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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1919)
oí °rl COME AND ENJOY IT ” I GRANTS PAHH. JOSEPHINE < OU N TY. OREGON, VOL. X„ No. ito. Tl WilHT, NOVEMBER 2A, 101». I CRIME W FILIS IIP IO SIATE WHOLE NUMBER 2K.IO. Mem Itera <»f Ilio <iMg» Arrested Have ConfcHMsl Io Implbatioii In More Than 2.*>o < rimes I’resklent's < alrinet Is Expected to Report Ila Finding» in the ( <H1- t rover»y This Afternoon _______ Chicago, Nov. 25 Among approx JOHN F. KRAMER, FEDERAL I’lUF imately 150 parsons arrested as a HIIHTION COMMISSIONER. result of the crime wave which swept GIVKH VIEWS REPORT FROM MEXICO CITV IN- Washington, Nov. 25.—The presi ASM» FOR CONTEST TO IlHTBU Dlt'ATES THAT JENKINS MAY dent’s cabinet is expected to report MINE WHICH SHALL BATTLE a decision today on the coal contro SOON BE RELEASED WITH JEFFERSON HIGH versy. Officials are not disposed to Chicago the past three days, in which holdups and safe blowings followed talk of what transpired at the meet I in rapid sequence. Sixteen men and ing prior to adjournment for lunch I eon. ' one woman are in Jails charged with Implication In four murders, 100 holdtips and 150 burglaries, ifie po lice asserted Members of the band Authorities have confessed to over 250 crimes. CuroMCr'a Jury lN-nutn<la lhe ICecu- General Condition» in the Southern Albany Maintain» That Eugene baa STATE CORTESI 10* NARROWS Will Step In if Ua-al Slum Inefffa li ncy In EnfortHng tile New Federal l«*w iK'tmcnt of th<» laiw Giving Ore gon < Hf>ital l*uni»hnient Republic Are Cou»i<lered. but no Is-eáaion I» Readied I THREE YEARS GWEN FOR INTEREST PAYMENT I Been Eliminated a» Contender Through Defeat at Salem 1 Portlaud, Ore., Nov. 25.—Indict redo, Nov. 25.—The release of’ Washington. Nov, 25.— Enforce Salem. Ore., Nov. 25 -The request The .manager of the Al >any high ment of constitutional p/ohibltlon of Fred G. Buchtel, chairman of the ments charging murder in the second William O. Jenkins, American con Ixmdon, Nov. 25.—A plan under school, football team telephoned will be placed squarely up to state public sen ice commission of Oregon.' degree were returned by the Mult- sular agent at I’uebla, is "expected discussion between the British and Coach Allen, of the locals, yesterday,’ __ , _____ __ authorities, ____ i nomah county and municipal and the for the establishment of milling in [nomai» county grand Jury today momentarily." according to a dis American governments under which federal_machinery will not_ Intervene transit privileges on lumber at points ' against David Smith. James Ogle and patch to the Excelsior, a Mexico City payment of interest on advances by asking that a game between the unless inefficiency on the imrt of along the Southern Pacific lines In j" alter Banaster, alleged confessed newspaper, tinder date of Sunday. the United States and Great Britain teams of the two schools be ached-' the local officials make such action Oregon, has been refused by the, principals in the robbery of the to the allies in the course of the war, tiled as soon after Thanksgiving day Washington, Nov. 25.—The cah- and also on advances by the United as possible. The request is based n<s «Mary, John F. Kramer, federal United States railroad administration ¡Claremont Iavern and the murder, prohibition commissioner, told the thc ... a< . ..r.iin., ording to t« a » letter lait »r received rerdimt hv by Mr Mr. Friday Friday night of of J. J. N. N. Burgess and ¡net reached no decision on the Mex- States to Great 'Britain, be postpon — 'George Peringer. prominent eastern ¡ran situation today, according to ed three years, was announced in the upon the claim of the Albany high to tempo rance board of the Methodist • j 1 Buchtel. the championship of the Willamette Secretory Lansing, who presided, j house of commons today. Episcopal church today. Thia was' The reason given tor lhe refusal Is. Oregon stock men. valley. The Albanyites state that Kramer’s first pronouncement of the that the railroads are soon to re-1 The case Is believed by the district Both the case of William O. Jenkins, attorney’s office to have been hand- American consular agent at Puebla. policy he would follow In his admin- turn to private ownership. Presidio, Cal., Nov. 25.