! i i I' rAos rocs U RANTS PAHS DAILY OUVIUEK HATl HII.W. HMTKMHrlll 'it. PER52NdL J LOCAL S i ) 1 1 V f; 1! : : Harry Sordy, of (ialice. In In the city tocUy. , Wlllard storage battery service station. 314 North Sixth St. 17tf CAJ3FS They are very reasonable at $1.00 to $3.50 CHENEY CRAVATS 'AUTUMN'S PRETTIEST NECKWEAR IS AT HAND Step in and let us show you the new knit ted scarfs they are all beauties for wear they can not be surpassed. SEE OUR WIXDOW DISPLA V Peerless Clothing Co. Cash Clothiers If Men Wear It. We Have It Mm. M. A. ty and aon, Oarrett, spent the duy In Medford. Heating stoves for the living room , at Cramer Bros. SI lioorge Barton went to Modford this mornlnis for the ilay. rations Sun Proof paint at Cra mor Hros. S 1 Clarence Ford, attending HIkU school, is spending Sunday at home. ' I.V. K.,Ciofr went to Iceland lust nlitht to spend Suuday at home. Small heaters tor the bedroom at Cramer Bros. SI H. W. Dahlherg went to Rosehurg last night for a short stay. ' K. Gllleuwater arrived yesterday from Seattle and wtll remain In this 1 section Perfection oil heaters. Just the thing to warm U the bathroom at ! Cramer Bros. SI Iiiirh Basye returned to Gleudaln ; last nlKht after siiendliiK a few days ' In the Appletcute valloy section. 'Mrs. AV. LM. Campbell went to ; Myrtle Creek this morning to visit her parents. Mr. anil Mrs. Geo. Wl mer Sr. Off to Galice ! Attorney Jas. T. Chinnock and M. j Zl Opdycke expect to leave this evening for Galice, after steelheads. ' r. Ojtdyoke Is an expert fisherman, I tut as Mr. Chinnock Is an expert . lawyer It is predicted that he -will re-torn- home with the greater number f fish, despite the old saying that "possession Is nine points," etc. Mrs. J. H. Wagonblast, of 'Port land, and Mrs. S. T. Johnson, of Woodburn. returned home today, af ter visiting the F. L. Johnson fam ily. They were accompanied by Gladys Johnson, who will visit at! Woodburn. The new iiu-watt all white lamp 65c at Cramer Bros. 81 A fine lot of new cane poles at Cramer Bros. SI Placer location notices at Courier Sice. Mlnln? blanks at Courier office. JKWKI.S OK SOI XIt in Cabinets of KxquisHe Beauty Von know of course that so far as the reproduction of music Is concerned there Is but one in strument which KK-CRKATKS it with proven fidelity. That Instrument is THK XF.W KMSON The Phonoisraph With a Soul' Stantonv Rowell Music and Photo House 507 BOO G St. 1 A GREAT SAVING SALE MONDAY OF I imrmm&r dm Dimes Last month we received cm a contract placed nianv months ajro our first shipment of WIIlTllMOIl SILK IiLOUSKS. liarely had the sale been announced, before prudent shoppers, rcaliinr the remarkable values they offered eagerly purchased all that we could obtain. Monday the second shipment goes on sale. They are even more attractive we believe than our previous offerings. The savings they ffer are incredibly large, you'll appreciate this the moment you see the winsome styles and note the splendid character. Your Choice at Just $5 The materials used are Crepe de chine, Georgette' Crepe aul Wash Satin, all of exceptional qualities. The workmanship is of an unusual high order, and they are cut on lines as will insure pro per fitting. , The quantity is limited; no more of the same styles will he' ob tainable; Ave therefore urge quick action to avoid disappointment. The materials used in these Blouses were contracted for last f pring by the manufacturer. Since that time the price of these fabrics has almost doubled. The cost to us and to you was figured on the basis of the material when bought. A notable instance of how this store working in intimate co-operation with the right type of manufacturers exercises liberal savings for those they ierve. 1 Humid 'II. Miller went to l.elnnd this morning to spend Sunday at home. Wlllard storage battery service station. SH North 8lxth St. lTtt Harold lsham left for Portland lust night auej while there will select muslo for the hlKh school orchestra. Dwlght Flndley spent aeVerul days here with relatives and frimuls, lie returned to Snlem' last night. I). M. Mclaughlin, master me chanic Southern Paclflo compuuy, Is In the city today on official business. Miss Kstlier Nylen, who- visited her sister. 