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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 17, 1920)
PACK KIGHT. UH.4XT8 PASH DAILY COI 1UKR s \ I t ltl»l\, JA-XI AIIY 17, urjo I made it* first appearance In Imttle at tentber 3 at which General Petain NKW TODAY thl* time, while th«* Fourth «11 vision wae ¡»resent. After discussion, the took up the task of the Forty secoml question of employing the American HI)K 0. P. JI“XT ER tor Ufa Inaur- division and advanceil with the Thirty- army as a unit »«n conceded All the »•tt atme 1‘euu Mutual Life. (Continued on page alxi »ecoml io th«* V«**le river, where, on I allied armies »ere to be employed tn fnsur- JOH. MOHS AGENCY Fira tack wouio «-,,in«- «¡ii wiib u Aug 6. the opetatioii for the reduc a converging action I Insur- Ance, plat« glass liability tion of th« “ Marne salient tertnlnaied. German (wact. Although he made elab It should !>«• rec«.>rdo<l that although tt ance. Sixth street In the hard righting from July 18 to orate plans for the operation, he failed this grueral offensive was fully out - — - v >• » < the Germans were not only Aug. 6 Great F'idla. Mont, Jan. tT ties to conceal fully his Intentions, and the Thu taking of th« canauu la gup- WAA’TED» Second baud ltn<sl at th«* conf<«rence no one praeetit hliyclw, front of attack was susp«*cte<1 at least halt«*d in their advance, but were expri'sstsl the opinion that the nah, for 15 years the fuvorite saddle posed to chute, officially, in the city, must tie in good condition and driven back from th** .Marne to the one week ahead. On the Champagne victory could be won In 1918. In fact horse of Chari«*» M Russell, well- cheap. Address No 101 rare of In th» country front the actual hour for the assault* am! committed wholly to the It was believed by the Meu»<e-Argoiine known painter of ludían and fron distri«»!». tonigfht. (Courier. 73 defensive. The force of American wa* known and the enemy was ch«**ke<1 attack could not be pushed much be tier life, dh'd her» r«*>entl.v at the districts the time la only bull expir with heavy loanee. The F«»rt«•*<*•<“twl arm* ha<! been brought to bear in time yond Moiiftiucou before the arrival of age of Sti years during the al>»«uce ed. Miss Parker, who la enumerator I «OUT Hom» where between Granta division enter««! th«* Ifn«“ near Sohime to enable the last offensive of the en winter would for«*e a cessation of op P*M and Rogue River, a pair of of hl* master at an exhibíi»u of hl» tor the north side of the city, lost Py Immediately, and tiv«* of Ils luLiii emy to be crusli**«l. | erations. Flndar black gaunt let gloves some time through Ilin»»«, anti will The First and Third corps now held own paintings at Minnoitpoli» The try battalions and nil of It« artillery Th«* choice between the two sector«, aarsuo please leave al Harollou s contimi» uext week till her work Is became engage«! Southwest of Whelms a continuous from of II kii»»iu<ter* that east of the Alsne. Inchxltng the hors« had been |x<nsione<l (or. the la»t 71 or Courier office completed, Tb» »numeration of tha and along the Mart'«- to the eu*» <»f al«»ng the Vesle. On Aug. 12 tlie’i>« veti Argonne forest, or the t'lguupagtie five year». The artist purrhasmi him Chateau-Thlerry the Germans were ty-aeventh division relieved the Folirth sector, was left to me. In my opinion, from Youngboy, a Cree Intllan, 20 south side is thought to be nearly KHt*AA.I<E Choice White Wyandot On the north side, ward completed at first somewhat successful, a pene division on the First evfps front, and no other alll«*«l troops bad th«“ morale years ag?- te, Ramal Plymouth Rock or Ore tration of eight kil «meters t»eyond the the following day th«“ Tvven^ eighth or tlic offensive spirit to overvom«“ 1 It is »fated that Ru»»el| ha» owneij I has been 'completed, but ward J Is gon forknrela. Phone 149-J or relieved th«* Thlrty-secoml division In river being effect«»«) «gninst the French successfully the dlffi^ultlee to he met j many borne»«, hut never has «uhl one still Inrompleto. To check the nim- 1 rail at 71ft West llrldg«* fit. 71 imnitslfiitely to th«* right of oar Third the Tlilrii corps, while from Aug fl to In the Meuse-Argonne sector met our pleteneHM of the enumeration, a ape. Aug It» the Sixth Infantry brigade of division. The following quotation plan.