Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 17, 1920)
I I * vi i iti» n There Will Be a Chance PEKorNflL LOCÆL Early Thoughts ■‘Prines «re higher than a cat's back” Mid obi Hi ('heatnut, but oven a cat’s back can't »lay up lorever. 4 Ja k Wimer, of Medford, 1 h Dancing Party— I ii the city for a few days. Waldorf hall Saturday night And that's so. There will be a 'hr. nge Wo are all ex|metlng "The Country Cousin" is coming! Hers's hoping it doesn’t cornu with a crash. Careful people Iler name Is Nancy! 71 <am-y Buys Grocery— preparing for Jt. Have yon a lllll«» account piling up at the J. M. Casey, who with Mrs. Casey Mr*. Prescott, who visited friends k? Are you saving something during these day» of high III Grants Pass and relatives in Ash arrived last week from Clarksdale, t>af If not, what will beoo'iie of you when things begin to tum- Arlz., baa purchased the Beeman land. returned to Salem today. Isn’t (hia worth thlnkln. about? We Invite you to open an grocery business at 510 South Sixth Willard storage battery service unt with us. We will guard your funds carefully. station. 314 North Sixth 8t I7tf street, and Is now In charge of the business. \. I,. Espy, proprietor of the Wolf < reek garage. wus In th»- city today Vou Arc llway* Sure— Ml Mill u on business. ■ ■i>. km ui *r uv t Of something good to eat at the used We have some bargains in MMIS Oxford Grill. A 50c lunch fron» 71 Hords. Manuel Bros. 11:45 until 1:00. A la carte at night George E. Howland, former resi siws’lallzing in steaks. dent of Grunts Pass, arrived lle re this morning from Oakland, Cal., for Married by Judge Holman— ii few days. John L. Coivlg, of Klamath Falls, Teddy said "A bully American and Mrs. Ella Frances Colvig, of "The this city, were married by Judge Hol ¡»lay!” you'll say so, too! 71 man, on. the 13th. This was a I 0 intry Cousin" Is coming! . Mrs. M. J. John an<l Mrs. Stella marriage, the couple having been Stratton. of Williams, returned last vorced a year ago. night from a visit with Med lord rela tlves. County Agent's Office < I<» mm |— 3«qMart Sauce Pun* Kee G. P. Jester for life inan rance The office of the county agent S*qiiart K<*ttle* 5»tf the courthouse is now closed, ¿Ar Penn Mutal Life. «<-»|iiart Basin* E G. Holman returned yesterday Thom ¡»eon l»eing engaged in hia pre < lilt»-»- Pote from Portland, where he spent sev parations for taking up a new work, eral days buying furniture to replen and his successor not yet having been ish his store stock. named. uniihlral Is your country cousin in town! Bring her to the Oregon theatre Sun Millers Iliac Daughter— day or Monday to meet "The Coun A wire was received here today an- try Cousin.” 71 nouncing the blrth of a son this ¡ H. M Pfeffer!«, who spent several morning to Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Mil days here on court matters, left to ler at Sa ramento, Cal. Mrs. Miller day for Brookings, stopping off to was formerly Emma Shaska of this $2X2; J. W. Bigelow and David look .ifter his Takllmn property. city Mrs. Jos. Shaska leaves Good second hand Chevrolet and Hour, Kerby. $191; Mauer ft Boars, night for Sacramento to be with Kerby, $4X0; Daniel M<la*od. Kerby, Ford ears for sale. W S Maxwell daughter and grandson. 7> $551». Ixmg Ayldott and 'Williams, ft Co. K Itammerbinher expects to leave Selma. $2,200; Mrs. Helen Hildreth, I»iinir ai Wim»'r— <,’. Epperly and Junies A. Dren- Bunday night for St. Paul, Minn., to j Grange hall. Saturday, January He will lx* absent I . Placer. $9.1Sy; G. <’. Grimmett, visit lib« mother Good music by Granta Paes Jazz about three weeks. Kerby. $3,950; (I. C. Hopwood. Sel Wanted. An upright, handsome chestra and a big supper. Hours 9 ma. $300; A C. Hoffman, Grant* man to be the husband of "The to 2. Tickets and supper 11.50. 71 Pass. $5x7; A 1* Zu n r. Waldo. $ I ,- Apply Oregon 172; Barton ft Cain. Grants Pas». Country’ Cousin." theatre Sunday and Monday. 