" IT’S THE CLIM ATE WE’RE TELLING THE WORLD • • • • xiixjOY IT” ss (grants pass Elailg Courier ORA NTH PAM, JOHEPHINE tXMNTY, OREGON, VOL. X., No. Ol ♦ > ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ I New York. Nov. 29 The fin al score In the clash between the army and navy football squiuls this afternoon was, navy «; army 0, The army had ruled favorite, and the dope wus upset when It mot defeat. The unsettled weather, with prospect of ruin, failed to damp en the enthusiasm of 46,000 HATIRDIY, NOVEMBER W. WHOLE NIMBER 2MJM. frNNlTBALL TOOK TOLL OF FIVE LIVES IN SEAHO.N 44 ♦ Chicago, Nov. 29.- Football, ♦ ♦ America’s roughest outdoor ♦ ♦ spori. claimed five victims thia ♦ ■ 41 season, which closed Thanks giving day, according to reports received by the Associated Preps. The death list from the game was the lowest in five years, being five less than last year and seven under the toll of two years ago. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ + : ♦ ♦ ♦ I ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ WHITE HAYS POSITIVELY THAT HtHPiXTED MAN IS THE ONE WHO BOBBED HIM ♦ ticket holder* who «ariy filed « Bl MOK THAT HOI TH AMERICAN < ♦ ♦ Into the grounds ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ GOVER.NME.NTH MAY ATTEMPT ADJI'HT JEN K INH DIHPTTE THAIH SERVICE TO Olirti FrvHnüln»r> Hearing In Justice | txzurt Thl» H*n«n*s*n on < rimina* H) ii<ii<-Mli*.in Charge % W ord < 'ornes ilirougli IHplomatlc Maini'-tiiux e of l*rfensive Works at, IdentiHcJUjon Made at Klatnatli Fal*fl tíreles In Santiago, Chile, of a Htratcgetic Points .Vs lni|S*rtanl ami Evans Was Brought Back to In-tach men ts Are laindrd From the Plan to Intervene Now A m Ever I m Claim Jackson t <>un*y Japanese Warships, and Feeling Passenger Hectics* Wilrf Be Radically in district fk Bitter i Cut Down if U>e i'oal Hhortage Huntlago, Chile. Nov. 29. — £1 Na- Washington, Nov. 29. — Necessity That I-ark Evan« was the man who Victor Holman, the man arrested Become» More Critical : cion today says It has learned from for the maintenance of defensive by Sheriff lazwla Friday afternoon on Amoy, China. Nov. 29._ Fuchow robbed him of his 'Ford automobile well Informed diplomatic circles works at important strategetic a charge of criminal syndicalism, reports stake that- many Chinese have and left him bound and gagged in ... . beyond . Jacksonville . . St. Paul, Minn., Nov. 29.— It was that there is a ¡»osatbllity of media IMiints along the «oast is no less been arrested ¡there by detachments k— the wilds ---------- ---------------------- „ is .„j the and who was alleged to be an I. W. admitted In high railroad circles tlon lly the governments' A. B. C. patent today than before the war, in landed by Japanese warships. Thek itatement of W. G. White, who W. symiwthlser. Is in Jail In lieu of group, with the object of composing the opinion of Major General Wil here toda" that the federal railroad district is anti-Jaipanese and the 11.000 bonds to await appearance administration was preparing to differences over the Gonsul Jenkins liam M. Black, chief of engineers, in makes positive Identification of the feeling is reported as bitter. Reports case between the I'nited States and his annual report published today. suspected man. before the Josephine county grand make drastic decreases In passenger from inland points are that the sit-i Mexico. The general declared. “Seacoast de Mr. White went to Klamath Falls jury. Holman was given a prelim- train services throughout the coun- nation there is even more bkter. fenses had lost nothing In import with a deputy sheriff from Jackson Inary hearing before the Justice try If the coal situation beoomes INDI STRIAL WORKERS ance from the war's lessons. Rather more critical. Reduction of passen - District Attor- court this morning county Thursday to see Evans and STAGE HI'NGER STRIKE was their extreme value demonstrat ney Miller was in «hirrac of the ger service from the Twin Cities determine if he wae the man who, Tacoma, Nov. 29. Twenty-two al ed. The Turkish forts at the Darda prosecution, being