Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931, December 26, 1919, Image 1

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    " I
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ajn D
VOL. A., No. Ml
A c**e|* of Ihc lin|H riilor T>|»e, I Mil
by America to Bring Soldier*
Home, Io Be Returned
| Flowery Kingdom ha* Decided to
Prohibit Iwsuanc»- of Pa*--|M>rts to
Women Wedded by Pic ture
Washington. Dec. 26. By direc­ Railway Machinists Are On Record by a Nearly Unanimous
Toklo, Japan. Dee. 26.—The Jap- !
tion of the president, former German
anese government, according to ihe
Vote to Walk Out if Congress Enacted Measure
steamships of the Imperator group
newspapers published here yesterday '
are to be delivered to Great Britain,
has decided to discontinue the issu-
the Shipping Hoard announced to­ I
ance of psssports permitting picture 1
day. The vewaela are those assigned
brides to "proceed to the United
to the I'nlted Wales after the armis­
States, which practice has been the!i
tice for the return of the ‘American
Washington, Dec.
26.—-Ninety­ en before the senate interstate com­ cause of some antUJapanese feeling M
troops, amt designateti for turning
union rail-! merce committee reported out the in America revealed in advices reach-1
over to Great Britain
ing here."
I-i-alernl Control of Ex|>r«*>* Fom
way machinists voted in November Cummins measure and the result
Won the Croix de Guerre, Which Hae
was not officially published because
jtunle* Almi to lie Rellix|Ui»iu*<l
to strike with other trades In the ,
Now Been Conferred i pon Him
on the Same Date a* Itonit-
the association did not want to ap-,
event congress enacted the pummlmi ' pear in an attitude of threatening
Under Hi* Own Xante
railroad bill with the anti-strike pro­ congress. Johnson said the strike
vision. In making this announcement' vote stipulated that the union rail­
Five billion
Eblcago, Dec. .*6
today, William IH. Johnston, pre»!- j way machinists quit work if the
Boston, .Maas., Dee.
—How Ar­
dollars will lie needed by the rail­
dent ot the InteruaUonal Association , Cummins bill passed both branches
thur E. Abbott, long wanted as a
ways of the United Blates for expan-
of Machinists, said the vote was tak-'of congress.
fugitive from justice for the theft of
•Ion. rehabilitation and Improve
sisnt in the five-year period follow-
i of |15,000 from the Federal Trust
The ninth annual convention
lag their return to private owner­ the Oregon Irrigalion congress
commons has been informed that company of this city, enlisted in the
'large numbers of works of art have marines and as Sergeant William
ship on March U.
•be held In Portland January 8, 9 and
, been leaving this country recently Harkell was cited for brilliant war
I reading railroad men In Chicago 10 at tlie Portland 4'hamber of Com-
Thé serrlc* waa disclosed today when he
tor America and elsewhere,
made this statement when Informed tnerce.
exchequer, Austin was set free on probation by the dis­
it was originally planned to hold
the president had fixed a date for
I Chamberlain, said there was no ex- trict attorney. The croix de guerre
turning buck the roads,
the sessions on December 29, 30
| port duty on works of art but "there was also conferred upon him in hi*
"Tlie roads should upend u billion and 31, but on account of the special
was much to be said in favor of im- own name.
a year." said Hale 'Holden, regional session ot the legislature aud the
state sportsmen’s league, ot Porl- posing such a duty.”
director of the Central West, “for state-w'lde storm, the dates were
at least a five-year period in order postponed until the week immedi­ would be the price he would ask for I . land, stopped in this city Saturday
to firovlde the country with an ade­ ately preceding the convening of the whale's milk if he established a ■ evening for a couple of hours on his HARVARD F4JOTBALL TEAM
whale dairy, according to Captain 1 I way home from Medford and Ash-
quate transportation machine. Ex­ slate legislature.
B. Ixtop, a sea mammal exjiert , ■ land. He arrived here on train No.
Inasmuch as. Important matters
tensions. Improvements and addition­
L ob Angeles, Cal., Dec. 26—The:
concerning Irrigation are to tie of Ixing Beach, near here, who re- ! 5 4 and left later on 16. While here
al equipment tire sorely needed.”
brought up at the special session, all centty returned from a whale hunt1 .Mr. Downs interviewed a number of Harvard football squad arrived here
. local sportsmen regarding legislation shortly before noon today. All stood
of the niemlwrs of the legislature In .Mexican-Pacific waters.
Wnshlnatnn. Dec
26 Control
Captain Loop haw not determined, that is proposed for the better pro­ the trip well and will commence I
have been Invited to attend the ses­
and operation of the nation** rail­
sions of the Irrigation congress by however, to establish a shale dairy, tection and pro|s>gation of game and training this afternoon for the game !
roads. amumed by the government
Ijondon. Dec. 26.—Seven of the
he merely made that announcement game fish. He is especially interest­ with Oregon January 1st.