71 At Salvation Irniy Tonight— $2.203; Gol'-onda Mining rompany. Tonight at 7:43 o'clock the Sun Geo, R. Kiddle returned last night Grants Pass. $7,926; H Sordy ami < <»l,l Miti l GKIFANOLAM day school annual will be held at the from a 10 days' business trip to Se nn<l lecconi* C E. Noble. Grants Paas. $6.x(»5; M. Salvation Army hall. A program are a comblnatlon tbat pula all E Holter and J 15. Fancher, Grants attle, where he attended a meeting will be given by the students. Four of Winchester dealers. He also vis music ut your collimami. The Paas. $14,172; Alvah H. Gunnell, prize« will be awarded and eats will best music the uewest music Granta Paas, $953; Henry Rowland. ited friends In Seattle and Portland. -thè inoat iKipiilgr musi»' — be served. We anticipate a good We have used Fords all ready to Selma, and R. J. Bowen. Granta Columbia gota II all. meeting. A cordial invitation to all. go. Manuel Bros 71 Columbia offers a larga va* Paas, $59,6X2; John T. Brady. Mr. and Mrs D 1. Woodruff, of J. E. Strautin. ensign. rtety In Instrumwnla, ranking Grants Pass. |300; Granta Pass i troni the table machine lo the Smith River, were here last night I Chrome company, $14.6U>: Earl N. Urge cabinet. and went to Glendale to visit the A. Inyonc Who Enjoy Young. ' Grants ’ 3 ’ ass. $l,y2Xf* H C. W>- bave a complete »to' k bf A good well cooked with I'mphlette family. Thev will later McIntosh. Golden, $449. machlnes and recorda Come "French fried" should try the Ox go to Berkeley, Cal. In and look and listati Good I second hand Chevrolet Hnd ford Grill, 5:30 to 7:45. STANTON ROWfLU ♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ « Ford can» for sale, W S Maxwell Music and Photo House Knight* Templar Installation ♦ 73 Will Itteml Ell gene Misting ft Co. 507 G Street ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ 4 County Clerk Coburn will attend Mrs John Dubuls and two chfl- S. dren. of Corvallis, are visiting with a meeting to be held in Eugene next Melila Commandery No. » 1 Knights Tepiplar. Installed officers Granta Pass friends They will go Tuesday of the county chairmen in Friday night, following a banquet at to Talent tomorrow to visit friends charge of the work for relief in the 6.30, at which 50 knights and la and return to Grants Pass Wednes near East, he being chairman for dles wore present The offt. ers In day for a few days visit here. Josephine county. Speakers at the stalled were We have some good used Fords, Eugene meeting will include Samuel (Continued from pale it E. C A. K. Cam. at reasonable prices. Manuel Bros laincaster. well known In Oregon and Gen W W Walker. Austin Wilson, of the Pacific I'la the northwest, and Major General slon. includes the following from Jo Cap. Gru -C. E. Niles. cer company, returned this morning Axgai»etlan. a former member of the sephine county: Prelate - -Sam Baker. from a trip to his home near Boston Persian army, and later a worker in 8 B. Potter, Takllmn. $3.355; Rec.—i Geo. 8. Calhoun. and Is at the Josephine, Mr. Wilson the Red Cross. Charles I,. <'ole. Granta Tass. |5.000; Treas.- ■Frank Mashburn. will return to the mine near Apple 8r. W. —Geo. M. Flint. Neilson's Orchestra— W. B Oliphant, Holland, •31«: gate in a few days. Jr. W. •P. B. Herman. Will give a dance at the Waldorf Ralph 8. iBennett. Grants Pass. $1.- Used Fords at reasonable prices Wnr,— Sam Stinebaugh 137: Sol C Stone. Grants Paaa. I243; and reasonable terms. Manuel Bros. hall Tuesday, January 20.' Dancing St. B - —»Peter Allison. frou^ 9 till 1 o'clock. Dance tickets W. E Gilmore. Karby, $6.0Q0. A N, i |1 plus war tax. extra ladies soft Sw. B — I, M Ntit.ii..|| Parsons. Grants IPaas. $1.639. John A Kral Tea Party— Sent. J. E. Peterson. 