" IT’S THE CLIMATE VOL. X-. No. 7«. 01.208 IS » STATE TAX LEVY FOR YEAR 1920 TELLING THE WORLD • • • • GRANTS PAHM, JGHET'HINE COUNTY. OREGON, • • - • vAlME AND ENJOY IT” FRIDAY, J»9X EMIIKH 1», 1W1U. Probe WiU Be Warted to Find the Why and Wturrfotv of Amending ITtce of Wearing Apf*errl In Accori With “IH mwum I" Washington. Dec. 19. Termina­ XI t.lt NIAI TO IIP. RAINED FOR tion of the soft coal miners' strike THE OPERATION OF NT ATE was not a settlement, but a victory FOB THE TEAIU.Y PERIOD Vice Regent of Tbe Emerald Isle Escapes The Bombs and Bullets of Tbe Assassins, Bnt Bystanders and Officers Are Victims of Tbe Attack OF SHIP TAKES 43 TO DEATH — Washington, Dec. 19.—Steps to BRIT INH FREIGHTER MANXMAN check the rising price of clothing LOOT IN MID-OCBAN WITH will be discussed at a meeting here for the government, Attorney Gen­ ONLY 12 SI RVTVORN early in January of persons interest­ eral Palmer today told the senate i ed in the production of wearing ap­ committee Investigating the strike. parel, from the producer of the raw “In actuality, the men and the union Dublin. Ireland, Dec. 19.—An at­ indicated that the aseailai^ta fired materials to the consumer of the fin­ officers have complied with the gov­ ernment demands and returned to tempt waa made at 1 o'clock today from a field while the vice regal par- ished product. work,” Palmer declared. to assassinate Viscount Frerfrh, lord ty was passing along the road, The ACaeeen Ta* mm Authorized by Vote v ■ ■ . . lieutenant of Ireland, who was driv- first shot fell in front of the vice of the People at the tyx-cial Elec­ regal car, a second entered the side Illg when the attack was made. (A of the car and another 'pierced it* tion Held la*t June policeman was killed but Viscount back. One bomb exploded, tearing French escaped injury. a big hole In the road. Portions of •» t ■ . ... A Several shots were said to haye another liotnb were found. M m *. Ore., Dec. 19. The »tale Halifax, Dec. 19.—'Forty-three 'been fired by the assailants and the tax levy for 1920 1* 94.391,209, the Policeman Ixvugblln, who waa members of the crew pf the British military guard promptly returned talking with a civilian as lord state lax commissioner announced Bozeman, Mont., Dec .19.—J. R. freighter Manxman were drowned the fire. One of the assailants was French passed, waa kitlod during the today. 'Rile levy I* baaed upon the Missoula. IMont.. Dec. 19.— The shot dead. Ambulances were imme­ ahootinx. it is understood by the Oampbell. of the stale collage hare, yesterday when the ship foundered 1919 tax roll, and exceeds by nearly two millions of dollars the 6 per state of Montana, through the state diately rushed to the spot. It was civilian with whelm he was talking. discussing reports of loss of stock in in ntid-ocean, according to wireless eastern Montani, says lack of forage messages intercepted at the Camper­ cent tax limitation, the excess having board of land commissioners, is ne­ has precipitated a crisis and stock is down station today. The survivor* gotiating with the officials of been authorized by vote of the peo­ the dying of starvation and exposure. He of the ship are about 13 and are ple at the s|H»cial election held last first forest service district for the said serious losses were to be expect­ aboard the steamer British Isles, exchange of several hundred thou­ June. ed during the winter. due in New York Monday. sand acres of land to which the state Short "Chinooks," followed quick­ Misfortune is also believed to has title, and which Iles within the ly 'by other storms, have made the have overtaken the coastwise steam­ boarders of the national forests. The range grass inaccessible to the ani­ er Louisa Maud, a british tanker hav­ plan la to consolidate the .whole of mals. There is nothing to feed them ing reported picking up some of her the state's holdings into one compact I lx>ndon. .Dec. 19. Creation of an Washington, Dec. 19.—The house bldck and return to the reserve do­ , International police force is suggest­ bill increasing war risk insurance and ranchers, even where they are in crew. % a position to herd in the stock, can- main the scattered tracts known as allowances to American soldiers, not save them. ed by Major David Davies, a member school sections, numbered as sections sailors and marines, disabled in war, 1 16 and 36 In every township, which of parliament. He told the Grotius passed today in the senate with the I steal Woman IHre in Portland— society that each natlou should have Salem. l>ec. 19. Of A the slate's to- lie within the forest boundaries. amendment requested by the Amer­ The body of Mrs Emma Daniels, The examination for the proposed •ufftclent army to maintain internal tai aaseMed valuation of 1990,435.- ican legion. The house is expected 473.17, 9X69. 