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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 23, 1919)
IT’S THE CLIMATE • • • • WF7RE TELLING THE WORLD • • * • COME AND VmversAï 01 . y ♦» ♦ GRANTS I’AHH, J*)HEPH1NM CfH.’NTT, OREGON, VOL. X., No. 7W. TUESDAY, DM EMBER 23, 101*. WHOLE M MBEK 2MAI I Tlifv-r Thousand Miner« Are Thrown Out of Employ meat In Kan»*« In Protest to Judge'« Action Victory Arch on Fifth Avenue. and Other Marks of War Hays, Are Being Wrecked Pittsburg, Kansas, Doc. 23. Rev- THREE CITIES HAVE BI j OODY SOVIET MINISTER OF WAR TO an teen Kansas coal mines, where ap START OFFENSIVE IN SPRING EXPERIENCES WITH HOLDUP proximately 3,000 minors are em- WHO KII.I» AND ROB* IS REI’OtiT ployed, are Idle today, The miners struck In protest against the action of Federal Judge Anderson at 4n- dlana|M>)ls. yesterday. In sending ‘Alexander liowat, president of the 9 Kansas dial riet, United Mine Work- era, to jail New York, Dec. 23.—The war is over for New York. Workmen are now pulling down the great white "Viotory ATch” at Fifth Avenue and 23rd street, erected that America's’ victorious legions returning from France might march beneath It In triumph The ' Welcome to our re turning soldiers" signs are being re moved from the municipal buildings. Dc|Mtrtnient Store in Capital City la laitier Are Now Being Recruited at Orders have been given for the re Hydraulic Mining Machinery Will Be the Rate of H.tHMt Ihiily U> Aid in Robbed and *1500 Taken by moval from the parks of the many ln«tallr<l and the Ground Work i i the Coming Cum i »aigu Thug Wtu> Escapes I "welfare huts" and other temporary COMMUNITY < HRIHTMAM ed Upon an Extensive Stair TREE PROGRAM AT ASHLAND edifice« erected by soldier welfare I organizations. Geneva, France, Dec. 23.—Prepar- Seattle, Wash., Dec. 23.—The po Ashland, Dee. 23. The Minister The big wooden battleship «till The road that was built down thé at ions tor a great bolshevik often- ial association Is planning a ooui- ! lice today watched the entrances to . "floats" in the center of Union Illinois river from Selma to within about three miles of Oak Flat la to inunlty Oh riet mas tree and song ser this city for the bandit who. they sive against Poland next* spring are Square, her Quaker guns dominating be extended to 'Briggs creek, a mile vice on the «Plaza for Christmas eve. believed, headed this way after leav planned by I-eon Trotsky, soviet min the reaches of Broadway and Flf- below Oak Flat, is the announcement The tree will ba decorated and elec ing behind him a trail of murder and ister of war, according to a Warsaw 1 teenth street ’but Is being need sole of John Dailey, who Is In the city tric lighted and the choirs of the lo robbery through Tacoma. Olympia diapat h received by the Ukrainian ly for peace-time recruiting for the from his place near Anderson, on the cal churches will lead In the song and Puyallup last night. The bandit news bureau here. Chinese troops navy. There is no Indication when lower river IMr. Italley says thnt service. Short addresses will be given robbed a deimrtment store of »1500 who are being recruited at the rale she will be scrapped as obsolete. the extending of the rood Is for the by the Revs. Glllanders and Ferris at Olympia, last night, after holding of 8,000 daily are to aid in the cam purpose. principally, of getting and the Scripture reading by the tip six clerks, in the cliuse which paign. it is said. -equipment to the placer ground on Rev. Kodhler, and C. A Edwards and followed he shot and killed E. H. llrlggs creek, the property having W E Dean, a pioneer pastor of this j Hchnltz, a citizen. It la believed SOVIET FORCEN SURROUND ANTI-BOIJiHEVIK TRI KIPS beep recently taken over from Dailey community. will offer •the prayer. I that later the bandit went to Tacoma where, with an accomplice, he held and Casey by a company organized , The service «will begla at 7:30. j up a drug store. Two men. thought by Hal J. Slaty, of California. The| Ixmdon. Dec. 23.—Troops of Gen . to be the same ones, later fired on road down the Illinois was construct-’ eral Petlnra, anti-bolshevik comman i passengers of a Tacoma-Puyallup au ed during the war period to get th««- der in the Ukraine, have been sur tomobile bus, wounding one passen London. Dec. 23.—sLaw officers of chrome ore out from deposits along ger. Two hours later two men en rounded by soviet forces In the Kiev the crown held a consultation with the river. Its ttulldlnr cost manv1 gaged in a pistol duel wltfi Puyallup province according to a wireless from French and Belgian law officers to thousands of dollars, and the botthin . Moscow- officers. day with regard to the former Ger fell out <>f the chrome market' man emi>eror. It is reported that w (Continued on pai» 1.) % ! the conferees made out a cast against » ___ . the former German ruler, and fram- Washington, Dec. 23. Copies of I ' ed an indictment. it letter written by Admiral Aims to FRAME INDICTMENT AGAINST EX-KAISER Salem. Dec. 23 There are a total of 9*8,759 w rf» of land under Irri gation In Oregon, according to a atalement just prepared by Percy A. Cirpper, »fate engineer. Of this Irri gated area the water rights to 4 7t>.