seconded In his may Involve 100 trains, it was said leged Industrial Workers continue nelles served to prevent the taking with a woman companion, held hi*** efforts by Attorney J. N. Johnston. up in the most approved wild-west 'their hunger strike here today and of Constantinople and the opening of an ex-«er vice man. who made a plea fashion on the ljth of last Septem 1 ref tiaed to touch food offered them. a line of supply for Russia. for the American lavglon. The court ber. Word received from Klamath room waa filled with Jg’glon mem-| Falls and Medford 1a that White was btre. the complaint against Holman positive in his identification. Deputy having born made by members of Sheriff Wimer then brought Evans that organization who heard Holman back to Jackson county, but the pris ma nrnnAIR lin Alli A an who has recovered his rea- oner was released upon the furnish Linking arguments and remarks to which they took exception, and ing of a bond for >1.000. A certified New|H*rt, Ore . Nov. 29.—News which they charge violated the state ______ ney-General Brown at the request of check for the amount of the -bond criminal syndicalism law. just roach I ng here from Taft, Ore., « Dr. Griffith, superintendent of the was wired to the officials at Jackson Five witnesses were presented by discloses that both of the sawmill port land. Ore., Nov. 29.- 4'ommls- .New York, Nov. 29.—The hunger Btate hospital for the insane, tn con county by Evans' father, a resident the state to tsatlfy a* to the violence employes, nsiiKsi A. Arltnger and J.- sion merchants here today announc- st rike of-the "Ellis Island Soviet" nertion -with the proposed release of of I-a Grande. Oregon. of some of Holmnn's remark*, 'he Evans was once before under ar ed an increase in the price of butter evidence going to »how that Holman Ari Inger. brothera, aged 20 and 24,* of one cent a i*ound, effective Mon was broken today when all but five George D. Chenoweth of Curry coun- rest charged with the commission of ty. who was committed to the asy had weld that th« 1. W. W. at Cen- yoars, who were reported ae seriously day. A drop of two cents a dozen radicals who refused to eat since lum following his acquittal on a the crime, but was released by the trails on Armlatice day “were Juati- lnjure<l last Friday In the boiler ex in the price of eggs was also an- last Monday evening, eageriy an ’charge of murdering George Sydnan Jackson officials who were unable fled In shooting the members of the plosion at the old Parmalee sawmill nounced I to produce sufficient evidence in the swered the breakfast call. They ask- fjjere a few months ago. American legion." Holman took the near Taft, died .Monday from the in-1 ed second helpings, but were refus- The release of Mr. Chenoweth is absence of Mr. White. White there stund in his own defence, but showed Juries they sustained. ed by the officials. opposed by Collier H. Buffington, dis upon returned from Arisona. and his by his testimony that he waa a radi This makes a total of five deaths trict attorney of Curry oounty, who identification of Evans follows. At cal though ¡he denied being a mem from the disaster. first took the stand that Inasmuch the time of his previous arrest Evans ber o’ th«* I. W. W. A Butte paper WILL NAME NEW CENSOR The dead; as Chenoweth was sent to the hos supplied an alibi in the form of the Chehalis. Wash., Nov. 29. -Shlp- tr'-en troni him. and the doctrine of RM FRENI AI-.MADE FILMS evidence of parties who testified that Hoyt PamiaJse, son of Mrs. Par- pital by a circuit judge after his trial | ping of Christmas trees from this sec which he was preaching, was of the tnalee. he could be released only upon the Evans had worked for them till even most violent type, and had at one tion to California and extreme east Mrs. Nannie Parmelee, wife of the Paris, ¡Nov. 26.