'Mrs. C. Peterson, returned to her home at Portland today. We deliver nil heating stoves In town aud set them up tree of oharge. Cramer tiros. SI iKay Hrlgga, who spent the past j summer in Colorado and Montana. 1 arrived this morning from Hutte, and will spend the winter at his home in ' the Illinois valley. j J. R. Bartlett of the Peoples Elec tric Store, Medford. Ore., will be In this territory, still selling Standard Electrical equipment tame goods, better prices your needs will be Riven our utmost eonsftteratlon. 75tf Miss Catherine Clemens left lust night for Seattle to resume' her studies at the Pnlverslty of Wnsh- ; Inirton. ! Mr. and Mrs. J. M. lsham and j daughter. Arda. went to Salem last ' nlttht to spend a! day at the state fair and to visit Vivian lsham. Mrs. P. Richardson and two chll l dren went to Ashland this afternoon j to visit Mrs. Richardson's daughter, i Mrs. R. Peterson. l-nrne heutlni; atoves for stores and large rooms at Cramer Hros. HI E. C. t'nderwood left lat night, returning to Seattle, after spending ;a week or more with friends here, j Mrs. T'nderwnod will remaiu several ! weeks longer. ! Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Newstrom I went to (Herniate this morning to re jiualn. Mr. Newstrom has a position with the Wilson Mercantile company. DEPENDABLE QUALITY in fashion, fit and fabric mean genuine economy in your new clothes if they arc tailored by GEO S. CALHOUN 0 a Htreet Fifteen yeaxs local atfoat Paf KLENZO Itenlnl Cn-nie Makes the Mouth feet so cool and clean 2.V Tulie CLEMENS. Sells Drugs and Hooks r. . . : v- , . .'v... -. ' : - V. Works Deep Mixes Soil For Best Results Far mixing soil thor oughly and making o proper seed bed, our John Deero Syracuse SprlngTooth Har rows are especially satis factory. In all sections this mate of harrow tia9 been profit ably used for many years. In sandy, gravelly or stony ground, where deep cultivation is required it has special advantages. The spring teeth pene trate to a greater depth than those on any other style of harrow, mixing the soil thoroughly the full depth of the seed bed. Teeth instantly adjmted by means of convenient bvers to meet different soil conditions. Adjustable hitch front and rear teeth can be made to work at same depth re gardless of size of team or lengthoftugs. Frame open ing between sect ions widerfs towards rear. Trash works .out through this opening no loading or choking. Teeth made of high car bon steel no bolt holes to weaken them. Frames and tooth bars made of channel and angle bar steel combin ing great strength, lightness, and elasticity. Our Syracuse Spring Tooth Harrows are made for use with either horses or tractor. Come band select your harrow.. C. A. WINETROUT 77ie Implement Mar, Miss l.ucilc Curlier, of Klamuth Kails, who spent several days Jiere with friends. Iiift last nlKht for Eu gene, where she will enter the I'nl verslty of Ormou. Uarxe stone Jars at Cramer Hros. Four sons and dauKliters of Mr. and Mrs. J. II. l.eXir.inle arrived this morning and went to Wonder, where their parents have 'been for some weeks, with the ft. V. Illckey family. Mr. and 'Mrs. It. Jotinluxs lert today, returning to their home In Han Krunclsrn. Mrs. .lenliiKS has brcu here with hnr parents, Mrk and Mrs. Henry Miller for several weeks and Mr. Jennings has been here two weeks. v Mrs. Jessie Jarvls, of Portland, Is the week en guest of Mrs. J. K. Ilurke. Mrs. Jarvls Is president of. the Jtobekah assembly of Oregon and will pay the local IndK an official visit tonight. Cbe Oregon- 81 XDAY MOMIAY .rtmivl"ti I.V anil V3n Ethel Clayton "Vicky Van" It's a deuce of a fix to be in, isnt it to mistake a man's wife for his daughter and make love to her before his very nose? ' That's what Chester Calhoun did, and he wasn't sor rynot a bit. From that day. Chester stuck to her. Through the or deal of her married life. Through a great tragedy. And finally, through happiness well earned, A most remark able story of love and mystery. ' , I I Also , Pershing, the Weapon of Destiny Interesting glimpses of the life of our beloved General. Every loyal American will want to see this feature. s