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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 26, 1919)
i GBAN1H PANH DAILY I MM HIKII W l.ltXI NI»U . Mil I.MIti li 2«. IUIII Classified Advertising ROYAL FEASTS OF OTHER DAYS KOH Ht I.Il FX)R SALE Vetch, gray outs, cheat, THE WORLD MOVER; so do we. rye, buled hay, rolled barley, grass Bunch Bros Transfer Co. Phone seed. Ralph Wuldo Eld«n. Med 397-R. ford. Ore. 55tf f , G ISHAM, drayago and transfer. for kale Black team with buggy Safes, pianos and furniture Sound and kind, and harneas moved, packed, shipped and stor 900 pounds. I*. 8. Woodln. Box r *« ì - ed. Office phone 124-Y, 040, Granta Pass, phono B00-F-3. denes phone 124-R. 96tf When Thanksgiving Had Its Old Time Setting of Indian Sum mer and Country Hos pitality. c sauce, the simple, honest hanger of simple, liunest people. Nowadays we hear of “the keen, sharp pungs of the morning after." Nobody ever heard of a sickness the day ufter this Thanks giving dinner. Nobody was In a harry to get off to the theater or card pnrty, for I o'clock was the dinner hour, and the sleigh ride home through clear , winter «unllght was the best of all digestants, if suc-ti a thing were need ■ <l. In some neighborhoods the day would end in a Thanksgiving dance, but this wus not a prevailing custom. Perhaps the visitors would spend the night, would gather round the fire ami tell stories, or listen to some newcomer with tale of adventure or deeds of daring. And there was always music; some one would ¡day on violin or buss .viol, perchance a little piano or quulut melodeon. People sang ballads In those days. “On the Banks of Albin Water,” “Drink to Mt- Only With Thine Eyes," "Fly Away to My Native Land,” and other« so long unsung, are like dreams of far-off Joy to tin* old folks. AN It be that not only the times are out of Joiut, but th<- MHtaous, too, are changing? 1« HIIMl nature at this late day trying roil RALE 1 now touring car at u some experiments and setting buck the bargain If taken al oner, 1 Dodge Ft MINI» Purse containing money. band« on her dinlplute of months? Owner can secure property ut the In fine shape, naw top ami Just Certainly this November weather Is Courier office by doacrlblng and overhauled. I Chevrolet In fine not th<- kind we rend about when our stating amount of money. 31 grundfutl.ers tell of "the good old condition. 314 North Sixth St. 9«tf times,” of the "big snows" mid "when CIVIL ENGINEER FOR SALE While I and Brown Leg- the bind wus new." For days we have lived us If summer skies were brood horn cockerels frotn Petaluma DANIEL McFARLAND. civil engi ing over its, and were it not for the bred-to-lay stock, , 6 months and 5 neer »and surveyor. Residence bare trees and silent woods we could mdnths old. Get : tlmm now. price 740 Tenth street, phone 211-T. almost fancy ourselves in that land of Con on will tie higher later I purr delight where spring Immortal i A Literal Sky Pilot. 4 2 DENTIHTH Schaefers, II. F. D. No. 2 reigns. The circuit rider and sky pilot of This la the real Indian summer. so ,ld Hr(. „ ¿¿.¿ru and HAY FOR HALE First culling wi E. C. MACY. ». M. D. First-class often talked of, but so seldom experi i more literal «ky pilot, who promises falfa at 120 per ton, baled, at th« dentistry. 109% South Sixth enced In perfection, u writer in the 31 1 to take up their work mid carry It on bent. Jess York. Murphy. street. Grants l’as». Oregon Boston Herald asserts. All over this 1 more widely than they could ever part of the world we hear of it, day Itiavc hoped. Mr«. Corn Wilson Ktew- BIG REDUCTION on bats at Mrs. If. VETERINARY HVRGEO.N ufter duy of wurm utel conifortuble lart of Frankfort. Ky.. chairman of the E Burton, 407 North Sixth, op weather, when the sun shines faintly posite court house 33 DR II. J. BERTI!!., Veterinarian through the clouds of mist and purple | Illiteracy commission of her state, ar- | rived In New York recently to pur- Residence 333 Washington boule smoke veils nil harsh outlines uud un . . ... she an I iiii «' mi airplane, which, FOR SALE Mitchell wagon. 