TI I Hl» U. XOVEMUER IÍA, IWIW. «HA NTH l’AHN DAILY (Xll iti KII Classified (Advertising •>’«*«« «•♦!.»• Gloom and Gladness. Watch Ye, all scoffers DII »YAM HIE WOHLD MOVES; Bunch Bro- Transfer Co 397-R. FOIt HAI.K -Black team with buggy and harneas Sound and kind, seo pound«. P, H Wnodln, Box 64 0, G run is 1‘aaa, phone 6O0-F-3. 96tf Phone Australian Commander in Chief Lauds Americans. 111 1862, Was Unable to Escape. 38 8. LOL'GHRiDOE, M. D. Physician and surgeon. City or country oalls FOR SALE .Mitchel) wagon. 4-lnch attended day or night. Phones, tiro; set of heavy double harness residence. 369; office, 182. Sixth Inquire Grants Paas Hardware or [ 34 ' and H streets. Red Front Barn. In August. 1R02. Jean Ln Rue. a servant of Edward Gleek. a fnrmer liv­ ing near MSuenr. Minn., disappeared when he ami other farm employees be­ came frightened by the appearance of soldiers. His body, now mummified, was L Replare ete«>t1s th«t wear out (T l , SC w*’!» wt’MititHst "WeM-IviP si Rogue River Hdw THE UNIVERSAL CAR One Hundred Per Thirty.third Division Men. The American troops engaged, general said, were 1,000 men from Thirty-third division, commanded Gen. John Belt The Thirty-third vision was then undergoing training. General Monash said be bad asked and obtulned permission to employ 1,000 of the Americans In the battle of Hamel, but ou the eve of the battle the permission was withdrawn. “I passed a strenuous and exciting period of two hours," continued Gen­ eral Monash. “Ho far as I coaid learn the order originated in some misun­ derstanding nt American general head­ quarters as to the state of prepared­ ness for battle of this division. “I conld not afford to have my battle plans ruined at the last moment by the withdrawal of :: large fraction of my assaulting infantry, so I went to my array commander and delivered an ultimatum: If the Americans were not allowed to remain In the order of battle then the battle Id the morning would lie off. Unless a decision was given by six o'clock that night the buttle would go on with the Americans in it as planned. We managed to in­ terest the commander in chief, and he gave the order ’carry on.’ When your Ford truck doesn’t display its usual quantity or quality of "pep” and daoh, it’s time to have a repairman who understands the Ford mechanism give It the “once over”—then make necessary adjustments or repairs And return it to you full of its old time power, “pep,” energy, pull, and service. You’ll notice the difference We employ only skilled Ford mechanics__ men who know how Ford care are made and how they should be kept In order to give the moat efficient and economical service. And our shop equip­ ment boasts a great many specially designed Ford tools and time-saving devices and machin­ ery. In our stockroom is a complete assortment of repair parts—genuine Fond parts—that are ex- a-t!y the same as their tough, sinewy originals in the Ford ear. For prompt repair work or adjustments, phone or drive to our garage. Don’t risk chances, play fair with yoiy Ford car. Keep it in the hands f its friends, the authorized Ford dealers. INSIST OX GENUINE FORD PARTS C. L. Hobart Co Won Much Glory. “Those 1.000 Americans covered themselves with glory, and I can pay them no greater <*<>mpliment than by saying that from that day on our Aus­ tralian veterans took them to their hearts as full-blooded brothers.” General Monaah had under his com­ mand In the closing days of the wu the whole Second American army corps, more than GO,000 men of the Twenty-seventh and Thirtieth Ameri­ can divisions, This array, he said overthrew the Hindenburg defense system at its ‘most strongly defended point.” The share of the American divisions in these operations wo« characterized by General Monash us “probably the greatest single Ameri­ can feat of arms achieved in the whole war.” The operations wen« completed on October 5. he said, and It was on that night that “the Germans threw up the sponge and declared their willing­ ness to make peace on our own terms.” Hessian Fly Can Be Held in Check by Plowing Infested Stubble in Sum­ mer or Fall. ALUMINUM ROASTER helps you save money. Every day in the year you can use the “Wear-Ever” Roaster — on top oi stove over one burner, or in oven. I M. < lemens. Druggist III ■— FOR CONTROL OF WHEAT PEST •n CIVIL ENGINEER D. D. D General Monaeh Calle Hie Men and Americana "Full Blood Brothers" After 1918 Fighting—Praises Work of Yanks tn Battle of Hamel, Which Ho Declares Was Turning Point of War—Won Much Glory. MIRACLE MAN HVIUIBON Production. A tms-h ot I>. D. I>. to any * arm» «ore or It hbu- ruplu.n nisi ynu II be able to rs«t usj yleep 'nxx Think —put n low-ht la it worth try I r »»r- L for night calls. Day and acquired n »dice night service. 