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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1920)
« diversity «■( ' ’i* " IT’S THE GLI MATE WE’RE TELLING THE WORLD • • • • . « COMt AND ENJOY IT” 0ailjj Courier tante VOL. X., No. • • Li «rar;' GRANIR PAM, JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON. F RIDAY, JAM ARY IO, 10*20- WHOLE M.MBMl 2M7B. I I I I I i I Senate Completes the Program of Enmtmeuts Tliut Olcott Based Is-Kishitivr ('nil Upon CLEMENCEAU M'adei— of the Bri Usti Government Ha-leu to Pari* for Conference With Premier Lloyd-George IS EFFECTIVE Hulem. <>re., Jan. 16. Thu legis ATT.U K .MABE ON PORT Al PREMIER OF THE FRENCH KE fxmdon, Jan. 16. «Attention of CONSTITI TIOXAL AMENDMENT lation filling out the program of the PRINCE, HAÏTIEN CAPITAL. PI HLI« • DEFEATED IS »FX RET the British people is fixed on the BECOMES IX FORCE AT M1D- state Industriai accident commission, near eas' where recent bolshevik suc IN REPELLED BALLOT BY DENCH A.NEL XIGHT TONIGHT which wps given by Governor Olcott cesses have carried the Red Russian as the primary reason for culling to armies almost to the threshold of getner the special session «of the leg- A**i India, Persia, Mesopotamia and ishiture, passed the senate last night .»sialic Turkey. Cabinet members The new legislation Is In the fopn of ¡nd chiefs of the British army and three bills; One provides a flat In r navy today are in Paris, whither crease of 30 per cent on all coinpen- they were hastily pummelled yester Mak< -I a > of New Conuidssion Expect salluu benefits; the second creates a Oul* Two of the Marines Were “Father of Yklorj” .Loks Uhl Sup- day, and are conferring with Premier Provisions for tlie Enforcement of ed to Ite About a- the Old One, and rehabilntlon fund the third marni? Wounded, According to Report jxirters to Vote for President the Ia»w Are IFrftetic, and Federal Lloyd George on military and naval Mo < luingc in I’oltcy Expected Received by .Navy IH-|Htrtm<*nt returns to the Industrial accident Poincare for a Nei'uad Term Federal Officiai Ceepertxl matters in connection, it is believed, commlaeion fund $i00,00o which with conditions in southwestern was set aside at the last legislature Asia. Huluin, Ore., Jan. 16. -Governor for a reconstruction hospital, but was Washington. Jan. 16. I'nited Paris, Jan. 16. -Premier Clemen Washington, Jan. 16.—Constitu Olcott today aliened thu Xonblad- defeated by the people. States marine« and llaitlen gendar ceau today announced he would with tional prohibition becomes effective Besn-I landley fish and ««me com- merie yesterday re i-e I led an attack draw' as a candidate for the presi at midnight tonight. mlsalon bill, which provides for tlie on Port Au Prince. Haitien capital dency of the republic, He asked From J2;01 a. m., the "manufac creation of a new commission of nine city, by a force of «onte 300 ban supporters to vote tor President ture, sale or transportation of intoxi member« to take the place of the dits. Over half th« attacking ban- Polncalre. for a second term. cating liquors within, the importa present liourd of five member« It I dlls were either killed, wounded or tion thereof into, or the exportation also provides that the members of captured after being pursued outside thereof from the United States and Paris, Jan. 16.—in Joint i-arlia- the commission shall l-e named by the city. Tho total marine casual all territory subject to the jurisdic the legislature. This bill passed the ties was two privates wounded, ac- mentary cau« us of the senate and Louisville, Ky., Jan. 16.—Ken tion thereof for beverage purposes" the house of deputies a secret bal senate to house yesterday and the cording to the report of the engage tucky distillers still held several mil is prohibited by the 18th amendment day. Monday night, February 23, la the ment received by the navy depart lot .was cast for choice of presiden- lion gallons of liquor today, the last to the constitution, and the United ttai candidate. The vote reaulted: date set by the American iatgion for inent today. Paul Deschanel, president of the day before constitutional prohibi States becomes the first nation of Htate Capitol. Salem. Ore., Jan. 1«. Ila military ball, in honor of Wash- chamber of deputies, 408; Clemen- tion. was initiated, notwithstanding the world to make such a provision —-If th« bill providing for nine fish i 11 «ton's birthday. The committee attempts to export it. Last unoffi part of its basic law. Congres^has ceau. 389. Senators and deputies, and game commissioners passes and from the local |M>irt having the dance after the caucus, generally expressed cial figures were that 35,000,000 gal defined an intoxicating liquor as any th« legislature names the personnel, In charge consist» of Jsme« Mum, the opinion that the vote means the lons valued at approximately $400,- beverage containing one-half of one the selections are expected to lx- chairman.