Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931, October 21, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Your Needs and Ours!
new Coats, new Sweaters
You need safety lor your funds.
You seed some one to collect your checks. '
You need a safe means ot paying bills.
You need bank accommodation in business some
We need new depositors tn order to increase our bus
Iness yearly.
Let's get together tor business
?ar,-your leasiire hours try a
' :The Victrola Is your com
tlanioa and friend when you
ax alone, and an able enter
tainer -when you have guests.
' It adds to the enjoyment and
comfort of lite by furnishing
you with (he best music ot the
opera, the concert, or the ball
Victrdas and Records
Stanton Row'ell
Music and Photo House
507 500 Q Si.
Resumption ot trade with Ger
;many will again make bismuth avail
able In quantity.
Quartz blanks at Courier office.
The Oregon
'The Parson
f Panamint"
Hop the Bellhop"
S -
A moner-niAkPF and hard vnrlr MVMfAH imwA 4 ...
armtraetnnL. On mon (r.
i - -- - .... . .
wna4 br f ssL On Wads
jm men i work at
m m eon. wnit
oar. ran a.
bUfindiiMih r-"s.k vo" -sA'm. n9vsrjcB r j. m
StTVtrrw nt St. I .liken
Tomorrow, Wednesday, at 10 a.
ni., there will be services at St.
Luke's Episcopal church. Celebra
tion ot Holy Communion and short
address. Rev. Philip K. Hammond
ot Ashland, vicar in charge.
listen Here
Tell your sirl to not let you for
get that big dance and weiner feed
at Murphy Saturday night. 02
Reports Fine Fishing
J as. iMaeon was up from the mouth
of Whiskey creek today, laying in a
supply of groceries. "Sit. Mason and
Al Paul, both ot Klamath Falls, are
spending a few weeks in that sec
tion with W. H. Whlteueek who owns
a ranch on the Rogue at the mouth
of Whiskey creek. The trio are hav
ing a tine time hunting, trapping
and catching steelheads. and later
on will engage in mining. Mr. Ma
son states that the fishing was never
; Woman Gets Auto Thief
' A tew days ago three men in a
Ford , car drove up to the Ford gar
age in Yreka and asked for gas and
oil. Mrs. Logan, being in charge
that day pumped nine gallons of gas
into the empty tank and when she
turned to get the oil the parties
cranked up and made their escape in
all haste. Mrs. Logaa wired down
the line to officers to be on the look
out for the parties and in a few
hours the trio were safely 'lodged in
the county Jail, where two of -them
pled not guilty, the third pleading
guilty and was fined $25, which he
promptly paid. But in the meantime,
Mrs. Logan found that the car was
taken from Us Washington -owner
without his consent and there was a
reward of $35 offered for the car and
$25 reward offered for the apprehen
sion of the gas thief. Mrs. Logan
gets both rewards while the man
from Washington will be furnished
free passage back.
WANTED Plain family sewing.
Work guaranteed, prices reason
able. .Phone 156-J or call 406
North Third street. 03
WANTED Dining room girl, second
cook, and chambermaid,' at West
ern hotel. 06
FOR SALE 3 cows, 2 giving milk
and one to be fresh in 'November,
2 calves. To be sold immediately.
Inquire of W. H. Casner. 747 Mer
lin Road. 06
! FOR SALE 1-ton Chevrolet truck
driven 1300 miles, $1400. Can be
seen at Hobairt's garage. 06
WANTED TO BUY Chickens, young
and old for table use. Will also
buy your fresh eggs. Grants Pass
hotel. 06
WANTED 50 or 60 h. p. boiler in
good condition. Address No. 1880
care Courier. . oitf
.""j,1? a"u wooa-cuTOn(f
Quick ItUotrUt frtm mt
rxmssjrjr i
Mrs. F. U Warreu went to Port
land yesterday to visit her son.
C. O. Carpenter and K. I Hawks,
ot Medford, were business visitors In
the city today.
iMra. illeriuird Hull, of KUimat'h
Falls, is visiting her sister, Mrs. C.
