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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 23, 1919)
Tl I.HIHY, ni OKA NTH PAM DAIIA OOl KI1CK PAGE TWO -- s GRANTS PASS DAILY COURIER Wednesday Published Daily Except Sunday A E. VOORHIB8. Pub. and Propr But «red at poatoffie. Grants Paaa. Or«., aa aecoud class mall matter ADVERTISING RATES Display apace, per inch................. „80c Local-personal column, per line . 10c Reader«, per line...................... -- -•• - 6c DAILY COURIER By mall or carrier, per year ...$6.00 By mail or carrier, per mouth .50 FIRST TRIP OF "BIG THREE" M TO WEST Last Day Before Christmas W hen the Harvard football team liues up against the Oregon uuhor ally team at Paaadena on New Year« 'day it will be the first time In the history of the game that one of the "Rig Three" has measured strength with a Pacific coast gridiron outfit. WEEKLY COURIER The Carlisle Indians were the first By mall, per year.------------- ---- $2.00 eaatern gridders to stage a contest in California. 1» 1899. In later year« MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS ¡Michigan. Carlisle (for a second The Associated Press is exclusively I time), Syracuse. Brown and Penn- entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it sylvanla followed the Indians' lead Qua/ity and Service or all otherwise credited In thia and Journeyed across continent paper and also the local news pub meet the football warrior» of lished herein. 'far west. Of the eastern teams. Car-1 All right« of republication of «pe dal dispatches herein are al»o re \ <>ung People'» Social Tonight— lisle and Michigan won their games, served. ______ _ The young people of Bethany Pres Syracuse won two and tied one. and byterian church will have a social Brown and Pennsylvania were de T l ES DA Y, DECEMBER '23. 1U1Ö tonight at 8 o'clock in the church feated. Oregon turning the trick J ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦-*♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ parlors. A good time la promised. 51 agmlnst the Quakers In the only game (Continued from Page Ona) OREGON WBATHKR ♦ in which Oregon has met an eastern ' ♦ ______ ♦ Elks' Free Christmas Treat— through the closing of the war soon team. 4 Ail children under 12 years of age i after the road was ready for traffic. While It is admitted on the coast Tonight and Wednesday oc- ♦ 4 casional rain. Moderate south- ♦ are invited to a special program at though considerable of the mineral that Oregon hasn’t as strong a team ♦ erly gale. ♦ the Oregon theatre tomorrow after was trucked out over it. 1 If con-1 this season a« it has had in some pre noon. December 34, al 2 o'clock. grees should place a tariff F upon I vious years, notably in 1916. yet It chrome ore. these deposit« could I in claimed that the Heavers are hilly I ' aa strong as In 191?. when they shut, JUSTICE SEEMS ON THE WAY Judge Gillette at Waldo- again be prafitably worked. I County Judge Gillette went to the old The sportsmen of the state had Ed Cox, who now owns the __ out Pennsylvania 14 to 0. Four of stars of the 1917 outfit Bill despaired of ever getting anything Illinois valley this morning to inves York place on Oak Flat, has been like justice In matters pertaining to tigate the case of an old man living extending the road from bis place to bteers, ‘ Bax Williams, Hollis llunt- near Waldo who will no doubt be connect -with the chrome road. and',nRton- Bnd Ken Bartlett—are mem- the protection and propagation of brought back for care in the county has made considerable headway. He ' tiers of this year's team. ,Lbe wild life of Oregon under the home. , will now cooperate with the other, Of this quartette of star». Bill present commission system backed parties interested in the extending Steers is rated as the greatest. This of the road to Briggs creek, and it, fleet-footed backfield man. who I by the attitude of the acting gover Official State Tax lx-v>— as one of the greatest a)l Notice has been received at the is expected that it can be ready for 'counted , nor. An attempt to remedy the sit round football players ever develop I courthouse of the official levy of the traffic within a couple of months. | uation was put into motion at the state tax against the county, the fig ed Iff the west, is to Oregon what i As soon as the road is completed. recent meeting of the Sportsmen's ure standing at the tentative figure the great Eddie Casey Is to Harvard Sisty and his associates will take in Steers, perhaps has never played previously announced, or >35.674.20, league held in