* Karl WJnetrout and dlow- elimination from public life of the 000,000, remained in bonded ware per cent, or more, of alcohol. about ns follows aril Bears«. Flan« are already being Actually, the advent of «onstitu- "Father of Victory," Premier Clem houses. Its fate was in some doubt. t For the game department Walter perfected for the affair that It may enceau being neither senator nor Unless confiscated by the govern tional prohibition will make little F Backus of Portland. E. (’. Slm- tie the biggest aociai event of the ment. it was said, much of it prob difference in the daily life of the peo deputy. molts of Flugene. I. N. Flidschner of season It 1« now planned to make ably will be sold for medical pur ple of this country, as they have * Portland, Charles Stone of Klamnth Die Washington'» birthday military poses. been living under the nation-wide Fulls and Marlon Jack of Pendleton ball the big «tr ial event of each year Whiskey interests of this «tale war-time ban on alcoholic drinks The latter three are members of tho for the men who partieipaje«! in the i waited until early December in the since last July. There have been present commission. * ai. belief that the president, the supreme eager hopes entertained by the thirs- For the commercial fish <l«i»a ri Launsdaeh'i or<h«“tra, of Mel- I court or congress would lift the war jty, by distillers and by speculators me nt tho selection will probably be f rd. las been eut.'.ed for the tin«'«' time prohibition ban. When the su F. J. Kendall of tlie American Can n * v III play 1 s • fi t program f«"r (Continued on page 2.) preme court held the law annstit- th< military b’.'l. ami they a .« n t j (Continued on Page Four) tional and neither the president or Paris. Jan. 16 Representatives unable to take the place as presiding congress raised the ban. they pre working up the special schedule of | of France. Great Britain. Italy, I officer of the council. dunces sultiil>le for the etent. pared for shipment* of their stocks Thu local post of the American le Greece, Spain, Belgium. Jajian and to foreign countries, but were said gion wishes it thoroughly understood Brazil members of the council of Paris, Jan. 16.—The council of to have been only nominally suc- that uil ex-sorvlce nten are included the league of nations, met in the cessful. the league of nations received its in the Imitation, whether yet mem "clock room” of the French foreign About that time some Kentucky bers of tlio Imgion or not. Special office this morning lor the hrsj first formal protest to be presented I interests announced. following a slm- invitations are being extended by the meeting In the history of the league. almost before it came into l>eing j ilar announcement in Chicago, that Seattle, Wash., Jan. 16.—The Itr al |MMt to the «.Medford and Ash The council organized by electihg with todays’ initial sessions, the hhev would institute a suit in the steamship Editor, named in honor Fairbank», Alaska, Jun. 16. «Pro land post« of the American legion to la-on Bourgeois, chairman; confirm i rotest front the "envoy” of <he , court of claims. Washitr-rton. late of American newspaper men, recent duction of gold ill tile Fulrbank« dis attend the ball. ing Sir Erie Drummond, of Great elected government of the Irish re this month or early February in an ly left Hongkong, China, with 8,001 Besides being the first militar) Britain, general sc retary. Bour public "against unreal English sim effort to secure reimbursement'from trict for the mining season of 1919, tons of rite, the largest cargo of its reached 11 totul value of approxi bull over given in Grants Paes, the geois, In his opening speech, express ulacre of an international league of the government for the whiskey that kind ever shipi>ed from the Chinese Washingtons birthday event will be ed regret that President Wilson was peace.” remained in the country after today. port, according to advices received mately, $1,543.000, «e ordine to It the first oc 'salon on which the local One almost immediate result of here recently. C. Wood, president of the First Na veterans will have been gathered In the permanent ban clamped down to i Several hundred American news tional Bank of Fairbanks. uniform. day may be the closing for good of papermen, while attending the Seat A serious shortage of water, par the 300 Txxiisville saloons that sur tle sessions of the 1919 convention ticularly In tlie Toloxann region, vived the wartime law by conversion of the national editorial convention, was res|M>nslble for a loss In produc NEV KRAL PERSONS KILLED tion of aboqt $150,0110 under early into soft-drink dispensaries. A num witnessed the launching of the Edi IN STRIKE DISTI Illi INCE 9 ber of the proprietors declared to tor. spring osti mates. Mr. Wood «aid . - « v day that they cannot ojterate under 1 The Editor is being operated be Thousands of dollars worth ot Essen. Germany. Jan. 16. Several Rome. Jan. 16.—-The cry for the gold, be said, are in the dump« In persons have been killed and wound London, Jan. 16. —A committee present profits and therefore expect ' tween China and the West Indies. the various district«, and will not lie ed in disturbances at Duisburg. tourists of America. England and has just been formed, with T. P. to begin new businesses. .Meantime, the real work of pro-j cleaned up until next year when Steekrade and other towns in the Franck. Is heard throughout Italy. It O’Connor, the widely known member hibition enforcement officers began ' water Is again available Industrial district where 20.Ono min- Is as strong in Venice. Florence, Na of iHirlihment. as president, to con today. They were said to be ready i ples and Genoa as In Rome. era are striking. I But Italian cities have increased duct an energetic campaign to the to suppress all violations of the law ' their |M>pulation at such an amazing end that the Turks shall never again in this state. rate during the war that there seems govern areas inhabited by Christians. to he no room for tourists, Hotels The committee