FAGK two G1UXTS 1USS DAILY OOl Kltai H.m iinvv. MToni:it in, iin- GRANTS PUSS Mil COURIER Published Daily Except Sunday JL K VOORHIE3, Pub. and Propr, Soured at poetoffloe. Grants Pass, Ore., as second class mail matter. ADVERTISING RATES Display space, per Inch 20c Local-personal column, per Hne..lOe Readers. oer line Be DAILY COURIER By mall or carrier, per year....$6 00 By mail or carrier, per month .BO WEEKLY COURIER By mall, per year $!.00 BATLIUXAY, ; OtTXlKK 18, OREGON WKATHKB Tonlsht and Sunday, fair; 4 gentle winds, mostly westerly. BUSINESS MEN ON LAST UP (Continued from page 1) construction in the county and asked that Portland use her Influence in securing better highways for the southwestern part of the state and especially one leading to the Marble Halls. W. L. Thompson, formerly a mem ber of the state highway commission gave some valuable hints on securing needed highways. He cited the fact that those districts which in the past have secured needed roads were the ones who repeatedly sent delegations to consult with the state highway commission. Money used in keeping in touch with the state highway com mission, said Mr. Thompson, - was money well spent. i After a few remarks by Geo.- L. Lawrence, touching on business mat- by the way Btating that Portland stood ready to assist Southern Ore gon in all matters pertaining to the general welfare of the state H. C. Huntington, president of the Associ ated Industries of Oregon, announc ed the winners in the window dis play contest. The Golden Rule Store won first prize, the Rochdale Store second prise, and the Peerless Clothing Co., third. Those who received honorable mention werer Helmet's Furniture Store, Demaray's Drug 'Store, Basket Grocery, Sahin's Drug Store, Hol- man's Furniture Store, Letcher's Jewelry Store, Pardee's Grocery and Kinney t Trnax. Frank Bramwell was called upon to tell a fish story and he chose one of the visitors for hlsvictim. After narrating how this certain guest had bravely glided out into the swirling waters of the Rogue in a boat, in seareh of a wily steelhead, and had finally landed a "big one" after an exciting battle, he Droduced the fish ui BuuHutDiiaie uis aiory. ine nsn was rully five inches In length and was quite dead, as It reposed on a board held In Mr. Bramwell's hand. Much was added to the evening's entertainment by splendid music from an orchestra, composed of Mrs. Sabln at the piano. F. H. Applehofl, violin, Joe Wharton, clarinet, Bert Barnes, cello, Don Barnes, second violin, and Sam Ellis, viola. Mrs. A. S. Barnes. James Lium and A. K. Cass favored the audience with beautiful solos and needless to say that each one received an en core. Mr. Cass's last song, during which Old Glory was brought Into the room by one of the ladies, fairly brought down the house. C. C. Chapman, of the Oregon Vot er, was called upon for a speech, but he sensed a restlessness among those who were waiting for the dance music to begin, and Instantly made a motion that all adjourn to the ball rool, and the motion was carried with a rush. The dance was a' very enjoyable one, a large crowd being in attendance. The jazz music, was excellent and as an added attraction punch was served free during the en tire evening. In conclusion, the Portland bus iness men's visit to Southern Oregon was a success, in that it created a better feeling between the north and south parts of the state, which it Is hoped will lead to united coopera tion in all undertakings for the state's advancement. Portland has shown her willingness to work hand in hand with the people of Southern Oregon. It is now up to Southern "Oregon to extend her hand and say to Portland, "Let us build a great T!tate." full line of heating stover, lr. all grades at Cramer Bros. 99 The tune "America" figures in the patriotic airs of twelve nations. Oregon Apples First Then Florida Grape Fruit New Pack Just Arrived KINNEY & TRUAX GROCERY Quality and Service ROOSEVELT MEMORIAL DRIVE Continued from Page Ow. will be deposited in the receptnclu of the monument In Washington, and a like list or donors will also be de posited In the National Library In Washington city, In which the name, but not amount, contributed, will ! forever be a matter of record. An Important feature In the work of collecting the funds In Oregon for these memorials, and a matter which brings many Inquiries ts that every penny contributed for, Ihnt purpose goes Into the memorials themselves. Nothing Is held out for expenses. ADDITIONAL LOCAL We Need Xo Introduction ' You have either heard, or heard about us Meet us at Waldorf hall Monday night and we will all have the jasslest time ever. Danctng 8:30 until 1 o'clock-. 