President Jay H.
as a war measure two years ago to­ vllle.
_________ ___
largest trade unions in Great Britain
because Arthur de Ell. of 607 North ed in the two measures advocated by
day. will revert to the owners next
have inaugurated a movement aim-
Various matters of importance re­ 18th street. Omaha. Neb., who had the league at its recent meeting in SCHOONER OKANOGAN GOES
March 1, unless congress fixes an
ASHORE OX HAWAIIAN REEF lns at the Prevention of anauthor-
lating to Irrigation will be discussed heard of the seaman's knowledge of Portland, the division of the sport-
earlier date, *
___ _ _______________ |ized strikes. It is declared that the
ami prominent speakers representing whales and a small cargo of the lac- * ing from the commercial Interests in
¡'resident Wilson, through a proc­ ¡the Interior department and the var­ tout fluid of leviathans that he re­ the state fish and game commission,
San Francisco, Cal., Dec. 26.—The movement is sponsored by the na­
lamation Issued Wednesday night ious Irrigation enterprises of the cently brought to Southern Califor­ and the enactment of a measure pro­ schooner Okanogan, a four-masted tional union of General workers, rep­
fixing March 1 as the date of the re­ state will be heard at thp convention, nia, sent a request "reserving" a viding that districts shall vote upon wooden vessel is ashore on a reef in resenting an enormous membership.
turn. put at rest speculation as to Among the speakers invited to at- sample of the milk.
the control of the commercial fish­ one of the Hawaiian group, aicord­
the time of the handing back of the tend are Franklin K. I «me. secretary
Captain lx>op said he would send ing in the various streams within ing to a message from Honolulu to
the state.
the Chamber of Commerce here. The
of the interior, and Elwood .Mead, a sample to de Ell.
He permitted members of the B.
Mr. Downs stated that a protest vessel is reported a total loss, The
The president In an address to chairman of the land settlement
P O. Elks to sample the whale's had gone up from all over the state crew was saved.
congress last May said he intended board of the state of California.
milk he took to Ixing Reach. They at the action of the fish and game
to turn back the roads at the en<1 of
declared it richer and more palat- commission in removing Biologist
the present year.
able than that of cows.
Finley from his office, and that the
By another proclamation, issued
The captain, who has contributed pressure finally became so strong
with that In regard to the rajlroads,
much Interesting Information to the that the governor changed front.
the president ordered the dissolution
Juneau, Alaska. Dec. 26.—Farm­
general knowledge of whales, says
It is expected that Mr. Downs will
on March I of the American Railway
of the Chllkat valley, who have
the first thing to do In order to ob­ ! be here again within a week at which
Express company, which was formed
tain the milk of one is to catch the 'time the sportsmen’s club will hold
July 1, 1918, under government di­
raspberries, cranberries and many
whale. He has not made public how a meeting for the purpose of com­
rection 'by consolidation of the Ad­
he does it.
pleting the organization recently un-
■ ms. American. Wells Fargo uli d
Honolulu, T. H., Dec. 26.—Fred­ varieties of vegetables, will find a
Southern companies.
erick Funston Post, Veterans ot For­ I better market for their products, it
Extension by two month* of I he
eign Wars, at its last meeting, ap­ is believed here, when a new can­
announced time for return of t he
pointed a standing committee head­ ning company, recently incorporated,
railroads was made, said a statement lot Jerusalem for the Zionist orgaul-
ed by Commander F. Q. Smith, to | gets into operation. There are 51
from the White House accompanying
at making
the changes
enlist the :iid of the Honolulu Cham- I farmers in the valley, each on home­
----- - — j zatlon, . aims
- ------------------
the proclamation, because congress j without destroying the historic and
ber of Commerce in driving out dis- steads varying from 60 to 120 acres
i in extent. The land is fertile and
had not enacted legislation to meet romantic aspects of the ancient city,
loyal residents.
conditions Incident to the change In . according to a statement which ho
Several members reported having ■ capable of raising big crops which
control and operation.
lias given to the Zionist Bulletin.
■ heard disloyal statements made by i will pay well if an outside market is
Washington. Dec. 26. President ,
leaders In congress generally ex­
Professor Geddes states that one
add German-Amerieans found, the farmers report.
Prominent Alaskans are named in
pressed approval of the president's of his first tasks will be in connec­ Wilson is withholding action on the
Tacoma. Wash., Dec. 26. -Three within the past few months, and. it
incorporation i>apers.
tion with the Hebrew University. and McNary bill extending the life of alleged I. W. W. who were arraigned was announced, that the authors of
he hopes to begin on that next year, the sugar equalization board until In the federal court Wednesday these, as well as war-time pro-Ger-
utilizing buildings already erected, the board flies a memorandum con­ charged with violating the sedition I mans will be investigated.
