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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1919)
" IT’S THE CLIMATE • • • • WE’RE TELLING THE WORLD ff COME AND ENJOY IT” ♦ ©mlg (Courier -¡ l - ~ ——rr< GRANTS PAHH, JOSEPHINE < OI NTY, OREGON. VOL. X., No. 02. MONDAY, DIX’EMBER 1. 1IIIO. WHOLE NUMBER 2M34- — 1 Hlu-riff of Marshall ('«»uni/West Vir ginia, Seriously Wounded In Hat tie With Strikers' Mob Because of The Illness of The President, The Usual Wheellng, W. Va., Dec. 1. One Washington. Dec. 1.—'Renewing' FRIEND OF ROOBEVELT WILL BE steel striker was killed, and Sheriff ■ Its request for the Immediate re- Committee Does Not go to Inform The Executive ENDORSED BY STATE REPUB Clayton, of .Marshall county, was lease of Consular Agent Jenkins, Im LICANS TOMORROW »hot and seriously wounded, and a prisoned at Puebla, the latest note That Solons Are at Work Again deputy and another striker suffered to Mexico, made public today, ar gunshot wounds in a riot that start raigns the Mexican government’s ed when a mob of strikers and sym conduct in the severest terms and Washington, Dec. 1.— The 66th was expected to deal with Interna pathizers clashed with the sheriff's characterizes it as a studied at-, posse at the gates of the Riverside congress met today in Its first regu tional relations and particularly with tempt to ensnare the American con mill of the National Tube company lar session which is expected to con the treaty of Versailles. While early sular agent in intricacies of legal tinue until just tie fore the presiden Refund of Oven liarge Mnce May I» today. procedure. No ultimatum was serv President Will He Endorsed by His tial campaign next fall. There was ratification of the treaty with com Directed, With the Order Effective ed and no indication given as to Party If H Is Hi* Desire to Make a large attendance when the gavels promise reservations was expected Throughout Stair Ttalay I what the American government's the Race for Executive Again fell. Both houses are In accord with by many senators, with hopes of would be if Jenkins was not an agreement reached between the action before the new year, leaders ¡course ' ■ released. republican and democratic leaders, believed the Issues involved would I » Salom. Ore.. Doc. 1. Sweeping re Pierre, South Dakota, Dec. 1.— and the usual formality of appoint l»e carried into the presidential cam- I ductions in rate» of the Pacific Tele Governor Peter Norbeck and W. H. ing a committee to notify the pres paign. phone an«i Telegraph Company in King, chairman of the state republi ident that congress was In session Politics is due to play a large partI Oregon are made In an order Issued can committee, and leaders of the re was dispensed with because of ttjp in the events of the ne .v session, the • today 1# the atate public service-coin- publican party of South Dakota, an mlaslon The order pronoun««» the Denver, Colo., Dec. 1. An oil preldent’s Illness. A formal commit- last before the nominating conven-; nounced today that they had en nicwtion will lie dispatched instead. tlons next summer anddhe final cam lltirleson rut«», prescribed la»t Au »hale laboratory, with an initial ex dorsed Leonard Wood as the repub paign in the fall. Leaders propose gust, .both exorbitant and illegal and penditure of ut least 120,000 is to lican candidate for president in 1920. Washington, Dec. 1.—‘Many to have congress recess for the con reinstate«, with »light modification», They declared that the convention of be established at the University months ’ work on a great variety of ventions and work through after the tariff prescribed ’by the commis The Portland Oregonian, in an would endorse Wood tomorrow. Colorado at Boulder immediately by Important subjects, international ward into October. • sion last .May. It also directs Uiat article dealing with the political sit The state convention democratic Enactment of legislation is expect the company refund patrons the dif the United States Bureau of .Mine» and domestic, were before the 66th Congress today whef It met for its ed to begin immediately. The sen-i uation makes the following com leaders said that their convention and the State of Colorado, announce ference between the Burleson tariff ment regarding the possibility of would endorse President Wilson to and the commission tariff of last ment to this effect having been mad« second and "regular" seaslon. which ate today had pending, with privileg- I '' Eugene Coburn, county clerk of Jo- morrow if he was willing to be a can recently by Governor Shoup of Colo was expected to close only with the ed status the CumminB railroad bill May. The order Is effective today. ' sephine county, becoming a candi- didate for a third term. rado. presidential campaign next fall. with its provisions against strikes I date for the office of secretary of .Members of both senate and house and for return of the railroads to 'state: The laboratory Is tn be operated under the department qf mechanical returned to work with only ten days' private ownership, In the house, "Not all of the men who want to engineering and will be under the rw,t since the adjournment of the the bill to restrict Immigration and ,run for secretary of state in the re extraordinary session which ended provide for deportation of alien rad direction of Prof. John 'A. Hunter. publican primaries have announced, Tiw department at present maintains November 19 when the peace treaty icals was first on the calendar. The i themselves. Thu» far only Sant Ko- failed of ratification in the senate. house probably will be occupied . an oil laboratory which can lie uti zer of Salem and Ben F. Jones of lized tx> lame extent In the new Because of the extra session th<ta.'»rgely with the appropriation bfUs Newport have made formal an opening day lacked much of the « for many weeks and leaders hope to work. To house the machinery and nouncement of their plans. The lat equipment which will be necessary usual ¡bustle attending the launching enact several measures before the Phoenix. Arizona. De' I A great est prospective candidate i» E. L. for the experimental treatment of! ■of a new session. holiday adjournment, to begin about Berlin. 