Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931, September 27, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    ft VITItD W, KKITKMIIKIt 21, If) 1 1,
Making the Nation's Credit Liquid
iteservolr system Insunt a steady -water supply in every city
and luYge town. The faucet li of very Utile value without tho reKor
volr behind It.
The Federal itesurve .ttanklrig Bystem Is a lmpl end practical
means of making the nallon'i i redlt liquid at all times;
Ai member of that system, tit 1m bank U as Independent of lo
cal coitdlllom as U li humanly possible to make It.
U0-ACUE 8TOCK RANCH for aale;
about 12 acrea Id cultivation;
eunlrble Irrigation; 2 ml lee
from R. R. station; IV tnlle
from two schools; half coh, bal
. anoe low Interest. Address No.
1051 care Courier. 86tf
FOR SALE Vetch, gray oata, cheat,
rye, baled hay, rolled barley, grass
seed. Ralph Waldo Eldon. Med
ford. Ore. 55tf
FOIt BALE Now all-wool ruK.
6x7 tt. $12. Phone 19. 81
Wit HAI,B Kox terrier dog, pure
bred,2 yeara old, very fond of
children; Marred llock ro'ckrels,
O. A. C. atraln, April hntthlng.
(Mia. H. WlHe. 'It. V. D. 1, phone
80O-F-12. 81
Foil SALE iModern bungalow at a
bargain; large lot. Phone 195-1..
ning at Rmlland Vineyard, Mur
phy. Ore., 60c a gallon, you pick
Ihem. A. II. Caraon. 81
FOR SALE 6 Kood milk cowa at a
sacrifice if taken at once. Ahtoone
, Rood brood now with pig. Phone
Mr. Dlmmlck 809-F-4. ' 84
..T.T -TOT- ... i , I
WANTED Men to work In lumber
camp or up-to-dute sawmill.
Transportation furnished. Tor
particular Inquire at Breen'e
Crescent City stage office. Grants
Paas, Ore., near S. P. R. R. depot,
and express office. Phone 26. 48tf
WANTED A s hool teacher for dis
trict No. 13, Williams, Josophlnc
County. 82
WANTED Sorond hund sie'l traps.
Inquire -corner Oak and L, phone
323-R. 81
WANTED Four-foul wood to cut
up, $1 a cord. Address, stating
amount. P. 0. (iaiible, Rt. 1.
Rogue River, Ore. 01
WANTED--A small hand elder press
In good condition. Address with
particulars, R. P. D. No. 1. Hox
27. 82
-Indies wheel.
in KKVt
FOR RE-NT Apartment and rooms.
Dean Apartment house. 615 North
Sixth street. 83
LOST Sunday evening in Qrnnts
Pass, a solid gold Hurllngtnn
watch, chain and small gold kntfe
attached. Watch had a small pic
ture on crystal. Finder please
lenve at Courier office care No.
1699 and receive reward. S3
IlST One small Waterman's Ideal
fountain pen. Probably lost near
poet office. Finder please leave at
Cornier office. 81
MRS. W. R. SWOAPE 'Dressmaker,
ladles' tailor, furrlst. Expert al
terations on ladles' gnrments. Es
timates cheerfully given; prices
reasonable satisfaction guaran
teed. Phone '253. 'Old Klocker
residence, East A street. 99
E. L. GALBRAITH Insurance, any
kind. Rentals. Building and
Loan. Plate Glass Liability. 609
' O street. 84tf
HEMSTITCHING, Picotlng. Satisfac
tion guaranteed. Write to us for
suggestions for Christmas gift.
. the Vanity Shop, Medford, Ore
' gon. 145
WOODSAWING All persons having
wood to saw can arrange tor snmt
by dropping card to ' Hox 090,
Grants Pnsa, Party will thon csll
on you. .HI
prompt service. City and country
trips. Safety first Call OranU
Paas Hotel, phone 89b. Residence
phone 368-Y. W. O. White. 790
TAXI d'hone Hoses Confectionery,
No. ICO. for taxi. Hurry calls at
any Ume. C. B. Ollkson. 36t(
PHONB 262-41 for Jitney Luke or
Culler. Headquarters changed to
Spa. SOtf
PAI-ACH TAXI 'Day or night serv
Ice with Maxwell car. Phone 22-J.
Penner Newstrom. 84
L O. OLEMEINT, M. D., Practice
limited to diseases of the eye, ear,
nose and throat. Glasses fitted.