01 Married H. J. Xott, of Bolinas, Cal., and Mrs. Cora Smith, of this clty,were united in marriage at JBollnas on October 11th. They will 'make their home in California. Prize Wall At dancing party Saturday nigfct. ' 99 To Our Friends and Patron Orville Camp has taken the agency of the Portland Telegram. We are pleased to state that you can depend on good service. I. F. Thorn, dis trict representative. 99 Accident Vuavoldable The coroner's jury in its investiga tion here Thursday afternoon into the airfplane accident of October 7th at 10:30 a. m. near Gold Hill in which Lieutenant H. W. Webb, the pilot was killed and Private J. C. McGinn was badly injured, in Its verdict found that the accident was unavoidable. Medford Tribune. Dance 'at Takilma Saturday night, October 18. Music furnished by Neilson's orchestra. 99 W. O, AV. Meetfnd Regular meeting of W. O. W. Mon day evening, October 20. All mem bers are urgently requested to be present as there is business of im portance Xo every member. 00 A reciathm The Grants Pass Chamber of Com merce wishes to thank the commit tee in charge of entertaining the Portland business men, for their dil igent efforts In making the day a great success; to thank those who so freely offered their automobiles to show the visitors over the valley, and especially to thank the ladies for preparing the splendid dinner. 1 Signed) Chamber of Commerce. Krwi Dancing From 8:30 until 9 o'clock Monday night. 01 Hot IKhch. Hot t'ofTev, Hot Music And a hot time with warm friend Come out, glide around and raise your temperature. Murphy, October 25th. 99 PREACHER STANDS UP F London, Oct. 18. Cries of appro val greeted a' defense of prUe fight lng made by the He: H. J. Ander son at the annual meeting the other day of the Cheshire Free Church councils. 1 "Some people," he said "have been worrying lately over boxing and have been holding prayer meetings to try to put a stop to it. The church must learn to understand the needs of men their physical and mental as well as spiritual needs. We must encour age fellowship and recreation. We must realize that we should treat men and women as human and alive and beings who live In the open and not In the convent." COMIXO EVENTS Nov. 3. Monday 'Anti-Saloon league rally. Nov. 1-2, Saturday-Sunday County Sunday school convention. GRAVITY 1HST. IMPKOVKMKXT The annual meeting of the Gravity District Improvement Co. will 'be held on Saturday next, 25th Inst., 2 p. m., in the Chamber of Commerce rooms. Grants Pass. Election of di rectors and other important matters are to be considered. A full attend ance of members' and land owners is requested. 01 H. WOOD, Secy. WATh'K A meeting of the north side water users Is called for Monday evening, 7:30, at courthouse. C. II. DEM A KAY. 01 C. G. GILLETTE. Crescent City for W Owing to the present excellent condition of the roads the Grants Pass & Crescent City Stage Co. will take you to Crescent City or return for 5. 75tf Suervisor Etend Time- Postmaster Qufnlan has -received notice from the office of the super visor of the census stating that up to the present time only five appli cations have been received from Josephine county, but as the county Is divided Into 14 subdivisions, the time for receiving application has been extended to October 25th. Ap plication blanks and further Informa tion may be obtained at the post office. Rig Jazz Dance Waldorf hall Monday, October 20, Lannspach's Jazz Orchestra of Med ford. Admission 25c. Big night. Let's go. goo Port'un tiers Knjoy Grape The Portland business men who made the trip to the vlnyards and orchards .Friday greatly appreciated the kindness of Mr. Edwards and Mr. Churchill, where luscious grapes were handed out In big bunches. At the former place fresh grape Juice was served. At the Elsmann orchard fresh cider and rosy Spitzenburgs were Berved. J. E. Bartlett Of the Peonies Electric Stnra Medford, Oregon, will be In this ter ritory, Still selling RlanAorA cal equipment same goods, better prices your needs will be given our utmost consideration. . 75tf NOTICE OF ROAD DISTRICT MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that pursuant to an order of the County Court for Josephine County, Oregon, made and entered October 2, 1919, a meeting of the qualified electors within Road District No. 8, wjll be held at Woodman Hall at or near Williams Post O ff i c e on 'Monday, November 3, 1919, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of voting upon and deter mining whether or not a special road tax shall be levied within Said dis trict for the purpose of grading and graveling main thoroughfares there in up to 'but not exceeding ten mills on the dollar on each dollar of tax able property within the district, as shall be determined at said meeting. C. G. GILLETTE, County Judge for Josephine County, Oregon. BETTER DEAD Life is a burden when 'the body is racked with pain. Everything worries and the victim becomes despondent and downhearted. To bring back the sunshine take COLD MEDAL The national remedy of Holland for oer 200 years; it Is an enemy of all pains re sulting from kidney, liver and uric add troubles. All druggists, three sizes. 