« and Installation.« ha<1 been. pre- ! cluI agent was sent out Friday, and \\ \ vi ri i i'ook and hoiiaekeeiter JAPAN DRY SOON from the report of the commanding th«* Third division held a sector on the pared for an expansion of operation* j t’liaa. for ranch, 10 men • 40 he visited 173 homes In the south- general gives the result of the fighting river line. The transfer of the First In that direction So the Mens«' At 7« Paia. Huy th River. Calif west portion of the cltv. Of the ITS corps to the IVoevre was ortl«*red at on bis front: gonne front was chosen The entire Rtturnmg Prohibition Lvador Saya he found houses, with 13 people, who this time, amt th«* control of this front FOR ItlffNT OR «ADE My Dl-ser» Philippin*» Also In Lins. Non« Crossed but Prisoners. sector of I.VI kilometers of front ex placo lu Wolf Creek, 10 acro» “Although the rush of the German was turned over to the Third corps. The IMillippIne Islands are going «try, had not lieen enumerated The enum- tending front Port-sur-Sellle. east of On Augltftt IS Gen Petain began an digirvd, 3 *é acro» In bearing fruit, troops over« helmed some of th«* front- the Mo«clh* west to tnclud«“ tli«* Ar* amt Japan will not l«e fur behlml, ac crutor, however, had all of three lln«’ positions, causing the Infantry ami offensive between Rhelms ami th«“ gonne forest, was acconllngly place«! cording tit Dr 1». ,M Gaudier prohibí- places Hated for future calls, the peo crook through plant» and fina machine gun companies to suffer, in Oise. Our Thin) corps partiei|>!ite«l In under my rommand. Including all tlon lender «if California, who arrived ple not having linen at home on pre spying. Practically In town. Rent j some cas<*s a 50 per cent loss, no Ger this operatTcn. crossing th«“ Vesle on French division* then tn that ion«* at Vancouver from Japan, vious occasions. No errors In the • 1 PM for one year. James Watson. Sept, 4 with the Twenty-eighth ami man soldiers crossed the road from »“I will not I h * surprised If prohibí- count were found tn the number gone Th«* Hr-t Amerlmn army was to pro- 34k South Broadway, I am > An- Fossoy to Crezancy except as a pris Seventy-seventh divisions am! over tlon is lb«* national policy of Japan Ill- over. cee«b with the St Mihlel opera*Ion • 78 2vb«, Cel. coming atubborn opposition on the pla oner of war. and by noon the following after which the operation between the side of five year* " said Dr. Gandler. day (July 16) there were no Germans teati south of the Alsne. which was Meuse am! tin* western edge of the "The Philippine Iwglslatur«* now la fn the foreground of the Third division reached by the Seventy-seventh on Argonne forest was to be prepared seeaioti Is almoat certain to t»»«** a M»TI< I* Sept. 7. Two days later the Third sector except the dead.“ prohibition law for the Islands." and launched not later than S»ptem corps was transferred to the regiou On this «»ccaslon a single regiment her 25. Dr. Gnndler s|ient several month* In I am visiting my lather. Mr. Fry, of the Third division wrote one of the of Verdun, the Seventy-seventh divi On th«» night of September 11 the (711110. th«* Philippines und Japan a« a and my brqthwr, Mr M. J. Maalker. sion remaining In Hue on th«* Alsne riv most brilliant («ages In our military troops of th«» first army were deploy«»«! reprroentatlvo of the Auli Saloon at 401 West G street, and on account annals. It prevented the crossiug at er until Sept. 17. In position On the southern face of league of America. The Thirty-second division, upon Its of th« feebleness of the former I am certain points on Its front while on the salient wns the first corps. Ms "The lea«|ers of Japan.’: said Dr. iinatib* to call on the women of the either flank the German« who bad relief from the battle on th«* Vesle. I Jor General Liggett commanding, with Gnmller. "like the llritisli l«*ii<|ers. are gained a footing presse«! forward. Our joined a French corps north of Sols- the eighty-second, ninetieth, fifth an«! heglnutng »■■ *ee that Aim-rlca. like an town, I would appr«* late it If you Parig, Jan 17.-* Th«» »uproin« ¡ men. firing In three sections, met the sods and attack«*«! from Aug. 29 to second divisions in line, extending athlete. 