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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1919)
B ad P rint I I PAGE TWO ■g-ñs.' GRJWTS PISS DAILY COURIER Published Daily Except Sunday a T e . VOORHIEB, Pui and jPropr Entered at pontoffice. i.rant« l’x-.~ Ora. M second qtas» mall matter ADVERTISING RATES Display space, oar inch......... . ........... 20< LMei-pereonal column, par line . 10c Reader«, per Un«...... ............ 5c i DAÍLY COURIER By mail or carrier, pef yiAr... >6.00 By «ail or oarrier, per month .50 WEEKLY COURIER By mall, per year.......................... »».0« SdEMH^R OF ASSOCIATED PRESS Ths Associated l’resa is exclusively •n tided to -the use for repubilaaUoc of all news dis patch so credited to It or all otherwise credited ln this pap«* and also th« local news put- AM rights of republication of epo- «al dispatch«« herein are atoo re- ad. FRTDAY, DECEMBER 1». 1»1». ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ OREGON WEATHER ♦ Tonight and Saturday occaa- ♦ ioaal rain in west portion ♦ Fair in east portion. Moderate ♦ southerly winds. ♦ •♦♦♦♦♦♦▼♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ YOUR P.YRT FOR CHRISTMAS The thought of the Christmas sea son should be just the opposite of selfish thought. Giving is tbe theme of Chritmas time, and the giving of cheer, the spreading of good will, is just as essential in maintaining the balance of human' happiness as the giving of material. Clfus. It costs nothing often in dot- 1 Jars and cents, but will drive gloom j and despair from many a fireside. There is yet less than a week to prepare for the celebration of the day that marks the birth of the ■ Christian era, and every day must I be a busy day if the people as indi-' viduals and as a community put into: effect the many good Ideas ttfht have been discussed for weeks past. Es-i pecialiy does the youngster look for ward to the Christmas season, for to I bim December 25th is the red letter day of the entire calendar. Add to Ate cheer if he is within yonr own household in every way possible, but Meo remember the one -who may not be so fortunate as those within your swn home. There are many organi sations that are keeping a watchful eye on the unfortunate ones, but that is a case that often requires as- 1 ■tetani-e of a material nature. Drop a quarter in the Salvation Army ket tie. or send a contribution to iomj: of the various other organizations that are going to carry the message of peare on earth into the homes where peace and good will may not otherwise go. Del Monte Only Cherries Apricots Peaches Pears Plums One of the coiuiug events will l»e of unusual interest to me lovers will he the tlray-Lhev inn« , concert to be given Jununry 8, 1920. I under (he auspice» of the High XS school. Estelle Gray (.Mrs. Lh«v <nne) is » : viol Inlet of great ability , and • Nhevlnne, as pianist. I a equally i master. They play f or the people. I tjui is. they play th .« heat In music i I tn such a way that all can spi>relute Quality and Strtke it. I The violin us In this concert ini a .very valua$>' a Instrument. Insured by Idoyd’s f or >15,000, and has a yet exists between the United States j lion by any branch of our goveru- wonderful ’ xlstory. It Is 208 years and the German government cau be mqnt authorised to speak, in a bind old and w aa made In Cremona, Italy ing or effective way on our foreign Tho "'M' «leal lxxader" of two years brought to an end. Former Preai ‘ relabious. It can’t even lie officially ago pF ? .ated Its history, of which the, imrt. dent Taft, who is regarded as an au | transmitted to Germany or our al follov /1it (h ’ ’ a the 'JO 4 years since It waa made thority on constitutional and inter lies unless the president consents ln Cremona, Italy, the "Gray-Lhe- national law, says that, so far as the to forward W." 4nne Fiddle" has had an eventful With thia point of view, It would 4 life, but no more thrilling exper- United State« la concerned, a "con current resolution" of both houses seem thpt the present congress h- ¿d lence than when Its present owner of congress will not close the condi | best adopt such modified rose ^ya. rescued it at the time of the big Ran Francisco fire. he Hons as seem proper, ratify th'a tion of war. Such a resolution, e Estelle Gray was a little girl, but declares, even if passed, "will be ; ty. and then put it up to tF,e preai- I she hart a big heart of love for this ---- Molln. ... The day of tk* only an expression of opinion by