Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1919)
I GKAVrN FAHR DAILY IXHKIKH FRW.1Ï. Xrti4F.MIU.ll JU. 1U1Ü. I 'US • fAO« TH REB t The Battery Shop G. B. BERRY Harne«» and Saddlery Auto Top and Canvas Work ill ------ L-------- With Grants Pass Hardware Co. 'AuotIon sale Monday De< «sillier 22 at 2 p. m. al Red Front barn. Two government horgee,. weight 1100. Good i»ack or work horses. To hlghoMt bidder for cash. O. A. HORRE144 ,49 Ü. 8. Trassi t man ■ Classified Advertising COMMUNITY plaie . 314 North 6th Street, across from the Court House, is the WILLARD SERVICE STATION. Service Batteries for all cars. Phone 127 A. V- Hazelton, Prop Successor to C. A. Linch W*» TAX! IMione 26Z-R for Jitney Leas or Cutler. CaUs an swered anywhere, anytime. 8»tf PALACE TAXI Phone 22-J. A. Hyde, Geo. 3517 FOR RALE lavender coat han sera, at leks and sachets for Christ mas presents al 636 North Sixth street. Mrs M. F. Graham, 48 FOR SALE Ona horse weighs about 1400. horse, gentle, sound ’•rice 1100. Hayes phy. Ore. ELECTRIC WIRING and general electrical work, repairing, bouse wiring. C. C. Harper. 166 South Sixth street, phone 47. C. MACY. D. M. D. Ftm-Claae dentistry. 10» % Beuth Sixth stre«4. Granta Paas. Oregon j.. y.. ........... i w I'wpew —i wrwra. VETERINARY k < rg bon blW s - M W à ? BErrtt. Veterinari DR. PRY FIR WOOD Delivered twice a Residen«^U* Washington boule week. Dickenson A Daws. I*hone vard. pboae »»8-41. Wlldervflle 48 rodi RA1JC -Milk, 10 cents a quart at 60S L street. Bring bottles. 51 UFllCB —;---------- — ■Mt'. - ID I'GH RIDGE M. D. Physician and surgeon. City or country calls aUended day or night. Phone*, residence, 369; office. 182. Sixth and II streets Simply Beautiful Beautifully Simple Among the exaniplee of convenient belonging» embodying beautiful work that Bakes a gift precious, there are handkerchief! crises and darning or knitting lings, like those shown above. The darning hag Is made of ribbon and may be carried, with Its contents, over tii<- arm. The hundkerchtef cese employs heavy linen, with a «.large linen threud for making its decoration. Placer location notices at Courier office 1 i-lO ieMiviU || A WITHAM. M. D— Internal medicine and nervous diseases. 624 Medical Bldg.. Portland, Ore Hours. 2 to 6 p. m.. morning and evening f>y appointment. PR. W Rooms Treats a. in.; J BILLiCK. M. D, Physician and surgeon; office Schallhorn block, phone 54-J; residence, 1004 laiwn ridge, phone 54-L, Grants Paas T. M c K instry 603 g street, phone 13-R. General real estate business. The best of all kinds of eolia for fruit, hay or general DR. RALPH W. STEARNS physician farming. 21 tf and surgeon, offices formerly oc cupied by Dr. Stricker. Masonic Temple. Phone, office 21-J, resi THE WORLD MOVES; so do we. dence. 21-L. Hours: 10-12, 2-4. Bunch Bros Transfer Co. Phone 3 97-R. G. ISHAM, drayage and transfer. Safes. pianos and furniture moved, packed, shipped and stor ed. Office phone 124-Y. Resi dence phone 124-R. w ■ TMiiwna W ANTED To oontract for Pine and Hr logs f. o. b cars Southern Pa cific track. Big Pines Lumber Company, Medford, Oregon. 41 tf WANTED Improv «Hi 40 acres; alfalfa, right, near outside 'school. P. O. Box Cal. WANTED Used cylinder records Apply No. 2 280 care Courier. 52 A Boston Maia 54 . WANTED- 1000 turkeys at the City 'Market. Bring poultry In this week. Highest prices paid. 5T DANIEL MCFARLAND, neer and surveyor. 740 Tenth street, phone t Evubiltfvsd I I 1036 over i water s and Yreka, WANTED Men who know how to swamp, for horse skidding In win ter weather, 65 per day of R hours.1 address 1. E. Kesterson Lumber Co., (Worden. Oregon. 54 CIVIL ENGINEER I CHICHESTERSPIL ■"! J4U !L.! ---------------!------- —T— The California and Oregon Coast Railroad Company TIME CARD Effec tive Nov. 24. 1919 Traina will run .Mondays, days Htid Fridays. Leave Grants Pass ..... 1 Recent tents have shown the thumb Arrive Waters Creek ...... „2 to be more powerful than all the I «cave Waters Creak 2 fingers combined. Arrive Grants Pass;.,;..... ,..4 J For information regarding freight The greater part of the fertile and passenger rates call at the office lands of .lev» am untilled because of of the company. Lnndburg building, acarclty of labor, , or telephone 131. The inter nationally admired Pa the costs no more than the ordinary phonograph