4-lnch vard. phone 393-R. sightly objects; duy after day with nounced. would hr the first of a fleet ! tire; set of heavy double harness. skies of melting tenderness uud soft o,carry on the work of Hie commis- PII YNK'I ANH A Inquire Granta Paas Hardware or zephyrs playing In the tangled locks of ion. There are many people In Red Front Barn. 34 little children romping In held and DR. RALPH W. STEARNS physician wood. The windows ure thrown ojien. I nonntaln fm>ti,esM-s whom it hu* been and surgeon, offices formerly oc-: doors set ujur, and the fire goes out linpoHSitile to reach even with auto- FOR SALE Maxwell rtmabount In notdlee or mules, she »aid; hence the cupled by Dr. Stricker, Masonic upon the hearth. Everybody wants to ill-planes, by which. It was thought, good condition Tires nearly new Temple. Phone, office 21-J, rosl-i get out in the open, to wander on the whoh- territory In which the com- Cheap If taken at once. Address donee, 21-L. Hours: 10-12, - 4 conutry roads, to climb the hill and iilssl.m Is Interested could b" covered box did, Grants Pass, Ore. 30 tlnd tin seashore. In the old World in one t w entleth of the time now re FOR HALE Two months old heif I, O. CLEMENT. M. D, Practice this season Is sometimes called “the quired. er calf. Address P. O, Box 690. limited to diseases of the eye, ear, old man's summer," und the feast of 30 nose and throat. Glasses fitted. good’St. Martin, which fulls In the flr»t Inf on-nation. The r ■nol.ill«t Mooted and Inqnlr- Office hours 9-12, 2-5, or on ap week Of November. Is known us “tin- irriga- F(IR HALE Hydraulic und pointment. Phones, office 62; resi old iniin's holiday"—perhaps because of rd of :t limn «card on his doorstep, Its unex|M*cted short-lived charm. lion pipas, all sixes Will I sell . “How do you g.-t to Homerville?" dence 359-J. Needs a Country Setting. cheap. H. W. Webber, Phon* “Oh. "r have a car and Just drive 54 S. DOUGHRIDGE, M. D. Physician | Tliunksgivlng, of course, is truly a over,” v . I he unexpected reply. 24«-J. | country uffuir, und In the city loses and surgeon City or country calls Fl»R MALTS- Freeli Holstein cow, I half Its churm. The very word bus attended day or night Phones, •‘Inventar” ef ”ork and Beans. weighing about 1000 pounds, giv . come to mean something of country residence. 369; office. 182. Sixth | | ways and country living, country prod- tn •-■.•oírte I jiL'I'-litiian. Daniel ing five gallons of milk. Inquire and II streets. . nets and country hospitality. It Day Gissi I« ne« with the In- Geo. W. l’otta, Rd. N <> 4. phone smacks of all things rurul. of hills mid vi-fitlnn of fs.rk an*l bean«, Tile flr«t 31 «U3-F-32. D.—Internal fields and lunes mid woods. ri|>e fruit, l-iblii.v In nu li July lie would assem A. A. WITHAM. M medicine and nervous diseases. perfect vegetables, loaded corncrib, ble it party of friend« under an oak In WANT El» 624 Medical Bldg.. Portland, Ore shining cutlie. One cannot celebrate the foresi und feimt them mi bacon nn<t BTOCK WANTED Beef cattle and Hours. 2 to 5 p. m., morning and Thanksgiving aright, in a town flat, or bean« From th!« festival grew t li»* sheep. 0. W. King, Montague. a brown-stone mansion, certainly not popularity of tin- di»h. evening by appointment. 87 Cal In a hoarding house or dining car. T — Thanksgiving day means a rambling DR. W. T TOMPKINS. S WANTED Flock to feed Write or Bldg house in a great green yard, a quaint, Rooms 1 and 2 Schmidt phone W. W Wooldridge, Provole Hours 9-12 old gambrel-roofed cottage near a Treats all diseases 43 country rnml. a log cabin In a ten- a. m.;* 1-5 p. m. Phone 304-R ucre patch ; house« full of old-fashioned WANTED TO RENT A piano. D. Physician furniture and with room for nil the And Many Are the Voices of Grant* •'A Phone 3 4 6-R SV»tf E. J BILLtcK, M Pass People family mid the kinsfolk mid the strnn and surgeon; office Schallhorn ger within the gate«, it means lov Fifty thousand voices -What a residence, of home and great-hearted hospitality, grand chorus! And that’s the num block, phone 5 4-J; 1004 laiwnridge. phone .'