Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931, September 26, 1919, Image 1

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    ,'Ifs The Climate
We're: TelUna
The World V ' Come and Enjoy It'
www psg .ftPftu Liifser
ftt. v v u " 1 1 ' i
m Ai
llollevw. Order Handing lllin lu Hiv
km Wm to 1'revrnt r'rli Ou.
' bmik of Trouble
(Mursh field Record)
With drawn. haggard face and
haunted eye. George U. Chenowelh,
stalo representative from Curry
county and slayer of hl daughter'
alleged betrayer, George Sydnam of
l,anglol, was tliU morning taken to
the stato lnane asylum, at Halm,
aoi-ouipnnlod by a ward, but In v
ry way allowed hi freedom In spite
of the verdict of insanity, passed by
the Jury.
I than a year ago, Mr. Cheno
welh paased th rough this city. brok
n from wound received In France
and more than a year' suffering In
various hotllal of Europe, but
Jubilant over the prospect of-again
being reunited with his family whom
bo had not awn for nearly two year
alnco hi enlistment lit the Cana
dian army- Jib had left thorn a hap
py llttl group, a wife ami four chil
dren every one of whom ho fell
proud to cull hla own. lie returned
to find, hi eldest daughter, a girl J.I
' year of aKe. the d lax raced mother
of a year-old child. She told htm
111-year-old George Sydnam waa the
Infant's father.
For the first lime. Mr. Chenowelh
tola- (rave hla aide of the story of
the tragedy wlilrh followed. HI
wife, eald Mr. Chcnoweth, upon
learning of her daughter's -betrayal,
aitked young Sydnam to marry her.
She would ay all the expense of
the marriage ahe told him and would
continue to support her daughter.
All aho wanted wa to give a name
to the expected child. Thl the
youth refused to do, and arrogantly
said he could not he forced Into the
marriage, not being of ae. To the
mother he applied an unapeakalilo
oplthet, and reiterated hla refusal to
eoDHlder a marrae. Later, the mo
ther again made her request to again
ho refused.
Upon hi return to hla homo, said
Mr. Chcnoweth today, he did not
oe Mr. Sydnam, who Immediately
upon hearing of the presence In the
community of the girl' father, loft
for California. He remained there,
until iMr. Chenowelh w'ent to the
winter aoaelon of the state legisla
ture, and then returned to I-ang-IoIh.
He told several persons, al
leges Mr. Chonoweth. that should
the father of the girl Insist upon
marriage he "would blow his head
off." 'I'm quicker on the trigger
than he I and he hnd better not talk
to me," Is the alleged remark of the
.Mr. Ohenoweth eat , through the
legislative session, and according to
the testimony of witnesses at the
trial of Inst week, seemed to be the
victim of great mental disturbance
and distress. He returned, and
shortly after .on the evening of the
2tTi of March, he went to a dance
lull at Langlols where he knew
George Sydnam would be. Without
parley lie walked up to the youth,
drew a gun, and bofore any action
could be taken to restrain htm, shot
tho boy twice. He calmly walked
from the dance hall and later, re
marked to a group of bystanders, "I
Tiope I killed him."
Mr. Ohenoweth this morning talk
ed ifreoly of the tragedy to the Re
oord, 1 believe the order of the court,
Bonding me to the asylum was" one
of expediency," he said. "The Judge
feared, an aYmptlon of feeling should
I ibe 'allowed to return tov my fam
ily and thought that to send me to
the asylum would allay any ant-
(Continued on Page 8)1
Churches of OirlMt of Ami-rlru Out
Hue Progrttin for I'nKwilun of
NxgroeM AgniiiHt .Mirfw
iNew York, 8epf. 26. uWurtlug
that ".we mut face frankly the fact
that a most dangerous Inter-raclal
situation now threaten our coun
try," tha federal council of the
Churches of Christ In America; made
public hero a "constructive pro
gram" for protecting negroes against
mob Tlotence, bettering their condi
tion, and removing the cause of ra
cial troubles.
The plan waa formulated by the
council acting In, conjunction with a
committee representing white and
negro citizens .from all 'parts of the
United States. At meeting of the
committee held here recently a dis
cussion of the racial situation took
place and it was decided to Issue "a
call to the cltlxens of the United
States to art In conformity, with the
high Meals of democracy and Christ
ianity In the present condition of
strained relation between the
races, "s
rne first paragraph of the pro
gram urges, protection against mob
violence. It .follow.
