" IT’S THE CLIMATE (Lnante WE’RE TELLING THE WORLD : : JJ ûûü COME AND ENJOY IT” Dm In Courier ar—ar VOL. X., No. WO. ARE TO FIGHT GRANTS BASH, JOHEPI1INE COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JAM ARY 7, H»2O Iteiuoi ratte Linder Slat«« That Atti tude of the iCe|iubllcaiiH Will Determine Chicago, Jan. 7 President Wil son may lie a < andidate. In an ad dress made at Boulevard hall last night, Junies Hamilton lx*wls, former senator from Illlnoli anil at one tUnc close to the ehtef ex«*utive of the country, declared It depended large ly on certain things. ‘ Wilson as a third term candidate of th«* democracy Is In rhe hands of the republican leader» In the ten- ate," he Mid, "and to be disposed of by the conduct of republican party nianters. These can make him a can didate and destroy themaelvea- as they have done in two past ¿lections in making Wilson their political an tagonist." Mexican Federal Troop* Have the Bandit < hl«-ftuin Surrounded in Desert of Hechicero State Department Hears That First Report by Mexico Was Not Correct, and Orders Investigation to Stop Slaughter in Tampico District WHOLE NUMBER 1*4W. PEACE OFFER TO THE ALLIES Galveston, Texas, Jan. 7. -Fran BOI4HEVIKI PREMIER TAKES cisco Villa is surrounded by Mexican STEP TO PRESENT NEW DEAL federal troops in the desert of He- TO COUNCIL i chicero, between the states of Chi huahua and Coahuila, and his ca p- i ture is expected momentarily, ac- cording to a dispatch received here U Washington, Jan 7. Gabriel Tor- ally shot by a companion, but Inve»- today by Mexican Consul G. M. Flrro Generals Murguia and Dieguez are ter, an American citizen in the em- ligation was said to have developed In command of the pursuing col ploy of the Penn.-Mex Company, was that he was shot by an army officer. umns. He Also Agre«* to tail Halt to Ac Ileal>wi-iglit I iutiupiiin Ila» Already The consul ha» been ordered to re- Accepted Ti'rmx of the Offer tivity of Revolutionary' shot and killed by a Mexican federal l»ort further and If circumstance» Tribunals of I'uifnHli army officer at Tuxpam, December warranted to urge the lo<al authori <X»MPTROLLER CALINS FOR BANK STATEMENTS 21, according to advices received by ties at the Tampico district to arrest I the state department today from the and punish the guilty person, This Washington, Jan. 7. — The comp Stockholm, Sweden, Jan. 7.—Nik Paris, Jan. 7. -Georges Cariienlier American «-onsul at Tampico. makes a total of 20 American» killed and Jack Dempsey will probably meet The Mexican authorities first re (in the Tampico district by the Mexi- troller of the currency today issued olai Lenine, Russian bolshevik! pre a call for national bank statements mier, has made a new peace offer to tn America for the pugilistic cham- ported that Porter had been accident cans since April 17, .1919. of conditions as of December 31. the allies, which is being taken to plonshlp of the world as a result of London by Colonel Tallents, British the acceptance laat night by Carpen- MYSTERIOUS MURDER representative in the ^Baltic sttaes. tier’s malinger of the offer of a OF ABERDEEN OFFICER Among other conditions included in <4 00,01)0 purse for the I mmii by the offer is a promise to abolish ter Jam«« Cofforth. Dempaey han al- Washington, Jan. 7. To provide ready a< ccpte«l Cofforth’» terms Aberdeen, Wash.. Jan. 7.—Jack rorism and activity of revolutionary a place for concentration of the rad Greer, night desk officer of the Ab tribunals, according to an Esthonian ical aliens taken In recent raids, the erdeen police force, was mysterious newspaper. department of labor today took steps ly murdered last night on Benham Portland. Ore., Jan. 7.—Operation Washington, Jan. 7. Senator Un dork, on the Aberdeen water front. to reopen Ellis Island to its’ full ca of the Beaver Portland Cement com derwood. democrat, of Alabama serv Apparently he had been shot in a pacity. pany's plant at Gold Hill, on the ed notice on the senate today that gun duel. unless the deadlock over the treaty is Southern Pacific line, will commence broken within a few days he would WILHELM'S SON'S WOULD Gray-l.lieitune ('«mcert Succc: the latter part of this month. Fletch press his resolution calling for the BE RELIEVED OF WIVES The Gray-Lhevinne concert given er IJnn, of Portland, of the reorgan ap|>ointment of a bi-partisan com- last night at the opera house under mittee of the senate to work out Malem, Jan. 7. 1-re Allan Watson, the auspices of the High school wa* ized company announces. Paris, Jan. 7.—Prince August and Prince Joachim, respectively the ’ Salem. Ore., Jan. 7.