Research laboratories for chemistry cerning the measure. It was said- at laws, refused to enter pleas today.
Officers of the post intimated that
will ibe a feature of the school. Dr. the White House today that the Each sgxxl
mute and Judge Cush- if no results could be obtained Io­
Welzmann, the Zionist leader.
leader, who ‘board has requested delay. There was nian entered pleas of not guilty for'call.v the matter would be taken to
lias been reader in bio-chemistry at no Indications of what the board’s at­ them, and ordered the assistant dis- [ Washington,
trict attorney to proceed with plans
Owen’s College, (Manchester. will be titude on the bill will be.
for trying the cases January 13th. to
In charge of the research work.
protect the defendants In cat« they
Cottage Grove.. Ore., Dee. 26.—
Professor Geddes says he hopes REtJIEST FOR TIKMIIK
REFUSED BY goi •Eitxim appeal their cases if convicted and The cottage Grove cannery, in cast­
also to start a Palestine museum and
Jerome, Aria., IDec. 26.—The fire.
decide to hire attorneys after the ing up its business for the year, which for more than 20 years has
'suggests that nothing more of hfs-
Tok Io, Dec. 26. The Japanese torlcal and archaeloglcal interest
Tacoma, Wash., Dec. 26. Gover- trial.
f'nds that during the season it paid burned in the lipper levels of the
government, has decided to prohibit 1 shcVttld go out of tlie country.
nor Hart today refused the request
cut $50.001.02 for produce, labor, United Verde Copper mine here, is
the exportation of cotton yarns and
of the Wilkenson Coal and Coke ANOTHER SI LEM MAN
; cans and supplies.
about to be eliminated >by a drastic
xiotton tissues In order to check the
company for troops to protect non­
process of lowering the entire sur­
advance of prices, Owing to the
union miners from union miners at
face of the property to a 400-foot
shortage of supply against the ei er nrnmiLi nnionurnn
Wilkeson who have not been taken
Salem. Ore., Dec. 26.—Warden
level, \11 attempts to extinguish it
increasing demand, the price of raw­
back since the strike was settled. Steiner today apimfnted James I<ewis
cotton has gone up fl 7 per cent.
The governor said he thinks the an employe of the city of Salem, dep-
the general opinion that the
It js alleged that this Is In part
sheriff has the situation well in | uty warden at the state prison. to
started by a slip in the
due also to speculative dealings of
I succeed John C. Talley, resigned.
rock producing sufficient friction
cotton yarn brokers, who haie taken
beat to ignite the ores rich in sul-
advantage of the lions a nt market
It has burned its way
and the fast falling supply to deal
Berlin. Dec. 26.—Many returned
Hamilton.1 Bermuda. Dec. 26.—<A through veins of copper, gold and
In futures.
German prisoners are applying to the
vigorous effort to raise the ban on sulphur.
The government has decided also military department for new iron
motor cars has failed. The house of
The process of suppressing the
to exempt from customs duty cotton crosses, saying the originals were
assembly voted 7 to 15 against it. fire involves the removal of 14.000,-
vam and cotton tissue Imported from til ken from them *by the entente. Not
For at least another year Bermud­ 000 cubic yards of material. The
abroad. Several large spinners in a single prisoner ao far as, is known
ians and visiting tourists will con­ area to tie evacuated is roughly es­
Osaka and elsewhere have ordered has admitted that he often and glad­
tinue to walk, ride a bicycle or drive timated at 400 by 800 feet. Mon­
cotton yarns from the United States ly sold his iron crosd to the Ameri­
Bnrls, Dec. 26. -Conference will
Lincoln, Neb., Dec. 26. Constitu­ a horse as of yore.
ster steam shovels are to be employ­
■ nd China and many Japanese cot­ can soldiers or took a bag of tobac- begin early next week between the tionality of the state law designed
Since little Nantucket capitulated ed In the work.
ton mills will augment their manu­ so for ft with enthusiasm.
allied and German delegates on mas- to curtail use of foreign languages to the forces of progress this colony
It is expected that the task of re­
facturing capacity with spindles and
The 'German government demands ures preparatory to putting the peace In Nebraska schools, an an Amerl- lias held an almost unique position
the entire top of the mine,
other machines Imported from the proof that the crosses were actually treaty into effect, it was announced canizatlon measure, was upheld by in its opposition to the use of auto-
the fire, wilt oc­
United States.
the state circut court today.
| mobiles.
cupy several year*.