Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 23, 1919)
PERSONAL Happy Old Age But to be happy in old age there must be a good competence secured during the productive years of UN. We aU must grow old. There is no avoiding It. but there is a way of avoiding a peunylese. poverty-stricken old age. That's why we urge people to start a savings account which will be a friend in need as you travel along, and a great comforter during your declining years. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF SOUTHERN OREGON MFMRT.H ut st wv t. SX N TM ♦ ♦ CHRISTMAS Record Certificates No gift is so acceptable to a phonograph owner than new records. If you do not know just what a person may own in 1 the way al records, or prefer ? to let him make hi» own selec » tion, you may purchase a Re cord Certificate from us for whatever price record you wish to give. The person to whom the certificate is made out can then come in at his leisure and select whatever re cord he deeirea. (VIA MIUA, VICTOR. EDISON RECORDS STANTON ROWELL Music and Photo House JUST 1M0RE DAY ♦ IXHM4K AND SOCIETY ♦ ♦ ELECTIONS ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ Rogue River («range Rogue River Valley Grange No. 169 met at the home of the worthy 1 master, F. S. Ireland, Saturday I evening. December 20. The business i routine was followed by the election of officers. The names of the offi- cers elected were Master—«F. S. Ireland. Overseer — IT. D. Mihills. Lecturer—-Mrs. A. J- Green. Steward—Fred Grant. Aset. Steward—F. W. Reynolds Chaplain-—Mrs. Will Scoville. Treasurer—-«Alva Hammond. Secy— C. T. Ireland. Gate keeper—I. F. AA’ebster. Pomona'—Mrs. E. Johnson. Flora—Mrs. J. Wester. Ceres—-Mrs. J. Branscotnbe. State Grange officers were also ( balloted for. Business being ended a social hour , was spent in partaking of a. light 1 lunch and having a good time gen- erally. Officers-elect are requested to at- tend the next meeting. January 10, for installation. i S|»ort League Head Coming— Uggetu candy at Clemens. 51 Fresh Stock— Head Lettuce, Tomatoes. Green Ed EsteB returned this morning Pepi<en> and Chriattuas Apples «1 from a visit gt San Francisco. Ixiok on the inside cover of the Kinney * Truax Grocery. Quality i-ew phono directory. 55 and Service. Store open this even- 52 The Isaac Best family visited Med in*. ford yesterday. Gold Coins— Willard storage battery service For Christmas presents, We have station. 314 North Sixth St Utt them. The Grants Pass Banking A. W. Hood left last night tor company. 51 San Francisco to spend the holidays. Paper doll«t at Clemens. 51 Meet* Faniih Here- Mrs. S. A. Douglas, who spent sev Cyril P. Wise came in (rom his eral days In the city, returned to Al Illinois valley home Monday to meet bany today. his family ou their return from Kan The best assortment of stationery sas City, where they had been visit 51 ing with relatives for the past ta<> at Clemens. lx>ok on the iuside cover of the months. 55 new phone directory. ■Curley Peterson of the Temple Margaret Mooi Will serve a buffet lunch at the market, and family went to Portland Christmas eve dancing party. 4itt today to spend the holidays. Cigarette* and tobaccoes in Christ maa packages at Horning's Shack. 52 Gold loins— For Christmas presents, We have Sabin's special Christmas choco them. The Grants Pass Banking lates are sold to you for the Aandy. 51 not the fancy box. 52 company. Mrs. Fred Applegate and two chil dren arrived last night from Klam Former llo»i«l«‘nt Visit»— Seth Blake, a former resident ot ath Falls to spend Christmas with Grants Pass, visited at the A. B. Mrs Applegate's father. J. F. Lloyd Choice perfumes and toilet water Cornell home over Sunday while en at Clemens. s 1 route from iBrooklngs. where he has Mr. and Mrs. Mark Arrowsmith l»een employed, to Portland, where and baby, who si>ent the past seven he will spend the Christmas holiday months in this county, left last night season with his parents. for Phoenix. Aris., for the winter. Look ou the inside cover of the New l»odgc Car Add«»l— You can now hâve a Dodge ride new phone directory Very special. Boquet Dazing Talc I at a Ford prlce. as we hâve added a powder. 49c at Clemens. 51 new I»odge car to our service Sonner 55 Mrs. J. H. Hathaway went to Hugo ¡Taxi, phone 252-R. this morning to attend the si»ecial Christmas exercises of .Miss Ruth Good Music— And a good time at the Christmaa Hathwav's school. eve dancing party. Dancing from Don’t worry about Christmas can-| dies -there will be no shortage— 9 till 1 b'clock. tons of it at Horning’s Shack. 