—The fact that re< elved at the slut«' hospital from well attended and afforded a treat I About $ >00,000 has been i ayes ted some agreement. Mr. Lhevinne's in the enterprise which promises to fourth and sixth sons of the former many vehicle owners deferred mak Bandon last week, died 'Monday af to those present, German emperor, have brought di- ing application for their 1920 li ternoon. Wat son han attracted con- piano playing was enthusiastically develop into one of the important in Youthful Forger Sentenced— Saniinle Richey, who entered a vorce suits, according to Berlin ad- Hid«1 ruble attention since his coni encored and Estelle Gray'» violin dustries of Rogue river valley. The censes until within the past week, plea of guilty to the charge of for vices to Matin. output will be 1200 barrels of cement mlttmrnt lo the state hospital by his work was much enjoyed. has caused a congestion of business dally and a working force of 100 men gery that grew out of his bad check repeated protests of innocen e of in the motor vehicle department of manipulations of some weeks ago, probably will be employed. tho murder of Lillian Ixnithold. Ban- the secretary of state’s office, and as don iglrl. for which crline Harold D. L. Carpenter is president of the was sentenced by Judge Calkins in ' a result it will require at least un Howell of Coos county Is now facing company; W. H. Muirhard, vice pres the circuit court this afternoon to I til the middle of January to dispose ident and treasurer; L. A. Adams, two years in the state penitentiary. his third trial. of the applications on file and those secretary, and W H. Green, plant su Because of the youth of the lad. | which may be received up to that It la believed (but Watson's hallu however, he was paroled to the state I perintendent. time, according to an announcement cination was due to the fact that a parole officer. made today by Sam A. Kozer, assist rifle which 'he owned was exhibited ant secretary of state. In one of th«' murder trial» to prove Supervisor McDaniels and Deputy In view of the existing congested that there were more than one rlfl«' Salum. Ore., Jun 1. 7. Members of Hunt, of the Siskiyou forestry office, condition and in justice to motor of the sumo calibre as that with the Oregon County S hool S-iperln- left yesterday for the Josephine vehicle owners who have forwarded w hich the Howell boy is acused of tendHtits' association, at their clos j eaves, where they will make an ex- their applications for 1920 licenses hming killed the girl, in that com ing session here yesterday, elected I ploration of the caverns, and will al- to the secretary of state, but who munity. When received at the l\os Ix'na Snell Sliurte of Morrow county j so plan such improvements as are have not yet received their licenses pltal here he was so delirious as to us president of the organization tor - necessary for their development. for the reasons stated, the depart make Intelligent questioning inipos- the ensuing .vear, J. W. Allen of Co Dick Rowley, government guide who ment requests that sheriffs of the •Ible anti he did not recover suffi lumbia county was elected vice-presi Columbus, Ohio, Jan. 7.- i'nited Portland, Ore., Jan. 7.—Two un is stationed at the caves during the counties, the chiefs of police of cities ciently to throw any light on his rav llent and .Miss Elmetta Bailey of Mine Workers of America, I n eon - masked robbers entered an all-night tourist season, came in from his Wil and towns, and other peace officers in gs. - B.tker county, secretary. vention here today, ratified the ac- drug store, in the down town dis liams creek home, and went with the of the state, permit these motor ve Tlie superintendents went on re tlon of the international officers in trict, early this morning, and held party from here. They went to Hol hicle owners who have applied for cord favoring a law exempting taxes accepting President Wilson's propo up the manager and a customer, land and up to Cave Creek trail, ex licenses to operate their cars on for s -hool purposes from tlie 6 per sal to end the coal strike on a 14 locking them in the basement. They pecting to remain till Friday of this their 1919 licenses for a reasonable cent liiiiitatlon act, un<l the levy of a per cent increase basis, and a new secured a hundred dollars from the week. There is much work neces time until the department can clean two-mill millage tax based on all as wage agreement will be drawn up. cash register and the manager. sary to make the interior of the caves up the present congestion. sessable property in the state. In j more accessible for the greater num > connection with the latter tax it was ber of people who will visit them ; recommended that all the money de- ! with the completion of the new caves . rived from the levy b<‘ returned for highway. This work will largely con- ■lint Dean is In the city from his use in the cotintit's in which it Is - sist of enlarging some of the passage raised Both of these measures, it is mining property near Gallce today, I ways, and the installation of better and If you have a grievance against said, will be placed before the legis ■ ladders in some instances where it the 'gentleman this Is the time to lature at its special session here next ■ i is necessary to climb to get the best aquare accounts. You can now ap- I week, with the request that they be : view of the underground wonders. proach him on the blind side, for referred to the voters at the general Slides along the S. P. railroad op I «lection to h«' held in Oregon next Honolulu, T, H., Jan. 7.