—A new Yilm cen- order of the judge. Attorney-Gen- ing on the day of the robbery ern points is now well under way. time, according to Holman's testl- mill owner. The evidence relating to the trans sor will be In office in France begin- eral Brown held that Mr Buffington many, been aiipi*rcesed. He said th is For several days the docks in this Jesse Farrin, employe. ning January 1 ne .1. An examine-1 was In error in this contention and fers of the Ford auto stolen from section have been piled with young was the only paper for which he sub «A. A.rllnger, employe tion committe, which takes the place that Chenoweth's release was a mat White is still somewhat conflicting. fir trees. Christinas tree shipments acrRied The defendant, who had .1, Arlinger, employe. of the old police cei.’«*-ship, has ter solely in the hands of the asylum The sheriff's office here stated today the right to select an attorney to rap from here during the last few years ¡that there was dispute that the bug Mrs. Nannie Parmelee, wife of the been appointed. Senator Maurice officials. hate grown considerably, many of resent him in court, was repr«-aented mill owner, and her son, Hoyt Par- It ¡was also ruled by the attorney which has been Identified as built ¡them going as far as the Atlantic i Faure, some leading theatrical and t>v Attorney C. A. Sldler. malee, who were instantly killed at literary authorities, are Pather and general that the prevention of fur over from the White auto is the coast. Thia la the first case wherein an ¡Gaumont, the leading French film ther trouble on the part of Cheno same auto that a resident of the Ap th** time of the accident. w««re buried alleged sympathizer with I. W. W. at Taft Tuesday. The two Arlinger makers, are members of the board. weth in his home community was a plegate valley sold to the Medford radicalism has been arrested here, garage which has the White machine. ____________ duty imposed on the peace officers brothers were also buried at Taft EN g LIHII MEMORIAL Ft Hi hilt it la sal«l that the officers and yesterday. MAYFIXHVER PASSENGERS and not the hospital officials. the American Ixtglon . have other STATE NORMAL HCHtXMM The 'l>ody of Jeeae Farrin, who was ------ ... District Attorney Buffington now •aaea under mirv«-illance. WILL HOCHE SOLDIERS advances the prediction that if Chen also Instantly killed, waa sent ¡Mon- Billericay. Eng., ¡Nov. 29. — A fund - oweth is released from the asylum day to his home at Marshfield,' Ore., 'is being, raised here to erect a Max Pittsburg, Kansas. Nov. 29. The and is allowed to return to his home tor ¡burial. accompanied by bis young flower Hall to the memory of three wife and little child. local men an«l one woman who sail- state has taken over the buildings his life would be in dagger because Farrin was well known in Ynmhill <»d for America In the Mayflower in and grounds of the state manual of the feeling against him in the vi »I county, w here he was engaged in 1620. training normal school for accom cinity where the crime was commit barbering. lie lived for some time modation of soldiers ordered here in ted. I-aon, France. Nov. 29.—'Residents at Sheridan. connection with the operation of (he Dr. Griffith says that Chenoweth of the devastated districts of Prance coal mines. has showed no signs of insanity since he entered the hospital and it is the are still fleeing from bursts of shell Bucharest, Nov. 29. Th«* Ruman contention of the official that he is and shrapnel. The new menace is subject to release within a reaeon- caused by the small grass and swamp ian, at least the city resident, la ex . able time after being committed for tremely fond of perfume, scented fires which frequently set. off the I observation. soap, rouge, cosmetics and other ar London. Nov. 29.—>A now plan shells that have been piled up ts be tificial aids to beauty, This applies for tramway development in the hauled away and exploded in some ALABAMA (Xi.AI, MINERS Los Angeles, Cal.. Nov. 29 South not only to the iwomen, but to the laindon district, involving an outlay WHJ, REHVME STRIKE safe place. ern California 4n general and Los men. of >40,000,000, Is under considera- ----- '■* — Angeles and San ¡Diego In particular Major H. C. Greene, of Boston, The average young Rumanian tlon. The pro|*osnl contemplates the are planning greater advertisement New York, Nov. 29.