Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931, October 07, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    11 11 A V, tMTOIIKIt ,7. III0.
I'lione 17
kMik your ear, phone Ihr. Hpark at 17 and IK liJin put , service but
cry In your cr, and OH ItOY, tin sure lis tlmm full of Ja.. Noth
ing to U If you bve lUm look after your dctrlc Inniblo. And ny,
lt him teat your tdoctrical system for you And mhi what it in doing
lor ymi. lie will do It I'HIOK. If you newl it tlre, lr. lu Cho Oood
yonr llo IIKHT BY TfiKT.
IU iik'ioIkt llm l'lre
Grants Pass Service Station
Nrtt Ktiidobaker Hx for sale cheap
"l''lrl In llm lUittery IkuMine''
roil SALE Vetch, gray eats, cheat,
rye. bale hty, rolled barley. grass
seed. Kalph Waldo K34n. Med
ford. Or. Gfitt
run BALK About 10 too of iflrat
. cutting alfalfa hay In stark must
. be told at once; aUo wood aaw
and mandrel on truck. Apply W.
8. Tucker, 3 H mile from town on
upper rhner road. 0
MJTOHKLL Ught' six. good me
chanical condition, good tire; for
sale at a 1ergaln. Call at 701 D
street. 0
FOR 8AU5 4 milk row; I hoifers;
3 heifer calves, and 1 Rood Dur
ham bull. R. A. Gtlmore, Mur
phy, Oregon. dM
Norte county, California:. 'Good
buy. Mostly all under the plow.
Next year will see big Improve
ment there, now under way and
land value will greatly Increase.
For further Information Inquire of
Oho. V Howe, Agent, Crescent
City. California.. .11
WANTED Men to work In lumber
ctlnp Or up-to-date sawmill.
Transportation furnlahed. For
particular! Inquire at Dreen's
Crescent City stage office. Grants
Taaa, Ore., near 8. P. R. R. depot,
and express office Phone 2tJ. 48tf
WANTED Four-foot wood to cut
up, fl a cord. Address, stating
amount. F. 0. Gamble, Rt. 1.
Rogue River, Ore. 01
W A NT K D 2 0TnVn7" $ 4 ad a y w 1 1 h
time and one-half for overtime.
Oregon Hassan Paving Co., 'V. T.
Wllklnnon, superintendent, Dll
lard. Ore. 91
WBN WANTED For the Pacific
Telephone and Telegraph company
at Glfcndale. Will pay 33.50 per
day of eight hours, board and
blankets furnished. Apply at lo
cal office, or af Glendale. 89
CTRL WANTEDFor" light- house
work. 212 Foundry street, phone
31T. 90
WANTED Parties to dry fruit for
half. A good drier, wood and
houso furnlahed. J. H. Robinson,
Grants Pass, Rt. 4. phone Wllder
vllle. 92
WANTED AT ONCE Gentle saddle
pony, Shetland preferred, suitable
for little girl to ride to school.
(Address C. E. Wlckstrom, Mur
phy. 93
B. L. OALBRAITH Insurance, any
kind. Rental. Building and
Loan. Plata Glass Liability. 409
Q etreet. 84tf
H BMSTXTOHINi, Flootlng. Bwlef ac
tion guaranteed. , Write to us for
suggestions for Christmas gifts.
The Vanity Shop, Medford, Ore-
. gon. 145
ter suits remodeled and brought
up to the minute in style and
workmanship. 'Bring your FURS,
plushes and velvets to be remade.
Prlcea reasonable. Mrs. W. R.
Swoape, phone 253, old Klocker
residence 1324 East A street. 09
5ANIEL MoFAHLAND, civil engi
neer and surveyor. Residence
740 Tenth street, phone Jlt-T.
E. C. MACY, O. M. D. PlrsKslass
dentistry. 109 H -South Birth
street, Grant Pass, Onf oe, .
211 Xnrth HUth HI reel
FOR 'RKuNT 7-room house, $;
5-room house, $5; good well at
both places, and tarn to go with
either. Inquire except Saturdays,
Airs. W. H. Quaif, 832 North
Aeventh Street. 90
BSTKA YBD Thero are now at my
place two bay mare colts. Own
ers may have property by paying
for keep and advertisement. H. T.
Hull, phone 60J-F-23. 89
electrical work, Repairing, bona
wiring. C. C. Harper, 106 South
Sixth street, phone 4T.
