i . 8.UTIU1AV, (MTUIlKIl II, lttl. FAGS TWO GRANTS P&M DUU COCKIKB BRANTS PASS DAO COURIER Published Daily Except Sunday A. E. VOORHIE3. Pub. and Propr. Botrd at postoffics. Grants Pass, Or., as second dans mall matter. ADVERTISING RATES . Display space, per Inch 10c Local-personal column, per Hne..l0c Readers, per line............. ....... 6c DAILY COURIER By mall or carrier, per year..$6.Q0 By mall or carrier, per month .60 WEEKLY COURIER By mall, per year. $2.00 MEMBER O F lASaOCIAT E D PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively !tlil to th iia for reDnblicatlon of ail news dispatches credited to It or all otnerwise creoiiea id urn paper and also the local news pub- All rights of republication ot spe cial dispatches herein are also re set ied 8ATITRUAY, OCTOHEU 11, 11. - OREGON WKATHXB ' 4 Tonight and Sunday, fair ex- f cept rain In northwest portion. Gentle winds, mostly southerly. 4 4444444 Mrs. Porter's THOISAXI. ISLAM) MAVOXXAISK AM) HAWAII I.KKNNIMJ KINNEY & TRUAX GROCERY Quality and Service V. O. V. Meeting An Important meeting ot V. O. W. will be held on Monday eveulng. October 13. This meeting is ot vitul interest. Every member of ther csuip should be present. Si LI 44 4 44 44 : PERSONAL a a mix i nr i fMW LUUtL 4 444 A. H. Applehoff, a musician' from Ashland, is in the city today. Arthur-Hagen, of Glendale, was a business visitor here today. F. C Bramwell has returned from a several days' business trip to Port land and other points north. St. Luke's Episcopal Evening service at 7:30 p. m. to which an Invitation Is extended to all visitors and strangers in the city. Rev. Philip K. Hammond, vicar in charge. - Rig Motor Burns Out A big 100 h. p. motor at the Huber rock crusher on the top of the Sis kiyou burned out Saturday after noon, threatening to tie up paving operations there for a' week or more until it could ibe replaced by a motor from iPortland, but 'Superintendent Dunn, got busy and located an idle motor of equal power at a mine near Gold Hill. By Sunday noon be had the motor b rough up, .installed and the crusher running again as if noth ing had happened. Pacific-Record herald. Musical Program A very delightful music program was given at the home of Dr. and .Mrs. M. R. Britten last Saturday' by Professor Applehoff, assisted by Miss Maty Young of Ashland. The music was of high class, some of the selec tions being especially difficult. The guests present were Mrs. fomdburg, Dorothy and Harold Luhdburg, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Edgerton, Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Roat, Mr. and Mrs. Pattil lo. Miss Pattillo. Rev. C. M. Cline, Miss Naomi Cline, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Powers, Mr. slid Mrs. Clevenger, Mrs. F. L. Warren. Mrs. Missall. Lois Mlssa.ll, Miss Winifred Paddock, Miss Blanche Crane, Harold Isham and Hubbard Day. Subpoenaed rx Witnesses Sheriff Geo. Lewis and Pete (Jrav lin have been subpoenaed, to appear at Portland next Monday, to testify in the trial .of Chas. Thompson, whom the local officers arrested in Grants Pass last ifay on the charge of - having dangerous explosives In his possession. When Thompson alighted from the train as it pulled into Grants Pass, he also had a re volver and some whiskey, but Mie charge preferred by the federal gov ernment is for being In possession of dangerous explosives contrary to law. Thompson has been In jail all these months awaiting trial. Kates Effective Monday , The following rates will be in ef fect Monday,. October 13, in all Grants Pass barber shops: Hair cut, 35c; shave, 25c; haircut and shave, 60c; massage, 35c; shampoo 35c; Fitch shampoo, 50c; tonics, 15c. Shops open at 7:30 a. m., and close at 6:15 p. m. daily except Sat urday when they will remain open until 10 p. m. ' (Signed) 1. S. Tompkins, P. A. DeGenault, Wil liams & Luckett. J. Carl Williams. 