—Jesus on the basis of comparative scores About 10«) small lumber mills In l«d more expeditiously than any sim- and general conditions in Mexico, Renteria, the bandit who obtained they are clearly entitled to the cham 1st rat Ion . «astern Dragon* are affuclod by thejl,ar lH recent years. The cor- were discussed, the secretary said. 115.000 ransom for the return of pionship, Eugene having been elim refusal. Milling In transit privileges oner's Jury last night recommended United States army aviators Davis inated through its defeat at the — Permits a mill to ship Its rough lain-!that *hv men he held for murder --------- Laredo, Tex., Nov. 25.—Advices and Peterson, was killed by another toja>. from Mexico City bandit during the fight over division hands of Salem Saturday by a score >*r ,o a Pining mill or other flnlsh-|nn<! recommended 1 reenactment j ri>c^ve(j Ing pant and then to reshlp It to It» Of the death penalty law. indicate the iMexlean government will' of the money, according to an ap- of 17 to 7. Albany had already de ------------------- reply tentatively to the American . parently reliable report received feated Salem. The Grants Paas team ’lil without an advance In is recognized as the champion of RACING MAN KILLED over straight shipment. government's note in reference to i here. Southern Oregon, and Albany aslca ON AMOT PARK TRACK the kidnapping and arrest of Consu- that the game with them be Tor the --------- - jlar Agent Jenkins, postponing final purpose of determining which shall Los Angeles, Now. 25.- Arthur,action in the matter «ntll the Mexi- Salem. Ore., Nov. 25. John Me-1 contend with the Jefferson high, of Kennedy. of Snn Diego, was killed.'can courts have disposed of the ease, Oonrt of the law firm of Veaxle, Me-1 Portland, for state-wide honors. The and Walter Blum was seriously hurt The Mexican foreign office, accord Court anil Veaxle, .Portland, was to- ' Dalles team, the strongest mid-Co- bit Ascot park while tuning up a rac-jng to these advices, had given an day ap|M»lnted by Governor Olcott to | lumbia aggregation, has already been Ing car for the Thanksgiving races opinion that the government’s final Succeed the late Judge*'. U. Ganten- eliminated from the list of contend A tire blew out and tlje car oveF-, decision in the matter should await heln a» one of the circuit Judges for ers by defeat at the hands of Albany. turned. action of the courts "as to hasten the .Multnomah county. Govenor Olcott Sheriff Ix’wis, and Deputy Uster If the game with Albany should decision of the judge would violate »aid the selection of Judge McCourt Washington. Nov. 25.—The Amer be arranged following the game with returned front Gal Ice Monday even Saragossa. Spain. Nov. 25—Martial the law.” was made soon after the death of ican government's note demanding the I,ebanon team here Thursday, it ing bringing Geo. Baker back with Judgo Gantenbeln, but that he had them and lodging him In Jail to an law has been declared here due to the immediate release of William O. will likely be at some neutral point withheld announcement over Sunday swer to a charge of larceny. Baker’s the general strike. Traffic has been ORGANIZATION OF" NATIONAL Jenkins, American consular agent at between the two cities, the winner In consideration of memory of the premiHoa were searched by the offi suspended. The strike was called in LAHOR PARTY INDER WAY Puebla, is understood to have been then to go to Portland for the con proteat against the deportation of late Jurat. considered by the Mexican cabinet test with Jefferson for the pennant cers on a eeari-h warrant issued on the presidents of the labor unions to Chicago. Ill., Nov. 25.—The organ last Friday, the state department an I ’n ted {complaint of Wm Robinson, of Ga- Mi-Court was formerly ization of the labor party of the nounced today. Governor Cabera of representing state honors. States attorney for this district from 1 lice creek, who claimed groceries to Rarcelonia. TAie local team is giving consistent United States was practically com Puebla was present, but the depart 1908 to 1913 under appontnient by {the value of *30 had lieen taken attention to its practice, and will be pleted today at the first national Preadent Roosevelt. ment's advices did not say what ac in condition to do its best work . from his house. The officers state convention. tion. if any. was taken. that they found some of the missing against Iiebanon Thursday If noth The department’s statement fol ing develops in the meantime. The goods in their search of