"The government, local, state and
national, should Impartially guaran
tee to all classea security of life and
property. Mob violence I becoming
a crowd habit. When life and pro
perty re ruthlessly taken, when men
and women are lynched with no pro
tection from officers or courts, law
and order are trampled tinder foot.
We call upon the pulpit. Hie press
and all good people to create a pub
lic sentiment that will support neces
sary lofflsiatkm for tm nforee-ment
of existing laws, that life, liberty and
the pursuit of happiness may be
equally secured to all elasse."
"'The negro should have economic
Justice, equal opportunity to get and
hold work on the same terms a oth
er men, with equal pav for equal
work and with fair working and llr.
Ing conditions." the program con
tinues. "The entrance of large num
ber of negroes Into the various In
dustries emphasise the necessity of
an immediate amicable adjustment
or relations with white employers
and fellow-workers." '
Referring to crimes that provoke
mob violence It la said:
"We call upon men and women
everywhere to protect the sanctity of
home and womanhood. We record
with satisfaction the growing enlist
ment' of negro leaders in a program
of education and Chrlstlanlxatlon
such as tends to prevent crimes that
provoke mob violence. Tho home of
the negro should receive the same
measure of respect and protection as
that of other lAmerlcans, and the
sanctity of his "home relations should
be safeguarded In every possible
way. Swift and Impartial action of
the law should strike tha violators of
the sanctity of any home, whlta or
Cincinnati, Ohio, Sept.' 26. Base
ball enthusiasts from all parts of
tho country 'Will come to Cincinnati
to see the Cincinnati Nationals and
tlie Chicago White Sox clash In the
world series games, ,1f letters re
questing seat reservations and hotel
accommodations can be relied upon.
Presldont "Garry" Herrmann of
tho Cincinnati (Nationals was 'besieg
ed weeks In advance of the closing
of the National league season for
tickets for the flames by Cincinnati
followers of the 'iReds" and by fans
from every section of the country,
who desired to witness the games to
be played In this city. Hotels also
reported that hundreds of requests
for rooms toad been received. To
ijlve every attention and conven
iences to visitors during the -world
series games, the'ClnAnnatl Cham
ber of Commerce planned to cooper
ate with the Cincinnati club management.
Huge Crowds of Strikers Plan
to Use Force-Troops and
Portland and Whole
Columbus, Ohio, Sept. 2(1. Gover
nor Cornwall, of West Virginia, to
day telegraphed Governor Cox of
Ohio, that he understood that 5,000
Ohio strikers were planning to mros
Into West Virginia to fore workers
to quit their jobs. ' '
Governor Cornwall declared (bat
such an Invasion would be regarded
as "an attack upon the sovereignty
of Went Virginia." Governor Cox in
structed the sheriff to try and pre
vent any conflict.
Slubonvllle. Ohio. Sept. 26- Iocal
steel workers will hold a mas meet
ing tonight, at which workmen from
the Weir ton 8teel Company mills, at
Welrton, West Virginia, near here,
have been InvHed to attend. If they
ftfll to attend, the local strikers will
parade to Weirton the first of the
week to hold a meeting.
Washington, Se. 26. Samuel
Uompers, president of the American
Federation of Labor, told tha steel
strike investigating committee to
day that the right of employes to
have some voice In determining the
condition under which they work Is
a paramount issue of the strike.' Af
ter he bad testified for three hours,
the committer abandoned their plaits
to examine tomorrow William Z.
foster, secretary of the steel work
ers' committee, who had been at
tacked in the house as a radk-al arid
an I. W. W.
Mr. Goniera declared that fos
ter was formerly a' radical, but was
now changed.
Washington, Sept. 26. Secret ar J
Daniels was asked, in a resolution
by Senator Knox, Pennsylvania re
publican, adopted, today, about the
report whether American marines
wore landed at Trau, Dalmatia, to
compel Its evacuation by the Italian
forces, a press dispatches 'have
Secretary Daniels said he had no
information regarding the landing,
and doubted It.
Paris. Sept. 26 The crisis 'through
wlilcli Italy Is passing Is imputed to
the general powers by Oiuseppe
( Peppino) Garrlbaldt in an interview
pulrilMhed In the Petit Parlslen this
morning. He reproaches them for
not hating given Italy all that was
promised In the treaty of London,
and declares It to be the Intention of
of the Italian people to keep Flume,
"even at the price of anottier war."
