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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 17, 1920)
Hill Ritti, JANI IKY 17, ItfJO GRANT* ¡’ASM DAILY <WH KI EK ♦ e^_ I DUDLEY MAGNETO Break Timer for Fords 10 Day» Trial A. V. Hazelton, Propr SucuujbStir to C. A. Linch Classified Advertising TO EXOHANOV FXMt «ALK Four H weeka old pigs, I WANT TO TRADE 2ff u res. N Ir rigated, 15 timber, fine orchard, Add ne as beeu weaned 2 weeka. no buildings, well located, Murphy Box Iff, Boute I, ou Merlin road. land. Value under 32,000, for 77 Granta Pus» property, value un bX>lt SALE One liti« Baby tirami der 31,000 and the difference Mqdel Chevrolet car In guod con <44 Mitch at ¡.Murphy. 71 tion Bui» abolii 7000 tulle». Cali KEA I. MUTATE .10« or wrlte Box 134. Grani» Pam. 73 i- :. t . M c K instry -- «oa g street, i phoue 13-R. General real estate FOR HAIJC A few thoroughbred R business The beat of all kinds of I Red. Black Minorità ami Barred «oils for fruit, hay or general Plymouth Rock cockerels. For ibis farm Ing. 21tf week only at E. Challson. 409 West G street. 71 HLEXTKIOAL WOKK FOR RALE On» organ and un Edi M j EKTTHIC WIRING and general son phonograph and records, all In electrical work, repairing, house first class condition Call al 903 wiring C. C. Harper. 106 South K street. corner»Nlnth. 72 Aleth street, phone 4 7 FUR SALE OR RENT The Biovill DENTIMI* property at 802 North Seventh St. First-class ■ Sale prLe $1800, rent 36 per K. C. MACY. D. M. D dentistry. 109*4 South Sixth month. 7-room house, bath, good street. Grants Pass. Oregon well, % acre. Inquire Mrs W. II, ■Qtialf. 832 North Seventh St. 74 VETERINARY Hl IK.MIX ♦ - . - ——_ »ELLE YD A LE ,FASHION GAHAGC & MACHINE SHOPS Now is the time to make your repairs and do your overhaul ing. If you have any mechani- al troubles to solve, bring them in, we will look thorn over and give you a reasonable rate, we have the best equip ment of tools and machinery In this part of the state and me- chanics who know how to use them. We make piston rings, pins, bushings, axles and shafts We make a specialty of all kinds of Ignition and electrical work. We make a specialty of all kinds of acetylene welding. At your service day or night. BURKE & KNOX ( get up and get ausY U--------- ZZ\IT6 WASHDAY , TUR RALE Modern tt-room house DR. R J. BEKTUL, Veterinarian with sleeping porch, good shade, Reald«M>ue 038 Washington boule * liirge yard, prominent corner In vard. phone 3B8-R. ■beat residence diatrl t. Address No. 90. care Courier. 94 >»RY SIAH WOOD 13.50 per tier de livered Phone 379-H 7<Hf A A M kl> r, O. CIJCMJCNT, M D„ Prattle« Uni Red to diseases of the eve. ear, nose and tivruat. Glasses fitted. Office hours 9-12, 2-5. or on ap* {.'ointment. Pitone«, office 82; resi dence 359-J. WANTED To contract for Pine and 9. IXJI GHUIDGE. M. D. Physician and surgeon. City or country calls Fir loge f o. b. cars Southern Pa attended day or eight. Phones. t cific traek. Big Pines I,umber residence, 3ff9; office. 182. Sixth Coui|»an)'. .Medford, Oregon. 41tf and H streets. DR. W T. TOMPKINS. 3. T.— Rooms 1 and 2 Schmidt Bldg. WANTED TP RENT Modern house, Hours 9-i 2 Treats all diseases. furnished or unfurnished, in or a. m. ; 1-5 p. m Phone 304-R near town \ddress No. 31 care of Courier. 62tf E J. BILLICK, M. D., Physician and surgeon: office Schallhorn WANTED Position as housekeeper residence. block. phone 54-J; or work of any kind by thorough 1004 Lawnridge, phone 54-U ly competent woman. Phone '¡12- Grants Pass F-4 77 DR. RALPH W. STEARNS physician WANTED Team of young horses or and surgeon, offices formerly oc inures, wi'lght about» 1200 pounds cupied by Dr. Stricker, Masonic Give tiescription ami price. Id- Temple. Phone, office 21-J, resi dress C. A. Pruitt. Merlin, Ore. 71 dence. 21-L. Hours: 10-12. 