Office hours 9-12, 2-6, or on ap
pointment, Phones, office 62; resi
dence 369-J.
3. LOUOHR1DQE. M. D. Physician
and surgeon. City or country calls
attended day or night. Phones,
residence, 869: office, 182. Sixth
and H street.
A. A. WITH AM. M. D. Internal
medicine and nervous diseases,
624 Medical Bldg.. Portland. Ore.
Hours, 2 to & p. in., morning and
evening by appointment.
Rooms 1 and 2 Schmidt Bldg.
Treats all diseases. Hours 9-12
a. m.; 1-5 p. m. Phone 804-R.
E. J. linjJCK. M. D., Physician
and surgeon; office Schallhorn
block, phone 54-0; residence,
1004 Lawnrldge, phone 64-L,
Grants Toss.
DANIEL McFARLAND, civil engi
neer and surveyor. Residence
740 Tenth street, phone 211-Y.
E. C. MACY, D. M. D. First-class
dentistry. 109 Vi South Sixth
street, Grants Pass, Oregon.
J. 8. MocMURRAY TeacheTof 7n
Ing. Write or apply at 716 Lee
Street. 28tf
electrical work, repairing, house
wiring. C. C. Harper, 1T5 Souuh
Sixth street, phone 47.
DR. R. J. BESTUL, Veterinarian
Residence 838 Washington boule
vard, phone 398-R.
THE WORLD MOVES: so do we.
Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phone
F. G. 1SIIAM, drayage and transfer.
Safes, pianos and furniture
moved, packed, shipped and stor
ed. Office phone 124-Y. Resi
dence phone 124-R.
When Irregular or delayed use Tri
umph Pills. Safe and always depend
able. Not sold at drug stores. Do
not experiment with others, save dis
appointment. Write for "Relief" and
particulars. It's free. Address: Na
tional Medical Institute, Milwaukee,
To whom It may concern:
My wife, having left me, I will not
be responsible for any debt con
tracted byor. (Signed) Henry L.
Sergent, Bel ma, Ore,
Dated this 23d day of September,
1919. 84
fit tbeCburcbes
Newman M. T. ( litm-li
The morning sermon at 11 a. m.
will be preached by the 'Rev. J. U.
Bcarbro. Sunday school at 10 a. m.
Epworth league at 7 n. m. Owing to
the a-bsi-we of the past or at confer
ence ther will be no evening service.
First IlaptJst flinrrh
nibln school at 10, classes for all
agog. Morning service at 11, the
choir will sing. "Just A 1 Am," ser
mon on, "The Waters of Bhlloh That
(Jo floftly." B. Y. P. U. at 1. Even-"
Ing sen-Ice at 8. Congregational
song service for 20 minutes, anthem
by the choir, sermon on "The Being
of flod-Splrlt," being first In a series
of three studies on "The Thought of
Clod." One of the great needs of
our religious life and work Is a gen
uine apprehension of Cod. Come and
join In these studies with us.
C. M. Cllne, preacher.
Oiurrli of (lirlxt
Start Sunday right toy going some
where to church. Our Bible school
begins at 10. Communion service at
11, followed by sermon. "Hiillding
Temples of Worship." The evening
meeting at 8 will follow the Idea of
the old fashioned home throughout.
Sonus, sermon, settings will all car
ry out this thought. A special Invi
tation to elderly people. Any such
who wish to attend and have no
means will be taken In autos If word
Is loft with phone 4H-.R. There will
be an older peoples choir. "Make
our home church your church
Cha.i. t. Drake, minister.
Su Anne's Catholic Oiun'li
Sunday masses at 7:30 and 9:30
Rev. i. G. Vlen, C. S. V., pastor.
Free MrtluxlUt Church
Meeting at 250 West I street.
Preaching service at 7:30 on Fri
day and Saturday evenings. Sunday
services at 11 a' m. and 7:30 p. m.
A. J. Edwards, pastor.
Salvation Army
Meetings are held on Sunday as
follows: 11a. m., Holiness; 2 p. m.,
Bible school; 6 v.m., Y. P. I..; 8 p.
m., "Accountable to God." Vocal so
los.' Strangers, ex-service men are
J. E. Strautin, Ensign.
Flint liuivh of Christ Scientist
. Christian Science services are held
every Sunday in the W. O. W. hall.