1« trnlultig for world leader w«ml<!1 drop In and «e«“ me. an German attacks with counter attacks 31. capturing Juvigny after some from the Moselle westward. ship through the inloptioii of prohibit council « letter to the Dut*h govern*i an important message io you on the at critical points and succe«»de<1 In particularly desperate fighting and ment ilemniidlug the extradition of Plan nt I'nace On Its left w«s the fourth corp«. ttea.’* throwing two German divisions Into reaching the Chauny-Solsaons 'road. Maj. Gen. Joseph T. Dickman com Former Emperor William that has 72 MRH E. M. WEBT On the British front two regiments complete confusion, capturing 600 been sent that government was for I BIRD PUZZLES WOODMEN ot the Thirty-third division partici manding. with the eighty-ninth, forty- prisoners. second and first divisions, the left of warded officially Muring the night Mining blanks at Courier office. The «election by the Germans of pated in an attack on Hamel. July 4. this corps being opposite Montsec. String« Catch cf i New York State th« Champagne sector and the east and again on Aug. 9 as an Incident ot These two army corps wAre to deliver Phea art Hunter. ern sn«l southern faces of the Marne the allleil offensive against the Amiens the principal attack, the line pivoting Martin 8« hl«*h>rn of Dunvllh* N. T.% pocket on which to make their offen salient. One of th«»se regiment* took on the center division of the first a ro«-«nt).v roturne«l ov «- i *«*- i * • * rvlce sive wns fortunate for the allie* as It Gressalre w«xal and Chipilly ridge, corps. The first division on the left capturing 760 prisoners and consider nnn. «ent shooting pt», «»-'lit* thi iav«»ro-l »lie laun«*h!ng of the counter of the fourth corps, was charred with other «lay. ll«* eanir houu* with a large attack ulrv <ly planned. There were able material. the double mission of covering Its own now over 1.200,000 American troops In blr«l «vllle!» In* «hot on the wing thlnk- Emergency Had Paued. flank while advancing some twenty France, which provided a considerable The counter offensives against the kilometers due north toward the heart Ing It a ph“*a»ant. force of r«»«erves. Every American dl- Marne salient in July and against the It* <-<>bir«n*t I* I»*nu<Ifill. the aron t I.AMT TIMEN TONIGHT vlsi«wi with any sort of training was Amiens salient in August had galn<*1 of the salient, where It was to make wing*, lit»««! with white an«l gray foath contact with the troops of the fifth made available for use In a counter such an advantage that It was ap- ers. mea«nr!htt 42 inches from tip to corps. offensive. tip. The tall I* of brown fen tilers parent that the emergency, which jus On the western face of the salient General Petain’s Initial plan for the tified the dispersion of our divisions with a breast of cream and brown lay the fifth*corps. Maj. Gen. George rounter-attacks Involved the entire had passed. The moment was propi mottle«! the hack a dark gray and western face of the Marne «alient. tious for assembling our divisions. The H. Cameron commanding, with the white. It curved beak mid huge tai twenty-sixth division, fifteenth French The First and S«»cond American divi formation of the army in the Chateau on* l«»»k like those of n young eagle sions. with the First French Moroccan Thierry region and its early transfer Colonial division and the fourth di but the older hunter« here think It I« division between them, were employe« to the sector of the Woevre. which vision In line, from Moullly west to an n : '■•'tally large hen hawk. The as the *p«»arh«*ad of the main attack, «as to extend from Nomeny. east of Le« Eparge« and north to Wantron- In a swale on the O««ian Of these three divisions the blr«l nr.