Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931, October 21, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    itkmimv, mtoiu:ii 21. ifif. ,
9 Classified Advertising
FOR BAIjE Vetch, gray oats, cheat,
rye, baled hey, rolled barley, grant
seed. Ralph Woldo Eldi'ti, Mad
(ord. Or. 65tf
Norte county, California-. Good
buy. Mostly all under the plow.
Next year will see big Improve
mi.nls there, now under war and
land values will greatly Increase.
For further Infnrnmtlon Inquire of
Geo. W. Howe, Agent, Crescent
City, California. 13
SO ACTUO KAK'M "For tale or rent,
located 1 . mile trom Wryilen,
Oregon. Ooed water rluht, plenty
of berries and fruit. 1$ eores un
der Irrigation. Fair building.
Address No. 1803 care Courier. 17
X)lt BALK by owner In whole or
In part on eaiiy term, the 19
acre 'r-onklln" tra t. Joining city
llmlta on north, on-J'aelflo high
way; 12. acre In Bartlett and
D'AnJou pear. 4 acre In peaches
and aiila. 8. V. 8temn, Talo
Alto. Cal. 01
KORVULB Ollaek team with buggy
and harness. Bound and kind,
' v 900 pound. P. 8. Woodln, Box
40, Crania Puna, phone 000-F-3.
640 ACilK three mile from city on
upper river road for sale at a bar
gain. 114,000; email payment,
balance 6 per cent; 10-room -plastered
house, old barn Ii0x106; I
acroa pur; abotifVO acre under
ditch eurvey; 10,000 cord wood
timber. Addreea II. C Muller,
6r,0 Washington street. Portland.
Oreaon. IS
FOR SAMS 1 newSourlng car at a
bargain If taken at once. 1 DodRe
In fine shape, new top and Just
overhauled. 1 Chevrolet In fine
condition. 314 North Sixth St. ttf
FOR SAIiB Two Ji'raey cows at
bargain price. K. Challson, 400
West O street. 3
FOR BALK A heating stove. Phone
3C. 04
FOR BALK -Cull Tokay grains, 2c
and 3c per pound. J. II. Ahlf,
: North Sixth afreet. 03
WANTED .Men to work iu lumber
camp ut up-to-date aawmlll.
Transportation furnlahed. For
particular Inquire at Drccn'a
Creacent City atage office. Grant
Pas, Ore., near 8. P. R. K. depot,
and express office. Phone 26. 4Stf
W A NTrJl Ambitious Americans to
prepare for good salaried office po
sition. Individual Instruction.
Two free acholnnibipa among first
enrollment. Ileglstor now, begin
any time. Medford .Huslness Col
loge. Ofl
WA.VTKD GHxollne wood aaw
Complete, with or without truck.
Phone 131. 01
WA.NTKI PoHitlon as bookkeeper.
Have held present poxltlon with
large mercantile establishment for
ten years. Wish to make change.
Excellent references. I-ela Green
wood, Hox 276, Pel Rio.' Tex. 08
on stirvoy. Daniel McFarland.
740 North Tenth atreet, after 7
in. 01
EKTlT.VY There came to my place a
1 -year-old roan bull, crop off right
ear. Owner call at once and pay
damages. U. Hostetler, Murphy,
Oregon. 03
ETRAY There left my place at
Merlin 'Friday a Holsteln cow
branded RV on left hip. Finder
please notify Kd. Van Almen, Mer
lin, Oregon. 04
B. L. OALBRA1TH Insurance, any
kind, Rentala. Building and
Loan. Plate Olas Liability. 601
O atreet. . 4tf
HI-JMSTlTOillNtJ, Meeting. Satlsfao
lion guaranteed. Write to us for
suggestions for Christmas glfla.
The Vanity Shop, Medford, Ore
gon. -145
LADIK8' TAIIXiKlXO Fall and win
ter suits'remodtW and brought
up to the minute In style and
workmanship. Bring your Ft'RS,
pliiNhea and velvet to be reinade.
Price reasonable. Mr. W. ' R.
