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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 26, 1919)
WEDNKHDAV. No) EMDER IM, lino GRANT« l'AMM DAILY (MH Hl KB PAGE THRON AMERICAN RED RLSTMAS WHISKY FROM IHE U.S. t Only Evening Up, After nil. what If We do overpraise a of of many thousunils of man when he Is dead, doesn’t he get whiskey from 'America, aa a result lota of undeserved abuse while be Is living? Bostnn Transcript, of prohibition in the United «tales, Dublin, Nov. 26. The Importation gallons hue calinoli alarm In the Irish distil 8om< Coign of Vantage. ling trini«. From the Melropolllan tower, New War roalrictioiis have greatly ham- Ymk. on a clear <hiy can be seen the pored the Irish trade. The distillers homes of one-sixteenth of the entire were prevented In the 1916-17 sea population of the United Ktatea. son from making the usual yuuntlty Next year they were of whiskey, closed down altogether and «ven In th« present year ¡were only permit- ted to tiiuke a reduced supply. The prlcna, of course, went up, unii dis- Hilary «hares advanced In the stock exchange Thu American whiskey can easily be sold nt n lower price (han the Irish article, und It Is being freely taken up by the Irish retailors One provincial bonder la mild to have paid nearly 3200.000 In duty on hla con signment. What the distillers are mow! afraid of Is that the American spirit may be blended or "faked-up" and sold ns Irish or Highland whis key. One Interesting fact slated In the Dublin papers In that at present no American whiskey la sold In Dublin as such. Life Not All Chance. Exenta are slmfu-le«» except as (ter annnllty «hupe- them. Itlr’h and death end changing fortune« are common to humanity, bm what different Individ nal« make of them I* n foreter vary ing story. We rm-not knmv wluit ex- ix-rlenee« await ii « hut may know tol erably well by «lint «e are making of ourselves, how we «hall ptiM through them. HEADS GERMAN DEMOCRATS Oally Thought. The one thing of value In’the world 1« the active soul Emerson. REINIRT OF THE 4X9NDITIO.N OF THE JON EPI I INE (NN NTY BANK ut Granta Pass, In the «tate of Ore- gon, at the cloap of -tiuisni-es Novem ber 17th, 1919. Heeouroea Loans nnd discounts 3239,9184.91 Over drafts, secured and unsecured • 509.17 Bonds nnd warrants 74.633.72 Stock«. securities, Judg »10.31 ments, etc. .. __ —........ 5.750.00 Furniture and fixtures . 4,500.00 (Mhnr real estate owned Due from banks (not re- erve bunks) 2,296.40 Due from approved re serve banks 97,203.3« ('hecks and other cash 75.48 Items ............. ...... Exchange for clearing house ................ ......... 3.348.»» 24,165.82 Cash on hand 5 2 1 5« Gold Dust .......... ............ 4 9.55 Other resources ....... ... Tim Red Cross button la the most widely worn button in the world, Thirty million men and women and children in the United «talea now wear ibis emblem of countless good deeds accomplished. For the third year In America comet universal op portunity Io wear It. There are many instances of how thia button, bearing upon a white background a tiny cross, has been worn and treasured. One morning In a distant northwest county, a man whose ruddy, optimistic countenance was clothed with ruddy beard, asked the Red Cross chairman If he had an other button like the on« he wore The chairman gave him his own ‘"I have twelve children,’’ explained the niun. "I gave my button Io the twelfth, u new arrival, this morning When I have anything good the whole family must come In on It." ' u > to Pioblem at All. Honor It John Wesley's. t> of Hi. weight >>f a Asta The term ‘■Methodist” was first ap • - Hied over 250 years plied to t'fuirlrs Wesley, nnd not to If « «-Id »h-it • liarles II of Eng- John Wesley, the reel founder of • «1. il for a solution of the Methodism. And It was applied as a I Is’1 ii • to why a pull of water term of ridicule, or as an epithet. ■I f-'i -l wer_-h no more after a live lista Charles Wesley was a student at Ox- sii » placed in It than before. The rea ford, where, ns he says, he began “to son- ,i»cr!bed bjr scientists were many, observe the method of study prescribed hut no definite conclusions were by the university.” He must have reached, l-'lnnlly one man. more prae- been a stickler for "method.” for lie tieni than the others, tried the expert wss always using the word. "This mem and discovered that the weight gained me the nlcknume of Methodist," »»> Increased Just as much as the tin* he says In one of his letters. weigher!. I HEALTH ANDA HAPPY NEW YEAR WATCH THE BIG 4 Stomach-Kidney a- Heart- Liver Keep the vital organs healthy by regularly talcing the world’9 stand ard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles— CALIFORNIA CRUDE Zerolene is correctly refined from selected California crude oil. It meets with scientific ac curacy the lubrication needs of all types of au tomobile engines. Get a Cerrhet Lubrication Chart for your car. GOLD MEDAL STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) Calling Cartl Price»-— Printed calling cards 75c for 50; 31.25 per 100 at the Courier office Engraved cards per 100. 