"It depends on France and Eng
land," he nays, "'whose populations
are with Italy In the Fiumo affair.
Whatever should be President Wil
son's answer to Italy's .proposals, we
wltl say to him 'that this dispute Is
between Europeans and must be set
tled by Europeans. We know th
American, French and British peo
ples are with us in this matter."
Missoula, Mont., Sept. 26. The
army Martin bombing plane, making
a "round-the-rtm" flight of the Unit
ed States, was forced to return to
Missoula today, after starting for
Spokane. It encountered forest fire
smoke. There was snow arid a hail
storm aver D:.ou, Mon'ana, today.
Mass Meetings and Prepare
Workmen Exchange Shots.
West Coast is Hit
I'lttsburg, Pa., Sept. , 20. State
: troops and steel workers exchanged
shots in the woods between Clalrton
an North Clalrton, It Is reported.
tnrt no one was Injured. Three of
the strikers were arrested. The path
through the woods has been used by
men taking shots at workers who
were going to the plants.
Portland, Ore., Sept. 26. Unless
Director General Ackerson of the
shipping board, rescind bis order
delaying the wage Increase recently
agreed to. until after the Industrial
conference at Washington October 6.
10,000 steel shipyard workers here
will strike on October 1, It Is pre
dicted by labor leaders.
I.ondon. Sept. 26 The conference
between the railroad men and the
government resulted In a failure to
come to terms and a strike has been
ordered, effective tonight. Wages are
the cause of dispute.
Chicago. III., Sept. 2. Steer
strike conditions here are unchang
ed. Union leaders -today denied re
ports that the strikers were return
ing io work in smaTJ groups.
Washington, Sept. 26. Two hun
dred thousand shipyard workers on
the Paclflo coast are to strike, unless
the shipping board's order is with
drawn. In regard to an Increase In
wages. 1
' Marabh, Mesopotamia, Sept. 26.
Five hundred lArmenian women em
ployed by the American Red Cross
have built 100 miles of stone. roads
and reconstructed several steel
bridges In thia section -within the
last four months. The roads .were
rebuilt In order to facilitate trans
portation of Red Cross supplies.
There were no male laborers to be
employed so Caiptaln Edward Blck
el, of Seattle, who had charge of the
engineering work, engaged the wom
en who were "glad to have employ
ment of any kind.
Paris, Sept. 2T.-r-Of the 150 Am
erican aviators ' whas met death In
aerial combats there are only seven
whose graves have not been located.
The search 'for the burial places of
the heroes of the air is being con-
ducted by an army officer and a rep
resentative of the' American Red
Cross and thousands' of kilometers
have ibeen covered In France ; and
The 143 graves have been decorat
ed according to the Tules In force In
the A. E. F. and photographs have
been sent to the relatives of the
dead. The seven remaining graves
are Ibelng sought with particular
care.' .
' San Bernardino, Cal., Sept. 26.
Five thousand fire fighters are being
recruited in San Bernandlno today
to fight fires In the Pine forests of
tha Sail Bernardino mountains. .
Xcw Scheme for Reserve Army;
"Freibeit" Hays Times Will Come
' When Huns Will Need Force
With the American "forces 1 Ger
many. Sept. 26. An esnireiy new
scheme for establishing a reserve
army in Germany in anticipation of
some future opportunity to establish
German military oower fa seen by
some German newspapers In a plan
they have Just discovered and ex
posed. While the scheme la confined to
only ,one regiment and -so probably
haa no sanction from the war min
istry it Is an Indication, in the opin
ion of American army officers who
for eight months have been study
ing demobilization of the German
forces, of how hard 'Prussian mili
tarism dies.
The Ughtaehalg corps hi West
phalia, now the 62nd nelchswebr
(national army) regiment of the
31st ftelflhswehr brigade,, haa sent
out circulars to all men who have
served in this volunteer unit since
the armistice, urging them to sign
a pledge to ans-wer to a. call to the
colore in the event of general disor
der or a new revolution. The Frel
heit. the independent socialist organ
In "Berlin, suggests that the men re
sponsible for the scheme really have
in mind something more than sup
pression of disorders, the paper then
quoting from the circular as follows:
'"Soon the time nvlll come when
the Fatherland will have need of
every resolute end proven arm."
