Life’s Harvest Time Do you know the moat prof!(able time in a man's life* No, it isn't in youth. They say it is from 40 to 60. That's the time when you are supposed to be old enough to have put away youthful dreaming and settled down to business with sufficient experience to be of material benefit to you. It's the time when you will make your slake, the time of your greatest earning capacity. Are you making good? Have you a substantial account at the bank? (Are your dollar», beginning to work for you? If not. come in and have a talk with us We may be able to help you. It's never too late to mend. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF SOUTHERN OREGON Mrsni « I » I>. u V. ursi HV » «V s r» «i HAVE YOU HEARD IT; The PURITAN The “Super Phonograph 7~n K 1 H It BB I L lì 1 il ' ill*11 F YOU do not care for music re­ produced upon a phonograph, it is because you have never heard a Puritan. Musicians sll over the world have ceased to scoff at what they were pleased to call "Canned Music" after listening to a few selections on a Puritan chine. The (Puritan is unlike all other talking machines in construc­ tion and in tone. There can be nothing shallow. shallow, or hollow about the tone reproduced by a Puritan because of the long acou- sticator which carries the sound the entire length of the chine. The tone of the Puritan machine is sweet and clear. Every word, every note, every inflection of sound, comes to your ear with pleasing distinctness. If you wish to hear a great singer, or a celebrated violinist, or a selection by one of the famous bands or orchestras of the world just as the music would sound if you were in the pres­ ence of the artists themselves, come in and hear the selection on one of our new Puritan machines. I STANTON ROWELL Music and Photo Houx 507 G Street 'll, t PERSONAL i!2 LOQflL ....... T ■ "U K. IL. Churchill went to Medford Willamette Múdente liane— Mtseea Vivian Isham. VeOna Wil­ this morning. Cigarette« and tobacco«« in Christ liams and Irene (Caldwell, students mas package* at Horning's Shack. 52 ; at Willamette University, are home 'for the Christina» holidays Elmer Wert« returned to Portland last night. Chri»tin:tM Plant*— Willard storage battery service Primulas are in bloom, light and station. 314 North Sixth St 17tf dark pink. Hear plants we have had Carl Dodge went to Costella. Cal, 1 for years? Will be on display today to spend the holidays with his| Barnes’ Jewelry store December sister. Juel received today, some more Light U'dalit Champ tt< -eiill«( 12-foot llnoleiNii at the same old George A. Theater of Hood River, price Holman's Furniture Store. 47 re-enlisted yeeterduy nt ths local Bernard Nutting. O. A. C. student, army recruiting station for the ord­ arrived here this morning and left nance department, he was the light­ for his home at Brooking«. weight champion Imxer of the 41st Holman’s Furniture Store,has the division, having won 43 bouts Hoosier Cabinets. 47 Frank Mulkey, who attended the Mr«. Goett*che Invites Von— funeral of his uncle. M. A. Worts, To a Christ mas eve dancing i»arty returned to ¡Myrtle Creek today. December 24th. with a reat Christ Genuine Tennessee Cedar Chests Hance mas tree, ‘»’everything, at Holman’s Furniture Store. 47 tickets It (dus war tax. extra ladles Mr. and Airs M. Carson spent a 25c. 4»tf day in Grants Pass and left this morning for Ashland. Grange Meetings Saturday— Special Christmas mixed candles at Fruitdale grange meeting Sa tur- 35c per pound at Horning’s Shack day. 'Annual election of officers for Ueutenant Colonel Frank A. Sloan subordinate ami state granges. Rogue assistant recruiting offtcer In Port­ River Valley Grange |>m«tponed meet­ land. was a visitor at the local re­ ing Saturday evening nt the home of cruiting office yesterday afternoon. F. S. Ireland with cake and coffee Some more of those comfortable lunch. Officers of subordinate and Mattresses arrived at Holman’s to­ state granges are to be elected. day. 47 ......... I Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Kesterson. of, , Worden, spent a few days In the city. Thev left south this morning, Mr. Kesterson for Worden, and Nirs. Kes-| terson for Gold Hill to visit. See our line of Pictures and those New Rugs before making your selec-.' Holman’s tion of Christmas Gifts. 