H. Rlsmann.
Wlllard storage battery serrlce
station, S14 North Blxth St. lTtf
Mrs. Jennie Moss w.ent to Med
ford this morning to attend a con
ference of Red Cross workers.
Mrs. iP. AV. iMcOuat, of Rogue
lUver, was in the city today shopping.
Mrs. W. L Duncan and Jennie
Dubois returned last night from
Medford. where they spent the day.
Mrs. J. H. Meade and daughter,
Pauline, went thla morning to Rogue
River. They expect to visit at Med
ford and Jacksonville also.
Mrs. Harry IWllken and son ar
rived this morning from Dayton,
Ohio, to join Mr. Wiiken, who pre
ceded them. They expect to make
their home here.
Mrs. .George Calhoun returned
Sunday from Portland, where she
spent a' month with her son, Lester
Calhoun, ami wife, and her sinter.
Mrs. 'N'orris.
J. E. Bartlett of the Peoples Elec
tric Store, Medford. Ore., will be In
this territory, still selling Standard
Electrical equipment same goods.
better prlcei your' needs will be
given our utmost consideration. ?5tf
F. M. Fauvre and son, J. M.
Fauvre, of Indianapolis, who have
been in the city for the past week
on business, left this morning for a'
few days' trip Into northern Califor
With the close of the show at the
Oregon Theatre last night Jos Wolke,
owner, and Miss Alma Wolke, man
ager, became people of leisure and
G. A. Hunt, the new owner of the
Oregon took the active management.
The Wolkes have been conducting
play houses here for the past two
years, bucking up against competi
tion and finally by absorbing the
other show houses, occupying the
entire field. Mr. Hunt, who formerly
conducted the Page theatre in Med
ford and is now owner of the Liberty
theatre in that city, and his wife
have become residents of this city. I
TheV hflVA h 11.1 HI 11 avtm.Un.i. n I
the picture show business and will
without doubt make a great success
here. Mr. Hunt will later on make
some changes and improvements in
the Oregon.
Soldiers, sailors and marines, of
the great war will start "smoking
up" at 8 o'clock tonight at the Am
erican Legion "smoker."
The evening's box-fest mill start
with a ifast sparring .bout between
Cedric Fields and Aubrey Coff of the
high school! football squad. These
lads are well matched, both fast and
aggressive and should give a good
A number of other bouts are also
scheduled and a six .piece orchestra
of high school boys will furnish Jazz
The program committee also has
15 gallons of apple cider and grape
Juice to, wash down as many crisp
doughnuts as can be eaten.
All ex-service men are invited to
be the guests of the local poet of the
American Legion.
Your Last Chance
To subscribe to your fa
vorite magazines at spe
cial reduced rates.
Call for Price List
Sells Drags and Book
7X ncoAL J9bp
. J. F. Shaffnor, or Boise, Idaho, Is
rosluiored at the Oxford.
Fred W. unn, of Fresuo, Cul.. is
lu the city today.
F. j. ilramwell went to Jackson
ville today on business.
Mrs. Knight went to Guselle this!
.iiomlng to nurse case ot illness.
iMrs. 'A. J.' Klocker returned to
Medford this morning.
New Ilreiory
C II. Corson nm business trip
to Medford today. He states that a'
new telephone directory will be
sued within a tew days. !
IteceptJim to Now Pastor I
Members and friends of Newman!
M. B. church are Invited to attend!
a reception for Rev. Joseph Knotts1
and family in the church parlors
Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock.
Crescent City for $a
Owing to the present excellent
condition of the roads the Grants
Pass A Crescent City Stage Co. will
take you to Crescent City or return
for $5. " T5tf
PreiMrtntf tor Tolo Contract v
Albert Anderson, who has the con
tract for the overhead crossing nt
Tolo camo in from Divide Sunday
night and with Ellsworth Tubbs mo-'
torod to Tolo and Medrord yesterday
th make arrangements for the de
livery of material for the struc ture.
The crueslng will he 120 feet of con
crete, and 185 foet of .frame trestle.