93 Hills Full of Hunters , J. A. SinHh returned yesterday from a trip down the Rogue, in the vicinity of the steel bridge below Hell Gate. He reports good fishing. but says the mountains are full of hunters. He counted 14 hunters near the steel bridge. He got no deer, but will try his luck again. C. D. Fies, manager of the Standard Oil company's local plant, was also hunting In that vicinity, but fared no better than Mr. Smith. However, Mr.- Flea is reported to have made frantic efforts to bring home venison without resorting to fireams, but' also failed in this, as the many other hunters in that neighborhood were not having good luck. Mr. Smith reports that there is a daily bom bardment down the Rogue, which is driving the deer further back in the mountains. XOTICE OF ROAD DISTRICT MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that pursuant to an order of the County Court for Josephine County, Oregon, made and entered October 2. 1919, a meeting of the qualified electors within Road District No. 9, will be held at the School House of School District Number 2 0. on Monday, November 3, 1919. at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of voting upon and deter mining whether or not a special road tax shall be -levied within said dis trict for the purpose of grading and graveling main thoroughfares there in up to ibut not exceeding ten mills on the dollar on each dollar of tax able property within the district, as shall be determined at said meeting. C. G. GILLETTE, County Judge for Josephine County, Oregon. A most loyal anil fraternal wel come was given Mrs. Jennie Bentley, department president ot Oregon Women's Relief Con on her official visit to General Lognn corps Wed nesday afternoon. A large member ship of both post and corps was present to honor her as the W. R. C. executive. The complete ritual and fraternal work was exemplified and received a tribute of praise from Mrs. Bentley for the efficiency ot the corps ofl- cers and members. A fine patriotic prqgram wus glv en at the close of the business meet ing. Comrade Metcalf gave a read lng and took part in several Civil war songs, assisted by Comrades Lathrop and Peterson, each number receiving an encore, and amid the applause and smiles the tears would come, as one listened to the songs sung by the white haired veterans. the music that gave them the inapt ration more than 60 years ago to sacrifice their all on the altar of freedom that has given a united America that a world might live. A short and pleasing address was given by Mrs. Bentley and In re sponse several of the comrades spoke. Comrade . Holman assured Mrs. Bentley that "General Lognn corps is the best corps in Oregon. Comrade Heston and Mrs. Alverson Mrs. Calvert at the piano, sang ao old-time duet with all joining In the chorus. This was a most pleasing feature. President Anna Stlnebaugh pre sented Mrs. Bentley with a package of pretty handkerchiefs as a souvenir from General Ixgan corps. Cake and ice cream gave an added pleasure to the closing hours of vis iting and greetings by the post and corps in honor of the welcome guest, Mrs. Jennie Bentley. So Itobbcry at Aslilunil In response to a telephone Innuirv to Ashland this afternoon, the Courier was informed that, contrary to reports, there was no bank rob bery in that city last night. " Itiinumige Sail SucTHfu Since the opening of the sales room for the auto park rummage sale the room has been crowded by buyers and shoppers, and the groat mass of articles have been sold. The dinner was also well iwtronized, the ladles serving nearly 150. Ignore Judge's Orders Sheriff Geo. W. Lewis returned last night from Roseburg, 'bringing with him the eight-year-old daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. George iHoward. Judge Calkins some months ago .gave Mrs. Howard custody of the child, ibut stipulated that she was not to take the girl outside Jose 'Phlne county. Contrary to the judge's orders, Mrs. Howard took her child to Roseburg about three months ago and this act led to an other order from Judge Calkins to ha 'the little girl returned here ftr.rf the case will again come up in court next Tuesday.