.MOMI.IV, (H'lOIIKH 13. HMD. URAXTH FASH DAILY COt'KIER iAOH THRKR Phone 17 OILS Having contracted for car bargain prions. . In AO gjillim Iota In IS icnllim Iota In 10 itiillim lula In S iptllnn Ma Bring your own can or you may pay us $2.90 and take on of the IS gallon drum lth faucet. Will dHltver this any place In the city. . . ' "Yon ran nave your cholcs of Zorolene IJubt," Medium or Heavy. Tlila oil la guaranteed to give aatlafactlon or money re funded. , . lU-unratxT thu plnr Grants Pass Seryice Station 'Through Krrvlce Wa Grow" Classified KOH B.AU6 FOR BATiB Vetch. gray oala, cheat. ry. baled hay, rolled barley, traaa aeed. Ralph Waldo EHdcn. Mad ford. Ore. 65" HANOI I.A.ND FOR 8AL.G--In Del Norta county. California. Good buy. Mostly all tinder the plow. Next year will aee big Improve ments there, now tinder way and land values will greatly Increase. For further Information inquire of Geo. W. llowa, Agent, Crescent City, California. Ml TOR BAIjK OH TOADfc 4 eowa from 3 to earald, giving milk. 2 work teama. I ponies. 1 nearly new SH wagon. & doten young chicken and laying bens. 1 light one-home wagon, t mowing ma eblnK 1 hay rake, 1 hack. War ned. Soma good belting and pul llee and light and heavy Heel hading. Also 5 autoa all In good ahape: 116 'Maxwell; 1 17 Ford: 1I7 Overland; 1914 Overland truck; 1914 Studebaker. Inquire at 503 South Sixth street, corner Sixth and K. or phone 3 2 4 -J . 94 80 iACRB FARM Tor sale or rent. Ixxated Sl'mllea from Dryden, Oregon. Good water light, plenty of berries and fruit. Iff acres un der Irrigation. Fair buildings. Address No. I SOS care Courier. J 7 DO IT NOW Sow rye for pasture and Increase your cream check. Good seed rye $5 per 100 pounda. E. I.. Davis. Williams, Or. Phone Provolt. 94 NEW HATS Just arrived at Mr. H. E. Burton's, 704 North Sixth street. 98 WANT:.! WANTED Men to work 1n lumber camp ot up-to-date sawmill. Transportation furnished. For particulars Inquire at Breen'i Crescent City stage office. Grants Pass, Ore., near S. P. R. R. depot, and express office. Phone 26. 4Stf IX)HT JjOST Wallet containing :, rewls t ration card and papers: $5 re ward. No. 1790 care Courier,1 or Ray Nelson, CCS Weldler street, Portland, Ore. 95 CIVlIi KNGINKER DANIEL McFARIVAND. civil engl . neer . and surveyor. Residence 740 Tenth street, phone 211-Y. DENTISTS E. C. MACY. D, M. D. First-tlaas dentistry. 109 South Sixth street, Grants Pass, Oregon. VETERINARY BL'RGHON DR. R. J. BESTUL,, Veterinarian. Residence 888 Washington boule vard, phone 398-R. . to exchange: SMALL TF3AAI to trade for grubbing machine. Address Guy Wetherby, Rd. No. 4, Grants Pass. 94 PIAXO Tl'NINO PIANO TUNING Goo. W. Cross, M Mod ford, will be In Grants iPass on the 13th, 14th and 15th, those .wishing their pianos tuned or 're paired, kindly leave orders , at Rowels Music Store, phone 126-j. 84 EM.CTRICAI. WORK ELECTRIC WIRINQ and general electrical work, repairing, house wiring. C, C. Harper, 105 South Sixth street, phone 47. t I North Hhth Htrrci of oil, will oil to car owners at H7c imr kmIIoii 40o per giillun 4tlt Mr yuklhm fMta Mn gnlUm Advertising MTaK-KIJLANBOra ffl. U UA.LBRAITH Insurance, any kind. RenUls. Building and ' Loan. Plata Glaaa Liability. 608 ' O atraet. , 84tf 11BMST1TOH ING, Ploollng. Balls fac tion guaranteed. Write to us for suggestions for Christmas gifts. The Vanity 8hop, Medford, Ore gon. 145 LADIES' T A I LO RING Fal I and win . ler aults remodeled and brought up to the minute In atyle and workmanship. Urhig your FURS, plushes and velvets to be remade. Prices reasonable. Mrs. W. R. Swoape, phone 253, ' old Klocker residence 1324 East A street? 