Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931, September 22, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Classified Advertising
r'Olt 8I.K
(Kl-AORB STOCK KANCtl for sale;
about 126 acres lo cultivation;
considerable Irrigation; 2 iuIIm
from Tl. H. station! 1 Vfc miles
from two schools; naif cash, bal
ance low Interest. Address No.
1062 cat Courier. Bttf
X11 BAIB--Vctch, gray oats, cheat,
rye, baled liny, rolled barley, gram
teed. Huliili Waldo Widen. Mod
ford, Ore. . EStt
8AJH Foster piano tn excel
lent condition. Cheap If old at
ono. Honda accepted. Ihons
19. 76
BAKTWKTT I'BAKS for sale at 1
tier 1Q0 lbs. at tho lllunchard
fartni Krultdale. Will Williams,
phone 603-F-6. 76
Ipxrtl AIK -Ohm exwpllotvally Rood
Duroo boar from Imported atock.
B. 1 M. Nlchola. R. F. D. 2. 77
FOIl HAMC Thoroutchbrod Hlacli
Minorca chli kens, 1112 East M
street 77
WANTKD--.Men to work In lumber
camp or up-to-date aawmlll.
Tranaportatlon furnished. For
particular Inquire at Breen's
Creacent City stage ofTlce, Granta
Paaa. Ore., near 9. P. R. R. depot,
snd-expreas office. Phone 26. 48tf
WANTED -Jood milk cow. phone
Peter Oleson, 600-K-2. 76
WANTED A school teacher for dla
trlct No. 13, Wllllama, Josephine
County. , , 82
MRU. W. It. SWOAI'K Dressmaker,
ladles' tailor, furrlst. Kxpert al
lerellona on ladles' garments. Ks
tlmates cheerfully given; price
reasonable; aatlafactlon guaran
teed. Phone 253. Old K locker
residence, Euat A street. 89
B. L. QAkBRAITH Insurance), any
kind. Rentals. Building and
Loan. Plate Olaae Liability. 601
0 street. ' 84tf
HEMSTITCHING. PlcoUng. Satisfac
tion guaranteed. Write to us for
it. suggestions for Christmas glfu.
The Vanity Shop, Medtord. Ore
gon. 145
prompt service. City and country
trips. Safety first. Call Granta
F'um llotol. phone 39t. Residence
Phone 3fiS-Y. W. . While. 790
TAXI Phoue Rosea Confectionery,
No. 110. for taxi. Hurry calls nt
any time. (.'. E. Gllkson. Sfitf
BMiCTIlJC WllllNO and general
electrical work, repairing, home
wlrlng.t C. C. Harper, 105 South
Sixth street, phone 47.
DK. R. J. RKSTVh, Veterinarian.
Residence 838 Washington boule
vurd, phone 398-K.
dkayauk ami tiianhkkk
THE WORLD MOVB8; ao do we,
Hunch Uros. Transfer Co. Phone
K. O. KSIIAM, draysse and trunafer.
Safes, pianos and furniture
moved, packed, shipped and stor
ed. Office phone 124-Y. Resi
dence phone 124-R.
II. D. NORTON, Attorney-at-law.
Practice In all State and Fedoral
Courts. First National Bank Bldg.
0. W. COUriO, Attorney-at-law.
Grants Pass Banking Co. Bldg.
Granta Pass, Oregon.
E. 8. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Prac
tices In all courts. First National
Bank Bldg.
O. S. BLANCH A RD, Attorney-at-law.
t Golden Rule Bldg. Phone 270.
Granta Paes, Oregon.
C. A. 8JDLBR, Attorney-at-law. Ma
sonic Temple, Grants Pass, Ore.
JEO. II. DURHAM. Attorney-at-law,
referee tn bankruptcy, Maaonlc
Temple, Grants Paaa, 'Oregon.
Phone 185-J.
First National Bank Bldg., GranU
Paaa. Oregon.
Mystery of Colonial Days.
In 1678. on June 12. th settlement
ef Hadlry. Haas., was attacked by a
force of 700 Indlnnx. When the In
habitant were in I lii- greatest danger,
a mysterious Engllhman suddenly ap
peared and led n counter-attack
Kiiltit the Indlsna. who were defeated
and driven off. The stranger, who had
never been e-n before In the village,
was said to be General Ooffe, one of
the Judge who had condemned Charles
1 to death, and who hail fled to the
colonies for refute. It wax suppoved
that be hnd been living concealed nt
the bouse of a clergyman In Dudley.