Swoupe, phone 2.13, old Klocker
realdence 1324 (Cast A atreet. 09
Auto Wood-Saw at Shooting Gal
lery. Will cut up your 4 foot
wood Into 3 length for II per
cord. Special price on large
quantities. F. O. Gamble, Agl. 01
CUIIJRKN Sell acorn; buy thrift
stamp 1c per pound paid for
acorn at 727 North Fifth 8t. 19
BULL TIUBB8 .FOR lift Klrat cla
stock In the varlotlo greatly in
demand. . Liberal terms with cash
advance. Write for contract to
Pany, 1030 Chemeketa St., Sa
turn ; Oregon. 20
QUON-IKXNO Can't be beat for
rheumatism, stomach trouble, bad
breath, ralarrh of the nose, throat
and etomach. Many with catarrhal
deafness, hear well after few
week treatment " Don't fall , to
try It. If you wish to feel iwrfoct.
Mfg'fl' by Quondong . Chemical
. Work. office 347 K. Itlth St. N
Portland, Oregon. Price per pk.
12, about six month treatment.
THE WORLD MOVES; so do we.
.' Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phone
F. O. ISHAM. drayage and transfer.
- Safes, . pianos and furniture
moved, packed, shipped and ator
ed. Office Phone 124-Y.
dence phone 124-R. ,
DR. R. J. BESTUL. VeUrlnarlan.
Residence 838 Waahlngton boule
vard, phone 398-R.
. O. CLEMENT, M. D.. Practice
limited to diseases of the eye, ear,
nose and throat. Glasses fitted.
Office hours 9-12, 2-5, or on ap
pointment. Phones, office 62; resi
dence 359-J.
3. LOUGliniDGE, M. D. Physician
and aurgeon. City or country calls
attended day or night. Phones,
residence, 369; office, 182. Sixth
and H streets.
A. A. WITH AM, M. D. Internal
medicine and nervous diseases,
624 Medical Bldg., Portland, Ore.
' Hours, 2 to 5 p. in., morning and
evening by appointment.
Rooms 1 and 2 Schmidt Bldg.
Treata all diseases. Hours 9-13
a. m.; 1-5. p. m. Phone 304-R.
E. J.. BILL1CK, M. D., Physician
and surgeon; office Schallhorn
block, pbone 54-J; residence,
1004 Lawnrldge, phone 64-L,
Grant Pane.
DANIEL McFARLAND, civil engi
neer and surveyor. Residence
740 Tenth street, phone 211-Y.
H. D. NORTON, Attorney-at-law.
Practloes In all State and Federal
Courts. First National Bank Bldg.
LOST Auto crank, Friday night
. between Oregon Theatre and my
home. Jo Wolke. Finder please
notify me. 01 j
liOBT (Purse containing one dollar
hill, four sliver dollar and small,
change. 'Finder please leave at
Courier office, 01 ;
0. W. COLVIG, Attorney-at-law.
Grants Paa Banking Co. Bldg.
Grants Paaa, Oregon.
E. 8. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Prae-
tlcea In all courts. First National
Bank Bldg.
FOUNf U'dlc kid glove, purse,
key. Owners may secure articles
at Courier office. ' 01
0. S. BLANCHARD, Attorney-at-law.
Golden Rule .Bldg. , Pbone 270.
' Granta Pass, Oregon.
C. A. SIDLER, Attorney-at-law. Ma-
sonlo Temple, Grant Pass, Ore.
' SOONER TAXI Phone 262-R for
Jitney l,uke or Cutler. Calls an
swered nnywhero, anytime. Sfitf-
PA LAcirTAXJ-Phone 22-J. Geo.
- A. Hyde. 19
.1EO. H. DURHAM, Attorney-at-law,
referee In bankruptcy, 'Masonic
Temple. Grants PobsV . Oregon.
Phone 136-J.
Flni! National Bank Bldg., Grants
aa. Oreatnn.
Sun Kranclitco, Oct. 20. Thomas
llnllon, murderer, did more than pay
Mclety's debt Friday at Ban Quentln
lie gave hi life for the life he had
taken.. After death tie gave the in
terstltal gland of hi dead 1ody to a
man of 60, whose virility and
strength had ebbed within prison
It was another of a series of re
markable operation which have
been performed In the Ban Quentln
hottpltal, utrilxliig the glandular theo
ry which Dr. Berg Voronoff of Perl
recently clalmud to have discovered,
although It ban' been In use In the
United tftatee for number of years.