■4-L. he coming buck of the children, the | tier of American men and women, E. L GALBRAITH—inaurane«, any who are publicly praising Doan's Grants Pass • ’ nine of the old folks. Kidney Pills for relief from l>ack- kind. Rental«. Bulldiig and The ideal Thanksgiving must have a ache, kidney and bladder Ills. They Ixian. Plat« Glaaa Liability. «09 A TTOIMKVN setting of snow, li must echo to the say It to friends, They tell it in the G street. Phone 23. 84tf ring of sleigh bells and the neigh of home pappra. Grants Pass people H. D NORTON, Attorney-at-law. the horses In frosty weather. No mut are in this chorus. Here's a Grants Pass case: HEMSTITCHING. Piloting. Satisfac Practicas In all State and Federal ter what the weather for week» he William Harvey, 621 N. Eighth tion guaranteed. Write to us for Courts. First National Bank Bldg. fore, there should be snow In good says: "I have never round a time. The sun rises on a daaxllng pic St., suggestions for Christmas xlfls. medicine for backache and other kid COLV1G, Attorney-at-law. ture of white Held mid glistening wood ney disorders so reliable as Doan’s The Vanity Shop, Medford, Ore G. W. Grants Pass Banking Co. Bldg. land. A veil of magic beauty cover« Kidney Pills. They did one or my gon. fence and road, the yard so brown and family so much good that I used Grants Pass. Oregon. HICI-SSM \KING ugly but yesterday, hides now under them. I had fine results and I have E. S. VAN DYKE. Attorney. Prac •t mnntle of snowy swnnsdown. All always taken Doan’s Kidney Pills MRS. W. It. SWOAP. ladles’ tailor, tices In all courts. First National night It fell, noiselessly, stealthily, since when 1 have felt the need of dressmaker and furrlst; suits mysteriously, thi« first coming snow a kidney medicine. I have received Bank Bldg. made up to the minute In style if the year, and made of this common Just as good results as 1 did the first time.’’ arth a bit of fairyland, a transforma and workmanship; terms reason O. S BLANCHARD. Attorney-at-law Price 60c, at all dealers’. Don't able and satisfaction guaranteed. simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Golden Rule Bldg. Phone 270. tion scene. Like a Thrice-Told Tale. Doan's Kidney Pills the same that 30 Olive Street, phone 253. Odtf Grants Pass. Oregon. The Thanksgiving dinner of the Mr. Harvey had. Foster-Milburn Co., IDA M. HOWELI^ professional C. A. 81DLHR, Attorney-at-law. Ma-1 country’s earlier days has been de- Mfgiv., Buffalo. N. Y. «erilied so frequently that it is like a dressmaker, alterations, tnake- sonic Temple. Grants Pass. Ore "thrice-told tale, signifying sound mid oicrs. • First class work guaran teed. Now located at I»can Apts., JEO. H. DI RHAM, Attorney-at-law, lions. n«e," so vividly that one cun al most taste the dainties. Modern kit Room 5, 515 North Sixth St. 47 referee In bankruptcy, Masonic chens could not cook those Incompar Temple. Grants Pass. Oregon. able dishes. Such n feast could not Phone 135-J. be servs <l in courses, or brought on —ft— ----- ------ ----------------- — In piecemeal. In those days the table e T. mckinstry t>oa o street, The Great Painless Corn Loosener. phone 13-R. General real estate JAMES T. CHINNOCK. Lawyer, literally "groaned with its burden" mid Simple as A. B. C. Never Fails, First National Bank Bldg., Grants glowed with the beauty of the assem business. The beat of all kinds of If you have ever tried to get rid Merely to recite their bled dishes, of a cum by bundling up your toe Pass. Oregon. soils for fruit, hay or general with bandage«, or by using salve names would tempt the most pitiful that made your toe red and almost farming. 2Hf dyspeptic. ♦ Roast pig. hot uud brown, roust HLMTIUC’AL WOKK The California and Oregon »pure ribs, pink and cold; roust tur- "G.teJt" I key, juicy and tender, full to bursting Tall». Out Coast Railroad Company ELECTRIC WIRING and general th» ' Ouck” with perfect stuffing; potatoes, snow- TIME ( ARD and th» electrical work, repairing, house white und mealy; boiled onions, like wiring. C. C. Harper, 105 South 1 shining pearls; stewed tomatoes, of Effet tivo Nov. 24. 