After the cnnfllrt he dlxnppearml and
was never heard ef .afterward.
Legal Blanks at the Court.
MIO.VE -JOMi for Jltm-y Lulio or
Cutler. Headquarters clinngcd to
Spa. 50tf
PAI.AfB TAXI Day or nlsht serv
Ire with Maxwell cur. Phone 22-J.
Fnnr i Newstrom. 84
J.. (. nEMENT, M. D.. Praalce
limited to dlBonse of the eye. ear,
noee and thront. Glasses fitted.
Office hours 4-12, or on ap
pointment. Phones, office C2; resi
dence 359-J.
6. IjOCGHRIDGE. M. D. Physician
and surgeon. City or country calls!
attended day or sight. Thones,
v residence. 369; office, 182. Sixthi.
and H streets.
A. A. WITHAM. M. D Internal
medicine and nerrotis diseases,
624 Medical Bldg., Portland, Ore,!
Honrs, 2 to 5 p. m., mornJAg and
evening by Appointment.
Hooms 1 and 2 Schmidt Bldg.
Treats all diseases. Hours.
a. m.; 1-5 p. m. Pbone 804-R.
The Job of
Ordinary Inaulation
nearly always gives way
before the pistes do, snd
the battery has to be rein
sulatcd. Willard Threaded Rub
ber Insulation protect the
plates from the very be
ginning of the battery's
life, and protects the car
. owner against the need of
having the battery reinsu
luted. Drop in, and we'll tell
you about some of the long
i life records that Threaded
.Rubber Insulation has
made possible.'
A. V. Hareljoa, Propr.
R. J. UIUjrOK, M. D., Physician
Had surgeon; office Schallborp
block, phone 64-J; residence,
1004 LAwnrldge, phone
'Grants PaM.
E. C. MACY, . M. D. First-class
dentlatry. 109 South Sixth
street, GranU Pass, Oregon.
DANIEL McFA.'RLAND, civil etigl
neer and surveyor. Residence
70 Tenth Atroot, phone 211-Y.
J. fi. MaxMURRAY Teacher of sing
ing. WW fif APP) U 716 Lee
BtxaKt, tf
The California and. Oregon
Coast Railroad Company
. Effective Nov. 19, 1918.
Trains will run Tuesday, Thursday
and Saturdny
Leave Grants Pass ..1 P. U
Arrive Waters Creek...., ..2 P, M.
Leave Wters CraeK....... 2 P. M
Arrive GranU Paas. 4 P. M.
For lnJormaUejn regarding fraight
and pasaenger rates call t the office
of th company, Lundbjjrg b.ujldlng,
or telephODj Ul(
(Continued from page 11
served loyally Is needed to arrive at
that power.
A post-war demonstration oT Am
ericanism Is thus poeslble in this
membership campalKn, and It w1l
le very effective If every ex-service
man sends In his application. Only
honorably dlseharKed men are ' ac
cepted, however. Following I the
membership application blank':
Mrs. Haymond and two t-hlidren, ;
of Gold Hill, were painfully cut and i
bruised yesterday afternoon when a
car In which they were riding collld-i
ed wrth another on the road between i
here and Glendale. Mrs. Haymond I
received two cute on the right elbow i
and was otherwise bruised and shak-
Hart, Schaffner & Marx Clothes
Peerless Clothing Co.
Cash Clothiers -
"If Men Wear It We Have It"
My name I
(I'leiwe print)
1 1 -ant )
(Middle I
Mllllery rank
Permanent addrexs
Military orwn1r.atloi In which I served
Civil occupation i
I hereby subscribe to the ConHtltutlon of the AMKRICAN LAG ION
and apply for enrollment 1n GRANTS PASS. OREGON. POST NO. 2S.
of the STATK OF ORI-XWN hranrh.Mall with check to Secretary. Grant
a Paaa Post No. 28, American Legion
New York, Kept. 2 2. When the
employes of Colditmlth, Stern and
company, one of the largest Jewelry
manufacturing concerns In the Unit
ed tate. threatened lo strike un
less they wera granted a 25 per cent
Increase In wacen, August Gold
smith, head of the company, offered
them the entire plant at its appraised
value of $300,000 and hia own ser
vices for six months without pay in
helping them to run It. His offer
was refused.
