PAG« THRBW GRANTti l'AMH DAILY IMMKIEK NATURDAY, l»F< "EMBER 27. IIHli t g . b : berry Harness and Saddlery Auto Top and Canvas Work With Grants Pass Hardware Co. Classified Advertising 5X On« horse |o years old. Good work true. anil hors«, gentle, sound M it r- "riio iioo Hayas Bros , 3Xtf pliy, Ore. bX»ll SALE weigh« ulMiut I 400. L. GALBRAITH inaurarne. any Building and kind. Rentals, laiiin. Plate Glass Liability. 809*4 K 41 f G street. I'hono 28. a____ M out OX O-ACET Y1 JONE welding Al*» experienced hand in town , all kinds of lathe and unto work. Phone 19, or call at 1235 M Hl. 85 l-XBl SALE OR TRAME i •; o nere» of old growtli piu»-, cruising about 0, fluii, in Josephine con li­ ty. W7 West <* Street, phone 1 M VETERINARY HVRGKDN FOR ltKNT 4>it • - DR R. J. BESTTUL, Veterinarian place in Wolf Creek; 10 acres Residence 83 X Washington boule­ cleared; 3 Vi acres In bearing vard, phone 398-R. fruit; creek through place and fine spring. Practically In town. Rent PHYNK "I ANN 3 I 00 for one year. James Watson. I. O. CLEMENT. M. D.. Practice 140 South Broadway, L oh \ngeles. limited to diseases of the eye. ear, Cal. 57 nose and throat. Glasses fitted. 2 of the church. The Epworth In-ague will be in charge from 8 to 10, the le a social and watch When the body begins to stiffen night service. The public Is always and movement becomes painful it invited to all our service«. is usually an indication that the C. M. Cline, preacher. kidneys are out of order. Keep these organs healthy by taking COLD MEDAL Th» world’s standard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid trouble«. Famous since 1696. Take regularly and keep in good health. Io three sizes, sll druggists. Guerenteed as represented. Look fer U. u«. Geld M«i.l M every koz sad aacaet so -mtlaUoa Newman M. E. 4'liiii-i-h Sunday school at 10 a. m. Ep­ worth lx-ague at 6-30 p. ni In the morniag at 11 o'clock Rev. Joseph Knotts, pastor, will preach on the New Year theme. "Jov Comet!) in the Morning.” At 7:30 on the theme, "The Double Portion." Special mu­ sic both morning and evening. New Year'« eve there will be an "All Church Social" In the parlors e Betluiny 4’r«--l»yt<-i imi ( 1 liiirch Morning worship, * 11 1 1 o’clock, "Tranaltlon* — A New Year'« Year’s dedlta- Hon." Sunday £ inday school at 10. Younir lieople's meeting. 6.45, "How to 6:45, "How Make the Next Year Better Than 90:1.17. This.” f'Halms 9O;L17. Evening worHhfp at 7:30, "Sixty Minutes.” Wednesday, December 31, 7:45 p n»., "A Prayer for the Coming Year,” HI John 2. Henry G Han on. minister. PRESENTS THE FAMOUS STARS IN PERSON FRANCIS X. BUSHMAN I NOT A “YFfLYii BAYNE |J_ THEMSEIA F.8 Fa-cinming Mystery Play “TheMaster Thief’ By EI»W. E. ROSE WITH I TYPK li, MORONI O CANT OF 20 LIVING, BREATH » ING A4 TORN PRKTCS—Orchestra: $2; Parquet, *1.54»; Bah-ony, *1.50, $1, ."MX—Plu* War Tax a Neat« Tue-aiay , lx-« ciiil»er 34»—Mail 4>rdeiw Now St. Luke’s l.piMopal Sunday (Holy Innocence Day) ev enit)£ service at 7:30 p. m. A hearty welcome to all. Help the na­ tion-wide movement by attending. Rev. I’hilip K. Hammond of Ash­ land. vicar in charge. First Chnrcli of 4 liri*t Scienti*t Christian Science ervi. es are held every Sunday in the W. O.‘ W. hall at 11 a. m. Wednesday evening meeting at 8 o'clock. The subject Sunday is ’’Christian Science.” Reading room is epen from 2 to 4 p. m. daily except Sundays and holidays. The publi is cordially in­ vited to attend the services and to visit the t'-ading room. f' " Oliver* MoroHeo tlie 11 ENT I STS (X > KKN: Car Bargains 1»17 1U1« HHI 1»1 4 101« < HEVIRJLET .......... .................................................................... Ml75.(Hl I III V 15 »I I I ............................................................................... $450 00 FOR!», (kklll SHAPE ...».................................... ................... S I.Ki iN) Ford, NEW TIRLX..................................................................... * ;5o.oo OVERLAND WITH STARTER .......................................... S»i.o-m SEGONI» HAND I'ARS BOUGHT A NI» NOI C. L. Hobart Company ~ Office hours 9-12, 2-5, or on ap polntment. Phones, office 62: resi­ dence 359-J. WASTE» 4 WANTED To contract (or Pine ¡.nd Fir log« f. o. I». cars Southern Pa­ cific track Big Pirn- Limber 4'ompuny. Medford, ore: n 4 111 X - - ¡XH’GHRIDGE, M D. Physician and «ergeon. City or country calls nttended day or night. Phones. re«!ib nee, 369; office, 182. Slyth and II streets A. WITHAM. M D. Internal medicine and nervous diseases, i i,. I Medical Bldg. Portland. Ore Hours, 2 to 5 p. hi ., morning and evening by npimintmi ni< 1. I».''» WANTED 1 tiii-i •>'«-«I 4 h ui'ri'K; iilfi«lf»i. with w t’ur in-1 right, ni-ar oiitHldc ran ge DR. W T TOMPKINS^ S. T «chool. P. 4». Bo« ’» h 7, Yr- ka. Rooms 1 and 2 Schmidt Bldg. 54 (Mi. Treats all disease«. Hours 9-12 a. m.; 1-5 p. m. Phone 304-R WANTED .Men who now how to «warnt», for hor»o skidding In win tor weather. I- per day of s ho ire E J. BILLiCK. M. D„ Physician and surgeon» office Schallhorn addreaa I. E. Kesterson l/umbcr block, phono 54-J; residence. (io.. Worden, Oregon. '»4 1004 latwnrldge, phone 54-L, W VNTED loop turkey* at the City Grants Pass. Bring poultry In th I k Market. 