Baker's HAN FltANCISCO HAS lows: EARTHQUAKE SIKH K premises. private marks being upon boys are tuned up to the moment, A dispatch bearing on the Jenkins and are determined that the loyal I sortie of them. They also made case was received yesterday at the support being accorded them shall search for other goods that have San Francisco. Nov. 25. A sharpi , , Mexican embassy and it was assum get the very beet they have to gire. , , come up misaing in the Galice dis- earthquake was felt In this vlcluitv ' . , , . .. ed that this was Mexico’s reply. . I trlct for the past two or throe jeans. « Apparently' . _ at 3:07 this morning, London. Nov. 25. Evidence that While there had been no indication and 11 motley array of tools and oth- no damage was done. as to Mexico’s attitude, a refusal to jer articles was disclosed. A shotgun America is supplanting Great Brit- release the consular agent would not and a revolver that had been missing ain in coal markets of South Amer- lea and Europe is seen by the Ship- i Washington. Nov. 25.—A "Hall of come as a surprise. FAR f°r n,on,’1!4 residents of the dis- The American demand was deliv- mining ping World. The paper attributes Fame for Trees" has been inaugu- war® found, as were tools, wheelbarrows, etc. Baker will this to restrictions imitoeed on ship j rated by the American forestry asso ered to the Mexican foreign office P l*inil b<> riven a hearing In Justice Hol ping that otherwise might l>e avail-' ciation for the recognition of fa- last Wednesday, but as late as last . moos trees and the location of the Friday, Jenkins still was held at F rfln|y| man's court today as soon as the able for carrying British coal. "The result is that traders abroad I { largest shade tree in the I’nited Puebla and so far as the state de- L I nillTI arr|ve from Galice. Black sand mining operations part men t has been advised he has along this coast from Coos Bay south At the hearing today Baker wan who want coal are getting It from States. other regions," It says. "The South An elm at Huntington. Indiana, not been released. ilmund over to the grand Jufv under to Eureka are due to boom in the Salem. Ore.. Nov. 25. In order: h(>ndf, American trade has fallen almost in long nas been regarded as the larg- coming few years according to those that th« 800 pheasants which are| evitably into the hands of shipown est shade tree in the country. This in a position to know for a new met located on the laine county rearing | ers from the United States, but more claim of course excludes the Red al, ¡radium, much more valuable farm may be fed and properly cared ominous still is the fact that ship woods of California. Now comes Du than platinum, has been discovered for an application will be made early | ments from Virginia are coming al- mont Kennedy of Crawfordsville. In in the sand, so that the extraction this week asking Judge Bingham of I ipost daily to ports of Europe. Goth diana, with a picture of a tree on his of gold is the least of the precious the Marion county circuit court to enburg, Dunkirk, .Antwerp. Rotter P’upeity and the sugge»’!jn that it metals that are desired and the modify the decree granting a per dam. Lisbon. Genoa and other i>orts is larger than the tree at Hunting working of the sand is being made a manent Injunction against the pur of Italy are receiving American coal tan This tree has a spread of 93 t matter of scientific investigation chase of the 4 8 acres of land near at freight rates which only their ur feet while the 'Huntington Elm has a Washington. Nov. 25.—It seems Eugene, according to Carl D. Shoe Roseburg. Ore., Nov. 25. Riddle gent needs can justify. Even to spread of only 75 feet. A tree at to he assured that when the senate at least two big smelting concerns maker. who was In Salem Saturday. won in the first court clash over the Port Said,American coals have been Framingham, Mass., also makes reassembles in I'iecember President it is known. Many patents on var ious contrivances to extract the val The application will be supported change of route of the 'Pacific high shipped. claim to 'being the largest. Wilson will lay before it for confir- uable Ingredients from black sand by an affidavit from Gene M. Simp way, according to the terms of the “The question arises whether this Charles Jmthrop Pack, president niation the nomination of Russell son, Muperintendent of the Corvallis decisions handed down