443.174.8« represents exchange will be made in the spring ¡order and furnish It* quota when to accept the senate amendments and who died at the home of her daugh- the value of private property as aa- when crews will be placed In the ‘ the league of nations required it; enactment of the bill before recess ter. Mrs. A. F. Palm, in Portland af- ter a short illnesx. was brought to. , s, seed by the various county asses­ field. The state of Idaho also is ne- ¡that no nation should employ a new is deemed assured. Grants Pass today for burial, accom-j gotiatlng for a similar exchange. sors and 9120.992,297.31 represents weapon of war; and that each na­ panied by Mr^. Daniela son. Ed. Salem. Dec. 19.—-If. in the opin­ the value of pitbllc utilities as aa- tion should provide the league of Quail < *nw in Bunchr*— Gano, and three daughters. Mrs. ion of Dr. L. F. Griffith, superinten­ xiMsed by the state tax commission­ CHICAGO GRANO OPERA j nations with an adequate force for How much the valley quail appre­ Palm of Portland. Mrs. Rose Jen­ DIRECTOR IN DEAD Immediate use. dent of the state hospital for the in- er. a< cording to a summary compiled • ciates a little kindness and attention kins of Seattle, and Mrs. Will Lemp- sane. George E. Chenoweth, who waa Chicago. Dec. 19.—Cleofonte Cam­ by Frank K. ixtvell, stale tax com­ These units should be concentrat­ was shown by a bunch that called ke of Roseburg, Will Lempke was committed to that institution upon panini. director general of the Chi­ ed tn different part* of the world and missioner. qpon J. A. Wolfersberger during the Th» aiiiniuary ahowa a total of 10,- cago grand opera company, died of the naval i>ortion similarly consti­ went period when the ground waa also of the party. Mrs. Daniels, who; h|s acquital of the charge of mur- was aged 75 years 8 months 18 days i dering George Syndham of Curry 133.15^0!» acres of tillable land In pneumonia this morning. tuted. Prison gas. war planes, sub- . covered with snow, and they were tile state assessed at a total of 9228.- marines, heavy artillery and tanks unaible to find the usual supply of went to Portland recently to spend ¡county on the ground of insanity, is the winter with her — daughter. Thejnow sane, he is entitled to hi* dis- 026,958. should bo ceded to the league to L seed« «»asas ««a xac* J a little and bugs. Saturday « from the institution funeral will be held at the , Free ! charge _ _____ __ ___ _ _____ immedi- Other Items In summary are as form the headquarters foroe and no flock of 12 quail came out of ' the Methodist church. West I street. n ( e ar , ately, according to an opinion pre­ follows stfte should l>e allowed to own them hushes back of the Wolfersbepger Pine. Saturday afternoon at 2:30. pared by Attorney General Brown Tfmlw'rlands. 3.825,728.3 4 ÄCfCM, «YFA ,,r t0 n,a'rt’*ldent of the great re- good word had spread among the symptoms of insanity since his ar- Improvements on town and city Ing coyotes In an automobile, }je' public wax one of the earliest and i quail population, they were too many i rival at the institution. lota, 992.04 4.009. takes hls dog* to the chase in a tour- ,nO81 powerful exponents of the prln-, | to count, and the number was var­ Chenoweth's discharge, however, Improvements on lands not deeded ing car The dogs thus arrive fresli ''Hiles of the league.” iously estimated at from 50 to 70. Pullman. Wash.. Dec. 19,-rSiX, has :>een delayed pending an opinion or patented, 91,545.295. and tljey go after the quarry hundred outgoing hens of all breeds on the legal phase of tbe question Railroads under construction, log­ good success, Where the roads or recently passed hundreds of incom-| by the attorney general. The matter ging roads and rolling stock. 9H- open country permit. Cambrón also ing hens from all parts of the Pacific of bis discharge will be placed be­ 236,080. . gives chase in his machine. The northwest, British Columbia and fore the state board of control by . Bteaioboats. sailboats, stationary •pelts bring good prices and the boun middle western states, which arrived ¡Griffith today and it is expected that engines and manufacturing machin­ ty is high. here to be entered in the fourth All­ immediate action looking to hi* re­ 4 ery. 91 1,766.722. Northwest egg laying contest, which lease will be taken. , Merchandise and stock in trade, | H began here recently. The newcom­ 943.242,036. Brown’s opinion further holds that ers consist of White Leghorn*, Blue if Chenoweth's return to Curry coun­ Farming Implements, wagons, car­ ' '.New York, Dec. 19.—The 300th The next day there will 'be an aquatic Andelusians. Black Minorca». White ty will endanger his life, as has been riages. automobiles, etc, 920.092,- 261. anniversary of the tHlgraiu Fathers, pageant In Rotterdam, the visitors and Buff Orpingtons. 'Barred Rocks intimated, it is up to the peace offi­ Money, notes and accounts, 921,- , tentative plans of which have Just traveling in the morning from Ley­ and others of the Mediterranean, cers of the county to provide neces- American and .Asiatic breeds. 