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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 23, 1919)
TI ENDA Y, bH'IMIIi.ll XI. lililí GRANTS f'AMK DAILY (Olili KK PAUK T H RK I KING ALBERT AT ROOSEVELT'S GRAVE Something New in Bags G. B. BERRY ooo — Harness and Saddlery Auto Top and Canvas Work Proparly Small. it was Bobt ie's first «lay at >.eudar- imrten and the teacher asked each of the children to draw a picture of an apple. They all did so. then the teach er held up the different drawings, praising each one In turn. When she came to Bobbie’s It was Just a tiny little ring on the paper ntjd ona could a<-ar<ely see ft. She said. “Well, Bob ble. that Is pretty small for an apple.” Not to he outdone by the others, Bob ble said. "But that la a crab apple." With Grant* Pass Hardware Co COMMUNITY PLATE Classified Advertising KOK MALA FOR MILK phone H9-J A basket crocheted of twine and dipped in shellac, la allowed to dry. after being shape«) to suit the fancy of Its maker. It is then adorned with odd yarn flowers, as shown in the picture above, and converted Into a pretty bag by lining it with silk and extending the silk above the top of the basket. The silk gather- up at the top on a ribbon. If one cares to present a friend with the ultimate in luxurious laundry bags, this affair will answer, for it will grace any dressing room and serve to catch soiled handker chief? and neckwear. IX>HT 68 FOR SALE- One horse 10 years old. weighs about 14 00. Good work horse, gentle, eound and true. "rir« lino llayee Broa., Mur phy, Ore. iti! LOUT Fourth liberty loan bond No. 5040203, 15«; Fifth Victory loan bond No. 'A109I464. *50. Finder please return to Courier office and receive reward. 54 III<AYA<<K AND TRANSFER FOR SALE: OR TRADE 160 ■creo THE WORLD MOVE»; so do we. of old growth pine, cruising about Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phone 6,000,000 feet, In Josephine eoun- B97-R. ty. We wish to purchase a rimch for a home and will give a bargain F. G ISHAM, drayage and transfer. Safes, pianos and furniture to do ao. P. O. Sox 732, Granta moved, packed, shipped and stor- Paas, Ore. 4ltf ed. Office phone 124-Y. Reel- King Albert of Belgium carrying u FOR BAIJC Hydraulic and Irriga dence phons 124-R. grave of Theodore Roosevelt at Oyster tion pipes. Will sell cheap. Sizes Beosevelt, Jp «*-, CIVIL ENGINEER from 2-lnch to 4-lnch, guaran teed 25 years. H. W. Webber. DANIEL MeFARLAND, civil engi Phone 246-J- 54 neer and surveyor. Residence 740 Tenth street, phone 211-T. FOR HALE -.Mllk. 10 cents a quart at 608 L street. Bring bottles. 51 ELECTRICAL WORK FOR SALE Shetland pony, 6 yearn ELECTRIC WIRING and general electrical work, repairing, house old, well broken to drive or ride. wiring. C. C. Harper, 105 South Mr«. l<eavlng, reason for selling. Sixth atr<*et. phone 47. 53 John DeVail. Leland Ore. DKNTIHT8 FOR SAI j E- Eight Du roc pigs, and one young calf.- Inquire J, M. E. C. MACY. D. M. D. First-class 51 Hranscombe. Rd. 2, Box 20. dentistry. 109 H South Sixth street. Grants Paaa, Oregon. » FOR SALE lavender coat hangers, VETERINARY BVRGBON •ticki and saohets for Christ mas presents at 636 North Sixth street. 54 DR. R J. BESTLTL. Veterinarian. Mr». M. F. Graham. Residence 838 Washington boule vard, phone 398-R. FOR SALE Slx-weeka old piss Henry Sieger. Merlin. Ore., Box I’HYNKTANN 46. 56 L. O. OIJ6MBNT, M. D„ Practice MTSrKLLANBOt 8 limited to diseases of the eye. ear, nose and throat. Glasses fitted, i E L. GALBRAITH—Insurance, any Office hours 9-12, 2-5, or on ap Building and kind. Rentals. pointment. Phones, offloe 62; resi lx>an Plate Glass Liability. 6«9 *4 dence 359-J. 84tf G afreet. Phone 28. 8. LOUGHR1DGE, M. D. Physician Most OXO-ACETYI JONE welding, and surgeon. City or country calls Alno experienced hand in town attended day or night Phones, all kinds of lathe and auto work. residence, 369; office, 182. Sixth Phone 19. or call at 1 835 M fit. 65 and H streets. CHRISTMAS CLUB IDEA IS GROWING Meeting Place for Pelicans. Pel bun bend, in the Missouri river, near St. Charles. Mo., Is the acene of a great annual gathering of pelican-. large wreath which he placed on the Bay. He la accompanied by Theodora 1 here is a big flat bar in the river there which has endured far beyond the usual «pan of a bar's existence in Lie tre«< herous shifting - urrent of the ingw clsli season, amt claims u» uv ,„v Missouri. This bar le the semi annual pbsicer in initiating Ila- practice. “As a starter for permanent savings ac stopping place for vast flocks of pell counts it is a great thing. This year cans that migrate from south to north we had 7,000 accouuts, a gain of 1,400 in the spring, and