PAGK two GKAMTU PAM DMhX OOCHUCB nati now, si:i"n:Mi:u 27, nun. f I-- I: 4 Si iff i? E1TS PUSS DAILY COURIER FnblUbed Deily Except Sunday 4. E. VCORHIEsi Pub. and Propr (stared at poetofflce. Grant Pa, Or., m eoond clut mall matter. ADVERTISING RATES DUplay apace, per Inch, He fjocel-peraonal column, per Une..lOc tMdsn. Mr line . 5c DAILY COURIER y mall or carrier, per yearM.OO w mall or 'carrier, iter month .60 WEEKLY COURIER By mall, per year Jl 00 MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Aaaociated Pt la ezeluairely Kfititiod to the um tor repaonoaooa of all bw dia patch ea credited to It or all otherwlae credited la tJ paper and also the local newe pafc. liahed fcereis. All right ot republication of ape elel diapatchea herein axe aiee reaerred. BATTRDAV, SEPTEMBER 87, 119. OREGON WEATHER Fair, cooler, heavy frost f east portion; Sunday (air, gen- tie northerly winds. WILLOPENO.SC.LANDS "Three hundred thousand acres of government land, situated in this county and in Lane county," says the Roseburg .Review, "will he thrown open to settlers probably early next spring, according to a statement made today by R. R Turner, receiv er ot the local U. S. land office, who returned yesterday from Sail Fran cisco where he had held a conference regarding the matter with Clay Tall man, commissioner of general land office at Washington, D. C. The lands are part nt what was formerly known as the Oregon ft California railroad grant lands, and which a few years ago reverted to the gov ernment by decision of the United States supreme court. "While no definite date, was set for the opening, Mr. Turner said It would occur In the early spring. Mr. Tillman said that the plans were ful ly prepared and that only other mat ters connected with the land depart ment were preventing the' conclud ing of final arrangements. Of the SOO.000 acres to "be opened at this time, the, larger proportion Is situ ated In Douglas county and the en tire amount is agricultural land, it being the amount out of 607,360 acres, comprising the grant in two counties, which are so designated. The remainder Is either classified as timber or mineral lands and as such are eliminated from the lands XEW TODAY JOS. MOSS AGENCY Fire lnsur ance, plate glass liability Insur ance. 204 Sixth street. tf A QUITTER It's No Crime To Be One Sometimes Quit Butter and Save 35 per cent The Way KINNEY & TRUAX GROCERY Quality and Service to be opened for settlement. There Is another grant of land known as the Cooa Bay Wagon Road grant and this Is to be opened, hut probably at a later date, according to Mr. Tur ner. The local land office Is now pre paring information lor a' booklet which will be gotten out by the gov ernment prior to the opening, which win set forth the parcels of land. each of which will be given a num ber, and also give some description of each piece and the acreage. Per sons wishing to make applications for government land may then write to the local office for these booklets and apply for the land they select according to number." 91.15 for 500 Sheets Bond- Entire lot of II bond Dater aoM: 60 ream of heavier bond at $1.15 for 500 sheet, letter site, at Courier office. Bond paper advanced 2c per pound August 1, but we made no advance. This lot will last only a short time, then no more to be had. Panama Cafe SEPTEMBER tUltt SMI Oyster Relish Celery 15c Shrimp Salad 25c Combination Salad 25c Entree i Fried Oysters 50c Chicken Fricassee 50c Baked Sparerlhs and Sweet Potatoes 45c Corn Reef and Cabbage 35c Roast Roast Chicken and Dressing 50c Ixg or Pork and Apple Sauce 40c Hot Roast Pork Sandwich 25c Vegetable Mashed Potatoes Asparagus IH-NNCrtfl Raislu Pie Mince Pie Apple Pie Pineapple Cream Pie 10c Pumpkin Pie 10c Strawberries and Cream 15c Beverage Tea Coffee Milk APPLE PICKERS WANTED K. Hammer'bacher. Phone 60G-F-23. 82 FOR SALE Bargains One team and harness; wagon; hack; plow; harrow; binder; mower; rake; cultivator; tools; cow; chickens; etc. Inquire S. Bohl, Missouri Flat. 86 FOR RENT Modern bungalow with 6 '4 acre. 799 Merlin road. In quire of Mrs. O. W. Murray, C24 A street. 82 "WANTED Salesman to sell gro ceries wholesale direct to farmers, commission. One competent to establish and take charge of bus iness 'paying $3000 to $4200 a year. We furnish training, ex perience, capital. Not easy money but permanent, profitable opening for right man. Quality goods sold on satis.fact!on or money bank basis. Farmers save 20',. Man with farm experience preferred. Car or rig required. Give ai?e, ex perience, phone number. Parks Bros. Portland, Oregon. 99 WANTED Man to do raWmlning and plastering at once. ' Phone 159-Y. 82 Satisfactory Service is what you get when you bring your work here. OUR WELDING PLANT IS COMPLETE Your Auto and Trucks we can repair these too and we carry a complete line of accessories. Fashion Garage ADDITIONAL LOCAL Want a IHvorre Mrs. M i'it a Sargout has. tiled suit for divorce from her husband, Henry U Snrttent, ot Sol ma. Dnm'litg )nrly . Waldorf Hull Saturday night. 