Portland, and the pipe and other equipment for the de against as brilliant a performer as some 310,000 more than for last ■work is now under way to initiate a velopment of the Briggs creek the mighty Casey, and again It Is year. measure that will sever the sport ground. This will be worked with possible that the Crimson star has giants, and with the head of water i and commercial interests from ad Special Christinas Chocolate»«— never met the equal of the Oregon that can be developed from the ministration by the same commis At Sabin's Drug Store in 25-cent creek the placer can lie worked upon I wonder. Of the records made toy the two sion A bill is being drafted by the boxes. You know that means the a most .extensive scale. . , teams this season that of Harvard is league that will provide for a com biggest 25« worth of the best choc The building of these new roads perhaw the better, The Crimson en mission of five, of which the gover olate creams made. That is, you down the Illinois will aid in the de-j^—...... gaged in nine games, wlnniug eight know it, if you have ever bought nor shall NOT be exofficio chairman and eaten any of our special choco velopment of both agricultural and'and tying one. and scored 222 points as at present, to administer the laws lates. 52 mining activities in the district. A i f0 their opponents' 13. Oregon's re-' number of the mines are preparing . :Ord shqws the Beavers engaged tn having to do with game and game for extensive development, and much R|x games. five won and one lost, Courthouae Decorated — fish. It will have nothing to do with preparatory work is now In progress. an<j scored 103 points to their op- The various departments at the the commercial fishing except inso • county courthouse have taken on a The Bob Stone property in the Chet- ponenta' 39. far as the methods of the commercial But football dope has been hard Christmas atmosphere through deco- co district has lately struck a good fisherman may destroy the sport fish rations in evergreens and holiday ef ore body which is said to give as hit this year by the numerous upsets of the streams, when It would no fects, Miniature Christmas trees says of better than $50 per ton In suffered by supposedly strong teams, have been placed in both the. asses- gold besides the copper valnes. The ■ and it is not a sure bet that some, doubt protest. Dailey group of claims in the same sort of a sensaUon may not be sor ’s i and the sheriff's offices. There is no question about the district, the head of Rancjierle creek, sprung in the Harvard-Oregon game.' ■wisdom of such a separation of the has been purchased by Jack Maloney In any event, the contest Is sure to ’ I togs Are Licensed— two interests. The need for it has Licenses for 52 Josephine county and Alex Watts, and this will be de be a big attraction for the Pasadena *4 Rose Festival, and also a* fine trip become apparent throughout the dogs have been issued to date by veloped this coming season. I for the Cambridge warriors. state, and at last the handwriting on the county cleric's office. Dogs that are not wearing the proper license All kinds of Commercial Printing the wall was decipherable even to • ---------- i_ ----------------------------- -- 1 the present occupant of the executive showing that ’ their masters have at th* Courier Office. made the proper contribution to the I FERRYDALE I offices himself. He saw the light state fund will be out of luck the just as he saw it in the woman suf first of the year. George Dora came over from Dra I per Monday and visited with his frage amendment situation, and a He returned father, Chas. Dora, run-for cover was made. The execu Married at M. E. Parsonage home Wednesday. E. Monday afternoon at the M. tive has deserted a sinking ship, and Mrs. R. Stevenson returned from parsonage Bert Robert Koester, of is on record as favoring a commis Grants Pass Monday, She was out, Gold Hill and Miss Verna Almira FOUNTAIN PENS sion of five members, upon which the Taggert of Grants Pass were united to attend the funeral of M. A. Wertz. EVERSHARC PENCIL« Thus. Crow, of Taylor Creek, was governor shall NOT serve, to admin in the holy bonds of matrimony. Rev. I IXMtSE LEAF BOOKS at A. I. Hussey's Friday. ister the game and fish laws divorc Joseph Knotts officiating. The bride I j DIABIES D. G. Robertson was out from I and groom will make their home for HAND BAGS ed from the commercial fishing laws. Grants Pass Monday. the present in Northern California. PURSES It may be that the Sportsmen's G. H. Griffin. Mrs M. L. Griffin STATIONERY league will not have to zo to the ex- and daughter, 1-eona. spent Sat it r- BORN FRUIT BASKETS day and Sunday at Grants Pass pense of initiating -Its new law now HOWELL—To Mr. and Mrs. . Wm.