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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 17, 1920)
" IT’S THE CLIMATE WE’RE TELLING THE WORLD : : : ; COM v * . D ENJOY IT Daily Courier G HA NTH PANH, JOHEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON, VOL. A., No. »»i> ■■■■- ——---------------------------------------------------------- .„.-s'.a-.' i rAiAi iTiirvr HtTITtDAY, JANUARY 17, Hr-’O __________________ - AiiinArn I I filili A I I I 111 111 I A IlfII fl MHKIj; Xl'MHU 2N71. ........................ Af 111 I Heure of Other Frople An* Injured During Fire In <'inchiniliI Early Till» Morning "Re<ls" Mill Bo Escorted to the llu»- -ian Frontier by official* of the United State» JOB AT SALEM I Cincinnati, Ohio, Jan, 17.... Three CMM’hN STOPPED IMI AI MOI HX- IN VHMTTGAT1XG C <> M MITT E E TOTAI. OF THREE IXHTITl TIONH Han go, Finland, Friday, Jan. 1«. XEW HEAD O» THE REPUBLIC fireman were killed and a score of XOM KXCKKDH MILLIOX AND MENT HOI II I’ANHEN WITH HEARN ASTOI NDING STORY OF — The United States army transport IS BRILLIANT STATESMAN persons Injured when un explosion Buford, having on board 249 deport HALF DOLLARN LEGISLATIVE MIEI. GOING AND AUTHOR NAVY INEFFICIENCY blyw out the east Wall of a store building In the river front district here early toduy during a fire. The loss Is approximately 8100,- I 000, Indicate» Improved Condition of Illudilo»» in the Di-trlit—Bank* Nnrno Officer» mid Directors EXPECTED TO QUIT Bf MOBBING I ICeMdution l*re|NU<ed Askin« CHoott to Naval Headquarters in Loudon Ten Resign a» Governor and Give Peo Months Before Given Orders to ple < lumi e to X itine Siicimnor Offer Aid to Allies ed radicals from the United States, arrived here this afternoon. The reds aboard the vessel will be taken to the Russian frontier by United States labor bureau and Immigration officials. ,4» ‘ Clemenceau, Who had Been Chief Contender, wa* Eliminated by .Narrow Margin in Test Vote ■4 « ----- 1 Salem, Jan 17.- Both branches of Washington, Jan. 17. Rear Ad- Versailles, France, Jan. 17.—Paul the legislature will probably adjourn mirai Sim« told the senate committee Deschanel was elected president of At the annual meeting of the stock sometime late tonight or early to investigating the naval wards today lx>s Angeles, Cal., Jan. 17.—Mi France by the national assembly here holders Of the yVlillatns Nat)ona 1 that when he was ordered to England today. He received 734 votes in ths Furni Ixian association, the following morrow morning. The clocks were In March of 1917, Jus> before the gratory bee farming ls a new indus- senate and the house of deputies, try that la proving successfui in members were elected a» directors stopped in the senate and the house ■'united States entered the war, he nearly a unanimous ballot. to serve tile ensuing ymr: A. L. I before noon In order to dispose of was instructed by the navy depart southern California, The bee keep- era move their colonies by motor Blodgett. J T. lxivell. Geo. H. ftpar- the masH of pending bills. ment "not to let the British pull the truck from one locality to another Paul Eugene Deschanel, statesman lin, J. W. Turvey, D. 8. Rigel. The The legislature has been rushing wool over your eyes" and that “we so that the bees may constantly be and author, is one of the most brilli following were elected as officers: through essential measures, A night would Just as soon fight the British in a district where blossoms offer ant speakers in France. He was A. I«. 'Blodgett, president; Geo. H as the central powers.” born in Brussels during the exile of them nectar. Sparlln, vice president; Sam H. Ba session was held last night In order The admiral also charged that the his father. He has been in politics has One bee keeper, L. E. Mercer, to complete the work. ker. secretary-treasurer American naval headquarters in 270 hives in Castiac canyon, in the since 1873. The secretary-treasurer reported London did not received the coopera hills, In 'March he transported the I Deshanel defeated Premier Clemen that 828,000 In loans had been made Salem, Jan. 17.—A resolution ask tion of the navy dejiartment and that ceau in the secret ballot cast yester to the farmers through the Williams ing Governor Olcott to resign as gov that department did not arrive at apiary 64 miles to Giendbra in the day, this assuring the defeat of tho orange belt. In May they were re- association during the year 1919. any decided plan of action until ten premier who withdrew, throwing This makes a total of 846,915 in ernor "so that his successor may be months after he arrived in London. turned to CasKac for six weeks work practically the whole vote to the suc loans made by the Williams National elected at the next general election," He added that “it was ten months be among the sage and wild flowers. cessful candidate. (Continuad on pace 4) Farm Ix>an association. The rate of hns been drafted for presentation to fore we really came to the aid of the and then were taken to Oxnard where they browsed among the 'bean blos interest Is only 5*4 per cent and the the senate Judiciary committee. allies or acted on their recommenda soms. borrowers can pay their loan at the The committee will lie asked to in tions.” During this time the bees pro- end of five years, or have the privi Chairman Hole announced that the duced approximately * 20 tons of troduce the resolution In the senate, lege of paying In semi-annual pay full naval committee would be asked honey worth 83600, their owner and should it perchance refuse. Sen to hear Sims' chargee against ments during a period of 3 4 years. the said. ator Banks of .Multnomah, will per U. S. navy department. sonally Introduce It. The resolution recites that "the \ recent dispatch from \\n»hluk-| i ilxjndon, Jan. 17.