57 DR RALPH W 8THARNB pbjrwlctaM Iligln-Ht price« i mid. week. and surgeon, office* formerly oc­ WVNTED AgeiitH (or Griui U» Pans cupied by l»r. Stricker, Masonic and vicinity. Good proposition. Temple. Phono, office 21-J. resi­ Previous experience unnecessary. dence. 21-L. Hours: 10-12, 2-4. Fyee School of Instruction. Ad­ ATTORNEYS dress Massachusetts Bonding and ' Insurance Company, Accident and II. D. NORTON, Attorney-at-law. Health Department, Saginaw, Practices in all State and Federal Michigan, i'apita.1 11,500,000, 54 Courts. First National Bank Bldg. W VNTED H. M. Parker will pay cash for a lot on Sixth street, G. W. COiLVIG, Attorney-at-law. Grants Paas Banking Co. Bldg. south of Ij. &6 Grants Pass, Oregon. To EXCHANGE E. S. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Prac­ TH AJ>B W tnlyd, tn mu oi tices in all courts. First National about 1400, and wagon and cash. Bank Bldg. Trade for Ford touring car. \NOCK, lawyer, night service. First National Bank Bldg., Grants Paas. Oregon. LONT LX>ST Fourth liberty loan bond No 5040203, $50; Fifth Victory loan bond No. A1O9I464. »50. Finder please return Io Courier office and metre reward . ■'1 drayage and trannfer St. Anne's ('•tliollc < Tiureh Sunday maaMi-« at 8:00 ami 10:00 o’clock. Rev. J. G. Vlen, C. 8. V., pastor, MW'KIXA.NKOl » F4HI NALK FOR Minx phone 149.1 I Jit iI k CbiirclKS | •r — THE WORLD MOVES; so do we. Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phone 897 R. F. G. ISHAM, drayage and transfer. Safes, pianos and furniture moved, packed, shipped and stor­ ed. Office phone 124-Y. Resi­ dence phone 124-R. The California and Oregon Coast Railroad Company TIME CARD New Years Day American Legion vs. High School ' He saw the foreign roads in England and France, the best’ in Europe—and in other < ontinental eountrie • and he knows. Being unable to M-cur<- a game with any out Mile High Hrhool team, our local i-liainpionH have lice'll challenged by th<- All- Ntar Inierican Ix-gion team, comp« » mm 1 of former G. I*. H. S. men. The part railroads have played in the development of the United States is beyond measure. It I m e-ti ma till that lioth lineup-, will average Hi.” | m > iiiii I k and a most interesting liattle t* 0x|HX-teaii-H. Also nil kinds of cast steet mid ntuniiniim welding. Bring in your mechanical Trouble*. We can help you. 1 Th« raOwRvx of tho United State« are • more than one third, nearly one half. of all the railways of the world. They carry a yearly traffic bo much greater than that of any other country that there ia really no basis for comparison. Indeed, the traffic of any two nationa may beecmbined and still it does not approach the commerce of America borne upon American railways. Ssaatvr Cuai^w „ To attract to the railroads in the future | the investment funds of many thrifty citi­ zens, the directing genius of the most ( capable builders and managers, and the p skill and loyalty of the l»est workmen—in competition viftth other industries bidding fer capital, managers u i men the railroatl industry must hold cut fair rewards to capital, to managers and to the men. American railroad ' v. i 1 ue to set world standards and ad< -ti serve the Nation’s needs if they continue to be built and operateti on the .American principle of rewards for work well done. advertisement u puhhdicdbylhe fSfosociatiofi Executives, C. F.BURKE and T. E. KNOX, Props _ To the $20,000,0UO,Cl0 now invested in our railroads, there will have to be added, in the next few years, to keep pace with the nation’s business. 1 illtons more fori additional tracks, stations and terminals,' cars and engines, elect i ic power houses and trains, automatic signals, safety devices, the elimination of grade crossings and for reconstruction and engineering economies that will reduce the cost of transportation. FASHION GARAGE & MACHINE SHOPS Effective Nov. 24, VI». Trains will run Mondays. Wetlnes dnyn and Fridays. P.M. I xjiivo Grant8 Pass......... ....t o PM. Arrive Waters Creek___ ...2: 30 P.M. Leavo Waters Creek P.M. Arrive Grant* Paso......... ....4 For information ragardin* freight and passenger rates call at the office of the company. Lnndbiirg building, or telephone 131. \ SK any doughboy wh-» was “over there” J A. and he will tell J*d that American laiiroads : re the let in the world.