422,629. nary protection. been announced here, will Include den to Deifsshaven, if possible, by Shares of stock, 914,216.204.88. boat along the way. the Pilgrims Chenoweth represented Curry Word came to the j>olicn detri­ celebrations in England. Holland went. Then there will be. trip* to Hotel and office furniture, etc., county in the Ivt legislature. being ment this morning that some stran­ And the United States and will con­ the religious havens of 'Rotterdam, 92.471,952 9s Yiamed by the county judge to act _____ In Horses and mules, 210,377, valued ger was making hls home difring the tinue from |May to December, 1920. a memorial service in the church at an advisory capacity during the see- storm period in the Ferry l»arn, on at 910.221.450. A four-day program in l>eyden. Delftshaven and at 7 p. n- remember that he is our prince, not the beginning of the storm i»eriod Addresses commemorative of the don, Southhampton and other places, theirs.” The pa|>er explains that the Chicago. Dec. 19.—Increased re­ 10 days ago. and the chief says that occasion will he delivered by scholars HOMII VOl ND IN CAR culminating in the sailing of the new Americans gave the prince such a ceipts caused the wholesale price of RETURNED BY III'NN when found Toland was in a bad fram the three countries, including Mayflower, which will carry the re­ reception that “anybody might be eggs to drop six to ten cents in the bills. France, Dec. 19.—'An Infer- condition from exposure and lack of the rector of the university. 'Dr. Ren- turning American committee and excused for fearing that they had Chicago market today. First qual- nal machine, containlng several food. Toland said that he had been del Harris of Manchester. Eng., Vis­ British and Dutch delegations who some annexationist designs in view." ity sold at 71 cents, a 6-cent drop, pounds of high explosive waa found unable to get anything to eat as all count Bryce und a famous 'American are to participate in the program on The prince’s welcome in New York ordinary quality dropping 10 cents. In a freight car being unloaded ves- the money ho had was "bank who has not .vet been designated. this side of the 'Atlantic. the Globe added, "was the real thing ^rdsy. The time fuses were remov­ money," and that the people would The next day, August 31. the Main events of the American cele­ coming from, 'perha'ps. the most not take that. Hls "hank money" ed and the machine exploded. Inves­ birthday ofithe Queen of the Nether­ bration will be tn Plymouth. Mas«., warm hearted people in the world, tigation 1s being made by military proved to be a draft upon San Fran­ lands. will include, beside a congress and Boston, where historical pag­ They have much to teach him of the cisco. drawn by a Red Bluff bank. in the town hall, a religious memor­ eants will be held, followed by a big authorities as the car had Just been warmth of ‘that friendship which When Toland had 'presented this at ial service in the Pietersklrk in receiption in New York. Vice-presi­ mischief-makers cannot break and he '•eturned from Germany. 1o',al Institutions he had been asked which the Rev. John Robinson, who dent (Marshall is Honorary Chairman had somewhat to teach them about i COMMITTEE TO ARRANGE to 'provide Identification, but thia led tbe separatlonists from the of the committee having the local institutions which, it may be, they FOR G. O. 1’. CONVENTION he was not able to do. and therefore Church of England (the Pilgrims) to program in charge. The foreign vis­ have occasionally misunderstood. had carried the draft with him dur­ Holland in 1609, wax buried. itors win then be taken on a tour of “The only thing wanted to make Rouen. France. Dec. 19.—Captain Chicago. Dec. 19 - The members ing the 'period of his privation. He One of the features of the holiday I of the committee of arrangements waa taken to the city Jail by the chief at 'Amsterdam on- September 1, will| the United States. On November 24, the friendship of Britain and Ameri­ Sir John Alcock, the first aviator to for the republican national conven­ of ivoltce and ^iven a square meal be a meeting in the RIJksmuseum. 1920. there -will be a universal ob­ ca impregnable Is that they should make a non-stop flight across the tion next June have been summoned, while his “bank money" was turned the unveiling of a memorial window ( servance of Thanksgiving day in know one another better than they Atlantic, died here today as the re­ England. (Holland and the United do. To help on that work was the suit of injuries received yesterday to meet here tn January. into some real cash for him. In the Bngljnekerk and a reception. States; Prince's mission." • • when his plane crashed. EXCEEOS SU PER CERT LIMIT SME OW MOW KNKIIHEMI If 10 m HUB vwaav THREE NATIONS WILL CELEBRATE THE ANNIVERSARY OF PILGRIM FATHERS ENGLAND PLEASED WITH KT AM OF THE AI« OEAO