- Mr. Howard la serving as deputy under Sheriff Ter rl II, of Jackson county. Vjm, I tt f , r Charlie ChaplinhSunryside" Who? Where? When? iT (Continued from page I ) no Moil 'When men stand with rlfli In thulr hund ruady to Ileal." ' Incidentally the king set at rest for all time the legend that he was a reporter on an American newspa per for a brief verlod when bo was In the United States 21 years ago. "No," he said with a laugh. "I am sorry It waa not so, for I might have learned much.' Your reportors know everything." NEW TODAY TOKAY CRAPES .For sale, 2c and So per pound, at 656 North Sixth Street. 93 JOS. MOSSQENCY Klri ltur a nee. plat glass liability Insur ance. 304 H Sixth street. tf WANTED Salesman to sell gro cerlos wholesale direct to farmers commission. One competent to establish and take charge ot bus- , Iness paying $3000 to $4200 a year. We furnish training, ex perience, capital. Not easy money but permanent, profitable opening for right man. Quality goods sold on satisfaction or money back basis. Farmers save 20. Man with farm experience preferred Car or rig required. Give aga, ex perience, phone number. Parks Bros. Portland. Oregon, 99 CHICKENS? for sale-Burred Hock bens and rooster. Fred Smith, phone 32-1 93 1MIONE THE STAG, IK3-J, when In need of a Jitney. City or coun try, anywhere, anytime. Residence phone 149-Y. O. J. Knlps. 93 OIRT for filling. See F. E. Miiofur latie, phone 323-J. 94 NEW 11AT3 Just arrived at MrsTH. E. Burton's, 704 North Sixth street. 98 USED CAR EXCHANGE We will pay cash for used Fords and Chev rolets. .Muniiel Bros., opposite Courier office. Phone 237-R. 93 DCTJT NOW Sow- fyVfor"" "past lire and incfease your cream check. Good seed rye 5 per 100 pounds. E. L. Davis, Williams, Ore. Phone Provolt. 94 BICYCU3 IjOST Westminister. 22 Inch, was taken from In front of Peerless October 1. - Finder notify Harold Lund burg. 94 16799 DIED in New York City alone from kid ney trouble last year. Don't allow yourself .to become a victim by neglecting pains and aches. Guard against this trouble by taking GOLD MEDAL LilJiiuMil Th world's standard rtmtdy for Hdnty, livr, bladder and uric acid trouble. Holland's national remedy since 1696. All druggists, three sizes. Guaranteed. Look for Ike name CoU Medal ea trmy he Decide on Your Next Battery NOW Your next bttery should be a Willard with Threaded Rubber Insulation because it is the one kind of battery that gives you adequate protection against the ex pensive reineuletion that is sure to come to an ordinary battery. - Four years' experience on many' thousand cars have proven the remark ' able durability of this latest Willard invention. It elimliMttt the one bl((eit cauie of battery trouble. Call nnd kt ua tell you about It. We'll help you ft every Utt day' use out of your prennt battery at the leaet potable penae, but we want you to have a better battery. 1-rA THE KATTEUY SHOP A. V. Hazelton, Propr Genuine Libbey Cut Glass Shipment just arrived Name on every piece BARNES, The Jeweler P, TtM Uapct0r Sett tfoctr Kim NUoal lUak m eat 4 MtvCM HA") J x ao wait. I or V HE anal. I A decrease In the mechanical Ilia of the car meuns Increased pleasure for the party. It la scarcely possible to enjoy a motor trip that is Interrupted by all sorts of breakdowns. In order to have th car rlfht and' the trip a success let us put It In shape before you start. ' MM mm m mfmmmm G. B. BERRY Harness and Saddlery Auto Top and Canvas Work With Grants 'Pass Hardware Co. Vulcanizing N Repair Work MUST ChASS tVOKK OI AK.WTKI D GOODRICH TIRES and Tl IIKK Gasrdlne 2c Oil 20c and up AUTO SERVICE CO. GARAGE Geo. W. Tethcrou-, Merliunic f ' nf imwiw liifiiwraX v x xx . cot was YOUR COFFEE EXPENSE Buy iKe Famous IN THE FIVE POUND CAN AND SAVE MONEY It GoesEtriher EVERY CAN GUARANTEED Y