MRS. W. R. 8 WOA PES 'Dree a maker,
ladles' tailor, furrlat. Expert al
terations on ladies' garments. Es
timates cheerfully given; prices
reasonable; satisfaction guaran-
. teed. Phone SS. Old Klocker
residence, Cast A street. 99
DRESSMAKING Tailor made skirts
a specialty. Prices reasonable.
Mrs. Sanders. 220 E street. 93
DllBSSMAKIXO Alterations on la
dles' garments; prlcea reasonable,
satisfaction guaranteed. Mrs. N.
E. Howell, 411 North Sixth street,
opposite courthouse. 93
DR. R. J. BBSTUL., Veterinarian.
Residence 838 Washington boule
vard, phone 398-R.
Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phone
F. G. 1SHAM. drayage and transfer.
Safes, pianos and furniture
moved,, packed, shipped and stor
ed. Office phone 124-Y. Resi
dence phone 124-R. 1
prompt service. City and country
trips. Safety first. Call Grants
Pass Hotel, phone 89b. Residence
phone 868-Y. W. G. White. 790
TAXI Phone Roses Confectionery,
No. 160, for taxi. Hurry calls at
any time. C. E. Gllkson. 35tf
PHONE 262-R for Jitney Luke or
Culler. Headquarters changed to
Spa. sotf
SWNER"TAXIPhon"e262-R for
Jitney Luke or Cutler. Calls an
swered anywhere, anytime. 86tf
L. O. CLEMENT, M. D., Practice
limited to diseases ot the eye, ear,
nose and throat. Glasses fitted.
, Office hours 9-18, 2-5, or on ap
pointment. Phones, office 62; resi
dence 359-J.
S. LOUQHRIDOE, M. D. Physician
and surgeon. City or country calls
attended day or nlgbt. ' Phones,
residence, 369; office, 182. Sixth
. and H streets. ' .
A.' A. WIBJAH, M.'"DT5TeTHil
v medicine jand nervous diseases,
24 Medical Bldg., Portland, Ore.
Hours, 2 .to 5 p. ni., morning and
, evening by appointment.
DR. W. TTOMlPK7N8. . C t7
Rooms 1 and 2 Schmidt Bldg.
Treats all diseases. Hours 9-12
m-t 1-5 p. m. Phone, 804-R.
E. J. BILUCK!. " M. D., Physician
and surgeon; office Sohallhorn
block, phone SM; residence,
1004 Tjiwnrldg, 4 phono 54-U
Grants Paw,
Mlnsrs Who Found Them In Brazil In
1726 Conaldertd Them as Merely
Prttty Pebbtss.
The news fro;n Brnr.ll that a Isrge
rnmpiiny liss been formed to work the
dliunonii mines' of Unit cotuiiry on a
mora scientific scale In sn effort to
nuike Brnr.ll once more nn Important
factor In supplying the world's mot
populnr iii-iii, rei'sllw one of hlatory's
rlflietit Jukes, ' .
DlHimirirlN were first dlwovered In
Brnr.ll In 1721. But with their Mi kets
full of (IIiiiiioiiiIn, the dlaeoverers were
nimwnre for two yeurs tldit they had
nuidv a dlacovery, '
Miners wiiKlilng for gold In the Minns
l-riiex illatrlct picked tip pretty peb
bles from time to time. They thotighl
(hem worthiest and used them for
counters In their card giimex. If they
lind no money lliey gnmliled for the
petililea, winning or 1mlng, In blissful
iKiioriMM'e, n king's rHiisom In dlunionils,
on the turn of a rard. '
' A pennlleMS adventurer drifted Into
the gold Held In 177. Some of the
miner stnked him one evening to fl
handful of pebbles flint he might alt
In lit n card gnme. The others plnyei)
with listless Interest, but the new
comer played with cure end skill. He
had seen rough dlumonds In India and
luew what the pebbles were. As a
remit he won all the pebbles around
the tattle.
He did not remain In the -fields to
waah for gold, but next day hurried
to Kin Janeiro and took ship for Lis
bon, where he sold his pebble for a
fortune snd lived happily ever after.
The ruah of diamond hunters to Bra
zil whli'h followed carried back to the
miners In Mlnas Geraes the first Inti
mation that they had been rich for two
years without knowing It.
- "Agent Authority to Sell" book
f 50 blsnks. ?0e. Courr office.
Required by (Act of August 24. 1913.
Of the Orants Pass Daily Courier,
published dally at Grants Van. Ore
gon, for October 1, 1918.