The Job of
. Ordinary Insulation
nearly always give way
before the plates do, and
the battery has to be rein
'sulated. Willard Threaded Rub
ber Insulation protects the
plates from the very be
ginning of the battery's
life, and protects the car
owner against the need of
having the' battery reinsu
luted. Drop in, and we'll tell
you about some of the long
life records that Threaded
Rubber Insulation ha
made possible.
A.. V, Hazeltoa, Propr.
The California and. Oregon
Coast Railroad Company
Effective Nov. 19, 1918.
Train will run Tuesday, Thursday
and Saturday .
Leave Grant Pas 1 p. M
Arrive . Water Creek. ........... 2 P. M.
Leave Water Creek ,...S P. M
Arrive Grant Pass...... .....4 P. M
For Information regarding freight
and passenger rates call at the office
of the company, Lundhurr bulldlnn
or telenhone 131.
iiiiwAu.viiii aiyn.ii
at 11 a. in. .Wednesday evening
iiieiitlng at S o'clock. The subject
for Sunday Is, "Reality."
Reading room is open from 2 to
4 p. in. dally except Sundays and
holidays. The public Is cordially in
vited to attend the services and to
visit the reading room..
PrcHli)teiiiiii Imn lt
Sunday school at 10 o'clock, Rally
Day exercises with s;c; lal program;
II o'clock, morning worship, -"Prayer
as Dominant Ieslre"; 8 o'clock,
evening worship, subject, "The Gos
tl of a Second Chance." Thursday,
7:45, midweek prayer meeting In
charge of Elder R. K. Ros, The
pastor will he away during the week
In attendance at Presbytery at Merrill.
Henry O. Hanson, pastor.
(Continued from page 1 1
life wooed her, but she brushed them
aside with a laugh and trill. She
finally capitulated at the age of 25
io Henri, Marquis de Caux, equerry
to Napoleon III. , They separated
after a few years, Mme. Patti flnallv
securing a divorce In 1885 to marry
Signor Ernesto Nlcollnl, an Italian
tenor singer.
Her first American t
1881 her last In 1903.
War Maxwell,
Hill la. fu4 ud 4U KtallkSSJ
T.lw mm MJbrr. B. mt raw V
!rMt. A,kfwlTI.-nYll.Trtf
a n
p II I Mil 'Tf ' lJ " 111 1 I" 'I.HMI'IIJWM
Of course your baby Is worthy of the beet, the most comfortable
carriage to be bad.
We have particularly fine line of uch carriage on hand at
this time. You can make a selection of any grade, at any price.
Yon will at least have the satisfaction of knowing that Baby Is
appearing on the streets correctly if in a, carriage bought here.
iTS . -' v
She made her final professional
appearance at the age of 65 In Lon
don. Her last days were passed in
Wales at her beautiful castle,
"Cralg-y-A'os," with her third hus
band, Baron of Oederstom. whom
he married in 1899, a year after
the death of Xicolini.j
Mme. Patti is reputed to have left
an estate valued at more than $3,
000,000. if'Si::t
Those Who See The Post-War
Maxwell Want One
IT'S a great tribute to the keen minds and good taste mat
made the Post-War Maxwell so handsome, to find that so
many who take une look at this car want one.
There have been, in other days, cars possessed of beauty
that was only paint deep, but nearly all are "orphans" today.
Not so with the Post-War Maxwell, because the major
effort, the vast expenditure, the employment of superior brains,
all have been devoted to a mechanical excellence.
Beauty came last with Maxwell executives; and it arrived
last. But it's here now, and nearly everyone will say it's
"liberally endowed with things that please the eye.".
If it pleases you take one ride. You will get a "feel" that
you will remember many a day. .
That delightful castering effect in steering which a new
type front axle gives, that mental assurance you experience
when you throw on the emergency (it's up on . f ' ,
the transmission shaft), that troubleless electric
system, that clinging-to-the-road feeling that a
heavier rear axle supplies! f
300,000 mighty good Maxwells are on the
world's highways today. All the qualifications
they possess and many more come, with the Post-
and you pay only $985 f. o.
Collins Auto
. y...
1 1 :
Classified Ad Rates
Classified advertising In the Daily
Courier will be charged tor at the
rate of 5 cents per line per Issue un
less paid In advance. The rate of
25 words at 50 cents per week doe
not provide tor bookkeeping, poet
age on statements mailed, etc. Here
tofore we have permitted o-rnElonal
charges at lh cheap rates but. no
b. M'mulJ'uZ
Co. e
I I 1 1 1 'J VH I