tln- stufe. Tlu-y reitllze iluil lii<'i-i-iis<-d proilui-lImi ti. nltlnuitely Iti. retisi <l wt alili. Tu (,<-i- nmny tlii-re tire signs of ilio some splrit Hlllollg thè collier«. IlllJ In ohi E’tg- Innd ilo- fotlowlng slkiry- iidmlrnlil.v llliis't'ati-- thè Indtistr'til -Ituntlon: Two minor-, were dlscti»»lng thè mitri- Ititi i unge "Xuy. Bill." salii thè tirsi. “wTiiit'n (Iris ‘ere minimum wageY’ Hill spili. "The minimum wage ! Tiuit s what «»• gela for goin’ down : un* if we 'Hiits ter ntake anjr mori- brass. we gm-s nini <!<«'» nome w-ork for lt.*'—Lon don Moruing Post. And Young Married Women- Take Heed REAL EMTATK ’lYnlus will i in Mondays. Wmlni'K days and Fridays. do w e 1 I'M Phone Leave Grants Pass Arr. <• Water» Croak .• I M Lea ' Water.» truck . ¿ •tn I'.M. Arrive Grants Puss ... 4 P.M For information regarding freight aud passenger rates call at the office n-»i of the company, Lundburg building, or telephone 1 31. I i trapper’» Tornò a Log Cium. A binubie log ctihln ubici» »,iilids In Masonic Oregon. ; a trackleM foresi neor l.cle Xt'ia basea, in western Canada, wns voce the home of ii fur trapper. Ils builder. TAXI JAMES T. CHINNOCK, Lawyer. Now It is a tomb, sheltering the frozen body of Its former occupant, who ilirtl SOONER TAXI- Phone 2U2-R for Flrat National Bank Bldg., Granta I there, alone and unaided, nearly two Jitney Luk» or »tutler. Calia an Paas. Oregon. years ago.* To Investigate the cause ”f »wared anywhere, anytime 89tf I the trapper's death, a fearless mem Animated Conference. ber of the royal northwest mounted PALACE TAXI—Phone 22-J. Geo. • aiu »• i 111 tin- puiAi police Journeyed to the desolate «im- A. Hyde. 25tf util fri, rd limi <-< iui , i I ri» In midwinter, braving the terrors of TAXI at Owl Hilliard Parlor«. 172-J, th ■uiy. the wilderness for months before "I our OWU ftpelgti relu or 243-7, for night calls. Day anil reaching Ids objective, «limited miles "ve," mix«»•le») Mr.j uii from railroads and civilization. 'I **<• nl«hl service. 5Otf Ilo . ami tli<- girl» tire talking corpse was In n |H-rfe<‘t state of pres r.A Hint ELLAS EOI i» lly affulrs of my oldest ervation. due to the cohl. dry air. and <it <■, :n> iimri'led mie of tllOS,' nil» not moied from the bunk . <> ii tit) U inaurane», any E. L GALBRAITH • ¡men." which the trapper pi:»»ed iisny,— Pot» I 1 Hufldlng and kind. Rental«. iliac M<*< battles Magazine. I Aiaii Plate Glass IJabillty. »509 H 84tf G street. Phone 28. Stute» IXJHT <A bunch of kepu. finder cull phone 31 (• and rocttlve reward* 73 PAGE TH RE* Roseburg, Oregon:—"I suffered some thing terrible, could scarcely stand on my feet. Mv head and back nehed karri and I was weak and nervous. My legs and feet ached—would bloat, and I wns troubled with oonstipalion. I had n severe pain in side, I took.Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip tion and Plua.-ant Pellets and they cured me and I Was well aud strong Then, during middle life I again took thorn and got through so well.—MRS. W. D. MOORE, 1240 No. Jackson St. Oil! Such Paiu! dissy—drnggi'd-downf With dull hciulachc, backncho—racking with pain here or there— poor woman, »lie’s one of many. Usually she who feels those <lriigging-down or dissy symptoms, and other pains oausc-d by womanly disease, can Is- oured b.v Dr. Pierce's Favor ite Prescription. It cures the ciiu«i of those pains. Faded, jaded, tired, overworked, weak, nervous, dclicatn women are helped to strength and health by l*r. Pierce’s Favorite Pre criplion. lt makes weak women strong, in liquid or tablets. Heroic Efforts Being Made to Recoup Fortunes. , Physician», Dentists and Surws Rely on Him—Isn't That Suffh'ient Reason for Public <'onfidrnce? Tnere are many good reasons for the confiden e the publje reiiose In their druggist. First, he is educated to know by four years of College | and Practical