by Judge J. is merely a passing phase due to the of the American Forestry Association Cornell Lefflngwell, of New York, to have been issued to private individ uals. but so far not a single one has game farm, stating that it la almo- W. Hamilton who overruled the de present scarcity of tonnage, or says: be secretary of the treasury in suc proven a success, and it is generally preservation lutely necessary for th« murrer interposed by Attorney J. M. whether these American ships are the "We want a complete list of fä cession of Carter Gass of Virginia, of the bird that, their maintenance Devers on liehalf of the state high pioneers of a new form of enterprise uious trees now. There is the ll who has resigned to accept the ap acknowledged by mining men that be provided for at the place where way commission and the county of the western continent which is berty Tree on the campus of st. pointment of senator from his state. the problem is one for the big com they are now located. court which were enjoined from con destined to become a permanent fea John's college at Annapolis under Mr. Ix>ffingwell is now one of the as panies with unlimited capital to Under the Injunction decree of structing the Canyonville cut-off ture of trade. It must not he as which a treaty with the Indians was sistant secretaries of the treasury. solve. In the early days the beach sands Judge Bingham the birds cannot bo road. In his opinion Judge Hamilton sumed that, with the increase of Brit signed in 1652. The experts tell us The fact that (Mr. Ijeffingwell's law removed nor can food bo provided. held that the Pacific highway had ish shipping that will assuredly come this tree is dose to 800 years old. partners have affiliated with the re were worked for the gold, many' hun Nolthor may any money lie spent for been established by the commission In a year or two. the old lines of We all know of the William Penn publican party has led to the report dreds of thousands of dollars being a caretaker for the'birds or the farm. and that the commission has power trade will so easily be regained. The Treaty Tree beneath which Wash that he is a republican, but it is taken out at different points along A.t the time the order was taken on to make only local changes and that river plate trade may to a conslder- ington took command of the contin understood that Mr. I^ffingwell has the coast. Then came the discovery of platinum in the black sand and November 3 neither the attorney the question of whether or not the able extent be written off. ental army. lAt Oberlin. Ohio, is not taken any part in politics. Tn the big cleanups were made by working general nor Judge Bingham knew cut-off rosd Is a local change must be "The greater proximity of Ettro- the elm on the corner of the campus consideration of his name President over the tailings of former gold that pens had been erected or birds settled in court. The opinion also pean ports to the United Kingdom under which was the first log house Wilson and those with wham he has hunting operations. Now comes the hold that the action of the commis will be an advantage to British ship in which Oberlin college was founded advised are said to have been of the kept on the farm. discovery of (radium which seems to In order that the commission mny sion In starting work before pur owners in their endeavor to regain The American Forestry Association opinion that under present conditions have stirred the big mining com chasing t\e right of wav was impro safeguard these 'birds and hold them the continental trade, hut it will be has listed many famous trees but it the necessity of continuing the work panies to activity and our gold-laden for the purposes Intended the appli per proceed it re and that the con no easy task to break the trade con wants the list complete. If there is of the treasury department without beaches promise to become the scene cation for a modification of the de structlon of a third road such ns is nections that American competitors a famous tree in yomr town the as a change of policy rises superior to of an extensive Industry soon.—Gold proposed is a waste of funds. cree will be made. are now engaged in forming.” sociation wants to know about It.” political consideration. Beach Reporter. 'Pill IDT MAMm VI uUUllI IlnlYlLU PIDPIIIT IllilPf de"tl,,“tlon fl ulnuUll JUUuL V MEXICO CONSIDERS lIVI tr,ct COAST POSSIBILITY LEFFINGWELL AS À