was organized at a New Owners Take Pie-ses-hm— in all the larger cities are crowded Edward J. Schumacher and John . Chicago, Jan. 16. Reginald De- to overflowing at all times, Apart- 11 • • ting which was addresne i by W. R. Hawes, with their families, have Following the approval by the na- Kovun, American operntlc composer, mentr and bouses are not available '.. Lloyd, an Australian fmrn-ilfst, arrived here from Chicago, and have > t.ional convention of the American died here early today, of aiavplexy. at 1 ny price. Rents have been kept who related stories of atrocities at taken |>ossession of the H. Woods 1 Legion of the formation of a wont- Robin .Hood was probably his most i own by law and municipal authori tributed to the Turks. (Mr. O’Connor farm in the lower valley, having re- ens* auxiliary, instructions to that Seven high school girls will leave noted opera. ties are hard-pressed to find shelter who presided, declared that "not a cently purchased the farm and or- effect have been received at lo^al 'tomorrow for Roseburg to maintain for ihe population that has flocked single Christian subject should be al- chard. Their goods arrived from the headquarters. By the provision male the athletic prestige of the local lowed to remain under Tnrkish tnis- east Tuesday. The new owners to the cities. of in the newly adopted constitution, it school on the basketball floor, The Rome had only 330,000 inhabi government.’’ the ranch expect to engage in gen is Rid down that mothers, wives, game Is to I m « played Saturday night, Mi. Lloyd fought «gainst the eral farming, giving special attention tants before the opening of the war. daughters ai’ti sisters of members of and Granta Pass will he represented It now has 800,000 and seems to he Turks and said he had seen much to the production of alfalfa. There the I-egion may form au auxiliary to by the following players, iL.vnetta of -their methods since, having only growing daily. There are few for is also some excellent orchard upon that body, to be known as the "Wom Quinlan, fordward; Vernetta Quin eigners. Ono seldom hears anything lust returned from an investigation the place. en’s «Auxiliary of the American Le Ian, forward; Vera Turner, guard; but Italian spoken in hotels, cafes inf '*’1e results of Turkish rule, He gion.” Besides the above provision Thelma Robinson, guard: Catherine stated that there was now. more than and theatres. iBut the streets are for membership, it is further extend Baker, center; Evelyn Anderson, cen t> year after the signing of the ar Roseburg, Ore., Jan. 16. Two of crowded day and night ed to "the mothers, wives, daughters ter; and Anna Bramwell, utility sub the largest dealers in this city and mistice, a well-equipped, well-organ- In its palmiest days Rome had and sisters of all men and women stitute. one restaurant proprietor, refusing 3.000. o 6(> inhabitants. But in the bed Turkish army tn the field, mur who were in the military or naval All the girls on the first-string to pay the quotation of $15.90 a sack 13th century, when the papacy was dering wholesale unarmed Christian service of the United States between lineup have had experience on past f. <>. b. Ihirtland for sugar, today can moved to Avignon, in France, the men. women and children. April 6, 1917, and November 11. teams of the local school, and hnve celled aggregate orders with whole- once grand capital of the ancient 1918, and died In line of duty or af been working hard In practice for stlets for nearly 12 ton«. world became a deserted ruin with ter honorable discharge and prior to weeks past. They have been handi The price was declared to be prac- only 13,000 inhabitants. NO GERMAN «TRIKE Toklo. Jan. 16.—The Japanese November 11, 1920.” capped, however, by the lack of a •I rlly nrohlbitlvo. Tlie depths al- TO PROTEST SHOOTING government, according to newspapers I (At the last meeting of thè locai proper floor, having had to utilise a le red that they would be compelled RITORTE!» FRENI II NAVAL (today, sent Instructions Wednesday post it was decided to leave thè in- barn in (the south part xtf the city, to r-tall the sugar at 18 cents, which MUTINY NOT CONFIRMED evening to Yukiehi Obata. minister itiative in the matter to those eli- the floor of which is too 11 irro'.v by they said the people are unable to Berlin. Jan. 16.--Attempts of rad to China, to notify the Peking gov glble for membership, as the l»est 20 feet >iiv. Just what wBl be the outcome Paris, Jan. 16.- Rei-orts that ical labor leaders yesterday to pro ernment that Japan, having succeed criterion as to whether the auxiliary If a suitable floor for a game can of the sugar situation here Is prob French naval forces in Toulon have voke a general strike as a protest ed to Germany’s rights in Shantung is desired. Further details may !>e be found in town, a return game will lematical. Retailers stated that there metinied have not lM-en confirmed, against the shooting of members of January 10. by virtue of the treaty obtained from the secretary of <he be played with Roseburg the last'of le enough ¡nf the present supply tn nothing relative to alleged disorders the mob which stormed the reichstag of peace, was ready now to negotiate Grants Pass post. Dr, E. J. Billick, by the month. last for a couple nf weeks or so. there are known at Marseilles. building Tuesday, failed completely. I at any time for their returu. telephoning his office. KENTUCKY HAS FLOOD ARE THE CRY OF ITALY TAPS READY TO TORN