Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1919)
(ì HA NTS t*AiM MAILT COU RUMI f AG« EDITI Dad's the Goat L You know him. You have all met him. big. generous-hearted, hard-working, saer flci ng "dad.** He want« to see <118 children educated, wants mother and the girls to have nice clothee. wants to give the boys a start in life, and it keeps his nose to the grindstone from year’s end to year’s end. He is in the treadmill now and there is no stopping. But suppose he had commenced in youth to save a little, only a little each week, what a help that money would 'be to hint now. Young man. you may be a dad some Jay, yourself. Better tiegin s aving now . T'se our bank. PERSONAL Ü" LOCdL | Tor her Christmas Gift: r =r— , Jo Paste»* arrived this morning I lancing I‘arty— Waldorf hall Saturday night. 49. from O. A c for the holidays. Cigarette's and tobaccoes in Christ mas packages at Horning's Shack. 52 Xtteiilioii Elk»— lamie your Christmas donations at this Earle Voorhles returned Josephine hotel or roerles» Clothing morning front the lT. of O. store. Ik» it today. G. S. Eaton went to Medford this morning on .business Margaret Xloorc— Willard storage battery service Will serve a buffet lunch at the station, 314 North Sixth St 17tf Christmas eve dancing party. 46tr O. E. Newell, of Gold Hill, was in JoM«-pltin«*’<> Slate Tax— the city today i The county officials have been no Too busy making eandles every UDiwx: HFSKHV» tified by the stat«» tax commission VV S Tt 1 day to describe them call and see that th«- amount of the tax money them — •Richardson i w-hlch thia county is to contribute to Miss Georgia Hanson arrived yes-; (he maintenance of the state for the terday afternoon front Portland to year is tentatively fixed at «35,67 4.- Sch«»oi X »cation Begins— spend Christmas at home. 30. The amount last year was «25.- The holiday vacation at the public AH the Iwwt Jazz <>rcb«f.tras of Mrs C. H. Woolley returned to 65 0. The levy to meet this tax will ( schools will begin with today, and the nation will tie nt your di'»- Ashland thia morning after spending be about four and a quarter mills. will continue till January 5th. Some p<>N<l on Christmas l»a> with a a few days in the city. ; members of the facuiy will attend Gerald E. Gunter sjient a day with Mr». GoettSche Invitee You— ) the meeting of the state teachers’ To a Christmas eve dancing party .association to be held in Portland his father, returning to Ashland yes December 24th. with a real Chrlst- December 29th. 30th and 31st. while terday. D«ncr ‘n’everythlng. Mrs. Torrem-e. of Denver, arrived mas tree, others of the teaching force will , visit with friends gnd relatives in this morning to visit ¡Mr. and Mrs. tickets SI plus war tax, extra ladies 35c. 4«tf J. N. Adams. other localities If you want to dance, if you Special Christmas mixed candies at want to sing, or if you want to 35c per pound at Horning’s Shack. Local Couple Weddcxl— IWuice at Spence Halt— sit and listen to the latest pop .Arthur »'rands lx»ng and Nellie Gunning arrived this "erris On December 25. Neilson’s orches ular songs, your old favorite morning from Seattle to spend the Belle Culy. both of this dty. were tra will furnish the musk. Supper son sb . the Christmas hymns Mrs. Gun- unitfHi in marriage Thursday at the holidays with relatives at midnight. Tickets |2. Come and you love, or the famous bands home of the officiating minister. ning preceded him a' few days. •njov the fun. 51 and orchestras of the world The ceremony oc- From this date on 5c a day will be Chas R Drake they are all at your disjiosal If charged on all ice cream containers curved at 1: 30 p. m.. and the newly- there is a Graf a no la in your not returned within three days. weds left on the afternoon south- home. 48 honml train for t-helr honeymoon Horning's Shack. Miss Mary Kiefer. sister of M rw trip. They will maJte their home In COLUMBIA GRAFANOLAS G. S. Eaton, and Miss Louise Cruise the New Hope section. arrived this morning from Corvallis AND RECORDS A. F. A A. M. Spes-ial— to spend the holidays with Mr Special meeting tonight. E. A. de Mrs. Eaton gree at Masonic Temple Mr. and .Mrs. Fred Madigan, STANTON ROWELL Aberdeen. Wash., are spending Music and Photo House holidays with Mrs. Madigan's S| hm -I h I Musical t*r«»gram— ents. Superintendent and Mrs. J O. At the Baptist church both morn- Imel. ing and evening. Two anthems by Richardson's homemade Christ- the choir at each service: s|»ectal 49 music by the orchestra at the thorn- mas candies. 30c per pound. 'Mr. and Mrs Franklin Brown re- Ing service; instrumental solo in the turned this morning from Portland, evening by Prof. Applehoff and where they si>ent the past year and special selection by Mr. Stannard a half, Mr. Brown served as a tool Brownsville. Full program maker in one of the shipyards until published tomorrow. the yard closed down. Rev. J. L. Green has decided to Reception to Ftaittiall lli'roe remain in Grants Paes indefinitelv A reception will be given tonight ! 