- 479 acres have already been adjudi cated, while the rights to the water used on the remaining 49?,280 acres are still In the process of determina tion. The waters of more than 50 rivers and creeks arc appropriated In the Irrigation uf this immense area, the Silvles river alone furnishing water to 87,546 acres In liarnoy county. Waters from the Klamath river arc diverted for the Irrigation of 75.OOO acres In Klamath county and 70.000 acres In «Baker and Union counties are irrigated from the waters of Powder river. MOTHER TELI» CAUSE OF DEATH OF VIAI D TABOR lawton. Mich., Dec. 23. A signed statement accusing Joseph Virgo of performing an Illegal operation upon Maud Talior, has been made by Mrs. Sarah Tabor. 80-year old mother of the woman ‘whose body was found In a trunk In the basement of her homo here, the assistant prosecutor announced today. ** D<>1 l.Monte, Cal., Dec. 23. lleorge B. Carpenter, of 'Medford. Ore., has a "golf hound” that makes ..him the ent/ of the players on the Del Monte links. The dog's name la Tatnmle and ho Is a little black Scotch terrier. When Carpenter prepares to make a stroke Tainmle Is up on his hauches with his eye on the ball. The ball may go into the rough or down the fair way 20(1 yards but the dog, Carpen ter says, never «falls to locate It and «tend by until his master comes. During the year Tatnmle has been on the course here he has never barked nor violated the rules of the Knme, according to his admirers. Secretary Daniels, declining the dec- ' oration awarded him for services as 'commander-in-chief of the American | naval forces abroad, has been re- celvert by a number of naval officers here. EDUCATE BOYS 10 BE RAILROAD PRESIDENTS HEAD OF MINE WORKERS UNION IS RELEASED FROM PRISON UPON AGREEMENT Will Now Join International < KT ¡ciati in Getting Miner« Back on Job .Again Indianapolis, Ind., Dec. 23.—Alex ander Howat, president of the Kan sas district of the United Mine Work ers has been released from jail. Howat agreed to join the interna tional officers in sending telegrams to Kansas in an endeavor to end ths Kansas coal strikes. Horwat had been ordered held in jail npon a charge of contempt of court, Judge Anderson, of the fed eral court, holding Howat in con tempt for violation of the Injunction Issued out of the court ordering the union officials to recall the strike order previously given. The Kansas minors, to the number of 3,000, walked out yesterday in protest to the imprisonment of Howat. Pit TURES AKE STOLEN FROM THE PALACE OF SANS SOUCI Berlin, Dec. 23.—«Burglars have Have you a boy who wants to be ixindon, Dec. 23.—Aside from one stolen six paintings, valued at 100,- a railroad president? If so, here’s or two irreconcilable anti-home rule 000 marks, from the picture gallery London, Dec. 23.—The University journals, the Ixindon newspapers of the palace of Sans Souci. accord his chance. of Ix>ndon is planning to build an ing to the Abend, Sixty railroad scholarshiim a year this morning give on the whole a institution of phonetics at a cost of I will be awarded by the Southern Pa favorable reception to the govern- »600,000 where 70 assistants would ment's new scheme Tor Irish self be engaged in research work on the cific according to a plan announced government. None, however, ex- 1,000 languages of the British Em- by the railroad today. Appointments presses a genuine expectation of the [ pi re. The scheme, which originated will lie made by division superinten (dan’s success. , with Daniel Jones, head of the pho dents and the heads of the various netic department of the university I calls for the expenditure of »2,500,- deimrtmvnts of the railroad, who are The llagiie. Iter. 23. Trails con 000. charged with the responsibility of JAZZ HAND PROPRIETORS FEAR DANCING ROOM FAILURE ferences bet ween bankers, ‘merchants not alone securing appointmentees Berwick, Eng., Dec. 23.—The cost of living in Odessa is about 300 ! and salesmen of the entente coun but watching their progress careful Ixindon. Dec. 23. — Jazz band pro times more than before the war, »ays | tries and central powers have suc ly, and placing them ii|>on gradua prietors are somewhat gloomy just Mias Russell, sister of the local food tion. Business man in the various I ceeded the mysterious gatherings of non» fearing that the dancing boom controller, who has just returned spies In the hotels here and at Ams towns along the lines of the South may not last much longer. One i from the Russian city. She lived ern Pacific will be asked to recom terdam. The iron, steel, shoes, ships mend young men between the ages proprietor says that the men he , there for two and one-half years. A pair of boots, she says, cost front and sealing wax of commerce are the of 18 and 23 who will be sent to the sends out nightly return with very topics Instead of the routes of sub agency school in San Francisco and gloomy reports. The attendance is ^.000 to 3,000 rubles—a year’s sal- IxMidon, Dec. 23.