Publisher. A. E. Voerhles.
' Editor, Ceo. i. Drummond.
Managing Editor. A. E. Voorhles.
Business Manager. A. E. Voorhles.
Owner, A. 7C. Voorhles.
Bondholders, mortgagees and
other security holders, holding 1 per
cent or more of total amount of
bonds. 'None.
' Average number of copies of each
Issue of this publication sold or dis
tributed through the mails or other
wise, to paid subscribers, during the
six months preceding the date shown
above, 1016.
(Signed) A. E. VOORH1ES.
Subscribed and sworn to before
me this 1st day of October. 1919.
Notary Public,
t My commission expires
September 9, 1923.)
Famous Wash
ft. IX !.. the tnatnt of iV In rftiKdlea win
ftmoV.,bore ,kl" KUKtioin that hw nidi
w life burden. That Intokrmble Itclnnc
Jwnilnt and I diKomfnrt will dwnprar under
Dm awrlo of thli rrmrdr. It hiucurt-d Uuu.r
CUM DTODMinOfMl InnimhU ...II . r
your cue, W mnninfM Hnt bottle ta
Dnn tou ffaliAf
M. Clemens, Druggist
H. D. NORTON, Attorney-at-law.
Practice in all State and Federal
Courts. First National Bank Bldg.
0. W. COLVIG, Attorney-at-law.
Grants Pass Banking Co. Bldg.
Grant Pass, Oregon.
E. 8. VAN DYKE. Attorney. Prac
tices In all courts. First National
Bank Bldg.
O. 8. BLANCHARD, Attorney-at-law.
Golden Rule Bldg. .Phone 270.
Grants Pas, Oregon.
C. A. S1DLER, Attorney-at-law. Ma
sonic Temple, Grants Pass, Ore.
JEO. H. DURHAM, Attorney-at-law,
referee In bankruptcy, Masonic
Temple, Grants Pass, Oregon.
Phone 13 5-J.
First National Bank Bldg., Grants
. Pass; Oregon.
The California and Oregon
Coast Railroad Company
. Effective Nov. 19, 1918.
i. ,
Trains will run Tuesday, Thursday
' and Saturday
Leave Grant Paas l p. m
Arrive Waters Creek ....2 P. M.
Leave Water Creek 3 P. M
Arrive Grants Pass 4 P. M.
For Information regarding freight
and passenger rates call at the office
of the company, Lundbura- building,
or tslenhona 131,
In Belgium.
: t ... '
, ...-'r . v . j
u V- f " i ' Va. '
I"! . . i..,J
Hunger, illM-aae and exposure were not all that Belgian children wer
anlpjecie.l to, fr enemy ahells constantly droppd Into what little of their
country Ums Invader did not hold. In this picture Red Cross nurses are seen
taking some of the fifty liable from the American Red Cross nursery at
441 I'liinie Inlo a bomb-proof slrm ture as the Germans opened fire from the sea.
InOldtn Times Saver Penalties Wer
Meted Out to Men Unable to
Pay Their Debt. '
A riiriou rtiHtom was prevalent In
France during the Mixieeulh and ev
enteeiifli i-utiirleii. Anyone who found.
It iieiessnry to liquidate hla affairs
was obliged to wear a green cap a
humility to himself and a warning to
others. ,
Those who made a hobby of getting
rid of their Indebtedness by wsy of
the bankruptcy court should at all
costs steer clear of China. Bank
ruptcies are almost unknown In that
country, as they entail Immediate ex
ecution. A Klmllar drastic itinixliinent used
to lie meted out to delinquent In
To come nearer home, on need only
go bark to a little before the Act of
Union to find that debtors In Scot
land were obliged to wear garments
of diverse colors, a suit of gray and
yellow being the moat common.
In Slam, a man unable to meet his
liabilities was pot In chains and, com
pelled to work as a slave for bis cred
itor.. Should he escape, his wife, chil
dren, father or other relative were
seized In his stead.
At one time bankrupts were consid
ered criminal offenders even. In Eng
land. As a matter of fiitt, certain
cane of fraudulent . bankruptcy have
Incurred the death penalty In this
country. Any concealment of books
or the secreting of property by a
debtor wn so punlxhed. Under this
law a mini culled John Perrot was
hanged In 1701. London Tlt-Blts.