4L and .Mrs. Green is ex|«ecte«l from at the Josephine hotel for the facili- I Everett. Wash., in a few days. They ty of the high school to the victor-1 Elks Will Spread Cheer— had planned and announce«l their In- ions football team The entire low- i The local bunch of Elks, officially tention of removing to Everett er floor of the hostelry will lie turn a part of the Medford herd, met at | Catherine L. ¡Miller, recently of ed over to the high school people, 6c IV DIVIDI -Al a S the Josephine hotel last night and the reconstruction aid. medical de- who will gather at 8:30 o’clock, and I2< DOI BILL'S made provision for their part in the partment of the F. ft. government, is who will extend their compliments 75c IO OZ. BOX in the city for a few days, visiting to the boys who so magnificently up- distribution of Christmas cheer Oth I 1 POI XD «1.25 friends here before she continues on held the honor of the local school er matters of business also came up .«1.50 20 <>Z. to Portland, to sj>end the holidays upon the gridiron during the season, for attention, and Harry XVebber was «2 50 2 POI ND with her parents. ¡Miss Miller was bringing the championship of west named chairman of the local Elks, $0-00 5 POIND in the service about a year, being ern Oregon to the town for the first while Frank Woods was made secre- stationed at Canxps Dodge and Riley. time. The hotel parlors will be dec tary. As a greeting to the general orated In the high school colors, and public, a banner will ¡be provided games and other forms of amuse bearing the emblem of the order, ment will Tie the entertainment with a word of the season's cheer. this to be suspended across Sixth A Merry Christmas— street. And a Happy New Year’s Eve. have the first at home with your own fam I PIXEAPPI.E for Xmas ily. and the last at Murphy with some It affords the connosMnr Bought at the ohi price. , body else’» family. Funny faces, fool sweets much pleasure to know so frolics and a full feed. 11.50 that a richly emlH»»s,Ml and ar Beginning Saturday, for a tistically finished one |H>un<! limite«! tim«- we will *«•11 I «1.15 for 500 Sheets Bond— box of Butler's dainty confec liars BOBWHITE soap 25c. Entire lot of SI bond paper sold ; tions. comprising a variety of 60 reams of heavier bond at 11.15 nut anti frnit flavorings scien i for 500 sheet. letter size, at Courier tifically bl«-n«le<l. can I m < obtain | office. Bond paper advanced 2c per ed any time this winter from I pound August "I,,but we made no | advanre. Thia lot will last only a Merlin, Oregon L. O. Keynolds, Prop. Prices upon Application Trade Aceepta’nces. book of 50, SI Courier offke. BKAITIFIT. WAINTHj Fl Its. FANCY HONE ANI» SILK PCTTKNMTti PI'NHMI. Mil* • mr$. Hellie Deas THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF SOUTHERN OREGON Columbia Grafanola Hoefler’s Chocolates More Holiday Goods titilli ING AT HOLMAN’S Fl UNITI ItE STORE • ♦ I PHOIATEIIE1» IUH KI.'IIM IUU)WH—EXTRA NICE ONES A HIC SHIPMTNT OF Ml Illuni AM MIAI M DINNER HETM CHINA ANI» SEMI-l*ORt ELVIN Gl ASH WARK " WE TURK A HOUSE INTO A HOME ” fíuúS. LiNOlfUMí R anùis , W au P akk , St wing MACmuff ¿ HoourAi. H olmans F urniture S tore OPPOSITE THE BAND STAND PnONf 50 605 G STRÍET. GRANTS P ass , OReGOK If ASTORIA Oregon Made” ONuYWi, DAYS TO SHOP 1 HELPUSHELPU Rose’s W. S. BUTLER Grants Pass FATTY ARBUCKLE IN “The Desert Hero 99 Fifteen year, local agent Overcoats, Suits Shoes, Furnishings FOR MEN- AT Peerless Clothing Co. Cash Clothiers HOME OF H ART SCHIEFNER ANI» MARX (Will.* F or C hristmas G ifts — Oak Library Tables — AT— 213 nod 215 .South Mitili Street ■ « Tomorrow ! IN Diamond Pendants * * a Love Insurance 99 Hr had a Strang*«1 hold on < lipid and a half-ncl- roll that, would erhöhe a cow. but when won on Iw tri«*«l to use his power he found that he wa» bclpicsM under th«’ eye of a girl, Bryant Wash- burn never made a better picture, It’s new! It’s great’ It can't, lie beat! FATTY IS HERO OF CARBOLH’ CANYON HE IH ELECTED SHERIFF ANI» CLEANS VP A NOTORIOl’S DANCE HAU.. ETC. IT’S Fl 1.1. OF LPROARJOl’S SCENES GEO. S. CALHOUN tlfirt fJ Strw»i “The Home of Good hirniliiri*” Bryant Washburn i Is the mark of correct tailoring and sensible economy. Order» for < liriolma. should lie pllu -rd now. HELMER’S OREGON Tonight This Jolly Little Tailor of AT 25 PER < ENT DISCO! X I FOK THE FEW REMAINING DAYS BE. »UHH CHRISTMAS REGI LAR PUH ES A * Don’t miss this bill even if the weather is bad—remember, we’re telling the world “It’» the Climate.” MATINEE TOMORROW AT 2:45 d Letcher & Son 4