2-4. WANTED Men to cat 4-foot wood, DRAYAGE AND TRANSFER per *-oi'<l A E Miller, Won der. Ore. , *73 rilE WORLD MOVES, »o do we. Bunch Bro». Transfer Co. Phone IX)HT 397-R. 1AM4T -Holstein heifer, 2-years old; smooth crop off left ear. upper Z. G. ISHAM, drayage and transfer. Safes. pianos and furniture slope in right. Kinder notify Jo moved, packed, shipped and stor sephine Messenger pbotw*»l-F-13. ed. Office phone 124-Y. Resi 73 dence phone 124-R. TAXI ATTORNEYS EOd.NER TAXI Phone 28.2-R for IF HUBBY HAD TO DO THE WASHING- THE CHANCES are that If hubby was Invited to do the family washing or to stick around while it was be ing done he would say, " George do it." Our advice Is to let one of our electric wash ing machines take the soil out of the garments and the toil out of your wife's life, I-et us demonstrate their « orthiness and guaranteedness. HARPER’S ELECTRIC STORE ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES L SERVILE W7LLIAMS i— WILLIAM S j John iatrlmore, of Montana. 1» visiting his -brother. Jasper Ijtrl- more. Rev. J. 8. Ryan and family went to Medford last week, whore Mr. Hyan will take treatment I for hla eye». returned to Klarn- laseter Sutton I ath Falls Tuesday, having apent the past two weeks visiting friend* on the creek. Geo. Brooks, of Berkeley, Cal., is visiting his brothers, Warren and l>l< k Brooks. Frank I>oak left Tuesday for Chi cago, where he will enter the naval aviation school. Friends of Elate Tetherow will be glad to hear that she la very much Improved. Mr Pixley made a btialnesH trip to Medford Wednesday. .Miss -Mae Frye returned to her home in Medford Wednesday, Sl)e spent the past month with the John Lovell family. The Banks family are all suffering from severe colds. Mrs. Ixtvell was taken to the hos pital at Medford Wednesday. SEE BEGINNING OF NEW ERA People of Helgoland Will Welcome Return of Visitors to the Unfor tunate Little Island. The change which dug a huge fort ress a hundred feet deep in the cliffs, covered them with gun emplacements and girdled them with a labyrinth of walls fifty feet thick was a more than doubtful blessing, and Helgoland must have found her transformation Into tile most notorious ami sinister speck of Isnd In the world a severe strain on 1 her seal for the,fatherland. • When the war actually came ber fishermen were exiles; for they were cue and all shipped off to the main land and the island was given over to the gulls mid the gunner, it Is now thrown open again, and a beginning has been made with the dismantling of Its mighty forts. The inhabitants will cheerfully see the last of the gnus, and ap|>n rent I.v they would like, too, to he quit of German taxation; but they hope quite reasonably, that the Island's tlnnl disappearance may l»e .at least delayed by lea’lng the great seawalls tlie German« built. Till« might well Iw* done, for Helgo land so long as It lasts w ill l*e u lode star fol the curious. Iiud there would he a cer’: !■, ror'rli .Justice In th • fact of Its |a-ople profiting iii tlie future hy the world’» Inter« st In Its sinister past that has net them so dear. ANNOUNCEMENT ! After December 10th, 1 will again take in general overhauling work for the winter, but will dlacontlnue it after March '30th, 1920. If you wish to have me do your work bring It in early. Batteries. Generators and .Magn»*toes overhauled and repaired. I Handle the BACINE TIREE E. A. ADAMS, Auto Electrician Licensed Auto Electrician and Battery Repairman Phone M IHM Sooth Sixth Street PHONE 123 For Prices on FLOUR and FEED WE DELIVER Josephine County Flour Mill Corner Third and G Streets Religion« of Presidents. The religions of ¡lie presidents the Cnited Stales : AVu-liington. Epis- Copnlhm ; J. Adams, I'liiitiriiin ; Jeffer- eon. Liberal; Mudi.-on. Episcopalian : t Monne*. Eplseo|Hiliiin Epis<s>|Hillan ; J. Q. Adams. son. Unitarian ; Jack Jack-<m. Presbyterian; Vari Ihircn. Reformed Dutch: William Hen. Harrison. Episeoiuillsn : Tyler. Epi», pollan; Folk. Presbyterian ; Tay lor. Episcopalian ; Fillmore. lull arimi ; Pierce. Episcopalian : Iti»« Immiti. Pres byterian: Lincoln. iTv diyterinn ; John son, Methodist; Grant. Methodist; llayi-, Méthodiet : Garfield. Disciples; Arthur. Episcopalian ; «'levelnnd, Pres byterian; Benjamin Harrison. Presiiy- terlnn : McKinley, Methodist: Roose velt, Reformed Dutch ; Tuft. Unitarian Wilson, Presbyter!« Ccolies Pass Through Canada. Grants Pass & Medford Auto Truck •lohn II. < liaetain. Prop. Jitney Luk» or Cutler. Calls an H. D NORTON, Attorney-at-law.' swered anywhere, anytime. sfltf Practices in all State and Federal, Courts. First National Bank Bldg. PALACE TAXI Phone 22-J. Geo A. Hyde. 25tf O. W. CQLV1G, Attorne.v-at-law. TAXI at Owl Billiard Parlors, 17 2-J. 4 Grants Paaa Banking Co. Bldg. or 243-1, for night calls. Day and Grants Pass. Oregon. night service. 