191». Sixth street, phone 47. deepest red; coldslnw, that pale green dainty, Perhaps tljere would be n TAXI Trulns will run Mondays, Wodnes- pot-pie of chicken, or squirrel, or days and Fridays. qllllll, II dish of hominy, or turnips, or SOONER TAXI Phone, 28’2-R for 1 xtave Grants Pase............ 1 P.M. corn, Celery in bouquets of bleached Jitney Luke or Cutler. Calls an Arrive Waters Creek........... 2 P.M. plumes; beets, cut in scarlet roses; swered anywhere, anytime. Sfitf I.eave Waters Creek . 2:30 P.M. spiced pickles, sweet mid sour; cran Arrive Grants Pass ........... 4 P.M. berries; glowing like heaped-up rubies, PALACE TAXI Phone 22-J. Geo. For Information regarding freight mid pies, of all sorts and sizes, lippie A. 25tf und passenger rate« call nt tile office und custard and cherry and tnlnce— hut, best of all, because most appro TAXI nt Owl Billiard Parlors. 172 J, of the company. Lundburg building, priate, the old-fashioned pumpkin pie, raw. or tried to drag your corn out or 243-L for night calls. Day and or telephone 131. n lost delight, and, like Poe’s heroine with a knife, there will bs a sur Waiting fur you when you use night service. 55 —"vanished now for evermore.” < “ prise ilets-It." Imagine peeling your corn In the days of real Thanksgiving, off gio riously. easily and painlessly, STRAYED lust like peeling off a banana «kin. there was no fee cream, no bnr-le-duc. Well, that Is what happens when _ Tint A Till' DIAMOND BBAND. io creme-de-nienthe, no pousse- ESTRAY There came to my place V »op use “Gets-lt.” There is nothing La dlr a I Aak your I»ra*a4at for < hl-chra-trr a lHamonJ Brand/ else that will give you this same rencheroua cocktail nor subtle .pick-* at Murphy some time ago a red 1’111« It. Hed anil Gold metallic* result Millions of folks haveihad Loieq, sealed with Blue RH i I khi . me-up. For dessert there were dough- the same blessed experience Why and white spotted, coming two ’ b L f no other Huy of your yo 7'alto putter and suffer, limp, and spoil a Ï Yriitfffnt. Ask A-k for -' •rifflH. f-*r CIÎI-CIÎT Clil-eirF.H.TF.RW nits and cheese, gingerbread mui beat year ■'old, l»IAM«»N1» IIKAM» l’H.I.%, f. r pood time for yourself and your 'll biscuit and honey ; apples mid nuts years)' Always RellabM friends, or your peace of mind while nt each oar. trying to attend to business? Use SOLD BY DRI OOISIS LVLRYWHERf and popcorn, and elder from the homo take "Gets-It. "the simple common sense way. once and 'fesM, made for th.' occasion and with "Gets-Tt." the only sure, guaranteed, 31 property. money-back corn-remover, costs but ust the right twang- to Its bubbles. a trifle nt.any drug store. MTd by 'nrrlrrs WantiNl— Royal Feasts and Feasters. E Lawrence & Co.. Chicago. Ill •book Carriers wanted for the Dally Such royal feasts needed royal feast- Sold In Grants Pass by Ge.trgo C Courier bovi or girls with wheels ■rs. the keen winter air and long ser Sabin mon combined tp make the only true PAGE HKVEW Girls, It’s Up to You W« bav« put our shoulder to the wheel, as it were, and. there is no turning back. It is simply up to you girls to be a little "snappy" and manifest a little interest in The Popu larity Contest. Just to make some of these stingy old boys wake up. We are going to give a vote for each 5c spent In Arcade Amusement Parlor In any way, whether on game or straight purcha*». Step lively if you want that MKUMt Wrist Watch on display at IjrVlier A Hon’s jewelry store. Arcade Amusement Parlor % The Battery Shop 314 North 6th Street, across from the Court House, is the WILLARD SERVICE STATION. Service Batteries for all cars. Phone 127 A. V- Hazelton, Prop. Successor to C. A. Linch 50.000 Voices Common-Sense for Corns, “Gets-lt” Electric Cooking Makes Housekeeping a New Sensation Low Cost— A model kitchen with all its clean, labor-saving economy is possible for you oh our low rate for cooking, lighting and heating. It is the cheapest way to live. Let us explain why. CHICHESTER S PILLS & I California-Oregon Power Co. «23 G Street Phone 108 J Grants Pass, Oregon