81 Dnnce at Tnkllma Saturday night, September 27. Music furnished ty Nellson's orches tra. gl Rev. M. nine. Will SMk tAt Rapt 1st church. 1 1 a. 111. mid S p. in. Hear this great preacher. 81 Crater Luke Kemwm Over - The Crater Lake season will close next Tuesday, when the last stage trip will be made from Medford In the morning. The hotel will remuln open until Wednesday noon, and the stages will bring back all tourists at the hotel on Wedneaduy. Of course, as long as the weather remains fine auto tourists will continue going to the lako. even though It will be luck ing In hotel accommodations. Med ford Tribune. I'rleew to Advance Beginning October 1. the nriees n cleaning and pressing will go up. Kopers Tailor Shop. The Wardrobe Cleaners. 34 Wanted Their lHiM Two genuine "dope fiends" showed up In irant I'asa yesterday amr pestered the doctor ror some of the lulling powder. They were un successful, however, and Chief Me lno was compelled to tuck them Dotn away In the bed at the ctty bns tlle until this morning, when he . corted them to the railway yards and told them to move on. They think this Is a terrible world, because they can't procure medicine" for their exrriirlnitng pains. At ItaplUt t liur. li Inspiring sermons, good slnclng. a' hearty welcome. si (Xwrent Oty for Owing to the present excellent condition of the roads the Grants Pass & Crescent Pit Qii r .m - j v. u . nui take you to Crescent" City or return for $... 7S,f PralNe the Kokiic Scenery Mrs. I). Null and Jftss Anna Ma son, of Oklahoma, who recently vis ited here with Mrs. I'arrlsh. also for merly of Oklahoma, speak in glow ing terms of the wonderful scenery along the .Rogue river, especially near Hell Cute nnd in tho Oulli-e section. They pronounced It more beautiful than the famous Hoval (!ore, because of the multi-colored trees, shrubs and flowers that lothc the koKiie valley nt this sea son of the yenr. They purchased a tract of land while here, nnd will return later to reside hire permanently. FOR SALE 'Dry fir wood. $3 a tier delivered. Phone Dickinson & Daws, Wildervllle. WANTED Apple pickers, morning. Phone 30. 86 Monday 82 1X)ST Small brown dog, answers to the name of Trixie, Grants Pass license No. 12. Phone 221-Y or 366nJ. . 86 IX)H SALE Two year oTd mik cow. Otto J. Knlps, 61 C Sou'h Fourth street, or see me at Stnjr Cigtr store. in uilt For All Roads f Oakland Sensible Six $1250 Williams & Fry Carriers Wanted Two carrier routes now open for boys or girls with wheels. Apply nt once. Courier office. Complete I'lunn for Drive Tho committee which has taken tho responsibility of the drive for funds to house Oregon's abandoned, homeless, nameless babies In a mo dern fireproof nursery met this af ternoon at the Church of Christ to complete the work of organization for the campaign. Sufficient solici tors are appointed to put tho drive through in one day, Monday, Sep. tember 29. The appeal of little Ki lls, whoso picture appeared In the Courier last evening to "be-a-brlck-and-buy-a-brlck," has already reach ed the heart strings of ; many a Courier render nnd numerous nets of self denial to make possible greater ?lft to the deserving babies, have been reported to the committee. 3. E. Itartlett Of the Peoples Electric Store Medford, Oregon, will be in this ter ritory, still selling Standard Electri cal equipment same goods, better prices your needs will be given our utmost consideration. 75tf . Paris, Sept. 26. vpeoplo In sotne of the villages or southern Russia are wearing dresses made of leaves or grass Bown together with bamboo fibre, owing to the difficulty In ob taining cloth, ways Major (i. M. Towse, who Is In charge of the lied Cross activities along the shores of the luck Seji. "It is tin Meal costume for the summer when southern ."Russia has a temperature like that of the har den ogeKnd Ostmetaoln shrdlii cmfw tlen of Eden," daJd Major TowHe, "but. I shiver when I think of what will happen to those little girls the snow begins to SyV See The Handylite A groat step forward In Alarm Clocks Just tho thing for long winter nights and dark mornings. We predict that all alarm cloaks will be radlnllted In tho uoar future. BARNES, The Jeweler 8. P. Time Inspector Next door, Ktrt National Bank new Coats, new Sweaters and new Rats on Display MRS. E. REHKOPF Special Tire Sale LANCASTER WIRE OKII'S AMorted Sides 30 Discount THIS WEEK OXI.V C L. HOBART CO. DRESSMAKING OK ALL KINKS S.1 YEARS EXKKIENCE Kanry Dinner and Kveiilng Owns a specialty ttilj.fju tlon tjimr need and prices IteaMinitlile Mrs. Lydia Allen SO I A street hone H7I-H G. B. BERRY Harness and Saddlery Auto Top and Canvas Work With Grants Pass Hardware Co. Vulcanizing Repair Worli KlllST CLASS WOltK (UAltA.YI'i:i D r.'OODKICH TIKI'S and Tl IIKS (asollne 8l)c OH 'Hw nuil up AUTO SERVICE CO. GARAGE fi'oo. W. Tet heron, Mcclinnie' A HAPPY HOUR IN STORE FOR YOU at tho CHURCH OF CHRIST SUNDAY HVENING, SEPTEMBER 28. lie on Time Don't "Miss a Minute of the Old Fashioned Home SERVICE Sp(iiil invitation to elderly people Autos will call. Leave word with phone 48-If "Make Our Home Church Your Church Home" This Space Contributed by Collins Auto Co. f. v 4