47 Furniture Store. John and Eric Parson, of Boston. ASTORIA Mass., who have been spending a week or more In Granta Pass went to Ashland this morning to visit their uncle. Dr. Parson, for a few days They expect to return to Grants Pass Just arrived at Holman's Furni­ ture Store. Child's Breakfast Sets and Table Sets. .Tost the thing for. Christmas 47 Mr. and Mrs. Edward T>*e. of Pet­ aluma. Cal., are spending _____ _______ ... a few ___ days with Mr and Mrs. Sam Neas. They i are enroute to Portland. Mrs. | was a former resident of this and is better known here by maiden name. Ree Brownell Hoefler’s Chocolates A. C. Students Return— A number of students arrived this! /PZ4Z> i morning from Corvallis for the I rnr AOi ' Christmas holidays. Among the i number were: Arnold Mierer, Ikar-1 win Ingalls, Lynn Sabin. Arthur: Ary»«, ted uji Burglary Charge— i Cramer. Emmett Hoffman, Wallace I jlohn Huff, aged Ik years, has been Harry Edgerton, Clifford! placed under arrest for the theft of Niles. Schaefer, George Easterly of Waldo. various 'artftlee from the Owl bil- liaj-d hall g I faff admits taking the | Wilna Smith, John Smith and Har- (old White of Kerby; Reknald Rob- articles. IflFuding about *2 in small ©hinge, but denies that he broke ; inson, Burton Robinson. Wilderville. opfn the window and opened the done—u> the-4)uilding. He says that snow Fast IM.*a|*|*enring— The weather has now been thor- he «aw another party. whom he names, break into the building, but ■ oughly overcome by Southern Oregon that J»e-iatter ran away when he i climate, and the snow is fast dis­ eatne near. Huff had in his posses­ appearing from the ground. It con­ sion at the time of his arrest a couple tinued to melt all of last night, but I of pocket ktjives and some gum and is going so slowly that all the mois­ tobacco that had been taken from ture Is finding its the establishment. The young man ground. Tonight Succe»»or to Mr«. K. Rehkopf I m U ath U U Did you ever notice even with »polled and naughty children, their change of attitude when they enter a strange but nicely furnished home? Environment, surrounding», have much to do with good man­ ners. ♦ It Is worth while in every family to keep furnished as well as you can to come to us for the furniture. ",WE TURN A HOUSE INTO A HOME " R ugs , L inokums R ancis , W au P apu , S fwng M achinís &. R ooms . H olmans F urniture S tore OPPOSITE THE BAND STAND P h ONF 50 605 G STREET. GRANTS PASS, OREGON “Oregon Made Margaret Moore— Will serve a buffet lunch at is now being held in the county jail. He sava that his home is in Chicago, Christmas eve dancing party. where his parents live, but that he has not been there for about two Quartz blanks at Courier office • years. DAYÓ TO SHOP HONK ANI» SILK PKTTKXMTN INDIT IDI ILs DOUBLE'S IO OZ. BOX 1 POI NI» This Jolly Little ruilorof is the mark of correct tailoring and sensible economy. Order« for Christum« aliould Is- pin« -cl now. GEO. S. CALHOUN nil.-, It Street Fifteen year« local agent tic 9 20 OZ. 2 POUND 3 POI NI» 12c 75» M1 -23 M 1 ..K) M2-5O *0.00 BOOKS for BOYS Overcoats, Suits Shoes, Furnishing's FOR MEN-AT Peerless Clothing Co. THE ROY ALLIES SERIES Cash Clothiers SCHAFFNER AND MARX < Is »TH I « WOKIJ» U XK SERIES < 'OMPRISING NAVY IIIMI STORIES TITLES—410« Rose’s CLEMENS Sells Drugs-Books and Stationery TA« F or C hristmas G ifts — L. <>. Revnold«. OREGON HELMER’S ••The Homo of Good Furniture" Tomorrow MARGUERITE CLARK IX “GIRLS” lb ( Li HE I LK II Pamela Gordon, Violet and Kate West are a triumvirate of mun­ hater- But girls are girls, y'know, and tile adorable things simply can- not make up their minds. SEE WHAT HAI’PEXH WHEX A MAN STI M BLES INTO HOME OXE NIGHT. AND RIGHT HERE THE FIX STOPS. 213 and 213 Sonili Sixth Street Some Very Exceptional Values in Cut Glass Water Sets THEIR Hl I I ER THAN "COME OI"T OF THE KITCHEN" BRAY PICTOGRAPH BRIGGS COMEDY Letcher & Son