33 and up; where plate ia furnished. 31.50 per 100. CAPSULES Tba National Remedy of Holland for centurias and endorsad by Quaen Wilhal- mina. At all druggista, thraa sisea. I— k '•» —». Gald M.d.1 M „.rr Ul aad accapt sa iaitatiw 3513,649.27 Total ...................... I.labilities Capital stock paid In $ 10,000 00 6,250.00 Surplus fund Undivided profits, less taxes expenses and 1.052.03 paid Individual deimslts aub- 375,601.46 Ject to check Demand certificates of 2,001.79 deposit ... ....... Cushlnrs checks outstand 1,900.00 ing 59.93 Certified check« Time and savings de 76,784.0« posits ........... Total ....... 351 3.649.27 State of Oregon. ) County of Josephine) I. Sam H Baker. Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the beat of my knowledge and belief SAM H. BAKER. Cashier. Strbecrtbed and «worn to before me this 25th day of November, 191». A. K. CASS. Notary Public, (My commission expires Frit». 13. I »231. Correct —Attest: J. L. CALVERT, STANTON ROWELL. UHAS. BURKHALTER. Jkit jy It ’ ’ s s a season of better baking in -tt- bigger bigg batches. Thanks to OBTKBiJS Flour,—there are more appetizing Biscuits, Pies, Cakes, Bread and other goodies in store. —so, say ' (HETI m EIIS” to your grocer when you order flour. Directors REPORT OF. THE 4NINDITION OF HIE GRANT« I’ASH BANKING COMPANY at Granta Pass, in the Stale of Ore gon. at the close of businees Novem ber. 17th. 191». Resource« Loans and discounts .3340,986.35 Overdrafts, secured and NONE unsecured ................ 93,454.25 Ikdids an 1 warrants r Stocks, securities. Judg • 2,021.73 ments. etc. 5.000.00 Furniture and fixtures .. 16,000.00 Other real estate owned Due from -banks (not re serve banks Due from approved re «0,141.92 serve banks Thia Is Doctor Petersen of Ham- Checks and other cash 370.54 items ......................... burg, president of the new democratic Exchanges for clearing Tarty of Germany. 1,965.96 house ». 23.388.00 ('ash on hand i. Other resources ........... 2,822.79 Can You Write a Headline for This? Foley’s Honey and Tar is the beat known and moat successful family cough medicine on the market and the following letter ia positively true and genuine: Says "It Acta Like Magic" Gilbert Fleming, 3911 Budlong Av..Loa Angeles, Cel.. writer "I have much pleasure in (ratifying to the very great benefit my family and I have derived from (he use of Foley’s Honey and Tar. It positively acts like magic, and to my mind there 10 nothing os (he market that can compare with it Whenever there are any ol our household suffering from heavy colds or bad cougha or liosrseness, we at once get a bottle from our local drug Store. and alter one or two doers obtain in stant relief. Your company deaerves great cred>t for such a valuable production and from our own experience wo cannot do otherwiae but recom mend it to our friendo and thia we willingly do oud will continue to do so." Foley’s Honey and Tar COMPOUND CLEARS THE THE THROAT of phlegm ‘ the ind mucus, •topa I , that tickling, _. opena . dir pstasgea for easier breathing and I coat« th a m heal- the raw, inflamed «urface« with ing, soothing medicine. Coughs that “liana on" after the grift or “/In” are relieved by Foley's lloncy and Tar. SOLD EVER) WHERE 3551,367.52 Total .................... liabilities Capital stock paid in 3 50,000 00 10,000 00 Surplus fund Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes 7,281.64 para Due to banks and bank ers 1,603.5» Individual deposits sub ject to check ... »45,870.72 Demand certificates of 5.470.40 de|«>slt »..... .. Cashier checks outstand 21,884.81 ing Certified checks ........ 17,951.73 Timo and Sa tings de posits • u. »1,304.60 Total 3551.367,52 State of Oregon. ) County of Josephine.) I. Frank C. Bramwell, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement I» true to the best of my knowledge and belief. FRANK ('. BRAMWET.L, Cashier Sirhsrrihed and sworn to before me thia 32nd day of November. 1919. G. I’. .JESTER. Notary Public. (My commission expires April 5th, 1921.) Correct Attest: JOHN II \MP9HIRE. FRANKLIN S. HR VMAVEL1,. t’liAUS St HIM IDT. Directors ■ ■■■■■■■