— The shortage framers of the constitution never In ton gives some InterestIng data on jin production of food caused by the XT tended that the secretary of state" the situation as regards the claims I w ar has not yet been made good, and should "occupy the office of governor of chrome producers for relief from is not likely to be in the next year The dispatch the government. beyond the term for which he was I,os Angeles. Jan. 17.—David Hol says Charles O. McCurdy, parla stated: elected secretary of state,” and that i lywood. general manager of the mentary secretary to the food min- Many person» got bu digging Salem, Ore., Jan. 17. < \ negation» the recent decision of a majority of Southwestern Shipbuilding company Geneva, Jan. 17.— Tho Austrian istry. chrome I11 four counties <if Oregon Ito the effect that the fish and game and formerly general manager of war vessels that were to have been Grant. Jackson, Josephine and Curry. ommiHslon a qulred the Reddish the supreme court holding that Ol- the Ames Shipbuilding company of handed over to the allies have under i The wheat < rops in ex|>orting coun- Besides this activity at home, man) game farm in I-ane county to pay al cott can hold tho governorship be- Seattle, was .killed here early today gone a second "Scappa Flow.” but tries had run down while the de- of them deieloped large chrome lo :ed politics! debts incurred dur I yond the 1920 general election "is when his automobile collided with on a smaller scale, according to a ' ntand for wheat in the importing 'countries was up, he declared. That mines I11 northern Cnlifornja. While ing the last legislature session were contrary to the wishes and desires an electric car. Turin telegram received here today. ! was largely due to the fact that numerous claims have been filed with contained in a suit instituted in the : of tho voters of the state.” The message stated that the vessels ¡crops in Central Europe were great the war mineral relief commission in « Ircult coure here today against the In'view of the fact that the prln- had been seriously disabled only the) ly diminished. He predicted that "Portland, many more are likely to commission i»y II. A. Holmes. Gover ci pie enunciated bv the majority hulls remaining in good condition. the next year would be the most crit have to he considered heiore x the nor Olcott is also made a defendant ' 1 lembers of the supreme court is ical since the commencement of the mutter Is settled. In tho action which Is to restrain the ■ g. etally condemned, and sentiment J war with regard to supplies and in ruling on the statute which pro commission from paying the obli ! Is tinning high against the execu- prices of both butter and cheese. The vided for reimbursement of losses lions on tho ground that they are : live because of his repeated strad- dairy product of Australia would be suffered 1>y chrome producers when Invalid. liilin.', side-stepping, and trimming on I much below the normal owing to n the war was suddenly ended. Attor fish and game legislation, is declared ¡drought. ney General Palmer held that only ! by three backing the resolution that Lindon. Jan. 17.—Commercial • I I» There was no prospect of the those were entitled to reimbursement the 1 rosuocts for passing lioth houses relations will be reojiened between I world's supplies of sugar being in- who hud received a formal request ' is go< d Should it pass it would be the allied nations and the Russian Oregon Agricultural College. Cor- : creased, he said, from the government . to produce optlo) al with the governor as to people immediately as a result of a chrome. Those who acted simply on w'.’iter he would comply, for the decision reached by the supreme vallis. Jan. 17.—Josephine county is! As regards meat there was a sur- placards that were posted In Oregon resolution could not force him to re- council at Paris yesterday. This represented by 38 of the 4673 long plus in the country at the present and California and elsewhere appeal sign step does not imply an altered atti and short course students in attend- time but it should not be inferred ing to men to dig chrome und other Generally it is believed that if the tude toward the Trotzky-Lenine : ante this school year, according to from this that there would be no needed minerals are barred from any Shanghai, China. Jan 17.- An ac- resolution should pass he would re- government, according to the state- ' the latest report from the office of difficulty as regards the meat situa the registrar. Exclusive of short tion in the coming year. In Eu compensation. lite interest is being taken by the fase t<» comply. | ment issued by the council. i eourae students the enrollment of rope. owing to the ravages of war, It is expected that congress will Chinese government in the arrange- 3285 including 2878 persons of col- the meat products would be down by enact some additional legislation to tneiTts being made for the sev etith ' legiate standing and vocational« is cover claims of this class. The list ('Continued From Page S.J annua* convention of the Nutional | a gain of 102 per cent over registra of claims on file with the comnils- foreign trade coiteli, which is to be tion on the corresponding date in held In ■San Francisco May 12-15 in (Continued on page Four) 1917, the last normal year. 19 20. This term 366 new students have Notices concerning the meetin registered to date. Engineering in wore issued through the fall from its various branches leads in popu government offices in Peking and the larity with 942 students, agriculture responses given when It was an- New York, Jan. .17. The birth of his books of rugged outdoor life has 837, commerce 625, and home nounced that steamer reservations place of Theodore Roosevelt at 28 and Americanism and other writings economics 538. Washington, Jan 17.