30tf '.Mrs. Leon Glover arrived last I Exemption TUm- Sliort— About a half dozen miners on an night from AVeed. Vai., to si>end Christmas -with her father. (I Frank average file notices of exemption South. Mr. Glover will he here’later dally now to get the advantage of Those twenty-five cent boxes of I the exemption allowed lu the asseHa- chocolates at Sabin's contain the ment work of the year. Miners have same quantity as the regular fifty 1 Iteen exempted from doing this work 52 where the proper notice is filed with cent fancy boxes. the county clerk, but if the notice children's • I .urge assortment of 51 should not be filed, and the necea- books at Clemensj Rev. C. E. Glazier. of this city, sary work not done, the claim will who is holding protracted meeting» be forfeitable after January 1st. in the Church of God at Ashland, is Store O| m - ii Evenings— spending a few hours at home to Commencing this evening we will day. be open evenings until Christmas. Special. Rose toilet water. 49c at Golden Rule Store. 51 Clemens. Dr. A. K. Downs, head of the state sportsmen's league, wired yesterday that he expected to be in Grants Pass / ZP/XZ? Wednesday to interview local people THf AA3 upon the proposed legislation for the dividing of the sport and commercial There's a Nice Box of Candy— , lul «?rcx>us in the fish and game com- interests On Mie Christmas tree for you at . mj^gjon, . It is probable that the mat- the dancing party. 49tf t ter will be taken into the coming ses sion of the state legislature with the Fresh 6t<xk hope that the imputation can be ac- Head lettuce. Tomatoes. Green _ corupllshed there and not make it ne- ma« Apples at cessary to circulate petitions. Peppèrs ¡and, .Christ • 'ruax Grocery. Quality j Kinnpy &/ tv Special Meeting A. F. A 1. M — and Service, Store open this even- Two candidates for the third de A Christmas Carol — . 52 ine. ♦ w gree tonight at s o'clock. Lunch win J Will be sung by James Lium be served at 10:31*. R. E. Bratton, Quartz blanks at Courier office. the Christmas eve dancing party. 51 W. M. TD srpp ♦- • ■ ■' • Just Organized and Ready for All Engagements Best Musicians in the City Available T Piano, Two Violins, Cornet, Slide Trombone and Drums DANCE and CONCERT MUSIC A SPECIALTY -Çorner L and 10th Street, Grants Pass Address: ■ - >t • o ■ « • «ini., ì tn* ’ On December 25. Neilson’s orches tra will furnish the music. Supper I at midnight. Tickets |2. Come and 51 enjoy the fun. Gold Coin»— For Christmas presents, We have them. The Grants Pass Banking 51 company. • Arrived Today I Dnuglitcr in the Briggs Home— Ix-ster Briggs does not care wheth-j er school keeps or not this Christmas for he believes he has already had about all the Christmas that one Santa mortal man Is entitled to. Claus arrived five days ahead of time at the Briggs home, and the girl he left on the 20th would fill more than one of Lester's socks, big as they are. Mother and daughter are doing fine, and “Doc" Flanna- gan say Dad will »on be normal again. The Josephine hotel was the gath ering place last night of all the col lege students of the city. Nearly every institution of learning on the coast wan represented by either a graduate or a student, 19 couples be ing present. Jgiunspach’s orches tra from Medford furnished the music. This affair is the forerunner of a series of parties and dances to be given during the holidays by the college students. Mining blanks—Courier office. IH ME AND SILK PETTKX>ATH X Iflrs. fiellie Deas Successor to Mrs. K. Hubkopt % More Holiday Goods ANOTHER SHIPMENT Ol III G* I I’HOLHIERED IUM KEICM ITLUlWS—EXTRA NICE ONI s A BIG HHIPMTNT <»F .MIRIIOK XI.I MIM M DINNKR HETS CHINA ANI» SEMI-I*OR<KLUN GLASS W AKE " WE TURN A HOUSE INTO A HOME ” Rues. liNOtruMS R ancis . W aii P aaía , S cwinc M achinis & H oosuas H olmins F urniture S tore OPPOSITE THE BAND STAND P h ON£ 50 605 G STREET, C rants P a SS, O s *£0* This Jolly Little Tailor of Is the mark of correct tailoring »ml sensible economy. Orders for tiirlalnHM »liould Iw pls«-ed now. GEO. S. CALHOUN rn »3 G Hirer t I Fifteen yenra local agent Overcoats, Suits Shoes, Furnishings Peerless Clothing Co Cash Clothiers I F or C hristmas G ifts — Oak Sewing Rockers —AT— G<>l<l Coin1 College Students Make .Merry— Fl IIS. FOR MEN-AT Climate Fully Recovered— I All evidences of the recent little ; flurry of weather in Southern Ore-1 gon has disappeared, and the atmo«. phere is mild and balmy, with the grass making a growth under warming influence. The river again receding, and the water Is iivg its muddy complexion. For Christmas presents. We have them. The Grants Pass Banking company. 51 BEAI TIFI L WAUHWl Fresh Stock- Head Tx»ttuce, Tomatoes. Green Peppers and C'hrlHtmas Apples at Kinney & Truax Grocery. Quality and Service. Store open this even ing. . 52 Hance at Spence Hall— Grants Pass Jazz Orchestra Tor Ber Christmas Gift I Of course youth is the gr> « t time tor happiness, but old age H mm ipj compensations, too, provided age represents the declining years of a well-spent life. ♦ LOCAL AN EXPRESS SHIPMENT Ol ♦Oc. O5c. "5c, »I. mi.50. «175 BOXES OF CHOCOLATES CHRISTMAS TIIEE BOXES FOR THE CHILDREN—FILL ED WITH KISHES—IO 15 cent». I h. O. Reynold», Prop. HELMER’S 213 mid 215 South sixth Street Diamond Pendants AT 25 PER < EXT DISI OI X I FOR THE FEW REMAINING DAYS BE- FORE CXfRIHTM Vi Letcher & Son