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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1919)
» * IT’S THE CLIMATE • • • • ji>' of Or«-. L“»r*r, WE’RE TELLING THE WORLD tante Passenger Train « mi the < nna«i|an Paxdfic Line Is Telescoped by Freight ami Many Die ENJOY IT” ♦ Hailjj QLonticr LOST OFF CAPE BLANCO z Voter* of Uiacomdii Name Radica* as Miroler of < <«ngrr*H After He Hud Once Bren la-nied Seat BÏ THE SENATE I « Tasker On W ay From Portland To San Francisco Went Onawa, Maine. Dec. 20. Thirteen GREATEHT M MIIKR AND TON- Milwaukee, Wla., Dec. 20.—Victor MEAHt RE AlMjpTKO, WITH ANTI. i>er»on» were killed outright or L Berger, socialist, was today again NAGE EVER TO TAKE WATER On The Reefs Thursday Night, and Only Three of STRIKE I'ROVIHIONH INTACT, burned to death when a freight train representative-elect from the fifth AT A SINGLE TIME BY 40-30 VOTE collided with a si»eclal train on the congressional district, having defeat Canadian Pacific railway here. The Crew oi 50 Have Been Accounted For ed the fusion candidate yesterday M>eclal was loaded with steerage pas 4 by a majority of 4800. sengers from the steamship Empress of Erance, which had landed at St. Bandon, Ore., De«». 20.—With but ftandun suffering from pneumonia i John. New Hrunwlck. The passenger three of her crew of 50 alive, so far contracted aa a result of the expo train waa telescoped by the freight, as known, the tank steamer J. A. sure. The ship struck a submerged Hextuple Ixuituliiiig I» Made <ir*a< | Bill Now Go to a Coaference t'oa^ Cha ns lor. from Portland to Ban Fran rock Thursday evening. Only one hi Event and Oaklaad ««débraie* mittee With the Each Bill Passed cisco, lay almost submerged on a lifoboat was launched, this one c*r- Occaniou In l’ro|MT Manner by the Ixiwrr Branch Jagged reef off Cape Blanco this rying 10 men. and two other men mor-ilng. The steamer'« backbone were picked up out of the sea. When was broken when «he »«ruck the reef a landing was attempted last evening Forest McGregor, a Grants Pass Oakland. Cal.. Dec 20. Hix steel Washington, Dec. 20.—With ita <■• the cape Thursday night, accord It 1« thought that all except the three boy who enlited early in the war vessel», totaling nearly «0,000 ton«, ing to Earl Dooley, a uutuibur of the noted were lost. Three bod I os have as a member of Go. B, 142nd infan anti-strike provisions intact, the were launched into Oakland Inuer crew, who encai«ed. Captain A. A. been found upon the shore, and oth try, and who spent 23 months in Cummins railroad bill was passed by harbor today In a «pace of I«** than bawyer, of the tanker, also escaped, er« are reported washed up on the Fran**, arrived tn this *+ty Thurs the senate today. It now goes to In the Issue of the Kith Inst., the an hour—the largest number of and one other, whose name Is un- »here below Bandon. Several steam day. and after visiting with his cou conference with the Koch bill, passed •hip« «nd the greateat tonnage ever Courier <-arrie«l the new« Item con l.noan. Tiie fate of all others I« in er« are standing by in the vicinity sin. Mrs. A. H. »Cornell, and other a month ago by the house. The vote Mt afloat on one tide In th« history cerning a letter received by I’oatmas- doubt. watching for bodies that may be friends and relatives here, left yes was 46 to 30. The passage followed t««* Quinlan from Orrfe B. Johnston, of shipbuilding. Dooley and on* companion were floating upon the surface of the terday for Crescent City where hl« rejection of I^Follette’s proposal to The nearest approach to thia of Mansfield, Ohio, seeking Informa pb k'd up late last night on the water. continue government control for two mother reside*. world’« reoord was when Hog Island tion of the 'whereabouts of her ais- beach, and were in an exhausted con year«. McGregor had a varied and inter It la almost certain that Francis •ent five vessels Into the water on ter, Margaret Jane Poe. from whom dition After passing the railroad bill the They were members of the Jackson, son of C. 8. Jackson, pub esting experience in helping to put •he had received no word since 1911. lone lifeboat crew which left the May 30. last, totaling 89.000 tons. senate late today adopted a resolu lisher of the Portland Journal, sec the Hun out of business. After The sextuple launching was made This notice In the Courier has Iteen ship Captain Sawyer communicat ond engineer, is among those lost. serving with the infantry, he was tion providing for a recess of eon- the event of a country-wide celebra the means of th« «later» again get- ed with his wife here early this transferred to the motor transporta-1 greas until January 5th. tion under the auspice* of the Oak ting Into communication, the fol- morning, saving that he was safe ____________ San Francisco. Cal., Dec. 20. — Thej Hon corp«, with which he served till land Chamber of Commerce Ten lowing letter was received by the and well. While there is no definite crew of the A. A. Chanslor was ll»t-! discharged, when he became attach- __ thouaand Invitations were «ent out postmaster yraterday from Eugene, word as to the identity of the third ed In the Merchants' Exchange here. *1 to the Photographic division of OFF FOR PASADENA GAME to federal, state, county and city of telling ibe «Kory of relatives long party re-cued, it is said that he may and show« 37 members. Any new the 'American Red Cross. In thi« ficials and distinguished personages, separated again finding one another: be the quart-'rmaster. who signed members who signed at Portland are work he was sent over France <nak- Cambridge. ¡Mass.. Dec. 20.