—Four hun could be madd In Chinese cities East Twentieth street. New York, is and published speeches will be Oregon counties have sent 3 85 4 of dred and sixty-eight earthquakes shows that the attendance at the to lie restored as nearly as possible placed in the house at No. 26. Many the total of 4673 long and short were felt sensibly In various parts con ionHon of representatives of to its condition in 1858, according other volumes the colonel liked to course students. From 33 other Denver, Colo., Jin. 17.—The mine ■tif the world during 1919. Of that commercial Interests dn China will to the officials or the Women’s read and dealings with many phases states came 787 and from 11 for output of gold, silver, copper, lead number. 97 were felt in the United i>t> heavy. Roosevelt Memorial association fol of human knowledge will be placed eign countries 3 2. and xinc in Colorado for eleven One official notice, sent out In No lowing a recent conference here with on the shelves. States but there was no loss of life Washington leads among the states months in 1919. amouuted to 89.- or serious damage to property from vember by the commercial attache of Theodate Pope (Mrs. John W. Rid According to the architect’s plans with 269 while California is a dose 992,000 in gold. 5.630.000 ounces of those in this country. Of the earth the bureau < f foreign and domestic dle), the architect having the plans the top floor of both houses will be second with 231. Idaho has 104. silver. 35,650,000 |>ounds of lead, quakes occurrlhg In other parts of commerce at Peking, urges all Amer In charge. utilized for an assembly hall, aultable Montana 26. the Philippine Islands 3,400.000 pounds of copper and 52.- the world, loss of life was recorded ican business interests In 'China to An adjoining house at No. 26 has for gathering of 'Hoy Scouts, Camp 16. Texas 13 and Illinois 12. \Forelgn 300,000 pounds of zinc, having a to in that of April 28 in San Salvador have representatives at the San also been purchased and both struct- Fire Girls or similar patriotic organ countries In^he list are Canada. Den tal value of 822,522,000 as compar and one en June 29 in Florence, Francisco convention as a measure to 111 res wtll be remodeled to conform izations. When completed the mem mark, India, Germany. Reuníanla. ed with a total valuation of 83 4,- increase China’s trade with the Unit to the architecture of tho time of orial is intended to serve as an in Scotland. South America, Nether- 160,172 in 1918. Italy. Eighty of tho 97 earth shocks re ed States and strengthen relations the former president’s tbirth. They stitution for the development of lands. China. New Zealand and Rus- These figures are embodied in the corded In the United States were re between the two countries. will have brownstone fronts and sturdy, old-fashioned Americanism. sia. i annual report of mining compiled by The steamer Ecuador of the Pacific mansard roofs and the interior of Members of the committee having ported from California. The remain Funds for maintenance have not Charles W. Henderson of the United der were felt in various parts of the Mall line Is to make a special trip No. 28 will be made to resemble the I the project in charge include Mrs. increased in proportion to the stu- States geological survey, department country from the Atlantic to tho Pa to carry delegates from India and boyhood home of the great American. Frederick Nathan. Mrs. James Rus dent enrollment, and this fact to of the Interior. The report shows a cific Kentucky, Arkansas. Utah. from the Far East to the convention. Old mantels, chandeliers and furni sell Parsons. Mrs. Henry L. Stim gether with high salaries offered by general decrease in all mining activ Arizona, Indiana, Illinois, Kansas, It is scheduled to sail from 'Calcutta ture will be put back in place and son, Mrs. A. Barton Hepburn, Mrs. other institutions and advanced coats ity, and the increased price of silver Tennessee, Washington, Virginia about April 10 and will touch at all childhood friends of the colonel will Henry A. Wise Wood, Mrs. William tn every department has placed the during 1919 over, the previous year New Jersey and Michigan all report intermediate points in the Orient on supervise the decorations. Curtis Demarest and Mrs John college in a critical condition, say did not equalize the loss caused by ts way back to California. A Rooseveltian library consisting Henry Hammond. cd shocks during the yoar. the board members. the dearth of production. The cIHxens of the Granta Paas district have more than a million and a half dollars on deposit In the three banking Institution« within the city. The figure, to be exact, was un January lai. 1920, n combined total for the three banka of 81.571,- 654 03, an Increase tn the year of 8398,5 I < 47. This Increase Is a wonderful show- !ng for the community, and Indi cate«, not ►<• much the healthy and «rowing condition of the banks themselves. ns the improving finan cia! strength of the Individual« who constitute the community. Each of the banks shows large increases of business, not only In the balances of BIRTH PLACE Of THEODORE ROOSEIÆLT "TO DE RESTORED TO CONDITION IN '58