HH DAILY COVRI Kit PAGE TURF« i Continued from page 1) . «A» TO i. .OR HALE u.- Phone 346-R. and harness Sound and kind, »00 pounds. P. H. Woodln, Box WANTED Milk cow at once, 04«. Grunts Pans, phone «OO-F-8. be kind und g«-ntle and good mils »fltf er. heifer or young cow preferred, fresh now or to he soon. Give FOR HAUC Whit« and Brown Leg- price, age and description In first horn tookerela from Petaluma letter. Mrs. Dave Roberts, Mur-! bred-to-lay stock, tí months and 5 phi Ore. 40 months old. Get them now, price Con WANTED Two yonng calves, also will be higher later on some weaned «'alves. Phone «01-1 42 Hchaefert, R. F. I) No 3. F-13, Mrs. Josie Messenger. 44, F» Ml HAI j E Hydraulic and Irriga- Wil) sell WANTED Wood cutters Write or tlon pipes, all aises phone V. C Robinson, Wilder ville. cheap. ' H. W. Webber, Phone Ore 41 54 341-J. «(.All WOOD at Edgerton mill. ll.bO WANTED Wood cutters wanted,, Good timber Price >2.50 per per tier or delivered for «3.25. Haa «•ord He* McKinstry, «03 G St. been cut 2% months. Phone 149-J or see W. C. Harmon 5» 40 ■■MMMKr s I 5« FOB MILK phono 149-J. FOR BALE Plano; good combina- WLEtTItK! WIRING and general electrical work, repairing, house tlon gas and wood range. nearly wiring. C. C. Harper. 105 South . new. Call 201 West D street 40 Sixth street, phone 47. F»»R DALE Hay and grain. feed of 1 TAXI all kinds. Red Front Bam . Neely 4« A GravUn SOONER TAXI Pbone 2C2-R for Jitney Luke or Cutler. Calls an- jroit HAI AC 14 bead of «boats. IWered anywhere, anytime. 8«tf • sight about «0 pounds In good shape. Ranch on Missouri Flat. PALACE TAXI- -Phone 22-J. Geo It W Craig. Murphy. Ora. 40 A. Hyde. 25tf .u«n ... M their ul the first warn- juble. . rioru to know «ralM vour kNney pill* enough Ivr u» wonderful bonefa I have derived Irmn Hketr ueeier euch e ehert while Pleaee eul>l,eh rh.e eteremenl ee I war* the eeople <4 Rackv Moor.* end everywhere te «sow of Ll»v K.dn.p Pills "w-Mrs. A G Welle. M V D.J. Bea •#. Baehr Mau*«. N. C. F oley K idney P ills iavlfforste, etrengtbea and heal in- active, weak and dieeaaed kidney« •nd bladder. They help the kidney« in their work of purifying the blood ctrram and cawing out poisonous waste. (Jean blood makes possible itF»d rirewlatMMk. healthy nerve«, strong irh, rleer head, active brain, Bound heart, ».PinU'tory digeatioo and parted health. --------------- SOLD PY ----------------- AM. DIO GGIHTN Make your Christmas presents mean somethlug this year Give I filled Stale* War Havings Stamps Five dollar Htarup* coat «4 23 at any bank or post* Rice. They Increase In value constantly and Induce the re- clpier t to buy more. Instca of giving your boy or girl a useless toy for Christmas, give him or her a War Savings Stamp. It will teach the lesson of saving and invest­ ment . White has arranged for him a vigor­ ous schedule of meetings embracing floseburg, Hutherlin, Oakland and ' Riddle. Mr. Etheridge will leave Roseburg at 11 p. niz Tuesday so as to parti­ ci pate in the final daya of the cam- paign In Portland. He Is accompan- led on bis trip by the Rev. O. W. Taylor, rector of the Grace Memorial parish. Portland, which practically completed Its campaign the first day. John L. Etheridge, of Portland, 'hairman of the nation-wide cam- palgn of the Episcopal church in the state, was in the city today, and at I o’clock addressed a meeting com­ posed of the workers of St. Lukes. Reports were given, which were were most gratifying to all. Ilev. Taylor, of Grace LMemortal. Portland, accompanied Mr. Ether­ idge and gave a short address on the work, and which was most enthu­ siastically received by those present. Rov. Philip Hammond who was in the city accompanied the gentlemen this afternoon to Medford, where they will address a meeting this evening. The workers of St. Luke’« are to be congratulated on their success in this campaign and also of having the pleasure to have two such not­ able persons to inspire them. E»*dding. Apply 721 dence 359-J. « and passenger rates call at the office' which really costs at the rate of «80 Nerth Fourth. SRtf ■ of the company. Lundburg building, for a 50-pound sack of flour.