—The "My name is Margaret Jane Poe, the ship's papers at Portland but as the gates were thrown open Harvard gridfron warriors carried not shown here. A telegram from t*»g photographs of the graves of fal- to the public It Is estimated that and 1 just saw your request tot''my Captaln Sawyer was also received 1,rl American soldiers The pictur- the confidence of all New England several times that number were address In th* Grants Pass Daily Marshfield. Ore., l>ec. 20. Cap ' here ~ "Z by the au<«erintendent of ine the of these graves 1« of VUV the with them when they departed for ¡Hicillirui Ul ID part vi present The crowd Is »«Id to have Courier that a friend gave me. so tain Sawyer. Quartermaster Kunkle Associated Oil company, owners of ___________________ , . They Plan of the Red Croae _________ In maintaining ;^ _ >a*adena’ CaHfornia. today, been a record breaker algo in the wish you would forward me anv mall and Seaman ETar! Dooley are the on the vessel, but the message contain-! i the resting place« of our boy«, and "r,H meet the Oregon university team that you have, Alan, would you ly known survivors of the Chanslor. witnessing of a launching. _ ed no additional details of the where possible copies of the photos at Pasadena on New Year’s day. Sdmlrala. generals and high offi plaase notify my al»t«-r of my ad-1 The captain 1« in the hospital at wreck. were sent to the relatives and friends cers of the marintn. with their staffs, dress, which la 11« E. Ninth street. . Former Game W xnlcti Here— iof the soldier dead. were Miiecial guests, as were mem Hugone. Oregon. I am writing my i •am Sandry. formerly connected bers of th<- consular-corps anti offeer» wlater today, and I wish to thank yon : with the fish and game department . Returns From Illinois Valley — I of the Tnlted States Shipping Hoard for your kindness and trouble." Deputy Supervisor Hunt, of the a« district deputy warden for this Hix bands, one on each vessel, fnr- forestry service, returned yesterday territory, was in the city today from Blue Prints of i’arnp Fixtures— nlahtsl the music from the lower Illinois river district, his home at Rogue River. For the The local forestry office has re- Th«« flmt ship to go "overboard” ■ where he had been to investigate the past year Mr. Sandrv has been con was the Salina, a tn.non ton tanker reived a art of blue -prints, with spe- i pine timber which it is proposed by nected with the Blue Dedge mining —-named after the city In Kansas as cifications, of flre places, tables, the department to sell to the promo-| company. He states that because of When in Portland a week ago, the a reward for Its aubavrlptlon 1n the waler system«, septic tank and other Courier editor was assured by W. J. 1 Salem. Ore.. Dec 20—George W ters of the new shingle mill to be th« bad condition of the roads from equipment for camping grounds and Finley, state biologist, that he would I T'heuoweth of Curry county, commit established at Six Mile. Mr Hunt■018 mlne- shipping of ore has been victory loan. At ten minute Interval« the Jane- homes In the wilderness places. Much ¡come to Grants Pass within the next I ted to the state hospital here last «ays that there Is some excellent . discontinued for the season. The lea’, cargo lxvnt ah rieten««! by Mr». of the «*quipment shown in detail in few weeks and show his remarkable! August upon his acquittal on a pine in the district • available for ' Blue T^edge shipped many cars of R. S. Moore of San Francisco, and the blue prints would be perfectly moving pictures of the wild bird and harge of murdering George Sydnam shingle making. The capacity of 1 ore from Jacksonville during the the tanker Hiiniilpa. another victory adapted for the auto camp ground animal life of Oregon if arrange- the mill has not been decided, but ' past summer, trucking the output of loan ship, christened bv Mrs. .1. W. mnintainiM by thia community, and , ments (ould be made for the use of of Curry county, will be discharged will depend upon the markets that the mine from the Blue T^edge pro Hoover of the Oklahoma city, took no doubt the forestry department a moving picture machine here. The from the stale institution next Mon can be opened up, stated Mr. Hunt. perty to the railroad. would bo glad to supply the proi»er the water. Oregon theater ha« kindly agreed to day, according to a statement made Miss Natnllic Byington of Elmo, committees with the prints, oh ob-i permit the use of its machine for by Dr. L. F. Griffith, superintendent Arms Arc Broken— Fishlng Boat Head» for Sea— Nevada'. sj»ons<>n*d the City of Iteno. tain others for them A large fishing boat has been car Dr. Lotighridge «ays that there has the occasion, and an effort is now of the hospital. Griffith's action is another victory loan ship, and this being made to bring Mr. Finley here b.uted upon an opinion prepared by been a real epidemic of broken arms ried down stream by the high water, was followed by the Moaella and the lately, the most recent being that of and is now lodged against the dam l»efore his services as a'slate offi- ■ Attorney General Brown to the ef- Wm. Stevenson, of Wonder, who was below the steel bridge Jaliuna, fhr which the sponsors were dal terminate on January 1st. It is respectively Mrs. J. A. Moore and [•reliable that he will be here dur | feet that Chenoweth could not be kicked by a Ford while cranking it. Mrs. Georg«* A. Armes of Kan Fran- retained in the institution after he The little daughter of J. F. Terry, I The Rays Surprised— Ing th«» coming week. risen. 