1Mb foe the name Cold MUf oa mrr ki ad accept no imitation NEW TODAY JUS. MOSS AGENCY Firs Insur ance, plate glass liability Insur ance. 304 H Sixth street. tf WANTED- Salesman to sell gro ceries wholesale direct to farmors, commission. One competent to establish and take charge of bus iness paying $3000 to $4300 a year. We furnish training, ex perience, capital. Not easy money but permanent, profitable opening for right man. Quality goods sold on satisfaction or money back basis. Farmers save 2094. Man with farm experience preferred. Car or rig required. Give age, ex perience, phone number. Parks ' Bros. Portland, Oregon. 99 GIRL WANTED for about 10 days. Mrs. Jack Allison, phone 235-J. 01 KSTRAY There left my place at Merlin Friday a Holsteln cow branded RV on left hip. Finder please notify Ed. Van Almen, Mer lin, Oregon. 04 IX) 3T Auto crank. Friday night between Oregon Theatre and my home. Jos Wolke. Finder please notify me. . 01 FOR SALE A heating stove. Phone 369. 04 FOUND Ladles kld glove, purse, key. , Owners may secure articles at Courier office. 01 CARD OK THANKS We wish to thank the many kind friends and neighbors for their help and sympathy in the loss of our be loved son and brother. Also for the beautiful floral offerings. MR. and MRS. J. R. WILHBI.M and FAMILY. MR and MRS. E. J. SOHRIMPF. MR. and Mrs. B. M. WILI1EI.M. L XOTICK OF ROAD DISTRICT MKETIXtJ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that pursuant to an order of the County Court for Josephine County, Oregon made and entered October 2, 1919, a meeting of the qualified electors within Road District No. 9, will be held at the School House of School District Number 2 0, on Monday, November 3, 1919, ul the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., for the .purpose of voting upon and deter mining whether or not a special road tax shall be levied within said dis trict for the purpose of grading and graveling main thoroughfares there in up to 'but not exceeding ten mills on the dollar on each dollar of tax able property within the district, as shall be determined at said meeting. C. G. GILLETTE, ' County Judge for Josephine County, Oregon. NOTICE . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the county court will consider bids for the sale or lease of the Granite Hill . Mining Property situated in Township 35 South, Range 6 West of the Willamette Meridian. All bids must be filed on or before 10 o'clock a. m., of the 29th day of October, 1919. The Court reserves the right to reject any or all bids or award the contract according to the best Inter ests of the County, By order of the Courtly Court of Josephine County, Oregon. E. L. COBURN, 98 County Cleric. The California and. Oregon Coast Railroad Company TIME CARD Effective Nov. 19, 1918. Trains will run Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday " Leave Grants Pass. 1 P, M Arrive Waters Creek 2 P. M. Leave Waters Creek 3 P. M Arrive Grants Pass 4 P. M. For information regarding freight snd passenger rates cal at the office of the ponipanv, Lundbin-g .'building or telephone 131. Genuine Libbey Cut Glass t Shipment just arrived Name on every piece BARNES, The Jeweler P. Time Ikwpector Next door Ft ret National Iteak msat When you leave the adjustment, equipment and responsibility for the car to us you are providing yoursnl fwlth Insurance against accident.' " We will keep your car In shape to run right and under perfect control. You can scarcely afford to assume that worry and responsibil ity when we do It at such small cost to you. mm m (mm- H Cover the house with life insurance W. P. FULLER & COS icpuicu aints Auto Enamels and Varnishes Jewell Hardware Company We do Fine Shoe Itepairing MEN VITALLY INTERESTED In this city, Its lysines interest and Its growth, make ' up the directorate of this bank. Through them, the Important business of loaning the bank's funds Is conducted. Does this mean anything to you when starting a new account? Our Resource $72.1,000.00 THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF SOUTHERN OREGON ' BPMrMBBRSSSI' laVySYSnNst The Battery Shop . 314 North 6th Street, across fyom the Court House, is the WILLARD SERVICE STATION. Service Batteries for all cars. Phone 127 A. V. Hazeiton, Prop. Successor to C. A. Linch Newspapers 5 & 10c Bundles- Courier