'Dec. 1.—The death of many Riirxlans who fought In the Coburn of Grants Pass. Mr. Coburn With the congress already "in har December 20 and continue to Jan shales, a separate building will be! Hugo Haase, president of the inde- armies of former Czar Nicholas pre has been in Portland to see what his ness” and with much legislation uary 5. ■ pendent socialist party, leaves that fer Ilf«» In a German military prison erected, the definite date for the be ready for immediate consideration, prospect» are and he will make the Long debate on the railroad bill In party apparently without a leader of camp to an uncertain existence in ginning of the work having not little delay in the beginning of work run if the situation looks right. For the senate was anticipated and lead sufficient calibre to prevent it from yet been announced. their own land, according to x'apt. seven years he has been clerk of Jo was expected. Calling of senate and ers had little hopes of its' enactment being engulfed by the German bol- The federal bureau of mines will G. V. Olli, who recently returned to house rolls for quorums, appoint before January 1, the date on which sephine county. shevists. Haase died from wounds send men to the university to look the United States from Berlin where "Dr. W. D. Wood of Hillsboro, the ment of committees to notify the the president has said the roads he received October 8 when he was h«» was engaged In s|>eclal work for after the government's end of the president and each other that veteran member of the state senate, con- would be returned to private opera shot three times by an Austrian as the Inter-allied commission. For six work, and It Is expected that event iflress again was “on the job" were declined to make a positive state tion. A temporary resolution con he was entering the reichstag build uall v - the department will grow to month» Captain Otll worked among ment as to his intentions. Senator among the customary opening for ing. tinuing guaranteed compensation for Russian prisoners of »ar In Ger the magnitude of the radium re- malities. Wood left the inference that if the the carriers until permanent legisla Recent events have indicated that many, examining them for symp »«arch laboratory established several field is chopped up enough he may Besides legislative recommenda tion is completed will be passed if Haase had been unable to halt th« toms of tuberculosis and seeing that years ago at the School of Mines at tions. President Wilson's message enter the race. He was a member necessary. those affected wore given proper Xlolden. This last named work at of the senate for a dozen years, and stain [>ede of the followers to the ex- treme left of radicalism. The au- present requires the services of a ATTEMPT PEACE THHOIGH care. make a peace treaty with Hungary many times served on the ways and thority he once wielded in the inde dozen men and occupies a three- means committee, so that he his an "Six hundred thousand Russian» NEW HUNGARIAN REGIME through the new Hungarian govern pendent party has been undermined were held a» prisoners of war in storv building on the Mines campus. ment was decided upon by the su extensive acquaintance. Neither E. • ----------- by radicals, such as Daeumig. Lede- The new department is designed E. Brwiier, Chauncey Butler nor A. Germany when I went there last Paris, Dec. 1.—An attempt to preme council today. H. Ix»a have formally declared them hour, Richard Mueller, Eichhorn, March,” Captali OHI said. "When for the reasearch and ex|>erimenta- selves. although Messrs. Brodie and Geyer and Saxony and Henke of 1 left, about 200 had been repatr tlon consideration necessary for the exploitation of the huge deposits of Butler are believed as determined to Bremenn, all desperate opponents to iated b> the Inter-allied com mission. the parliamentary government with run.” « In the Interval conditions in German oil shales in Western Colorado and out, which Haase finally came to be- Utah on a commercial basis. The prison camps hail been improved lieve government in Germany would greatly. Good food was being serv str.te and federal governments will , DESTROYER AND SHOCK be impossible. ed th«» .prisoners when I l«tft on Sep divide the Initial expenses Incurred TIUMM*S LEAVE FIUME It is expected that Haase’s death tember and the general rules of san will hasten a split in the independent itation were being observed." Belgrade. Dec. 1.—Great activity Captain Olli said many Russians prevails at Flume.