—'Alberto An Birmingham. Ala.. Nov. 29.— Dis-j Mass., had a thrilling ride and \iar- army officer la scented, powdered, construction of 90 miles of new than ever of their climatic and sce geles, the 22-vear-old son of Gen satisfied with a 14 i*er cent wage In-' rowly escape«! a hail of shrapnel on rouged and often. It is said, corset tramways, along crowded t raffle I nic wares. eral Felipe Angeles, who was execut crease as offered them, the miners his wav from St. Quentin to laton ed. His habits mark ti I in for a good routes, to link up 'with lines and I«os 'Angeles bus arrunged a tenta ed by a Carranza firing squad at of this state will resume the strike as a result of one of these fires. ¡A «leal of rallery on the part of foreign systeniH outside the county. tive program for next year that will , Chihuahua City last Wednesday. at midnight tonight, union official' French woman working in a field «»fflcers and visitors, In dress he Is include a Seri«* of fiestas, each of , hopes to take lip the work in which stated. near Bouconville was gassed and as faultless as a Beau ¡Brummel and — which, It is planned, will excell any | his father died—that of establishing considerable damage has been done, in manner as polite as a ¡lx*rd t'hes- of the former ‘'Fiestas de lais I in Mexico "a democracy that will re In the vast, desolate fields. thou- I terfl«»ld. He Is seen at his best on Flores." spect Its International obligations sands of unexploded shells have been rlaturday or Munday afternoon on To do this, a committee appointeti and Its own constitution," he said In picked up by German prisoners and the t'alae Victoria (the ¡Fifth Ave by Mayor Meredith P Snyder has a statement made pufblic here today. though there are details hauling nue of Bucharest 1. begun n catni»aign for a fund of As newly created head of the An- them away and exploding them in Dressed in a skyJlilue uniform, >500.000. San Diego has decided to j geles family, the youth said, he must remote valleys every day, there are gaudily trimmed with red, high pat expend a fund of >150.000. I first look to the financial welfare of still long ranks of them everywhere. ent «leather boots with silvered spurs Washington, Nov. 29. «President Other sections of the . his mother, sister and younger Kansas City, .Mo., .Nov, 29.- -Two Sparks front locomotives and from that clink musically as he walks, Wilson’s message to congress will part of the state also ¡are southern advertis glistening sword at side, 'White kid hot be transmitted until Tuesday, it ing, among them the youngest coun brother. Once he has accomplished thousand railroad trainmen and small fires where battlefield rubbish gloves and many military decorations .was stated at the White House to ty In California --‘Imperial—-which Is this, he said, he would go to Mexico yardmen here are to go on strike at is being burned, occasionally set fire 4 o'clock today according to an an to patches of dry weeds and the ac day. It is expected to cover a wide offering its submarine “altitude," to take up the fight. he makes a striking figure. 'My father ’ s death will solidify nouncement from the local brother cidental bursts are numerous. Roads “There she goes,” remarke«! a range of subjects, with particular at below sea level, it claims to be the the cause for which he fought. ” he hood of railroad trainmen officials. passing places where shells are be young iBrlt.lsh officer with mingled tention to the industrial situation. “winter garden of America." and the The strike vote was taken early ing set off are guarded but it is from sarcasm and humor, Ign't she a per The president has been dictating on Salton Sea to tourists and |>ermanent said. “T can state my conviction that my father's friends will not re this morning and is said to have re the accidental blasts that the danger fect lady." It for two weeks fron his sick room. residents. main inactive." sulted from local grievances. comes. HuNbtK oIKifttKo btI NO SECOND HELPING IS ‘ PERFECT LADY GO ON STRIKE TODAY