| WORK BASKETS .Mrs. A. C. Ford is shipping Howell, of Williams, Monday. De- ■ that the legislature is to be called, STERNO COOKING Ol TFIT keys to the Portland market «■ember 22, a 10-pound son. METAL HOT WATER BOT for the legislature can save the ne week. TLE cessity of getting some 8,000 or The farmers in this vicinity f arriers Wanted— SHAVING MIRROR 9.000 signatures to the petitions by some of their potatoes during Carriers wanted for the Daily > SANDWICH BASKETS I freeze. (passing or referring the bill itself. Courier—boys or girls with wheels. , MANICURE SETS Miss Gladys Jones Is attending the The 40,000 or 50,000 organized teachers examination this week, so NEW TODAY sportsmen of Oregon are in dead the Mapleton school Is having a va $450 ! earnest in thi« move to save one of BARGAIN in Chevrolet car. cation. buy« it. Phone 515. 47tf lhe state's greatest assets from des- Merl ymer, Clar iBrown, Maldin WANTED—Leading soprano singer Ix*Roy and Clarance Ford, high truction. for choir work. Address No. 2266 ■ school boys, were visitors at t care Courier. 48tf Ford home one day the past week. Visiting Delegations Out— Dan Robertson’s family are mov ip to grads, I Delegations from the committees Fi^R SALE ing into their new house tills week. appointed to visit every home in the scientifically packed fancy and ! Nellie Ford is visiting her sisters city to carry the cheer of the season extra fancy Grimes Golden, Spitz-1 at Grants Pass this week. » with them were out upon the rounds enberg and Newtown apples. I I I —I.. ■ I ■ ■ . — , engaged in their pleasant duty yes Phone 369. 51 CARD OF THANKS terday. The various committees JI'SH* RECEIVED A car of super I that nave the more material part of phosphate Another car will ar We wish to thank the many friends the work In hand are also busy, and rive about January 15th. Oregon. for kindnesses shown and for beau generate heat in many homes _ will be gladdened Ceipent Sewer Pipe & Tile Co. 55 tiful flora] offerings in our bereave the human system through the receipt of remembrances fi M. Parker win pay ment in the death of our mother, in the way of baskets of good things W1 ’THÎ Mrs. Emma Daniels. cash for a lot on Sixth street, for the Christmas feast. Each ehurch FINE FOB THIN < OI4> SNAP MRS. J. W. (MoOALIJSTER. south of L. 56 i organization is caring for those of MRS. A. F. PlAJLM. its. own people whose names have WA'NTED-^Sevt-ral tiers 16-inch dry —all kind* MRS. ADA LEMlPKE. been handed them, while the Elks, —all prices. oak wood. State price. 727 MRS. ROSE JElNKINtS Salvation Army, and others, will I North Fifth street. 52 GUY E. GANO. I --------- - We—. I* • " ' III, I «■>! w care /or many others. The schools MATIN FlNIHH GOODS To RENT- -*A good 6-room house, were solicited for funds to aid in this nearly (furnished. 415 G street. In work, the amount from the four Hungry Cow Eats Picnic Lunch. quire 401 West G street. 51tf 23 vartetie" mixed Schools being $24.35. The amount A picnic pnrty nt Islnntl Pond, near in 30-lb. sealed cans Concord. N. H„ returning from n walk from each school was as follows: 2 HOUSEKEEPING ROOM«. fur through the woods, found n cow stand nished, for rent. Mrs. M. A. Riverside. $4.09: Junior High, 815,- llussell & Gilbert's ing In the stream eating out of the Wertz, 207 West C street, phone 36; East, $8.25; Fourth Ward. $1.- UNA OVERTIRED boat. She had eaten one Inrge loaf 196-R. 54 65. line of bo« candies of bread, one pie in a pnstebonrd box, RETURN PURSE The party who a pound of fancy crackers, a pound New Silk Hosiery Ra-ceived— and a quarter of bacon, half a maga took a lady's purse from the post- zine and two red bathing caps, and New shipment of silk hosiery re-, office Tuesday afternoon is known was In the middle of a bull of twtDe; i reived today. Store open evenings and will avoid trouble by return Chewing it down, foot by foot. till Christmas, Golden Rule. 51 ing It to No. 232-4 care Courier. 5 2 To Buy Diamond Brand Walnuts and Blue Diamond Almonds Fancy New Mixed Nuts i mui ' 11 At Your Service Always BARNES, The Jeweler ■. P lime I neper tor Next *M»r Hr» Nstioual Hank 35c lb. KINNEY & TRUAX GROCERY ♦ --------------------------- • Practical Gift Suggestions Demaray’s Drug & Stationery Store Horning’s Candies xn d iiii i Horning’s Shack iti» '!■ "O The Wardrobe Cleaners 315 N. Sixth Street Phone 147 Cleaning Pressing Repairing We call and deliver