- A destroyer left socialist |>arty and a union of its there Saturday, presumably for Zara, more moderate elements with the who were repatriated by the inter-al The district in the vicinity of the awailing the coming of the fire truck according to the Serbian press bu majority socialists, headed by Philip lied commission returned to the city park and the steel bridge over and was standing at the railing on reau. The merchant vessel Adria Scheidemann. indications are seen strict discipline of the German pris of a complete radicalization of the the Rogue staged a good represen the bridge when the truck crashed followed with 1,000 shock troops. on camps In preference to affiliating major portion of the independent tation of a battle on the Argonne into it. ('alvert was hurled over the themselves with "free society" under party after the Russian pattern. The when the Saturday evening front side of the bridge into the river, a the soviet independents now are dominated by electric fall of 16 feet or more, but most mir high tension wires of the The Warren Construction com- country. a' dozen men who are regarded as psn.v’s camp at Wolf Creek observed light and power company became aculously ascaped with only a severe ■ On his return to this country, expert manipulators of the revolu- circuited through a break or shaking up and minor bruises and short Thanksgiving with an old fashioned Capt. Olli was Hsslgned to Whipple tionary proletariat and these men dinner prepared by the camp chef. otherwise, and the play of the cur- cuts. He was rescued from the river Barracks, Prescott, Ariz. are expected to control the party’s running wild was sjiectacular rent Not a thing was overlooked In the and taken to his home, and is fast councils. menu and those enjoying the teed and a bit terrifyirig. Several trans recovering from the experience. pronounced It the beat camp dinner, former» burned, out when the wild ’ Four men were upon the truck at Their ascendency marks the elim current hit them, and in a number the time it struck the side of the ination from independent councils of of its kind, they had ever eaten. San Franoisco. Dec. 1.— The Unit Karl Kautsky and other moderating The mesa Itali wan tastefully deco of residences the light fixtures were bridge, and all escaped without in rated with evergreens and laurel ber much damaged and the blazing cur jury. The machine was driven by ed States court of appeals today af influences which once were led by ries by the ladles of the camp while rent camo near causing serious fires Claude Holwell. and with him were firmed the convictions of A. .1. Par Herr Haase. Political observers say Mr. flhewry (erstwhile superinten In some of the homes, scorching fur Herman Schmidt, Geo. Sliney and tan, manager of the Western Work that “saner” elements of the inde dent ) filled the dual position of host niture and destroying electric fix Tap Cole. The truck escaped serious men’s Publishing society of Astoria, pendent party must find a domicile damage, except to the running lioard and W. N. Reivo and Editor Toveri, in the camp of the majority social and master of ceremonies In a man tures. Brunswick, Germany. Dec. 1. When the trouble first occurred, a and tbol box and other minor in a foreign language paper of Astoria, ists, because the “red" elements of ner to be envied. Short talks, ap Thu hotels, restaurants and cafes propriate to the day. were given by fire alarm was turned in from the juries. The most serious damage, who were found guilty of violating the Independents already virtually here have notified the employes that several of those present while music, pumping plant of the 'Rogue River however. Is to the steel bridge. The the espionage act. have gone over, bag and baggage, to they will close their establishments by the ever ready Vlctrola, added Water Co. The big fire truck made big steel truss 'beam that received The court also upheld the order the communists. Indefinitely from December 1 as a gayety to the occasion. In addition a run there, then was piloted for the the force of (he Impact of the truck for the deportation of Neil Ouiney, protest against the local government to the regular camp personnel, about steel bridge to go across the river was broken, and its repair or re executive of the Industrial Workers food organization. 15 out of town guests were present. where the blazing electric. • current placement will involve heavy ex of the World, at Portland, charged The owners claim that not only Is made it appear that the entire dis pense. It has been braced and sup with unlawful destruction of proper the system of distribution faulty but trict was afire. As the truck was ported by timbers that will no doubt ty. under the immigration act. they are constantly harrassed by es turbed upon the bridge approach, the make it sufficiently strong to bear pionage and house searching for Il KOLCHAK IN RETREAT wheels skidded on the wet floor of traffic till a new beam can be ob TRAIN WITH TROOP« IS SOVIET REPORT licitly procured goods the (bridge, and the truck crashed in tained. RI NS INTO OPEN SWITCH ------ —- t to the side of the bridge. A section A crow of men was employed until IIIGII COST OF LIVING London. Dec. 1.—'Admiral Kol- of the railing was torn down and midnight getting the truck back up Pittsburg, Kans., Dec. 1.—A train Kansas City, Dec. 1.-—As sudden HITS SOUTH AFRICA chuk’s forces are retreating with the rear end of the truck hung over' on the bridge, block and tackle be- with Kansas national guardsmen ly and as unexpectedly as ft begun Johannesburg, (Dec. 1.—'The high such rapidity that they are unable to the river, the heavy steel truss beaming used, The machine was able To and volunteer coal workers en route Saturday, the strike of 1500 switch cost of living Is creating Irritation construct defensive works, of which keeping the machine from going nroceed under its own power, how- here, was derailed at Humboldt last men in the local yards here was call Here. Butter and sugar are (becom there are none west of Irkutsk, ac into the stream. ' ever, and while somewhat scarred night. Reports indicated that the ed oft early today and its is expected |ever. ing luxuries while farmers are mak cording to wireless dispatches from Rodney Calvert, a member of the is still in the ring and ready to re train ran Into an open switch. No that terminal conditions will soon be ing fortunes out of wool and skins. the soviet government at Moscow. volunteer fire department. was «¡pond In case of a call. Injuries were reported. normal. w AT THE WARREN CAMP WAS SUDDENLY ENDED