KrtitriiM From the Kant
E. B. Hlnnchunl returned last
night from a' several weeks visit In
the east, and with his eon, Paul, at
Chicago. As was reported here nev
eral days ago, he did not come via
Phoenix, Arlcoim, but came the
northern route, through Portland.
Mrs. iilanohard is still visiting in the
central states but Is expected' to ar
rive home about the 5th of Novem
ber. IliirvcNt FoUviU Program
There will be programs for girls
and loys. All company, attenders
are asked to cooperate Girls will
report at once to Mrs. Bllsabetli At
kins. All boys apply to Ensign J. K.
Strautln. 1AH are wanted at 7:30
o'clock "Friday evening at Salvation
Army hall for instructions in con
nection with the hurveet festival. All
who desire us to call for decorations
of the hall please advise us early by
phone 38". Ensign J. E. Strautln.
1. E. Rnrtlctt
Of the Peoples Electric Store,
Medford. Oregon, will be in this ter
ritory, still selling Standard Electri
cal equipment same goods, better
prices your needs will be given our
utmost consideration. 75tf
ItiimmiiKe Sul
In the rear of the Salvation Army
hall are surplus of children's shoes
and clothes; ladies' shoes and clothes
also men's shoes and clothes, ready
for rummage sales on Thursday and
Saturday afternoons. All money ob
tained will help toward the $60 har
vest testlual target raising. There
are no general public solicitations on
this target. The fund will be used
tor Grants Pass corps general Im
provements. J. E. Strautln. ensign.
Calling Card Prices
Printed calling cards 75c for B0;
$1.25 per 100 at the Courier office.
Engraved cards per 100, $3 and up;
where plate Is furnished. $1.50 per
V. A. OrllTin ReriouNly Hi
ll. A. Griffin, who with Mrs. Grif
fin loft Grants Pass a few weeks ago
for Richardson springs, exnectlne la
ter to go to Southern California tor
the winter, -was taken suddenly 111
last week and was removed to the
hospital at Chlco, where ar mastoid
abcees was discovered. It was
thought for a time that an operation
would be necessary tout it was found
not to be necessary for the present.
Mrs. Griffin, who Is also 1n poor
health, Is at the springs.
O'Kelly Hells Store
Fred O'Kelly, f Wllllame, who
has successfully conducted the Wl
Hama store for nearly nine years, Is
In the city today making out the ne
cessary papers for the conveying of
his store (building, stock and bunga
low (home to W. C Fixley of Wil
liams. IMr. FJxley recently sold his
farm near William. He has been a
resident of Josephine ocunty for
eight or ten years, hut tn the mean
time sold out and went back east to
Mve, returning later to Southern Ore
gon. Mr. Fixley baa had experience
In the mercantile 'business.
new finis
Put Into the tailoring of every itsrmenl the most painstak
ing care that skill and syitnu ci.n nmploy.
OO.'Kd Htreet
CM. fa!M
It tukes a woman, a woman only, to turn a house Into a home.
Is no store In the hnil thntscun bo of more ullunce in
the furnishing of it than nurs.
We solicit the Inquiries and Inspection of women who nre par
ticular about their furnishing, hunt to plrum.
We will plehse you.
Dependable Quality - Prices Right
Hart, Schaffner & Marx Clothes
Peerless Clothing Co.
Cash Clothiers
"If .Men Wear It We Have It"
Vulcanizing Repair Work
Gasoline 20e
10 ton of first class '
, Wheat Hay in stack.
GEO. J. FOX at
C. L. Hobart Company
Freighting to Crescent City
iRobert iRIce, or Yreka, Cal passed
through iG rants IPass today with a
truck load of freight for Crescent
City. Mr. Rice will load baok to
Yreka with 'Rogue river apples, pro
vided he can find some that he can
make freight oat of, he will buy the
on Display
Fifteen year local a oat
Oil 20c and up
OURTIN To Mr. and iMrs. W. h.
Curtin, Sunday, October 19, a
' daughter.
UATHROP To IMr. and Mrs. Roy
Uathrop, Sunday, October 19, a
'apples. '