55 less than a pound from a meteoric iron that is believed to represent nn undent full, says the Newark News, STRAYED The slice Is i from one of two slud- ESTRAY- There came to my place Inr masses that were found In Jan­ at Murphy some time ago a red uary. 1905, within .» few mile of Daw- and white spotted, coming two •on, Klondike, ami that, from their year old, heifer, shallow fork in |M»sltlon In the oldest gravels of the each ear. Owner please < all at district, are tliou.-rlit to linve rested once and pay damages and take (here since the Pliocene age. 31 property. I aw Hostetler. Eczema Wash í FOR HALE 1 n«w touring car nt a bargain If taken at once. 1 Dodge K C. MACY. D. M. D. First class dentistry. 109*4 South Sixth lu flu« shape, new top and Just street. Grants l'ut. Oregon. overhauled. 1 Chevrolet In fine condition. 314 North Sixth St. 96tf E T. MCKINSTRY 603 G street, Effe live Nov. 24. 1919. phone 13-R. General real estate business. The beet of all kinds of soils for fruit, hay or ’general Trains will run Mondays, Wednes- days and Fridays. (arming. 21 tf I>»ave Grants Paas............. 1 P.M. ELE<’HUl'AL WORK Arrive Waters Creek .„ ..... 2 P.M. I x»ave Waters Creek .... 2:30 P.M. P.M. BLEX2TRIC WIRING and general Arrive Grants Pass ..... ..... 4 For information regarding freight eles'trlcal work, repairing, house wiring. C. C. Harper, 105 South and passenger nites call at the office of the company, Lundburg building, Sixth street, phone 47. or telephone 131. TAXI w— ’’Agents Authority to Sell”-- book of 50 blanks. 50c, Courier office. A ím > DEN 11 NTH posite courthouse. A pessimist Is a man who believes that It will take centuries for the world to recover from the blow to clvlllzn- tlon; ami the optimist Is a man who retorts that there will be plenty of cen­ turies.- Rochester Post-Express. I und 9 F. t; ISHAM, drayage and transfer. Safe«. piano« and furniture moved, packed, »hipped and stor­ ed. office phon» 124 Y. Reei- dence phone 124-R VETERINARY PAGE TH HEB For the control of the Hessian fly, plow under deeply all infested wheat stubble during summer or early fall, where this Is practicable and does not Interfere with the growing of clover or Important forage grasses. If volunteer wheat starts, kill It by disking or plowing while It is still young. EARLY LAYING DISCOURAGED Stunts Growth of Pullets and Tends to Production of Undesirable Small Eggs. The pullet that lays very young la not ns a rule the hc«'t layer; early laying stunts the growth, tends to the production of small offgs. nnd breeding from such pullets lu time results in ft" production of un inferior .« strain of ----------------------------- birds. Glass A novel tlon which European bricks for wails. Bricks Now in Use. iden of building constrnc- has been Introduced In some cities Is the use of glass certnln parts of the outer Home comfort convenient, clean and economical A good oil heater filled with Pearl Oil gives comfort and cheer in the home. Warmth and coziness with­ out dust and dirt. Lights at the touch of a match—gives instant heat. Oil consumed only when heat is needed no waste. Portable. Pearl OU is refined and re­ refined by our special process which makes it clean burning. For sale in bulk by dealers everywhere,— the same high- quality kerosene as the Pearl Oil sold in five-gallon cans. There is a saving by buying in bulk. Order by name -Pearl Oil We recommend Perfection OU Heaters. PEARL OIL (KEROSENE) HEAT AND LIGHT STANDARD OIL COMPANY C. D. Fies, Special Agent Standard Oil Co., Grants Pass