* «hot driving directly eastward, through the the Moselle, to north of St. Mlhiel. was vllle. hill«. most sensitive portion of the German therefore decided upon by Marshal twenty-sixth alone was to make a lines, to the heights south of S«*lssons. Foch arid myself on Aug. II. an«l the de deep advance directed southward to Practctrrg and Preaching. The advanro began on July 18. without tails were arranged with lien. I’eialu ward Vlgneulles. The French division Two brothers named < lui imeni, one was to make a short progression to One of th«- ni«»M |»>vv«-rfnl d'unu»* *r*ra in Grant* I'»*** till the usual brief naming of a prelim later on rhe «am«“ «lay. the edge of the heights in order to a doctor of divinity unti th" other a inary bombardment, an«! these three dl I mnffmi firent pnahi« tlon At Bombon. <<n July 21. there was a visions at a single bound broke through conference of all commander* In chief cover the left of the twenty-Nxth. doctor <»f medicine, aecuplrd the same ALMO the enemy’s defenses and overran for the purjsise of considering aliie«l The fourth division was not to ad- house. One day a mini called and asked for Doctor Ckalmer«. and the his artlljery. cutting or Interrupting operations. Each presented proposals vance. In the center between our fourth physician presented himself "You’ve the German communication« lead the __ employment armies — un- and fifth army corps, was the second changed considerably since I lost beard for tL- r-____ _ _ of - the _ _____ ing into the salient. A general der his command \ni«J the»«* formed you pnsich," said the caller evidently withdrawal from the Marne was Imme the basis of future coa>f«eratlon of French Colonial corps. Maj. Gen. E. J. It Is 111.' greatly astonished, diately began by the enetny. who still the allies. It was emphatically deter- Blondlat commanding, covering a front brother you want to ” said tie fought stubbornly to prevent disaster. mined that the allied attitude should of 40 kilometers with three small French divisions. These troops were medical man. Took Berxy-le-Sec. tie to maintain the offensive, A* the to follow up the retirement of the en The First division, throughout four first operation of th«* American army, emy from the tip of the salient. da'ys of constant fighting advanced 11 rhe reduction of tlie salient of St At dawn on Sept. 12. after four hours kilometers. capturing Berxy-le-Sec Mihlel was to be undertaken as »««on of violent artillery fir«.* of preparation, and the height» about Soissons and as the necesst ry troops and material an«) accompanied by «mull tanks, the taking some 3.500 prisoner« and 68 could lie ma«le available. Infantry of the first an«! fourth corps field guns from the seven German dl- On Am £0. a further discussion with advanced. The infantry of the fifth visions employed against it It was Marshal Foch was liehl at my head- corps commenced Its advance nt 8 a. relieved by a British division. The •tuarters at Ugoy-en-Barrols. At this tn. The operation was carrie«! out with Second division advance«) eight kike meeting it was propose«! by Marsha! entire precision. Just after daylight meters in th«- fl.-si 26 hour*, and by l-'ocb. that the general operations as on Sept. 13 element» of the first and the eud of the s«-con<l day was facing far as the American army wa* con- twenty-sixth divisions made a junction Tlgny, having chptured 3,<»00 ¡írisori- • erne«) should be carrie«) out In «letall near Hattonchatel and Vlgneulles. ers and 66 field guns. It was relieved i»y: eighteen kilometers northeast of St. the night of the 19th by a French divi (a) An attack between the Meuse Mihlel. The rapidity with which our sion. The result of this counter-of iiml the Argoune by the Secotul French division.« advanced overwhelmed the fensive wa« of decisive Importance. army, reinforced by from four to six enemy and all objectives were reached Due to t!»e magnificent dn*h and |«>«er American divisions. by the afternoon of Sept. 13. We cap displayed on the field of Soissons by (h) A French-American attack, ex tured nearly 16,000 prisoners. 443 guns our Ffrsl and S -mr.d divisions, the tending from the Argouue west to th" tide of war was definitely turne«! in Soualn road, to be executed on the and large stores of material and sup plies. The energy and swiftness with favor of the allies right by an American army astride Other American divisions partici the Alsne and on the left by the which the operation was carried out enabled us to smother opposition to pated fn the Marne counter-offensive. Fourth French army. such an extent that we suffered less A little to the south th«“ Second divi To carry out these attacks the ten than 7.000 cnsualti.-* «luring the actual sión the Fourth was In line with the to eleven Amerh an div.siona suggeste«! French, and was engaged until July for the St. Mihlel operation und th«.