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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 17, 1920)
PAGE FOL K slIlIlliM, j|\| IKV 17, lUJli 1 I Ht the Churches I GRANTS PASS DAILY COURIER Published Daily Except Sunday A K VOORHIE8. Pub. and Propr Entered at poet office, Granta Pane, Ore., aa second class mail matter ADVERTISING RATES LMaplay apace, per inch..................... >0« Local -personal column, per line.. 10c Reeders, per line......................... $< . Salt Mackerel WEEKLY COURIER Ry mail, pel veir KINNE 1O1 103 — I BARNES, The Jeweler I come. Bricks 1* 00 MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively aa tit led to the use for republication of all sews dispatches credited to It or all otherwise credited tn this paper and also the local news pub lished herein. * All rights of republication of apo dal di»,'alche« herein are ateo re row I'irxl llaplixl 4'hint'll I From Morning sermon. "Saved Sin:" Evening. Two Boys and Their j * Good Old Du J. Anthems; morning I .e«d on. O King Eternal;" evening. '"Take I'p Thy Cross." All wel- and By mall or carrier, per year ...$»i.’>0 By tn*-; or carrier, per month .5« ■ AT YOUR SERVICE I Codfish Middles DAILY. COURIER _ C, M. Cline, preacher. Churvli of Chrixt Parents, bring your children Bible school and help Iniild stulde character for th«> rvaponslbllltles | vour boy and girl will have to face in the near future Morning worship I ON N. fltll ST. nt 11. Subject, "The lxive of Chrtat Constraining us." An Interme diate C. E. will be organised at 6:30. Evening worship at 7:30. Sublect, There is no reason why any home "The Mission of the Commission." lu the land, urban or rural, should This will tie 111 iistrn ted Chas. R. Drake, minister be ugly in appearance or inconven ient in Its plans. As fast as new . The Salvation Army I homes are built they should conform Revival series of meetings ou se to those requirements of convenience lected subjects at 11 a. ui.; at 8 p. and beauty which alone make life ni. Bible school at 2 p. tn. Y. P. worth while for the Inhabitants. And L. at 6 30 p. m. If you don't come pray for those meetings. We want o)d dwelling places can be metamor sinners converted. believers baptised phosed. bit by bit. by the Holy spirit. . J. E. Strautln. officer ■’Am enclosing $1 for the subscrip served. tion of your Weekly Courier' as long as the $1 lasts. A person can get RATURDAY, JAM ARY 17. 10SO- a lot of information In the course of a few months through a paper and ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ •our paper impresses me favorably, ♦ OREGON WKATHEK i as it does the rest of the folks. ♦ ♦ "Could you, through your columns Tonight and Sunday prob ♦ ' ♦ ably rain with fresh southerly ♦ oL the weekly paper or otherwise: ♦ [ sometime let me know the present wind«. population of Grants Pass? "You have a beautiful river. > Bethany l‘r<--,l>\terian < hur< h 1AM »KING WESTWARD hope the state fish and game com- • Sunday school at 10 a. in. Morn- There are thousands of people mission succeeds In stopping com-1 ing worship at 11, "Th«' Goodness of I throughout the United States who men ial fishing in it, as it would be God." also Installation of elders and ' (Continued from Page Ona) are looking toward the west with criminal to spoil so fine a river for deacons. Young people's meeting at I the thought of one day making their spertsmen. On account of its good the individual deixteits, but In the 6:45. Evening worship nt 7 30. | The Finit • 'When Jesus Was Angry." home here. The influen«»s that ac-i i fishing and hunting and climate Is (lumber of depositors. National bank on January 1st. 1919. Next Thursday evening. church , are various. One comes be- tuate the reason I am contemplating com had $549,592.74 of our citizens cash night, Pot luck supper ut 6:15. Fol- cause of the fruit we grow another^ ing to Grants Pass and I hope to see on deposit, On January 1st. 1920. lowed by three classes tor different I wants to produce alfalfa and the in the paper news of this great sport. I this amount had l>een Increased to ages ami ending with a combined Ì dairy cows and, the swine and the Of course, the season is off now. $749.986.96. an Increase of IHO.