All kinds ef Commercial Printing
at the Courier Offloe.
(iaraice Itiinik
At 3:15 this afternoon the Kar
aite at the rexldence occupied by Rev.
Cbaa. R. Drake, at C.5 North Fifth
street, was deetroyed by fire. The
RaraKe. tottether with some house
hold articles stored therein, was s
total loss, but the firemen kept the
Games confined to the one building.
It Is presumed that a graxs fire vtai
responsible for the Ions.
"Well Enouoh."
Cnli' i.n niiiiv iini.i i p'mwi in
sume cMvi!linml I'luti-mniii'iit. In- .-. -irk up i unyililu-j 111;,- :
full cnimlltv. 1 1 nist n bi ln nr x-
iirnlly ilninn In In- ilii !iin ,,f i.: c.
Tlie.v ilo not -i iTurl. A tn.iti ill
dn II pjci'p of tvurk jilt well ii :li .,
by" tvlth l!. bin mily ibf i xc"(.
tbllllll tlllltl Hill il.l II lllMf i,f ii.; ,-...
bi'ttrr llii'li tbi' in : t i l ' 1 1: in u( r villi Vi-inlre-l
tfiiiui(. uf M im! vic:il hit
tiinn HMnli-iicy. n iii.'iii xi'lilnni r'in h"
tin- lilcbi-r levrlH nf Hlb lciicy ,f wbiih
III' Is Clll;lbli. Ill' IH'MT I'l u.'ll' 'ii.
tllllll! Ilkt' Ills lii'M. II,' :,,. ,:v . rl;
"ivi-ll iiMtiJi." mill IrU It ii LI liiiii.-
VV. E. Tow ne. '
en. Hit small son received a severe;
cut on he upper Tip from glass from
the wind Shield, and the little girl
waa cut at one corner of the mouth.
Both ears were disabled, but none of
the occupants of the other machine
were Injured. Mrs. Haymond and
children were brought to Crrants Pass
for medical attention.
DO YOU KNOW that indigestion can be.curcd,
permanently cured, so that you can eat any
kind of food that you crave? It has been done
not only once, but in almost every case when Cham
berlain's Tablets are used. An instance: Mr. J.
Pominville, Stillwater, Minn who had spent over
$2,000.00 for medicine and treatment was perma-
nenuy cured by these tablets.
Y3 PL . y'-r: m
WJ I ri B 1 1 1 1 mi M Wm I H I k I Cr2 1 1
t'nrrlors Wantitl ,
Carriers wanted for the Dally i
Courier boys or Blrls with wheels. 1
LR 1 or
sr -a. v v
Sometime 'between the 10th
and 17th of September, .1919.
a pressed steel boat about 1 6
feet long was stolen from D.
O. C. MacNelll whose lodge Is
situated on the river about one
mile above the Ament dam.
The boat was manufactured by
the Mulllns Company of Ohio,
as shown by the plate on the
(Ninwale. This Is the only boat
on the river of the kind and
should be easy of Identifica
tion. ...... , ..
rr. MacNelll. will pay the
above reward for Information
leading to the arrest and con
viction of the thieves. Address
all information to the under
signed. GKO. W. LEWIS
Sheriff of Josephine County,
Oregon . .
ffal tirlu.
, Bl,
The New " TEA-FOIL" Packag
lt' aoit and pliable decreases in size as th
ioiaacco is used tobacco does not cake in
the package no digging it out with the
finger. Keeps the tobacco in even better
condition than tin. Now, .don't you owe it
to yourself to buy a package and
give Tuxedo a trial? Not quite as
much tobacco as in the tin, but
ru owe u
Finest Barley Tobacco
Mellow-aged till perfect
Plus a dash of Chocolate
V':'-''' ?-t-rsr-" . f -r-': I
1 i" J a
Noes Ifcmvzf
The Perfect Tobacco For Pipe and Cigarette
Cunrarrtsied by
writ JrHiuUo tfrtfLccsQ.