66tf E 8. VAN DYKE. Attorney Prac AllSt EI.LANKOUS tices in ali courts. Firat National K I. i, \ I,BRAITH insurance, any Bank Bldg. kind. Rentals. Building and llexideiHe <11 I North Second St. Loan. Plato Glass Liability. 609% j O. S. BLANCHARD, Attorney-at-law. G street. Phone 28. 84tf ! Golden Rule Bldg. Phone 270. Grants Pass. Oregon. LADIES ATTENTION All huts al one-half former price at Mrs. Lil U. A. SIDLER, Attorney-at-law. Ma lian Currier's. Corner Sixth and E sonic Temple, Granta Pass. Ore. Opposite Josephine Ho streets, SI ¡EO. H. DURHAM, Attorney-nl-law. The California and Oregon tel. referee in bankruptcy, Masonic Coast Railroad Company STRAYED Temple. Grants Pass. Oregon. TIME CARD Phone 135 J. STRAYED from Inland, Oregon, Jun- Effective Nov. 24. ISIS». nary 4. 1920, a light brown de lAMM T CHINNOCK. Lawyer, horned Jersey , i>w, branded D on First National Bnnk Hida., Grants Train* will run Mondays, Wednes right hip and swelling In right Pass. Oregon days and Fridays. stifle. Finder piente c ire for sain'1 I .on t e Grants Pass.......... .1 and notify A. M. Bunch. Leland, * Arrive Waters Creek ......... 2 .7 2 who will pay charges. 2:30 Leave Watery Creek Arrive Grants P*M 4 < i\ h . engineer Pill» IhWei a d metallic For Information regarding freight boar«, aealetl with Take no DANiRL M c F arland , civil *n«i and passenger rates call at the office 1» pwm <M. A«k HIIA .«.fur t* of the company. Lnndburg building.1 neer and surveyor. Residence [ ye»»*» k »own a* Uwt. Salaat, Always Kt)labta 740 Tenth strpet, phone 211-Y i SOIDKYDRIf)(ilSI$’’VnYWH[RF nr tffieklinne I 31 All Kinds of Hauling Phone 381-R CHICHESTERSPIL^ I — Miss ■'. I i '<L h J m » a.mut the week ••¡id v th friends at Rogue River. Revotai of the I'crrydaie ¡»eople wi re »»on at the mtinMi>a| sale last Th n rad ay. Mrs. I ofcld was vfr.ltIng Mrs. A. J. Hvseey one diy the past week. 'Hay Neely and Hurold Robertson are In the neighborhood for a few' days. .M r». I). II. Griffin Is spending a (ca days at the home of her parents, Mr. iipil .Mrs T. J. Everton, at Granta Pi <, Mrs. (Tatid Rusk was calling on Mrs. Morrison Thursday. A. J. Hussey wss delivering l»eef Io the Temple market Thursday. Mrs. Chas Dora was at .Merlin Friday on business Grandma 'Robertson and Mr». R. Stevenson were at tiranta Pass last Thursday. Mrs. A. C. Ford visited >lr». <leo. Jones Friday, PAGE Wlo-n the big blue funnel liner Tyn dnteus clems from Seattle she will |,rnc<*e<| to Vanmuv. r. 1!. C.. where, tn n.l.litlon to furilier cargo nwnWIng her at Unit port, she will take on hounl •It»»» Chinese coolies, w ho nrv being returned to their home country by the British and French governments, say» the Seattle Post-Intelligencer. The Chinese are among several thou siin.l* of coolies iitlfixe.l ns laborers back of the lines .luring nearly the entire five years of the war and they lire being returned to their homes through which will menu that they «111 lieve circled the globe wlcn they debark nt Hongkong, s nee they were taken to Europe through the Suez catini .in.) the Mediterranean. Church Gets Precious Relics. The niiiinnuiKt and spurs of the Hart ford. tlagslilp of .Admiral Farragut in die Civil war, will he erected on the grounds of a church In Hnsflngs-on- Hudsoii, N. Y., if the plans of the con- g/cgn .on are approved nt the New I ork nnvyynrd. The church was found ed years ngo with the prize money won hy Farragut In the capture of Confed erate blockade runners. On lenrning that the old Hartford Is to be con demned to the scrap henp. the mem bers of the church have consequently been aroused to make every effort to secure this unnsinil and desirable sou venir.—Popular Mechanic* Magazine Cow Produced 1,000 Pounds of Butter. A rc"‘--P i'd yearling, Lulu Alphen of A'l i-iirn, N. A’., produced 13.W*!» pui" i i milk, from which 1.000 pounds of niter wiis made In the year ending Non niber 1. This Is believed to break all re<s>rds for butler pro Placer location notice» at Courier office G. B. BERRY Harness and Saddlery Auto Top and Canvas Work 1 With Grants Pass Hardware Co Old Newspapers, 5c and 10c Bundles