At 10:2u o'clock In the morning
the .trap was sprung beneath Bellon,
murderer of hi mother-in-law.
Eleven minutes luter the prlaon
doctor, dropping hi atetboscope
from the tireaat of the swaying form,
pronounced life extinct.
The body was removed to the pris
on hospital. Belde the operating
table stood Dr. iC. David Kelker of
Uie prison medkoV staff and iDrs. R.
L. araier and lee von Ardale-ol
Ine 'hoepltat.
On the table Uy a convict, 60
years -of age. He wa conscious, yet
feeling no pain, for the doctor bad
resorted to spinal anesthcxla. The
body of Hellon was lifted to an ad
Joining table. With scientific preci
sion the Interstitial glands were cut
away. .
The scalpel next turned to tlie man
of 60. Incisions were made and the
gland transplanted Into 111 body.
Cnable to feel the pain of the oper
ation because of the anesthetic In
jected Into the spine, he talked with
the doctor as they cut and sewed.
. The aurgeons are satisfied that
new strength, mental as well as phy
sical, will follow the operation. Sim
ilar results have come from such
operation jrrevlously performed at
the prison by Dr. Leo L. Stanley,
prison aurxeon, and ' his assistant,
Dr. Kelker. Dr. Stanley could not
be present at today's operation, how
ever. I'p to a few minutes before hi
execution. Bellon held hoie for a
pardon. Last week he sent an ap
peal to his wife to help him escape
the noose. He had slashed her -with
a raxor In the attack In which he
killed his wife's mother. Mrs. Bel
Ion's reply was:
"Hani; hlin. 1 don't want to have
anything to do with him." ,
All contagion diseases must be
Cases have come to my notice re
cently of children who have beeu
sick and no physician employed. Up
on recovery, they have come to me
for permits and upon questioning
thm, i 'have felt sure that thelr'a
were mild cases of war let fever,
which had not boen quarantined.
iPloase comply with thp rules of
the state board of 'health. Call' In
your physician and let him decide
whether or "hot your children have
contagious disease.
01 Acting Health Officer.
Finder Substitute Glass.
The loss of her diamond ring was
discovered by Mrs. Theodore Tucker
of St. Louis while she was In an up
town building. A man aided In the
seniclu He pretended to pick up
iHamond. "Ho're It Is," he said. Mrs.
Tucker thanked him and gave him $5.
A Jeweler said the diamond was gins.
The lost stony has not been found.
E. C. MACY, D. M. D. Flrst-clas
dentistry. 109 South Sixth
street, Grants Pass, Oregon.
ELECTRIC ' WIRING and general
electrical work, repairing, . house
wiring. C. C. Harper, 105 South
Sixth street, phone 47.
The California and. Oregoi
Coast Railroad Company
Effective Nov. 19, 1918.
Trains will run Tuesday, Thursday
' and Saturday
Leave Grants Pass 1 P. M
Arrive Waters Creek. .........2 P. M.
Leave Waters Creek 3 P. M
Arrive Grants Pass 4 P. M.
For Information regarding freight
and passenger rates call at the ofttc
of the company, Lundburg buildluR
" tl(iivhrtn M; . , .
Bucharest, Rumania, Sept. 22, via
Paris. When the American "Red
Cross quit the Balkans, twhen lu
work there la completed, the people
are not to be left entirely alone.
This wa the promise made to the
Balkan people by Colonel i Robert E.
Olds, commissioner for Europe of
the American 'Red Cross, at the In
auguration here of the Red Cross
program of medical and reconstruc
tion work which is to follow the
work of emergency relief now draw
ing te close.
"The great work done In the
Balkans," said Colonel Olds, "in the
main 1 over. The work of feeding
and clothing the helpless peoples of
the Near (East Is drawing fast to a
close. But we shall not leave these
nations -without substantial legacies
and permanent reminder of the
work already done here.
'Hundred of Red Cross women
and men have left the Balkans for
their bootee la the state, but small
groups will Temaln to continue their
work. In Serbia, Bosnia; Herzego
v'na, Albania, (Montenegro, Greece
md Rumania, children's hospitals,
district nursing services, infant wel
fare work, numes training schools,
the reconstruction of hospitals and
the modlcal fight against tubercu
losis, typhus, smallpox and other .too
prevalent disease, will ibe carried on.