from north to south over last year, ami the savings amount in the fall. Persons who have observed to »1(15.000. F ully 1,300 of the dei<osl tbelr habits say that they Invariably tor» v 111 transfer their accounts to the arrive at Pelican bend on September regular savings bank. Our 1917 club 4 and remain until cold weather sends opens Dec. 18. and we are making them south. quite a caiuisilgn ami expect a big In crease In memt>ershlp. We've had to enlarge our dejmrtment considerably to handle the crowd.” A MILLION DOLLABS SAVED Banks In That City Mavs 36.000 Naw Depositors, Who l_ay Up From S Cents to »2 Each Week For ■ Period of Fifty Week»—Many Become Per manent Depositors. t'hlislma > ravings clulis are destined to be oiue pu,.ular throughout the Unit ed Stales in view of the great su< re»» these novel IpM i t ut i< Uis linve I •ecu in Chicago. Chk-ngoan» |uit $1.00O.<X«' into their own t'lirirtmi;* sto- kings this year through the medium of Christmas sav ings illlbs. A dozen of the «tty's banking Insti tutions which ha«e Introduced this system of saving throughout the yeai toward a holiday fund re|>ort the car REAL ESTATE A. A WITHAM. M. D.—-Internal rylng of more than 36,000 such ac medicine and nervous diseases.. counts and are enthusiastic In their in E. T. MCKINSTRY-«03 G street, 624 Medical Bldg., Portlaad. Ore dorsement of the scheme. Other banks phone 1341. General real estate Hours, 2 to 5 p. m., morning and which have not tried the plan an business. The best of ail kinds of "uoum e their'Intention of taking it up evening by appointment. •oils for fruit, hay or general during the coming year. Bankers de farming. 31tf DR.. W T. TOMPKINS. 8. T — clare tliat the clubs are a great devel- Rooms 1 and 2 Schmidt Bldg. I oper of the saving habit and predict WANT SI) Treats ■11 dieeases. Hours 9-11 that fully n third of the Christmas ao I counts will lie turned over to perma a. m.; 1-5 p.m. Phone 304-R nent savings bank funds. The general plan of the savings E. J. BILLICK, M. D Physician and surgeon: office Schallhorn clulis is the same in all of the banks WANTED- To contract for Pine ard block, phone 54-J; residence, I It calls for a fifty week season with a Fir logs f. o. b. cars Southern Pa 1004 1-awnridge, phone 54-L, certain deposit each week. There is a cific track Big Pine« Lumber wide range in the classification of de Grants Paas posits. The lowest calls for an initial Company, Medford. Oregon. 4 ltf DR. RALPH W STEARNS physician de|ioslt of 1 cent, with 1 cent added and surgeon, offices formerly oc each week, the final payment being 50 cupied by Dr. Stricker, Masonic 1 cents and the total fund accumulated Temple. Phone, office 21-J, rest-' *12.75. A straight weekly deposit of WANTED—Improved ranch, over dence. 21-L. Hours: 10-12, 2-4. $2 constitutes the top class. Interest of 3 per cent is allowed on the savings 40 Acres; alfalfa, with water in most of tile banks. ATTORNEYS right, near outside range nnd "Our CliLstmn» Savings < 'i h has lie- I qchoo). P. O. Box 507. Yreka, come u i v Im; ortant deiMtrunvui with H D. NORTON. Attorney-at-law. 54 Cal. Practices in all State and Federal us," sail) H (’. lai;.co I,. vice pn 'ent Courts. First National Bank Bldg. of the People's Stock, r S State liai.k, WANTED Men who know how to which is Just finishing i., f urth sav- swamp, for horse skidding in win G. W. COLVIG, Attorney-at-law. ter weather. »5 per day of 8 hours, Grants Pass Banking Co. Bldg. address I. E. Kesterson Lumber Granta Hise. Oregon. Co.,'Worden. Oregon. 54 It affords the connosscur of sweets much pleasure to know WANTED 1000 turkeys at the City E. 8. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Prac that a richly cmlnse-cd and ar tices in all courts. First National Market. Bring poultry in this, tistically finished one |»oiind Bank Bldg. week. Highest prices paid. 57 box of Butler's dainty confec WANTBD Cued u cylinder ...... .............. records ......... O. 3. BLANCHARD, Attorney-at-law. tions, <-oni|<rising a variety of Apply No. 22R0 can» Courier. 52 Golden Rule Bldg. Phone 270. nut and fruit flavorings scien Grants Pase. Oregon. tifically blended, can be obtain WANTED—Agents for Grants Pass ed any time this winter from Among inexpensive gifts that are and vicinity. Good proposition. C. A. SIDLER, Attorney-at-law. Ma- at the same time elegant and worth Previous experience unnecessary.' sonic Temple, Grants Pase, Ore. while there are many little conven Free School of Instruction. A.d-, Merlin, Oregon ient articles made of prettily colored, GEO. H. DURHAM, Attorney-at-law, dress Massachusetts Bonding and heavy paper. Telephone and laundry Prices upon «Application referee in bankruptcy, Masonic Insurance Company, Accident and lists, small portfolios, envelopes in Temple. Grants Paes. Oregon. which to place memoranda, etc., are Health Department, Saginaw, Phone 135-J. them. Two articles made of Michigan. Capital »1.500.000. 