- — Legisla of applicants fori qualifications Doan Is wearing blinders over tho posite the J. J. Chadwick premises tion to effect important changes in homesteads to assure that "the re right optic, which is temporarily out ' November. in the Missouri bottom are giving the Another bill providing for a mini land leasing and homestead rights is maining small body of agricultural of commission. While repairing the local setion men a lot of trouble I from congress by land should be settled by a class of «lit -h that carries water to the placer mum annual wage of $2400 for coun to be sought these days, says the -Myrtle Creek legislative commission fart ters who will remain active own mine, a piece of rock sjruck Dean in ty school superintendents also is said Ha widl's Mail. At one point more than an tho eye, and he has since thou been Ito have been discussed, but as yet no which, it Is expected, will arrive in ers thereof and interested and ac acre of land has broken loose from early in January. tively concerned in its development.” looking at th<^ world only through I definite action- has been taken. The Washington, D. the main mountain and insists on Other petitions to congress ask: The program of legislation sought the left. No permanent injury is an I superintendents, upon their return sliding into the South Umpqua river. | to their homes will feel out the pulse by the Hawaiian legislature. One of A law requiring residence of not | Walter Jones, district ranger in It is moving slowly but surely into llclpated, however. of tho taxpayers of their respective less than one year in Hawaii for ell- charge of the Chetco district of the the river, and it keeps the section on these resolutions asks statehood for Mr. Dean states that the freezing gibillty to appointment to federal of-1 Siskiyou reserve, has been called to the alert. Every lltle while it is weather of a couple of weeks ago I counties regarding this measure, ac tho territory. Portland to testify in the federal necessary to slip the rails back into played havoc with many of the cording to reports, and Inter will re Governor Charles J. McCarthy (ice In the territory. Extension Jo Hawaii of the farm court in the case against Si McKee, ditches, and all have needed more port to State Superintendent Church- heads the commission and others In-1 line as they are carried riverward or less repair. Tho flow of water ¡111. elude Attorney General Harry Ir loan act and the reclamation ace of vnd H. E. Haefner will go to Brook by the moving earth. The county ings to take up Mr. Jones' work dur road recently opened in that local has also been much reduced 'because win, Senator Robert W. Shingle,; Jone 17, 1902. Collection of toll by harbor boari! ing the latter's .absence. Mr. Haef of the freeze, and Hie miners are Senator John H. Wise, secretary of i ity is in the line of the sliding earth. hoping for a thaw In the mountains the commission: Representative Wil on all freight • passing over terri- ner's special work will l>e in connec The whole mountain side is threaten tion with the sale of a body of tim ing to break loose and is now cracked that -will again fill th«« creeks and ' Ham T. Rawlins and '.Representative torial wharves. increases in salaries for the gover- ber upon government land that Is the dMx'hos. Dean operate» the old [ Henry J. ¡Lyman. [ in many places. It would be out of nor, judges and members of th«* leg now being made to the C. & O. Lum Dean and Cories» placer Unit takes the question to ever build a per The members of the commission, ft 1 islature ber ompany at Brookings. The sale manent roadway over this moving Its water from t'entennliil creek. is announced will initiate no dls'us- Authority for governor to appoint involves some 70 million feet of fir mass of land. Those who dream of ■ion on the Japanese question. a commission to investigate feasi and hemlock now standing on 2000 a (future (Pacific highway up that side Authority to incur public debt in , bility of establishing a free port in acres of the reserve lands adjoining of the Umpqua to Riddle will most Robber Soured tivay— j Washington, .Ian. 7. X warrant an amount 3 per cent in excess of the 1 Hawaii. holdings of the lumber company. The likely have to see their dreams fade The Fashion garage was tho In 'for the arrest of Ludwick C. \. K amount fixed by present laws. 7 per! Appropriation of $1,000,000 for sale of the lands was advertised, and Into nothingness Just as the hillside tended victim of th«> burglars who Martens, st If-styl^d ambassador of cent, is to lie sought fgom congress roads, pipe lines and waterworks in the Brookings company was the only over which it would have to pass is have been breaking into Into various tho Russian soviet government, has The present debt is $10,S94,000. bidder because of the isolation of the gradually vanishing amidst the rag places during the past few nights. A been ordered executed by the depart- The additional money is said to 1>e homestead tracts. Permission for Hawaii to retain tract, and Its inaccessibility to other ing waters of the angry Umpqua. person was seen to break a window bent of Justice. Martens, regarded hy seriously needed for road building .*>0 per cent of all customs and inter lumber interests. The same com in the rear of the building probablv federal official» as the real leader of and schools. nal revenues collected in the terri pany has already furnished a market preliminary to entering It, but he the communist party in the United Michigan salt wells are rapidly be Another proposal is 5OV- tory. for some 10 million feet of the ripe ing developed so that the state’s out made a run will'll seen by one of tho States. Is said to be in Washington ernor, land commissioner and land Long time leases on arid lands up tinxber on forest reserve lands in the put Is approaching first rank In tha proprietors. I Arrest is expected soon. board be given the right to pass upon on which water may be brought. Chetco district. country. SENATOR UNDERWOO NEW WAGE AGREEMENT