—The musket not so good as recently in the su- marines. troop ships and «food shiim. there prepared for positions in the • burbs, hut in the west end proprie- ^rv - -and a drees was only to be had said to have been given to Alexander .at a similar ruinous figure. In Odes Whatever may die the «ndnion in freight and passenger departments | tors of large dancing hallf say that sa the day before she left the Eng- Selkirk when he was put ashore on and the general offices. They will the island of Juan Ferdanez. 400 America, or England, or France, re be paid a nominal sum while being ■the cra^a will last for at least five lisn pound was equivalent to 800 miles off the Chilean coast, has been years. garding resumption of business with Instructed. rubles instead of' less than 10 as in going the rounds of British muse- pre-war days. Germany and Austria, the represen Superintendent of Telegraph E. 1.. “The Bolsheviki," she explained, urns, It was Selkirk’s adventures tatives of the business concerns of King, who has general charge of the i “are communists and th* principle o«f upon which was based DeFoe’s fa- those (countries show nothing I but a scholarship^, calls attention to the{ I the communists is everything for inou s story, Robinson Crusoe. The keen desire for such trade at t the fact that most of the railroad presi-j I themselves and nothing for the rest. musket is inscribed with the name of ! dents of today began in iHysitjonsI conferences here. I The others they say have had their "A. Selkirk 1-a.rgo. 1771.” It was The other dal’, nt one of the such as the students will qualify for. turn, and they treat them with ruth- purchased by Randoliili Berens, for Hague hotels the groups ^seated in .1. .1. Miller of San Francisco, will I less cruelly. Life for the educated »6.25 but the owner has insured it the lobby, enguged in earnest conver I be the instructor. people is utterly imjiosaible. Those for »10.000. Selkirk owned a tavern near Cla- sation on trade subjects, Inchided: Washington. I>ec. 23. -An expla-, who have money are fast eating in OneiEnglish ship owner and direc nation of the deportation of the 249 to their capital; those who have not pham, but died in 1723 at sea as a tor of one of Germany’s biggest tranH i MUSTAPRE KEMAL IIAS radical Russians on the transport ' are dying of starvation. That also lieutenant aboard a naval vessel. BEEN UM4AMSINATRD Buford was cabled hv the state de-| is an expensive business, for the cost Atlantic lines; Two -Belgian banker and German ' partment today to “various foreign of coffins has reached a prohibitive automobile manufacturer; (Rome, Dec. 23. — «Mustaphe Kemal. countries." The message said pre-' figure." Three - American travelling sales leader of the Turkish insurgents in caution had been taken “to request man and Hungarian genomi fmpor- lAnatolla, and head of Turkish na- for them safe conduct and human’e STORM STO1*S OPERATION 1er. ttonalists in lAsia Minor, has been treatment at the hands of authori Ob' QUICKSILVER MINES Ml of them so far as the corre- assassinated, according to a Smyrna ties under whose jurisdiction thev spondent could judge from the frag dispatch to the Tempe. miss en route to soviet .Russia," Gold •I'd, Dec. 23.—The recent nients of their conversation that storm closed all operations in Four members of the crew of the came to his ears, were on «friendly I <|uicksilver mining in the Gold 1111! steamer South Coast lost their lives terms and keen for business. district. Three operators continue«' as the ship was leaving the -wharf after the war closed until recently, at Crescent City Sunday night, th« War Eagle Mining company, op A lifeboat, containing ttjree men erating a lottery of two 12-pipe mer who were attempting to cast off lines cury furnaces, and Dr. W. P. Chis as the ship was putting out to sea holm and D. 8. Force, each operating capsized. A second lifeboat started London, Dec. 23. -A- tendency to i a 12-plpe «furnace. These operators to the rescue but it, too. overturned. ward large combinations in business Pasadena. Cal.. Dec. 23.—Secret New York. Dec. 22. The Ameri have «been roasting ores that average Seaman J. W. Johansen and Patil is becoming evident in England. En practice was started by the Univer can steamship Firwood. owned by better than 17 per cent mercury, Frank were saved. terprises In which promoters have sity of Oregon football «team here to The ship continued on its way. the Pacific American fisheries com- taken from the rich- chimneys and recently been effecting amalgama day, In preparation for the ga me pay chutes which are found In the leaving the men struggling in the tions are moving picture production with Harvard on January 1st. The I any. burned while ofT the coast of big cinnabar dike extending through water. Two of the six clung to > the banking, restaurant, linking and con plays are kept secret, even from Peru, according to wireless messages this district. The dike averages small -boats and managed to Ket fectionery businesses, “chain" cigar many Oregonians. The program received here today. The crew was about 100 feet in width and a little ashore. Jxical seamen blamed the and drug stores nnj shoe-making. calls for two practice periods dally. rescued by a passing learner. less than 1 per cent mercury. captain for not cutting the lines. ALEXANDERSELKIRK’S OF DEPORTED RADICALS