- period of the advance. The material result* of the victory 22. The first American corps. Maj. four to six for the S«wond French army achieved were very iin|>ortnnt. An Gen Hunter Liggett commanding, would leave eight to ten divisions for with the Twenty-sixth dlvIsloD and » an American army on the Alsne. It American army wit« an ncrotapllshed French division, act«»«! as a pivot of was prois>se«J that the .■»’. Mihlel oj»- fact, and the «-netny find felt its power. the movement tower«! Soissons. cap eratlon should be Initiated or, Sept. 1<r No form of propaganda could over turing Totvy on th«- lbth and reaching and the other two on Sept. 15 und 20. come the depressing effect on the morale of the enemy of this demon the Chateau-Thle’-ry-s<i,*»ons ron«! on respectively. stration of our ability to organize a the 21st. At the SH.’ue time the Sec The plan suggested for the Amer ond division cross«"! the Marne ano ican participation In these op«rrntlons large American force and drive It suc cessfully through his defenses. It gave too!« the heiglitB ot Pere was not acceptable to urn, because It and the villages ,.f mid would r'-qulre the immediate separa our troop» implicit confidence In their superiority ami raised their morale to -Lnulgonne tion of the recently formed first Amer In the Fit »t corps the Forty-second ican army into several groups, main the highest pitch. For the first time division relieved the Twenty sixth on ly to assist French armies. This was wire entanglements cea«e«l to be re July 25 nnd extended Its front, ou the directly contrary to the principle of garded a» Impassable barriers and open-warfare training, which had been 26«h relie* Ing the French division forming « distinct American army, for so urgently lns|»te«J upon, proved to be From this time until August 2 it which my contention ha«l been Ir sist fought Its way through the Fore*t «le ent. An enormous amount of prepara- the correct doctrine. Our divisions Fere nnd across the Ourcq nihenclng tl«»n hii«l tifnt.dy been ma«ie In con- concluded the attack with such small toward the Vesle until relieve ,, the - r i<*t|oi» of roads, railroads, regulat- losses and In such high spirits that without the usual rest they were Im Fourth division on August 3 Early n„ station* and o'.io-r installations In this period elements of the Twenty- looking to ’h<- use and supply of our mediately available for employment I d eigbth division parti« Ipated In the ad armies or a t-irtlcnlar front. The In- heavy fighting In a new theater of op erations. The strength of the first vance. >.« r -t, dish, lination <«’ on troona to army In this battle totaled approxi Forced Enemy B»ck. *«-i »■«• « I'lliid cm in'.iinders w«»nld Further to the east the Third divi have grown and At ierl«nn morale mately 500.000 men. of whom about sion forced the enetn.v ba«“k to Rón would Inive -uffere«l Mv position was 70.000 wer«* French. cheles wood, where It was relieved sta'«td quite clearly, that the strate- (Continued next Saturday/ on .Inly 30 by the Thirt.v-.«ec«>nd divi «(leal employment of the first army ns sion from the Vosges front. The Thirty n unit would be undertaken where de seconrl nfter relieving the Third and «trod, but Its <! • option to carry out ( arrier* Wanted— Carrier boys for Daily Courier sont«“ elementa of the Twenty-eighth th«* proposals would not be enter Cash wanted -ro ites now open. Extra on th»“ line of the Ourcq river, advanced «Hi; »I Clothiers pay for rainy weather. Apply abre.-tsi of the Forty-s«»cond towaro An America I Army. the Vesle On Aug. 8 tt passed un«f«o □nee. A furl her conference at Marshal control of our Third corps. Major Get. Rob« tt I. Bullard commanding, which Foch s ha fquarters «a» held on Sep- M IS ASKED FOR OREGON “His Debt” Treating ’Em Rough MONEY In Your Pocket! The man or young man who buys his Outfitting here will always have money left ih his Pocket. Suits at Special Price We have one special lot of men’s suits, conserva tive styles, good quality fabrics—sizes 34 to 46 Special Price $25.00 These suits were pur chased a year ago; it will pay you to look them over. Peerless Clothing Company;--- Our classified ads brina results 7