70tf L. «towel!. Takllina. $2.30«; G. B. Little Charlotte pay entertained a spectators 25c. After the Installation ceremonies nil in her of her little friends at a real Fife. Grants Pa*« and C. E Tucker. $1.256; R. E. Reed. Placer, $360; the gueats had an enjoyable time lea party today. January 17 being Interniixliate Is-ague Social— The Intermediate league of the R. C Cheexum and Charles M. War with cards and visiting. the young Misses fifth birthday. Methodist Episcopal church had a ren, Rogue River, $709; G. A. Fitz patrick, Holland, $252; George A. Placer location notices at Courier "Igcnts Authority to Sell"—book social Friday night in the church parlors and a large number of young Hyde, Grants Pass, $4,97R; Burke office 50 blanks. oOc, Courier office. Dnrch anil Phllli». Granta 'Paas. Printing that pienses ff» An tt All kinds of Commercial Printing people enjoyed the following pro gram, Violin solo. Howard Knapp; $310; Frank C. Livingstone, Gohlen. Courter Job Dwnar'ntr*".» Courier Office story. Helen Smith; duet.. Cora Handle and Dora Zimmerman: reci- tation, Cora Randle. After the pro- gram games were played and refresh ments served. The boys and girls were assisted by their mothers and by Mrs. Stearns and Rev. Joseph vnotts. A Few Spring Hats and Coats rnrs. Hellie Deas '4uc«-es»<,r to Mr*. £. Itehkopf THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK HOME Enameled Cooking Utensils Rogue River Hardware Co 1 r V Vou Can't Dodge— The Palace Taxi, two cars, a Ford and a. Chevrolet. Aoth guaranteed to The drivers stand the ‘‘Climate.'' climate, ire also well broke to the i We hope no one gets sore at this, as we both love the climate.. Phone 12-1. Geo. A. Hyde and H. L. Sar esti leant. No Damages Awardcd— The verdict of the jury in the case of Mrs. Mae Si hultz vs. Veatch and Elder waa in favor _of the defend- nits. Mrs. Schulte brought suit igaiust Mrs. Veatch owner of the building, and Geo. W. Elder. pro ■ rietor of n store, at Waldo, for $10,000, damages which she alleged •she had suffred In a fall off the porch i i itoli the building. Many witnesses . wree examined, but the claim of In- I jury made by M rs Schnltz was not proved to the satisfaction of the jury ATTRACTIVE- PLACE It is a very simple matter to make the home the most attrac tive place that you or your children frequent. A few articles of furniture well chosen and well placed will help tremendously. You owe It to your family. Io yourself, to make your home as attractive an ¡«ossible. A trip through our store will help you. “ WE TURK A HOOSE INTO A HOME ” Rues, LiNOteuM.c R ahúís , W au P apfa , S fw / ng M ach ines¿ H oosifaí H olmans F urniture S tore OPPOSITE THE BAND STAND P honf 50 Overcoats, Suits Shoes, Furnishings FOR MEN—AT Peerless Clothing Co Cash Clothiers HOME OF HART SCHAFFNER AND MARX CLOTHES Burns Bros. Colored Minstrels 10 PEOPLE Jazz Orchestra Golden West Quartett Coineiliajis. Vocal Soloists, Etc. A MINSTREL SHOW FULL OF Ft N, PEP, SINGING AND JAZZ ALSO A 5 PART F EAT I'RE “An Amateur Adventuress” Emmy Wehien OREGON M. L. Opdycke Wed* at Salem— The Salem Statesman of the 15th instant records the issuance of a marriage license to M. L. Opdycke, of Grants Pass, and Helen Hogan, of Salem. No record of when the wed ding occurred has been received. Mr. Opdycke left here a week ago to at tend the session of the, legislature, so he Informed his friends. To Take Ihikcr to the Pen— TI'ESDAV NIGHT ONLY Baker, recently convicted in the cir cuit court on a charge of burglary, to Salem, where he will turn him over to the penitentiary officials. Ba ker has been sentenced to one year in prison. He was indicted upon three counts by the grand pury. but upon his plea of guilty on one count, the others were dismissed. Baker says that he is going to get all the credits possible because of good be havior while at Salem. E L. Coburn, county clerk, is go- ' ing to Salem tomorrow, and at the "Agents Anthorttyvto Sell”—book ’•Ind* of IP««! blanks st th* request of the sheriff will escort Geo. >t 5(t blanks. '»><?. Courier office. r ----------------------