09 Auto Wood-Saw at Shooting Gal ' lery. Will cut up your 4 foot wood Into 3 lengths for f 1 per cord. Special prices on large quantities. F. O. Gamble. Agt. 01 DIRT for filling. See F. K. Slacfar lane. phone 323-J. 94 TAXI SOONER TAXI Phone 282-R for Jitney Luke or Cutler. Calls an swered anywhere, anytima. SStf DKKSSMAKI NO MRS. W. R. SWOAPE Dressmaker, ladles' tailor, furrist Expert al teration on ladles' garments. Es timates cheerfully given; prices reasonable; aatlafactlon guaran teed. Phone 253. Old Klocker residence, East A street. 99 DHAYAGK AM) TRAN'KFKR TUB WORLD MOVES; so do we. Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phone 39741. F. O. IS! I AM, drayage and transfer. Safes, pianos and furniture moved, packed, shipped and stor ed. Office phone 124-Y. Resi dence phone 124-R. PHYSICIANS L. O. OLEMESf,I.bT"Prfc:tiice limited to diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat Glasses fitted. Office hours 9-12, 2-5, or on ap pointment. Phones, office 62; resi dence 359-J. S. LOUGH RIDGE. M. D, Physician and surgeon. City or country calls attended day or night. Phones, residence, 369; office. 182. Sixth and H streets. A. A. WITH AM, M. D. Internal medicine and nervous ' diseases, 624 Medical Bldg., Portland. Ore. Hours, 2 to 5 p. m., morning and evening by appointment. DR. W. T. TOMPKINS, S. T. Rooms 1 and 2 Schmidt Bldg. Treats all diseases.' Hours 9-12 a. m.; 1-5 p. m. Phone 304-R. E. J. BILLICK, M. D., Physician and anrgeon; office Schallhorn block, phone 54-J; residence, 1004 Lawnrldge, phone 54-L, Grants Pass. The California and, Oregoa Coast Railroad Company TIME CARD Effective Nov. 19, 1918. j- Trains will run Tuesday, Thursday ' and Saturday , Leave Grants Pass..! 1 p. m Arrive 'Waters Creek 3 p. t Leave Waters CreeK . 3 P. M Arrive GrantB Pass..... i p. t For Information regarding freight and passenger rates call at the offlci of the company, Lundbnrf hulldlna or tolnnhona 131. Fresh Fruit Desserts 2c Jiffy-Jell deisert, rich and fruity, cost but 2 cenu per serving. Each package contains vial of fruit essence, made 1 f r o m condensed fruit juice. Add boiling water, then this flavor, and you have fresh-fruit dainty. Compare Jiffy-JeTJ with the old-style quick gela tine desserts,. You will find it five times better, yet it costs no more. Millions now enjoy it 10 Flaeon, at Your Creear'a 2 Packaf for 28 Ctntt KAKIKIt XOW THAN' LATER It is eaider to break up a cold or check a cough now than H will be later. Persistent bronchial coughs that "hang on" all winter pave the way for serious throat and lung di sease. 1. W. Iy, 65 Campbell Av., K.. Detroit, Mich., writes: "Foley's Honey and Tar relieves one of bron chitis very quickly. 1 hope never to hsve It again." This reliable fam ily medicine for the relief of coughs, colds, croup, hoarsnfms, etc., contains no opiate. Children like it. Sold Everywhere. Decide on Your ; Next Battery NOW Your next battery sbould be a WilUrd with Threaded Rubber Insulation because it ia the one kind of battery that gives you adequate protection against the ex pensive tainmilation that is sure to come to an ' ordinary battery. Four years' experience on many thousand cars have proven the remark able durability of this latett Wil!