Japanese Cats Dsy.
Of att floral rextlvltli-N. Japan's Feast
f the Cherry ItlimwMn Is the most
generally observed. I'ructlcully every
town and village. ilimuKhout the land
ha its owu particular cherry tree for
honoring at this treat occasion, but
the most famous of them all Is thai
at Kioto. Here early lo April is to
be seen such a sight as can be wit
nessed nowhere else In all the world
There are seldom fewer than l.OOO.UOO
persons present, who gather from all
pans of the empire. Everywhere is
feasting, dunclng and vierrynrnklng.
Flaueur," In IihIIhiiupoUb Star.
Trade Acceptances, book of 50, 31
Courier office.
T the RwMevtlt Memorial Aorlarlim.
Thomas M. Stirtt, County Chairman,
Uraiiti Pau, Oregon.
I herewith ubu'rilw the sum
to the KooMvriT MtaituL Ktxn. .
The above amount i inclined herewith.
Amiritlni to the plan of th Ronwrett Memorial Awarlalk.n. the RomrrtK
Memorial fund of I9.0M.MO.M Hi lo be tllllljed to erect a National Monument la
Wiahiiietun. U. C; to artulr and naiiitaia public park at Outer Bay. N. Y,
ml ultiiunlelr to itK-ln.le Suzamore Hill, the Rooaerelt home, therein, to be
preaerurd like Mount Vernon and Uneoln'a nome at Sprintfleld; and to endow
a National gorletr to perpetuate tl principles and Ideal of Theodore Rooeerett.
Karb contributor to the fund will reedre a eertlnrate of memherahln la tbe
RooKTrelt Memorial AaaGcUtion. A certiorate will slao be prorated to vsr
acbuoi cofitributinf to tbe fund.
The iume of every eontribotor will be placed rm the tlrt of l
I Um hstlODsl MoaaaMBt to be erected at Wubirujtoo, B. C
Birth Peculiarities.
Olrls, llk'e boys, Inherit many of the
predominant characteristics of their
parents. The girl baby of yonng par
ents will grow up Into an energetic,
courageous, go-ahead athletic type. So
far as physics) beauty 1 concerned,
however. It Is carious to note that
some of the world's most beautiful
women were the children of mothers
and fathers past their fortieth year.
It wiii .."ten be found that the young
est glrl'ln a family Is not only pret
tier litit also cleverer than her slater;
In the same way that the youngest son
will often be the most Intellectual.
thoiiKh the least endowed with physical
Fenian Invasion of Canada.
On the 6th of June, In 1S66, Presi
dent Johnson Issued a proclamation
forbidding the ajfenlans, a rerolntlo
ary society aiming to free Ireland
from British rule, to orgsnlze and ares
In the territory of tbe United State
with Intent to Invade Canada. The
Fenians In a body of 1.500, Including
many ex-Union soldiers of Irish blrthv
had assembled at Niagara Falls and
crossed Into Canada on the 1st of Jus.
The following1 day they engaged hi
skirmish with the Canadian mllltla)
and were driven hack Into the United
fitates, where 700 of them were arrest
ed end held for a few month.
TTTv 7TTV P1,684011 for
LE c z em a
M. Clemens. Druggist
for II Vtsra that atmArA tdrln r s it
liquid lifted tttOTtUlyiiMtaitf relief tnm itdc
the vlldet of elewawrv - icggf
Coon ia mad mH m mtioui bock
if '" yrflf Ik '
it ft" . r:. wrmi
Portable heat-
A good oil heater filled with
Pearl Oil is a real comfort Gives
instant heat when and where
wanted. No smoke, no odor.
Lights af the touch of a match.
Steady, comfortable warmth for
many hours on one filling of Pearl :
Oil, the ever-obtainable fueL Eco
nomical. ,
Pearl Oil is refined arid re-refined
by our special process which
makes it clean burning. For sale
in bulk by dealers everywhere,
thesame high-quality kerosene as
the Pearl Oil sold in five-gallon
cans. There is a saving by buy
ing in bulk. Order by name
Pearl Oil I
We recommend Perfection Ofl Heaters
, (California)
. C D, Fies, Special Agent Standard Oil Co., Grants Pass