Tailoring Ancient Art
The art of tailoring. In the western
hemisphere. iipears to have originat
ed In connection with skin garment
rather than those of cloth. In the
North, throughout the reindeer and
caribou area, well-tailored skin gar
ments were worn, completely cover
ing the body. The Eskimo and the
caribou-hunting Indians cut out pieces
of skin and fitted them together In
Intricate patterns like a modern tailor.
The tailoring art probably began In
China, whence It spread to Europe,
thence to the reindeer hunters In Si
beria and across from Asia Into the
new world. - Along the Pacific coast
the aboriginal Indians were but scant
ily cliul and the natives of Patagonia
usually wore only a breechcloth, al
though sometimes a capelike robe
hanging from the shoulders was used.
In Mexico and the Andes region where
the art of weaving reached Its height,
garments retained the angular form
lr. which they came from the loom.
Lord John Russell.
During the years of my uncle's re
tirement I was much more In his coin
pony than had been posMhle when I
waa a schoolboy and he' was foreign
secretary or prime minister. Pem
broke lodge became to me a second
home; and I have no happier memory
than of hours spent (here by the side
of one who had played hat. trap and.
ball with Charles Fox ; had been trav
eling companion of Iord Holland : had
corresponded with ,Tom Moore, de
bated with Francis Jeffrey, and dined
with Doctor Parr; hud- Malted Mel
rose abbey In the company of Sir Wal
ter Scott, and criticised the acting of
Mrs. SUldnns; Jiad conversed with Na
poleon In his secHiRlon at Elba, and
had ridden with the duke of Welling
ton along the lines of Torres Vedrns.
G. W. E. Russell.
The Right Way to Reckon.
Mutt How does Skldley mnnage to
stage so ninny successful auto accl-
(Irnts? i ': , ,
Pet4 IV snys he always omits tire
chiilii ns prewrcckquiKlte. Cnr
toiv."i, ,
Quarts blanks at Courier office.
, " ' ' . ".; A
Mining blank at Courie office
1 ' yJ!SAll---
- f
wi.'. '
Eastern Monarch! and Religloua Lead
ers Long Ago Lifted Thtii- Voices
Against Drunkenness.
Temperance movements and prohibi
tion jcnisades date buck at least 3.000
years. It was China that first tried
to be hooc-dry. Eiirly reform along
temperance line are attributed to the
priests of India and PeVsln. But the
(tiinee claim that In the eleventh cen
tury before Christ their emperor, so
dlsg-.isted over the prevalence of drunk
cnne. ordered all the grapevine In
the kingdom uprooted.
A hundred years before this hone
vlry effort. In the twelfth century be
fore Christ. King Wen tried partial re
form In China. Wen. founder of the
Chon dynasty, promulgated nn "An
nomv -nent Agnlnst Drunkenness." ac
cordln, ancient Ch'nee document
handed. Jown by Confuclu. '
King Wen declared "drinking has
long been a national vice." , He or
dered that w:ne 1e used' only In con
nection with sacrifice and even then
drunkenness wn not to be tolerated.
The temierunce reforms nlso ex
isted In Egypt centuries before Chrlt.
Here" what a teacher suld to a youth
who hnd been looking upon the fiowlns
bowl too freely :
"Drink not beer to excess. The
ivords that come out of thy mnut'i
thou canst not reonll. Thou dost fall
and break thy limb anil no one
reaches ont a hand to. thee. ' Thy
comrades go on drinking; they stand
up and say: Away with this fellow
who Is drunk." If unyone should then
seek 'thee to ask counsel of thee, thou
wouldst. be found lying In the dust
like a little child."
Life' Master-Key.
Life's master-key is a personal pos
session. It's your to use. It's your
estimate of yourself plus sufficient
Initiative to bring Ideals to pas.
Vou're bound to be questioned and
discounted at every turn. Others, have
the same mental corieept of their
worth as you do. It's your Job to
show them who Is most fit. No, you
needn't begin that old quarrel about
the survival of the fittest. Life knows
mercy as literature more than k does
of conduct. Nature's laws are Just.
Impartial and Irrevocable. They know
neither sex nor social position. He
who by Instinct works with them .wins,
he who does the opposite falls. When
opportunity steps Into view you must
grasp the forelock or Join the great
army of those who spend the time In
regrets and those who sigh, "If I had
only known."
Power of Imagination.
A doctor, treating nn old woman
for typhoid fever, took her tempera
ture on each visit by putting a
thermometer under her tongue. One
day. when she was, nearly well, the
doctor did " not take her temperature.
He had scarcely got 100 yards
from the house when her son called
him back, i "Mother is worse," said
the young man. "Come back at once !"