—Jose- a MWfCLLANEOt H 3. LO UGHRIDOE. M. D. Physician or telephone 181. phlne Coifhty Farm Bureau News. and surgeon. City or country calls E L GALBRAITH—Insurance. any attended day or night. Phones, Building and kind. Rentals. residence, 3t»9; office, 182. Sixth lxiajt. Plats Glaas Mablllty. «09*4 and H streets. 84tf G at rent. Phon* 29. A. A. WITHAM, M. D.—Internal I HEMSTITCHING, Fleeting. Satlafac- medicine and nervous diseases, tlon guaranteed. Write to us for «>24 Medical Bldg., Portland. Ore.1 suggestions for Christmas gifts Hours, 2 to 5 p. m., morning and : The Vanity Shop. Medford. Ore­ evening by appointment. gon DR. W. T. TOMPKINS, S. T.— BRON WORKS Castings on short Rooms 1 and 2 Schmidt Bldg. notice at the new foundry. Third Hours 9-12 Treats all diseases and J. Joseph Gayetty 41 a. tn.; 1-5 p. m. Phone 304-R FOU BAU? sticks and presents at Mrs M. F YOULL CL!MB THAT H/LL 1 YOU BOUGHT S' YOuH CAA{ lì One of the most important tests of a car is a bad hill. That is why we elected to sell the Maxwell car. Jn this car the power is all right there, beneath you, aa much as you need for any reasonable climb. Don’t neglect to come here for a demonstration of the many other good points of the Maxwell. COLUNS AUTO COMPANY >RIES AND REPAIRING PHONE 317 SH H STREET, GRANTS PASS, ORE WRIGLEYS TO EXCHANGE TO EXCHANGE 120 acres Umber, sugar pine and fir, on Elk creek, to exchange for Grants Paas city property. Address 404 E Si. 44 E. J. BIUJOK. M. D, Physician and Burgeon: office ScbalHiorn block, pitone 54-J; residence, 1001 latwnridge, phone 54-L, Greets Pass. DR. R LLPH W. STEARNS phyeiclan and Burgeon, offices formerly oc­ IDA M. HOWEIJ*. professional cupied by I it . Stricker. Masonic dressmaker. «Iterations. make­ Temple. Phone, office 21-J, resi­ overs. First class work guaran­ dence, 21-L. Hours: 10-12, 2-4. teed. Now located at Dean Apts.. Civil. ENGINEER Room 5, 515 North Sixth St. 47 DRESS'! IKIV. DANIEL McFARLAND, civil engi­ neer and surveyor. Residence e . T. M c K instry —«03 g sire«*, 740 Tenth street, phone 211-T. phone 13-R. General real eetate business. The best of all kinds of H. D NORTON, Attorney-at-law. Practices In all State and Federal soils for frnit, hay or general Courts First National Bank Bldg. farming. 21 if HEAI. ESTATE G. BTRAYED C A. 31DLER, Attorney-at-law aonic Temple, Granta Pasa, Ore. fTPRAY One light, old Jersey cow marked under crop both ears. J KO. II. DURHAM, Attorney-at-law, One brown yearling Jersey heifer, referee In bankruptcy. Masonic no marks. Owner can have same Temple, Grants Pass, Oregon. by paying feed nnd ad bill. O. B Phone 136-J. Ateward, Murphy. 41 JAMES T. CHINNOCK, Lawyer, IXM4T First National Bank Bldg., Grants between iaiMt Saturday rasa, Oregon. Grants Pnss and Merlin, one 32x3 H heavy Wm-d truck chain, Piece of wire spliced on one end. I Finder pinnae notify J. J. Weer- 727 North Fifth street. 39 »Ing CHICHESTER S PILLS hoirs, sealed with Flue RINxm. I j OOT—Four keys tied on red and green ribbon, Finder please leave at CóUrier office care No. 2224. 40 y mm known ««Beit. 8« fest, Al*ayt K«>Ubta SOLD BY DKUGülSISLVLRYWNfRE 5C 5C a package during the war a package NOW i W. OOLVIO, Attorney-at-law. Grants Paas Banking Co. Bldg. I 1 Granta Pass, Oregon. THE WORLD MOVES; bo do we. -------------------------- T---------------------- | Bunch Bro«. Transfer Co. Phone E 3. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Prac­ 397-R. tices In all courts First National Bank Bldg. F G. ISHAM, drayage and transfer. Safes, pianos and furniture O. S. BLANCHARD. Attorney-at-law. moved, packed, shipped and stor­ Golden Rule Bldg. Phone 270. Reel- ed. Office phone 124-Y. Grants Pass. Oregon dence phone 124-R. DRAYAGE ANI» TRANSFER 5 a package before the war THE FLAVOR LASTS SO DOES THE PRICE! G. B. BERRY Harness and Saddlery Auto Top and Canvas Work With Grants Pass‘Hardware Co. t < ANNOUNCEMENT! After December 10th. 1 will again take In general overhauling work for the winter, but will discontinue it after March 30th, 1920. If you wish to have me do your -work bring it in early. Batteries. Generators and Magnetoes overhauled and repaired. 1 Handle the RACINE TIRES E. A. ADAMS, Auto Electrician Licensed Auto Electrician and Battery Repairman Phone 00 OOfl South Sixth Street