training. Second, ethi to obtain the best formulas for its products that the combined skill and experience of its members could pro duce. All these articles are non-sec- ret, strictly ethical. The ingredient« Rehabilitation Is Observable in Re cal physicians everywhere rely Im- in all A.DK preparations conform to vival of Old Industries, the Estab J pl lei Uy on his skill—they trust him the standard advocated by the gov lishment of New Ones and the In Tlris faith of, course, originates and eminent, and cannot be excelled la troduction of Modern Equipment— I Is maintained by the . professional ____ _____ quality. As the association is strict Return to Normal Basle of Vast | service rendered by the druggist In ly cooperative, its merchandise Is al Flocks and Horde of Animals De filling prescriptions, Everyone ad- so sold at the very lowest prices pos pleted by the War. mits this confidence when offering a sible for the quality. prescription to a druggist. In Grants Pass your druggist will Gradual trstisfurmatlon of the bat Veyy few men can be lioneet In toll you that A.D.S. Household Reme tle-swept regions of northern France J one department of their bus I new. dies, like Milk of Magnesia, Aspirin, hark to their normal conilltkm« Is be ' and dishonest in the other. Dr. Jekyl Digestive Tablets, Peredixo Tooth I ing everywhere noted by the Associ : and Mr. Hyde exist very Httie in real Paste, etc., are the best that they can ated Press correepiHKleut, who, with If you trust your druggist to find tn all markets. This druggist »lieelal facilities extended by the gov life, ernment, Is making a tour through the rm your prescription, therefore, In stands squarely behind every A.D.S. devastatis! regions to observe their all fairness, you mint accept his word prodwet with an unqualified guaran Atettdy progress toward recovery. against the word of unknown and far tee and a hearty endorsement. Such Tills rehabilitation Is observable In distant manufacturers. a recommendation is the greatest tlie, revival of old Industries, the es To recommend an arti -le, the drug that can obtain, based on the scien lablishment of new om— «mi the In- gist must of course, know what It tific knowledge of tens of thousand* troduetton of iiiih I phi eqBlimwmt. and contains and how it is made, and of experts and fulfilled by a man you It Is even notleeahle In the return of this was one reason for the forma know well and must trust implicitly vast flocks and herds of domestic an imals. deplet«*<l by the war, back to tion of a cooperative national asso — your druggist. Whenever you need a household the normal Imsts required for the do ciation of druggists and physicians who prepare a complete line of remedy or toilet article, ask an A. mestic needs of this region. household remedies and toilet goods. |D. S. Druggist to recommend one to Small Farmers Try to Recoup. This association is the American [ you. All A.D S. Druggists Identify When war swept over the ten de- Druggists Syndicate, i>opularly called themselves with prominent window fmrtments along the battle front, do f A.D.S., which boasts a membership or counter displays. Ask one about mestic animals disappeared, most of the stock being taken us food for the of 28,000 druggists and physicians. A.D.S. products. If you would truet armies, while tin- birds nnd fowls fled the largest of its kind in the world, him to fill your prescription, it’s only from the concussion of the great guns. For 10 years these professional men fair to take hie word about the iner Now. with the gradual return to pre me! annually for conferente in order chandUg he sells. war conditions, the thrifty French peasant and small farmer Is making heroic efforts to recoup his fortune and to rchuhllltate his land. Domestic anlmnls are lielng greatly treasured for their food value, and are cared for by their