The doctor returned. As he went Into
the sick room the old woman . looked
np at him reproachfully. "Doctor," she
said, "why didn't you give me that
tube under my tongue. today 7 That al
ways did me more gooi than all the
rest of yonr trash 1"
Something Saved.
A music .teacher, giving .n-lesson to
n cureless fiupll, wns becoming Impa
tient with, her. Finally, at, a most
complicated pnrt of u difficult piece,
the pupil lifted her hands from the pi
ano nnd searched for her handkerchief.
It wits the last straw. "Oh," exclaim
ed the teacher, "wns there ever such
n girl I : You lose your position, you
lose your fingering, you lose your hand
kerchief you lose everything!", "ph.
no," rcppmided the pupil, with , a
twln';l" ln her eyes, "not everything!
I haven't lost niy temper!"
. . '- .,'' -
Placer location notices at Courier
l A W3
Life is the art of giving
MouTHPicce - - -CIGABETTE5
Lave added much to life, for
they are pleasing thousand
of discriminating smoker
who appreciate the art of
good tobacco well blended.
They will please you; too.
1 0 or 13c
The John Bollnjan Co. Branch
A wtd-apradin hopeful i position
la your only true umbrella, ta this vsl
of tears. T. B. Aldrtrh. '
Have enoush strength to k sweet. :
enough sweetness to be strong and too I
, much ef both to be queer.
. TABLE. : ''
A, sposfge cake la easy to prepare
and most usually well liked. Is espe
cially good for the little
people and may be varied
by various Icings or lilt
ing. Twd Egg Sponge Cake.
Separate the white and
yolks of two egg, beat
' the" yolk until thick.
Add to them half a cup
ful of sugar and two tablespoonfuls of
lemon Juice. Take a teaspoonful of
baking powder, a pinch of salt and
cue cupful of , flour sifted together.
I'-eat thtf whites, add a half cupful of
sugar to them, then put the two egg
mixtures together and fold in the
Hour., very lightly, then add half a
cupful of water and sprinkle sugar
over the top of tl.e cuke. liuke in an
ungreased tin thirty minutes.
Sponge Drops. five eggs very
llffhl. then add one cupful of sugar
mid bent again. Add a teaspoonful of
lemon extrtn-t and fold In one cupful
of sifted flour. Drop In gem puna
ami Imke rather milckly.
Potato Cake. Take one cupful of
shortening, two cupful of ugnr. Jnilf
a cupful of milk.' one cupful of .
m:ihi'd potato, one cupful o chopped
nut nients. one-half cupful of sweet
rhncoliire. two un'l one-lmlf cupful of
Hour, fiitir eggs, two teaspoonfuls of
baling powder and one-half teuspoon
fnl etich f cinnamon, cloves and nll
splce. I".pt when a few weeks old.
Chill Stew. Take one mid ouc-li-.ilf
pound of stent put through the meat
grinder. Heat one and one-half table
spoonful of butter and the same of
olive oil. Add six tablespoonfuls of
chopped onion, four cloves of garlic:
fry until a light brown. .. While frying
add one nnd one-half tablespoonfuls
of Worcestershire sance and three
teaspoonfuls of chili powder, stirring
well. Pour Into the pan enough water
to cover the bottom and then add the
meat, almost covering with water. Cook
for fifteen minutes slowly, then add
three cupfuls of canned tomato and
two teaspoonfuls of salt. Blend one
and one-half tablespoonfuls of flour
with a little tomato juice and add to
the stew. Put Into a casserole and
hake In the oven for an hour. Serve
with rice or boiled noodles
IfttJUbU yifoyttjdL
Reason for Optimism.
"Some men are optimists," said Un
cle Eben.. " reason dat It's most
times easier to sell a man sumpln' by
tellln' him a funny story dan It Is by
tellla' him de truth."
One of the mysteries of this life ta
why they call It a tanning when every '
kid knows that the area affected by
the performance doesn't get tan at all.
- Beware First False Step.
Honor Is like an Island, rugged and
without a landing place ; we can never
more re-enter when we are once out
side of IL Silver Threads. .
Spasmodic Sermon.
Next to the woman who will slap a
baby, the most disgusting creature In;
the one who will talk baby talk to II
dog. Indianapolis Star.
Dally Thought ' 4
; Worth makes the man, and want of ?
It' the fellow. Pope. : . ,.
Opportunity for Saving.
Chickens afford the rural child anj
opportunity of saving by earning.