the dent to complete the plan /Or peace. Cremona ————«. I earthquake ----____ the Instrument was being two houses that the treaty to which repaired down In the wholesale dis COMINCI KVFJNTS thus far we have declined to be a trict of Sun Francisco. When news party has created peace for us with Dec. 20, Saturday—Annual election came that the fire was spreading, out our agreeing to it It will have the little vlollniste dashed down Fruitdale Grange. effect neither as a law nor as a trea I Dec. 20, Saturday—'Postponed meet- town. Even though there was mar ty, nor as an authoritative declara- Ing of Rogxie River Valley Grange shal law and orders to "shoot anyone .entering a building," she flew past ................................. 1 ■ " ' » [the soldiers, broke Into the shop and rescued the historic fiddle. Tn 1909 ! (on a half-fare ticket! Estelle Gray I I ¡left her native state and went to! , New York, and In recent years In I her hands this little violin has not | onlv thrilled vast multitudes In every FOUNTAIN PENS state in 'America, but also all over EVERSHARP PENCILS generate heut in IX MINE LEAF BOOKS i Europe. the human system New Pack Salt Mackerel Now KINNEY & TRUAX GROCERY 5 Days Christmas See our beautiful but inexpensive Sterling mounted BLISTER PEARL RINGS PENDANTS and BROOCHES BARNES, The Jeweler The Store of the Christmas Spirit Neat door itrwt National Haab I 1 st Practical Gift Suggestions Horning’s Candies FINK FOR THIS COLD SNAP —alt kind» —all priera. SATIN’ FINISH GOODS DIARIES HAND BAGS PURSES STATIONERY FRl’IT BASKETS WORK BASKETS STERNO (NMIKIN'G OUTFIT METAL HOT WATER HOT- I Calling Card Price*— 1 Pointed calling cards 75c for SO; I $1.25 per 100 at the Courier office (Engraved cards per 100. $3 and up; [where plate 1» furnished. 91.50 per I100. TLE SHAVING MIRROR SANDWICH HASKETTS MANKTRE SETS Ü varieties mixed ia SO-lb. sealed ran« RueneM £ Gilbert'« INADVERTI8KD liae of Ixet candies Homing’s Shack Demaray’s Drug & Stationery Store TURKEYS 48 CENTS We waut all the fancy turkey» we can get at thi» price to arrive not later than Dec<Tnber 23rd. t'nd<-r graile« at market price ac cording to quality. We handle live iwiukry of all kinds price», nl««» dressed meat*, egg» and cream. BI TTER FAT TODAY HO CENTS PEACE BY RESOLUTION There ha* been much discussion Portland. Oregon as to how the condition of war that NEW TODAT BARGAIN tn Chevrolet ear. .'buys it. Phone 515. 1450 I 47tf ■ WANTED- leading soprano sfnrer for choir work. Address No. 2288 i care Courier. 48tfj FOR SAI j B -Beautiful piano, good as new. $250 if taken at on-e. Ijoss than half cost. Also white • enameled dresser, golden oak chif fonier. side board, wardrobe, and all furniture of six-room hotAe Call at 60S South Fifth Street 4« Fotind- Bunch of key* which had been lost before or during the i storm. Owner can get them at * tho Courier office. 49 Brownish pup about three months old. Reward for return to the express office. 49 The Wardrobe Cleaners 315 N. Sixth Street Phone 147 I j OST 1Y)R SALE Shetland pony. 8 old. well broken to drive or leaving, reason for selliog. John DeVail, Leland Ore. Why U a, »«eat ni^o’Uke ; H’ 1 ' 3 a Cleaning Pressing Repairing wood Here« ¿t> We call and deliver Because he saiws and living! 'OU are the consumer; the most im portant link in the great industrial chain. Wlu ther or not Oregon factories shall grow; whether or not the producer shall get a fair remuneration for his prod ucts; whether or not there shall be work and prosperity and happiness in Ore gon—depends on you. The issue is squarely up to you. It is your individual responsibility. These things are not possible without a market and you can insure that mar ket by buying Oregon products. ob EC on ^T r ehoiim for FORDS t WHEN YOU HAVE GOOD, WHOLESOME. srsTAINING, STRENGTH GIVING __ at Bargain Prices C. L. Hobart Company MEAT FOB A MEAI» VOI’ REALLY NEED BI T LITTLE ELSE! HE Fl RBE- IXIWS AND l-'RILLS ARE ALL RIGHT—Bl T OH» NOI PORTERHOUSE! Associated Industries of Oregon ■rt .»2 to ffcéroE nO bells” The City Market CORNER FIFTH AND <1 STREETS « ANNOUNCEMENT! After December 10th, I will agAln take In general overhauling work for the winter, but will discontinue It after (March 30th, ibJb. If you wish to have me do your work bring ft In early. Batteries. Generators and Magnetoea overhauled and repaired I Handle the RACINE TIIIES E. A. ADAMS, Auto Electrician Llcen»ed Auto Elec’rician and Battery Repairman I’hone Ofl - 5(MI South Sixth Street