owners with the snme solicitude shown toward their children. Poultry and rubbits tire kept In warm quarters and fed regularly, even though It Is necessary now and then for the people them selves to go without a square meal. New Impetus «Iso Is given to the breeiling of smnll domestic anlinsls In order to replenish the restricted sui>- |dy. Cattle Are Not Plentiful. Beni use of the fart that pusturea were for the most pan destroyed hy shell fl'* M,'d K**s. It bus been found very illfllcult to get funige for cows, mid therefore cattle are scarce nt pre-cut. In Hie field of Industry the notice uble development among the French Is the inclination to modernize plants destroyed by the ruvnges of the war. Natumlly slow to ninke changes nnd suspicious of new things. Frenchmen lire lieginnliig to step forward. They an- Inst ailing elwtric power, applytn: the latest Idea» in meihanlcs, reor- gmilxlng their enterprises mid build Ing n Ann foundation In prefiarntlon for the deleliqimetit» they liellcve the future will bring forth. FUGITIVE TURK A KING Enver Pasha, a Pre-German. Has Ac cepted Kurd sh Throne. Enver Pu»lm. former Turki-di m'n Isler of war. has been crowned king of Kurdistan, the Turkish region ly>t between Mesopotamia mid P«-r«la Kurdistan I» an extensive region with III -defined borders, It» |M>|>ulntlon In eludes 2.(881.1*8* people, most of whotr nre Mohammedan«. Enver Pasha was minister of war In the Turkish cabinet front .Innunri It'll. to October. H'lR. He wits lead i of the Voting Turks, an ardent pro (h-rmttfi and an enthusiastic pupil of -lie German gvnefnl von dor After the signing of the tirmi-Hee Enver tied from Constantinople to Be' lln In dlsgftise. He wns arrested on request of the Turkish government, but esi-:ipe<l. Though a sentence of death rests over him for nets commit ted during the war. lie Is a klne and probably will em-ape punishment. No other paper brings to your Whole Family the wonderful variety of high grade reading tor all ages. PLENTY OF WORK FOR ALL D rector of Erftp'oyment Service Finds Industrial Situation Good. Tlieniployment now Is less nliirmlng titilli nt any time since the signlug of the armisi Ice. according to a statement innde by W. IT. Skinner, actin': <11 rector general of the United State» emidoyment service. Reports from 22 states Indiente that In Wisconsin and Michigan there Is a shortage of help. In Arkansas, Ten n<s<ee .tini Indiana then1 Is ro|w>r(eil t> slight -hortage of Jobs. In t'|||. capo mid New York there is more mn inploynient than anywhere In the country. The »light unemployment Hint 1« re polled Is regarded ns n result of th» difficulty In connecting the right man with the Job timi of strikes, which cre ate an nrtltielnl condition. Con«cience Drove Man Back to Prison. Fmibh- longer to resist his con- sch-tu-d. Elmer E. Barnard, who es- ettpt-d from the Oregon state peniten tiary la It'lfl. Ims voluntarily returned tn the Institution, to serve a maximum term of ten years. N A YEAR. 52 issues. The Companion gives 12 Great l<B»9 lv9f ljvc*lvl~3 ICO, Serials or Group MIDI Stories, besides 250 a>/l»VrlL Short x/lVl Stories. Adventure and Travel Stories, Family Page, Boys’ Page, Girls’ Page, Children’s Page, and the best Editorial Page of the day for mature minds. I * START A YEAR’S SUBSCRIPTION FOR YOUR FAMILY NOW. COSTS LESS THAN 5 CENTS A WEEK. OtFER A OFFER No. 1 9. The Youth’» Companion —52 i»»ue» for 1920 X. All remaining Weekly 1919 i»»ue»; also 8> The 1920 Companion Home Calendar AU for $2.50 1 1. The Youth’» Companion for 1920 . . . 92-50 2. All remaining 1919 la»«*» 9. The 1920 Companion Home Calendar 4. McCall’» Magazine 91-00 All for $2.95 Check your choice and tend ihi» coupon wSth your remittance to the PUBLISHERS OF THIS PAPER, or to THE YOUTH S COMPANION. Boeton. Maeeachueetta. I SUBSCRIPTIONS RECE IVED AT THIS OFFICE