- meeting of all present and a brief r study in the Book of Amos. stock cattle that are part of the al “Hoping the paper comes right 344.20. Henry G. Hanson, minister. The Josephine County bank, on falfa growing business. Some would along,' and to meet you some day,' January 1st. 1919. had deposits of establish themselves in business en will close," New man VI. E. Church $288,839.51. On January 1st. 1920, terprises or in Industry. But back Sunday school at 10 a. . m. Ep- the de|H>sits were $416.988.17. ail of all or of any of these activities BEAUTY ON THE FARM worth l-eague 6:30 p. in. At 11 increase of $128,043.66. that will occupy the newcomer, there The extension service of the de- The Grants Pass Banking com a. in. the pastor. Rev. Joseph Knotts.! are certain other potent influences part men t of agriculture has made a pany on January 1st. 1919, showed will preach on the theme. "What It Is to Be Converted." In the evening that are determining. Every man very heart-warming «Recovery. It dei»osits of $315,257.29. On January at 7:30 he will preach on the theme 1st, 1920, $405,313.90, an increase has another side to his nature than I started out in the south to take some ' "Stability of Character.” of $90,126.61. purely the business side. He wants of the drudgery out of daily labor. I Preparatory to the revival meet Election of directors has beeu held ings which begin the 23th Inst cot to humor that other side, and at the and to improve the food. in all of the Jo al banks during the tage prayer meetings will be held the As the women found the depart- j [iast few ¿ay,, same time follow the business bent. The First National coming week ae follows: And this great army that has turned ment’s ideas helpful, they reached I has elected L. B. Hall. H D. Norton, Monday 7:80 p in., residence N. Fry. E. Townsend, leader J. M. Isham: its face toward the land of the crim- Out themselves toward matters of Geo. E. Lundburg, John D. home convenient, increased dairy I Maahbum and J. T. Fry upon son sunset is coming seeking climatic residence A J. Green, leader Sam ! its board. No changes have been conditions better than those it and poultry pro uct on, e c en lnaje |n the personnel of the officers, H. Baker. Tuesday, 7:30 p. m.. resident e leaves behind; or it wants scenic kitchen planning and sanitation. | The of dlrectoril of the Jo. Sam H. Bttker. leader Joaeph Knotts; beauties and opportunity for sport These led in turn to requests ^orisephine County bank, elected Tues- ■Residence Ecclua Pollock, leader G . and outing. Business they can find plans for the whole house, its loca- day, consists of J. L. Calvert. Stanton E. Lundburg. 3. ” H. Baker, S. almost anywhere, but these other tion. drainage, arrangement, t water —;— Howell. ” ” " “ 1 Ix»ughridge, " The meeting at the Baker home is features must be sought out. When supply and such factors as contribute jChas. Burkhalter, L. M. Mitchell anil especially for young people. Clarence Winetrout. The examining Wednesday, 7:30 p. m., residence they find where they combine the to a life in which production and sat- committee, representing the stock Albert Hood, leader A. .1. Green: res- business side with that other some isfaction swing in a normal balan e. holders. elected at the same time, is idence J. M. Isham. leader Jas. Mar- thing they are seeking, that is the And then all demands ran straight Don Wilson and A. L. Edgerton. tin. There are no changes In the officers place where they will locate and in towards beauty. Thursday, 7:30 p. in.. a general ' of this bank. prayer meeting at the church vest. Women who had lived in the midst The directors of the Grants Pass Friday 7:30 p. ■>.. residence XI Inquiries are coming for informa of ugliness hated it. The moment Banking company are Claus 3« hmidt, fred Heston, leader Eclua Pollock' ■ tion, and some of these people are they saw any chance of getting away I. A. Ruble. F. C. Bramwell, G. P. residence Joseph Harper, leader N making trips of exploration into the from ft they flew at the department Jester, Max Tuffs, John Hampshire E. Townsend. and F. S. Bramwell. Like the other west. Below is published a sample with their needs. changes I HL Luke's E|dsco|Mil letter that «mines to the Courier This year, therefore, county agents banking institutions, no were made in the officers of this Second Sunday after Epiphany from a resident of Wisconsin. This are sent out with a knowledge of house. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Evening gentleman wrote asking that the landscape gardening, interior deco service at 7:30. A cordial invitation Courier be forwarded to his address ration, architecture, etc. This does to all to attend the Services. Rev that he might know of the country, not mean that every county agent Is Philip K. Hammond of Ashland, vl car in charge. and his letter indicates the direction an intellectual and artistic prodigy of this man’s "other nature,” and the who combines skill in ail these lines St. Anne's Catholic (hiirtli influence that directs his attention with his ordinary agricultural abilf- (Continued from page 1) Sunday masses at 8:00 and 10:00 to Grants Pass. He says: bs . But it means that he—or she o'clock. about 3,000,000 tons. It was evident, "A few weeks ago I wrote to your Rev. .J. G. Vien, C. S V., pastor has had some efernentary instruc- he said, that the jreopie of Europe commercial club for a little informs-' tion In these subjects and knows would not be able to eat as much First Church of Christ Scientist tion, also for a copy of the paper. how to put th<- applicants in touch meat as they had in the year before Christian Science services are held “I received a cony, also the Shrin-'with the source« of such knowledge, the war. every Sunday in the W. O. W. hall, .Mr. McCurdy understood that the ers copy of Nov. 22nd. I Imagine Georgia has gone In, this year, for at 11 a. m. Wednesday evening requisitions from France, Belgium meeting at S o'clock. The subject they had some time in your town: demonstration.'- in every county on and Italy at present amounted to Sunday is. '"Life." they usually have some time. improving the front, yard. Arkansas between 400,000 and 500,000 tons. Reading room is open from 2 to “I am Interested in your has one county which Is a demonstra- He did not see where they were go 4 p. m dally except Sundays and thinking of coming there to live. I J tion county for the state. In Okla ing to get it but it was evident that holidays, The public I h cordially In have been there, stopped over for homa demonstration homes have if people of this country got as much vited to attend the services and to neat as they needed they would only visit the reading room. two days, but s person really doesn’t : been set apart in different parts of have It le> cause the rest of Europe get much of an idea of everything , fhe state. South Carolina is going was hungrv and to a large extent Not • Contract Job. generally In so short a time. Noah did the biggest piece of work strong on interior decoration would be starving. At the present time, however, in the shortcut time tlint was ever there wii, a glut of meat In England done by any man. But Noah worked and during the next two or three on (lie Jolt himself, it', didn't build tiie nrk by contract, on he cost plus month.« it would be arriving nt a basis. He built It himself i.inl board'd rate at which it would be difficult to himself. If Nonli had asked for bill« dispose of It. There was a serious and let tile Job to the lowest nnd lie-I risk of a large proportion of these bidder, excusing the contractor for cargoes going bad owing to inade- loss of time consequent upon Inelein ent weather and lubor disturbances, quate cold storage facilities. tile flood would have come mid caught Nonli mid bis family NOTICE tion. When we come consequences of such outcoine we ought to lie XII persons knowing themselves to cmi see how grateful to Nonli flint lie wot a« it work- indebted to the Grants Pass Lum« otT Io one man hisiend of stmi • r Co. will please call and make < ii|iltnllnt. side like n dodgnsl lyment of aerounts before Feorttary Utica Globe. t so that we may dose our books hv that time. Airplane Service in Australia GRA.'.'TH i’A.-fS lA'MBER CO. A colupHII.V lilts been fnnneil III All 1rs I In to conduct un airplane pit«xt'ii/« i Quartz blanks at Courier office, und freight -ervlce among the prim j,? Cities <>l lite conimouwealih office. Next d«w>r birst National Kaub Ineper lor l»V CHIAMI MKHl , FORI» FORI» l-TON TRU K FORI» «OMMER« Iti. I»l I . FORI» Kl G 63«Ml «37U «412.1 * C. L. Hobart Company Milk Bottles and i.wrutxs x\n i . xnii . iin « himnivs EDISON MAZDA LAMP* KVEIIEAIH UM MIS (Xli liti llltlls a ValleyHard ware Company WE IM» EINE SHOE REFAIRING Buy at Home I'XTRoNIZE THE HOME IH.XIIJt \\HO li UTDUM I HI s IME UM <>F «1RS Illi A( « »ssoitii s Studebakers Overlands I J. F. BURKE FASHION GARAGE J $%?Y0umic “'ATL'Wt No other paper bring« to your Whole Family the wonderful variety of high grade reading for all ages. N A YEAR, 52 issues, Tlie Companion give« 12 Great Serial« or Group Storiea, besides 250 Short Stories. Adventure and Travel Storiea, Family Page, Boys’ Pane, Girls’ Page, Children's Page, and the beat Editorial Page of the day for mature minds. I START A YEAR'S SUBSCRIPTION FOR YOUR FAMILY NOW. COSTS LESS THAN 5 CENTS A WEEK. OFFER No. 1 OFFER A 1. The Youth’s Companion —52 issues for 1920 X All remaining Weekly 1919 issues; also X The 1920 Companion Home Calendar X Ail remaining 1919 issues $• The 1920 Companion Home Calendar 4. McCall's Magazine $1.00 All for $2.50 All for $2.95 1. The Youth's Companion for 1920 . *. . $2.50 SUBSCRIPTIONS RECEIVED AT THIS OFFICE «