- SalemrOreT. " SiC 26. AtSn'd
ance at the state fair has broken all
records by more than 5,000, it was
announced today. Paid admissions
were between '35,000 and 38.000 it
was stated, and yesterday's
ance, when Portland and the Elk
celebrated a joint day at the fair,
was expected to surpass yesterday's.
Washington; Sept. 26. "When
'President Wilson ended his work, at
Paris, the United States had not a
friend in Europe, Asia or Africa, and
our brilliant service in the war was
almost forgotten in the storm of
protests which followed him home,"
Senator Cummins, Iowa: republican,
declared today, in. attacking the
league covenant. The senator said
the .people are gradually understand
ing that there ate some provisions
In the covenant which must Inevit
ably provoke, war.
. London, Sept. 26. John U Cope,
leader of the expedition to the South
Pole to start next June, says his air
plane flight to the Pole will be
about 750 miles. . The base from
w-hldi the airplane 'will start Is
about that distance from the (Pole.
The airplane will be heavily loaded.
"We shall be compelled toUake a
sledge with us and extra provisions
to enable us to return In case the
airplane brfeatas dowa," sjald Mr.
Cope. '"Because of this additional
weight It will the necessary to cut
down our fuel to the minimum for
taking off will be very difficult and
it will ibe Impossible to lift the ma
chine for crossing the mountain
""MVe .propose to set off with . as
much petrol as we can and then,
half way on the outward Journey Just
before we get to a range of moun
tains that we .have to cross, to dump
half of It and to pick U up on the
way back," .
PRES. Will)
Says "World Be Plunged Into War.
to Which lmst One Was Child
Play If Treaty Defeated"
Wichita, Kan., Sept. 26. Presi
dent Wilson has cancelled tha re
mainder of his tour, under orders of
Admiral Grayson, his personal phy
sician, who declared today that there;
was nothing critical about the pres
ident's condition, but a nervous re
action affecting his digestive organs
made the suspension of the trip Im
perative. ,
The president was iH most of the
night 'but wanted to continae the
program, out Dr. Grayson would not
permit it, and today's program waa
cancelled. The president la even un
able to greet the crowds at the sta
tions. The special train will reach Wash
ington Sunday morning, going vio
Although outwardly the president
appeared to be standing the trfp well A
- 'T fecm known-today "thai i haa
suffered from a headache for sev
eral days. Confinement on the train
and riding through crowds in auto
mobiles at parades tired both the
attend-llre8'dent nd Mn" Wll8n- Tho hM
lately shown evidences of 'being an
xious to have the strain end. Dr.
Grayson believes the president's in
digestion will pass quickly if he re
mains quietly in bed.
On Board President Wilson's Spe
cial, Thursday, Sept. 25. In . his
most solemn and impressive-manner.
President WHson late yesterday
warned the reservation 1st senators in
Washington and their supporters
everywhere, that the adoption of ar
ticle 10 reservation meant that he,
as the executive of the United States
would have to regard it as a rejec
tion of the entire treaty and that it
means the negotiation of a separate
peace with Germany.
"The Issue is final." he said. "We
cannot avoid it. We must make it
now. Once made there is no turn
ing foack." (
He had no harsh words for the
senators who had drawn the reser
vation to article 10. He held it In
his hand as he spoke and said that
he understood that some men are for
it who do not realize what it means.
Carried to its concluslsn, the pres
ident's argument is that the whole
world will be plunged Into a most
terrible war, compared to which the
last war was "child's play." If thto
proposed reservation is voted on
favorably. He predicted such a -war.
He told of the new explosives and
new engines of destruction, flying
shells, going 10 0 miles.
"I am going to keep up the fight."
said the president. "Forward with
my, fight on the enemy.1 We are
coming now to the grapple. We are
going to have a show down on a very
definite Issue."
Lewtston, Idaho, Sept. 26. There
is no excuse for anyone in Lewlston
being hungry or thirsty today. This
Is Shrlners' day at the county fair
and local nobles started In this
morning .with a supply of 300 gal-
Ions of free cider, 1000 dozen dough
nuts and 500 pies, expecting to give
away all of these drinks and eats
before nightT and get more if ne
cessary. The Sbxlnera furnished
many forms of novel entertainment
for fair visitors here during the day.
They will give a formal ball thia