'Mr. and (Mrs. A. V. Ray were pleas of the Country Club orchards, also »had recovered his sanity. . antly surprised^ last evening when a broke an arm by falling off the back "If Chenoweth was insane when company of their friends called to porch. COMPLETE LEGISLATION » he was committed to the hospital —' spend the evening in rejoicing with FEDERAI, SEGAR CONTRI »1 j last August he has entirely recover- ¡them at the building of their new CI'RREN'CY «XAMITRoi.I.EIt Elsewhere in this paper the Stand j ed his sanity since his commitment,” 1 home on West D street, and to con- ard Oil Company announce* an ad-' Washington. Dec. 20.— «legisla Dr. Griffith declared yeterday. gratulate them upon their industry vance In the<prbe of guaioline of Ijjj tion continuing federal control of1 Chenoweth served In the Canadian in completing such an undertaking. Waahinglon, .Dec. 20. John Skel- cents per gallon effective December | ■ sugar through 1920, but limiting! army during the recent war and up . Mr. and Mrs. Ray were presented ton Williams wks again nominated 17th. It is said that this advance 1« i the licensing power of the I'nlted on his return from service was ap with a beautiful library table. tuxessary to meet the extra cost of i States sugar equalization board to pointed by the county judge to rep by the president this morning to 1>c r«*flning and handling special gaso- (the period ending next June 30th. resent Curry county in the house of comptroller of ih«> currency. lln«> required under the existing Ore-! i was completed by congress today and representatives, occupying the seat gon state law. Oregon Agricultural College. Cor ■ sent to the White House for the of Representative Stannard, deceas J. E. 'Balsley. district sales man president's approval. vallis, 'Dec. 20—Frozen canned fruits ed. CARS ON TRAIN NO. 51 ager of th«> Standard Oil Company and vegetables can be saved by DERAILED NEAR REDDING says, "To meet th«» requirement« of thawing them out slowly and then if the existing Oregon state law, which the container is broken either using apeciflos th ut gasoline should lie of ! them at once or recanning. The bet Redding. Cal., Dec. 20. Five cars 56 degrees gravity. Baume test, to ter plan is to use them but if this Dublin, Ireland, Dec. 20.—The on northbound Southern Pacific pas be aaileable tn the state. It Is neces is not feasable they may be reeanned senger train No. 54 were derailed sary for the Standard Oil Compan.v without the use of additional sugar. government police are engaged <n This near here early this morning. None to make a special gasoline. Fruita will break down slightly, but tracking down the parties who at- tempted to assassinate Viscount spedai gasoline, although of no ■of tile 'passengers were Injured. may later »be turned into jam. greater efficiency titan the qasoline Peaches, cherries, apples. pears French, lord lieutenant of Ireland, regularly refined by us and sold in and tomatoes were used by the home yesterday. It is said that evidence Washington. California’ and else economists of the state agricultural has been secured which may result where, is more expensive to furnish college in experiments in saving froz in the arrest of several persons. because it requires special refining en canned products. To make the and handling. Also there Is a lower most of the frozen materials the yield of this special gasoline from cpeciallsts make the following re- the crud«> oil than there is of our reg com mendation: ular gasoline, with consequent In Care for the frozen products as crease in the cost of the special gas- socn as [tossible. Thaw out gradual Washington, Dec. 20.—The re oline, The advance of I '4 cents per ly and If container is broken either drafted resolution by Senator Knox gallon in the price doos not fully rep use at once or sterilize and recap. to declare a state of peace with Ger resent the additional cost to the If fruit breaks up make into jam. many, and to retain to the I’nitcrl Standard Oil Company of manufac- Washington, Dec. 20.—Te immi Added sugar decreases natural States nil material benefits that taring the spedai gasoline. At the flavor, but maltose, a sirup recom gration committee’» bill providing would be gained under the ratified . same time, the higher price of the mended by the Government as a sub for the deportation of all aliens af treaty of Versailles, was approved by special gasoline does not secure for stitute. leaves the flavor nearlj- nor filiated with anarchist organizations the senate foreign relations commit- the user any greater value than is mal. Only products that had been passed the house today by a unani tee today. given in our regular gasolino.” mous vote. froren for a long time lost shape. TOOK PHOTOS OF GRAVES iiii iiii iiiiilai nrin STATE Iffl CAUSES GASOLINE ADVANCE I —ISD™