-rrl invention. It 4 mlnM !h- one bi2St emiu of battrry ttoublca Call ami yt til tfl you about k. Wa ll bttp you ct avtry laat tly' uaa out of your prrarnt battery at tha Iraat roanbk as prnar. but vr aaiit you 10 save a better battery. THK BATTERY SHOP A. V. Haxelton, Prapr. CHICHESTER S PILLS 7s. TUB BlaMOHD BBAMn. A Tsmktl m atW. Rat aJT vsssap Brttsnpaia MtitfiiiKUEmTEll 1AMOND liHANl FILXA. foe SS fun kanwti M Beat. Sates. Altrtyt RttUbaff SOLO BY DRUGGISTS EVtRWMERE OITB ADVEB.TI8EMENT WXL1 NOT MAKE YOU A FORTUNE, BUT IT WELL SERVE AS A STONE IN THE FOUNDATION Or BUSINESS SUCCESS :: :: ATTORNEYS H. D. NORTON. Attorney-at-law. Practices In all State and Federal Courts. First National Bank Bldg G. W. COLVIG, Attorney-at-law, Grants Pass Banking Co. Bldg. Grants Pass, Oregon. E. S. VAN DYKE. Attorney. Prac tices in all courts. First National Bank Bldg. . 0. S. BLANCHARD, Attorney-at-law, Golden Rule Bldg. Phone 270. Grants Pass, Oregon. C. A. SIDLER. Attorney-at-law. Ma sonic Temple, Grants Pass,' Ore, GEO. H. DURHAM. Attorney-at-law referee In bankruptcy, Masonic Temple, Grants Pass, Oregon i Phone 135-J. . aA.;uco i UMINNOCK. LawvAr. TiUnn h, , First National Bank Bldg., Grants v V LLA t'blkaa-taraUUuaaWBraaaxnaX MUuT iuia ii. u 4 iia aiMuucr 7 V -l boio, MaM him Rlbboa. V aS aWBl Taka M ataay. Bav dr m, A -MENIAL ROLE TO LIST Cbarlln Chaplin is seen In "Sunny side," his newest million dollar comedy. In the role or a' farm hand and country hotel proprietor. This Is the newest qf bis long list of me nial Jobs, the grotesque acting of which have won him success. Sue- , la ., .. Su4tC -.1 iWbW-i- ceeelvely he has been a paper bank er's helper. Janitor at a bank, a bak er, a' sailor, a soldier, etc. lu "Sunnyside," which will be seen at the Orejton Theatre Wednesday and Thiirsduy, be blossoms forth ac a, hired man aud general chore boy on a farm far Into the country. Here while working under a hard task master, be manages to worst a city dandy In a race for the love of a pretty country maid. MlrXTKIt, lA.. HAS RACK RIOT Chester, pa., Oct. 11. !Ra?e riots broke out here today. One man has been shot and killed and five others Injured some of them probably fatal- ly i ne aeaa ana injured all are white. Mayor McDowell haa asked the aherlff for assistance in control- Ing the situation. Placer location notices at Courier office H)RKRl NXKR8 OF SK KXF-SS Medical authorities agree that in digestion and constitution are the forerunners of half the Ills of man kind. Don't let a mass of partly di gested, decomposed food poison your whole system. When your food is being properly digested, you are free from biliousness, gas, bloating, sick headache, sour stomach, bad breath, coated tongue. Foley Cathartic Tab lets, a wholesome physic, thoroughly leanse tne .Dowels without griping or nausea, sweeten the stomach and invigorate the liver. Sold Everywhere. The Square Deal is Born and Bred Into Fisk Tires Back of Fisk Tires there's a concern whose one ideal is: , ' "Jo fca th Best Concern in the World to Work for and t Ac Squarert Concern in Existence to do Businete with." It is that backing that spirit of doing the square thing that puts into Fisk Tires the extra miles and the complete satisfaction in using them. 01ding',s Garage a package c a package ?c a package 3 hit THE FLAUOR LASTS SO DOES THE PRICE! TIRES We have received notice that cent in the next 10 days. BUY C. L. Hobart Company ' " 1 ,, , mmmm"a Next Time BUY FISK before the war during the war NOW 1S7 TIRES will advance 10 to 23 per We have a large stock NOW TtSM l latftv nasal 'i , r-ass. Oregon. 7