54 The California and Oregon among bright blue mottled paper are shown WANTED- Girl to do general house JAMES T. CHINNOCK, Lawyer, Coast Railroad Company In the picture. The envelope for rec- First National Bank Bldg., Granta TIME CARD work. Two In family. Call at ipes is made by folding a straight strip Paas. Oregon. of the paper into a pocket and flap. 52 201 West D street. i Effective Nov. 24. 1919. The sides of the pocket are fastened *1.113 for 5«O Sheets Bond— TAXI down with little bows of bine ribbon Entire lot of »1 bond paper sold; Trains will run Mondays, Wednes- and the flap is ornamented with a SOONER TAXI—Phone 2 62-11 tor 60 reams of heavier bond at »1.15 painted spray of flowers In pink. The days and Fridays. Jitney Luke or Cutler. Calls an for 500 sheet, letter size, at Courier Leave lettering Is done in black. Grants Pass.............1 P.M. A long strip of the same paper fold swered anywhere, anytime. 86tf office. Bond paper advanced 2c per Arrive Waters Creek....... „2 P.M. ed over at each end carries one or poilnd August 1. but we made no l<eave Waters C/eek .......2:30 P.M. more sheets of white paper on which PALACE TAXI Phone 22-.T. Geo. This lot will last only a Arrive Grants Paas ......... 4 PM. n telephone list is to be written. Small A. Hyde. 25tf advance <hort. time, then no more to be had. For Information regarding freight white squares outlined with black or TAXI at Owl Billiard Parlors, 172-J, -------------------- and passenger rates call at the office nament it and suggest that this is a or 243-1, for night calls. Day and “Agents Authority to Sell”—book of the ootnpnny, Lundburg building, man's list. It is tied with a bow of blue ribbon nt the top. night, service. 55 of 50 blanks. 50c, Courier office. or to'rrhone 181. Gifts Made of Paper • :..x»w>.A Simply Beautiful Beautifully Simple A y COMING Many Parsons Laarn to Sava. "It gives us a personal touch with the deisMtitors,'* said Miss Clara Brad ley, cashier of thcTlub. "It was a new Idea to them to lie able to save In small amounts, and they like I > talk with us • bout 1L One man explained that he had never saved a |s-iu>y in twenty- three years, tat that this idea had In terested hltn and given liim a start. Many |<arents carry accounts for their 'liildren in the smaller amounts. We find i lie 'decreasing* class of deposit me of the favorite- here it calls for an Initial deposit of $2.50 and a de|s>slt or 5 cents less for each succeeding week." The People's Trust and Savings bank, one of the two loop institutions which have Christmas savings clubs. re|>orted the greatest tnemlwrshlp and largest to tal saved. “We have between 12.500 and 13,000 accounts," said E. A. Hintz, assistant cashier, "and stand ready to i>uy out *335,000. About 25 per cent of It will go into permanent savings accounts. We've had to add nine windows and next season we exjicct to huudle at least 15.000 accounts. With us the ■Jitney' < lull id the favorite savings method the <le|n»dtor lieginning with a nickel and one each week, the film I |«iyineut being *2.50. We have also lieeii sticerssftil with vacation sav ings clubs, which run for the same |>e- riod, fifty weeks, ami |>a,v at different seasons, one in summer. one in the fall, etc." A large number of Chicago ioinks nave taken lip the idea, ami all of them are loud in their praise of the Christ mas savings clulis. V .1 AT THE Opera House December 30 ANNOUNCEMENT! i After December 10th, I will again take in general overhauling work for the winter, but will discontinue it after March 30th, 1920. If you wish to have me do your work bring it in early. Batteries. Generators and Magnetoes overhauled and repaired. I Handle the RACINE TIRES E. A. ADAMS, Auto Electrician Licensed Auto Elec(rid*n and Battery Repairman I'hone <M SO« South Sixth Street Christmas Car Bargains 1W17 101« 1014 1014 101« CHEVROLET .................. <UEY ROIiET ...................................... FXJRD, GOOD SHAPE ................. Ford, NEW TIRES.................................................................... OVERL.AND WITH STARTER ............................................ *478.00 *460.00 *350.00 *350.00 *400.90 SECOND HAND CARS BOUGHT AND SOLD I C. L. Hobart Company W. S. BUTLER The Battery Shop * 314 North 6th Street, across from the Court House, is the WILLARD SERVICE STATION. Service Batteries for all cars. Phone 127 A. V- Hazelton, Prop. Successor to C. A. Linch